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The question “What was the minimum number of genes necessary in the early cell” is rephrased as “Is it feasible to assume that early cells had no genes?” It is shown that a kind of primitive life process could exist on the basis only of properties specific to vesicles, and that it would have the potential to evolve into more complex cell-like processes.  相似文献   
Here, the advantages for a shrub of having long vs short-lived leaves was investigated in Rhododendron ferrugineum by following nitrogen(15N) and carbon(14C) resorption and translocation, and photosynthetic capacity over the life span. Mean leaf life span was 19 months. Nitrogen (N) resorption in attached leaves occurred mainly in the first year (23%) and reached a maximum of 31% in the second. Although, resorption was similar in attached and fallen 1-yr-old leaves, it was on average one-third higher in fallen than in attached older leaves. Final N resorption of a leaf compartment reached 41%, half occurring from healthy leaves during the first year. Photosynthetic capacity decreased slightly during the life span. Before shoot growth, plant photosynthesis was mainly supported by 1-yr-old leaves, although the contribution of the 2-yr-old leaves was nonnegligible (15% of the capacity and higher carbon transfer toward the roots). After shoot growth, the current-year leaves made the greatest contribution. Our results suggest that short-lived leaves (half of the cohort) are mainly involved in a photosynthetic function, having a high photosynthetic capacity and drawing most of their resorbed N towards current-year leaves; and long-lived leaves are also involved in a conservative function, increasing N resorption and mean residence time (MRT).  相似文献   
Species differ in their responses to global changes such as rising CO(2) and temperature, meaning that global changes are likely to change the structure of plant communities. Such alterations in community composition must be underlain by changes in the population dynamics of component species. Here, the impact of elevated CO(2) (550 micromol mol(-1)) and warming (+2 degrees C) on the population growth of four plant species important in Australian temperate grasslands is reported. Data collected from the Tasmanian free-air CO(2) enrichment (TasFACE) experiment between 2003 and 2006 were analysed using population matrix models. Population growth of Themeda triandra, a perennial C(4) grass, was largely unaffected by either factor but population growth of Austrodanthonia caespitosa, a perennial C(3) grass, was reduced substantially in elevated CO(2) plots. Warming and elevated CO(2) had antagonistic effects on population growth of two invasive weeds, Hypochaeris radicata and Leontodon taraxacoides, with warming causing population decline. Analysis of life cycle stages showed that seed production, seedling emergence and establishment were important factors in the responses of the species to global changes. These results show that the demographic approach is very useful in understanding the variable responses of plants to global changes and in elucidating the life cycle stages that are most responsive.  相似文献   
Marine actinobacteriology is one of the major emerging areas of research in tropics. Marine actinobacteria occur on the sediments and in water and also other biomass (mangrove) and substrates (animal). These organisms are gaining importance not only for their taxonomic and ecological perspectives, but also for their unique metabolites and enzymes. Many earlier studies on these organisms were confined only to the temperate regions. In tropical environment, investigations on them have gained importance only in the last two decades. So far, from the Indian peninsula, 41 species of actinobacteria belonging to 8 genera have been recorded. The genus, Streptomyces of marine origin has been more frequently recorded. Of 9 maritime states of India, only 4 have been extensively covered for the study of marine actinobacteria. Most of the studies conducted pertain to isolation, identification and maintenance of these organisms in different culture media. Further, attention has been focused on studying their antagonistic properties against different pathogens. Their biotechnological potentials are yet to be fully explored.  相似文献   
Natural products isolated from sponges are an important source of new biologically active compounds. However, the development of these compounds into drugs has been held back by the difficulties in achieving a sustainable supply of these often-complex molecules for pre-clinical and clinical development. Increasing evidence implicates microbial symbionts as the source of many of these biologically active compounds, but the vast majority of the sponge microbial community remain uncultured. Metagenomics offers a biotechnological solution to this supply problem. Metagenomes of sponge microbial communities have been shown to contain genes and gene clusters typical for the biosynthesis of biologically active natural products. Heterologous expression approaches have also led to the isolation of secondary metabolism gene clusters from uncultured microbial symbionts of marine invertebrates and from soil metagenomic libraries. Combining a metagenomic approach with heterologous expression holds much promise for the sustainable exploitation of the chemical diversity present in the sponge microbial community.  相似文献   
The origin of nucleic acid template replication is a major unsolved problem in science. A novel stochastic model of nucleic acid chemistry was developed to allow rapid prototyping of chemical experiments designed to discover sufficient conditions for template replication. Experiments using the model brought to attention a robust property of nucleic acid template populations, the tendency for elongation to outcompete replication. Externally imposed denaturation-renaturation cycles did not reverse this tendency. For example, it has been proposed that fast tidal cycling could establish a TCR (tidal chain reaction) analogous to a PCR (polymerase chain reaction) acting on nucleic acid polymers, allowing their self-replication. However, elongating side-reactions that would have been prevented by the polymerase in the PCR still occurred in the simulation of the TCR. The same finding was found with temperature and monomer cycles. We propose that if cycling reactors are to allow template replication, oligonucleotide phenotypes that are capable of favorably altering the flux ratio between replication and elongation, for example, by facilitating sequence-specific cleavage within templates, are necessary; accordingly the minimal replicase ribozyme may have possessed restriction functionality.  相似文献   
The Point Conception, California, USA region (hereafter PC) is one of the most important biogeographic and oceanographic discontinuities on the US west coast. Here we address how mesoscale oceanographic and environmental variability in the region around PC, CA may influence the distribution, abundance and size of the mussel Mytilus californianus, a competitively dominant species in rocky intertidal assemblages along the northeast Pacific. Strong upwelling and high wave exposure dominate the California coast north of PC, and weak, seasonal upwelling and warmer water temperatures are characteristic of the region south/east of PC. We hypothesized that the gradient in temperature, upwelling, and wave exposure around PC would greatly influence patterns of recruitment and abundance of mussels, potentially underlying large-scale differences in community structure. We evaluated these predictions by surveying intertidal community structure, mussel distribution, size, abundance and recruitment at a range of intertidal sites around PC. We found that intertidal communities north of PC were dominated mainly by macrophytes, while mussels and barnacles were relatively scarce. Intertidal communities south of PC were dominated by mussels and barnacles, with a low abundance of macrophytes. Mussels were larger and mussel beds were more expansive and extended lower in elevation at sites ranging from north to south around PC. At northern sites, high abundances of sea star predators and elevated wave exposure effectively displaced the entire mussel zone upwards. We found no differences in the numbers of mussel recruits to sites around PC, suggesting that spatial patterns of mussel abundance were not driven by differential recruitment. These results suggest that unlike other well-studied systems, supply of benthic larvae does not underly the large-scale gradient in community structure around PC. We suggest that environmental conditions favorable to macroalgal growth north of PC, and conditions favorable to filter-feeder growth south of PC may underly mesoscale patterns of intertidal community structure in this region.  相似文献   
Abstract: We estimated wind turbines in the Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area (APWRA), California, USA, kill >100 burrowing owls (Athene cunicularia hypugaea) annually, or about the same number likely nesting in the APWRA. Turbine-caused mortality was up to 12 times greater in areas of rodent control, where flights close to the rotor plane were disproportionately more common and fatalities twice as frequent as expected. Mortality was highest during January through March. Burrowing owls flew within 50 m of turbines about 10 times longer than expected, and they flew close to wind turbines disproportionately longer within the sparsest turbine fields, by turbines on tubular towers, at the edges of gaps in the turbine row, in canyons, and at lower elevations. They perched, flew close to operating turbine blades, and collided disproportionately more often at turbines with the most cattle dung within 20 m, with the highest densities of ground squirrel (Spermophilus beecheyi) burrow systems within 15 m, and with burrowing owl burrows located within 90 m of turbines. A model of relative collision threat predicted 29% of the 4,074 turbines in our sample to be more dangerous, and these killed 71% of the burrowing owls in our sample. This model can help select the most dangerous turbines for shutdown or relocation. All turbines in the APWRA could be shut down and blades locked during winter, when 35% of the burrowing owls were killed but only 14% of the annual electricity was generated. Terminating rodent control and installing flight diverters at the ends of turbine rows might also reduce burrowing owl mortality, as might replacing turbines with new-generation turbines mounted on taller towers.  相似文献   
Abstract: During severe winters, mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) concentrated on ranges in poor condition can experience high mortality. Winter-feeding programs have been implemented to mitigate this mortality. We studied effects on body condition, mortality, fawn production, and migration of mule deer following winter-feeding in the Cache-Wasatch Mountains of northern Utah, USA. Fed deer exhibited 12% higher live body-condition indices both years (main effect feed: F1,7.32 = 5.39, P = 0.052), lower mortality (33% vs. 55%: χ21= 4.58, P < 0.05), and produced more fawns (19 fawns:18 fed F vs. 11 fawns:12 nonfed F; t27.2 = 2.20, P < 0.036) than nonfed deer. Fed deer migrated later in spring 2004 (x̄ = 13 Apr) than nonfed deer (x̄ = 24 Mar; t34= 3.25, P = 0.003). Fed deer spent more time on winter range in 2003-2004 (x̄ = 157 d) than nonfed deer (x̄ = 121 d; t20 = 3.63, P = 0.002), and more time on winter range for both winters combined (fed deer x̄ = 321 d, nonfed deer x̄ = 257 d; t27 = 3.29, P = 0.003). Concomitantly, wildlife managers need to recognize that any possible benefits accrued to mule deer populations in terms of increased nutritional status as a result of winter-feeding programs may be mitigated by altered timing of migration and increased duration of use of seasonal ranges by fed deer.  相似文献   
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