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The life history ofNephus reunioni, introduced from the Reunioni island has been studied. Optimum temperature for the development of the entomophagous insect is 24–25°C. In this case the population has the highest survival at preimaginal stages, life duration of adults and reproductive capacity. The rate of population growth was calculated by the formula:
Summary Much of life history theory follows from the idea that natural selection acts on the allocation of resources to competing and independent demographic functions. This paradigm has stimulated much research on the life histories of annual plants. Models of whole-plant resource budgets that use optimal control theory predict periods of 100% vegetative and 100% reproductive growth, sometimes with periods of mixed growth. I show here that this prediction follows from the assumption of independence of the competing vegetative and reproductive compartments. The prediction is qualitatively unchanged even after relaxing important simplifying assumptions used in most models. Although it follows naturally from the assumptions of the models, this kind of allocation pattern is unlikely to occur in many plants, because it requires that (1) leaf and flower buds can never simultaneously be carbon sinks; and (2) organs that accompany flowers, such as internodes and bracts, can never be net sources of photosynthate. Thus while resources are doubtless important for annual plants, an exclusively resource-based perspective may be inadequate to understand the evolution of their life histories. Progress in research may require models that incorporate, or are at least phenomenologically consistent with, the basic developmental reles of angiosperms.  相似文献   
Summary Models of optimal carbon allocation schedules have influenced the way plant ecologists think about life history evolution, particularly for annual plants. The present study asks (1) how, within the framework of these models, are their predictions affected by within-season variation in mortality and carbon assimilation rates?; and (2) what are the consequences of these prediction changes for empirical tests of the models? A companion paper examines the basic assumptions of the models themselves. I conducted a series of numerical experiments with a simple carbon allocation model. Results suggest that both qualitative and quantitative predictions can sometimes be sensitive to parameter values for net assimilation rate and mortality: for some parameter values, both the time and size at onset of reproduction, as well as the number of reproductive intervals, vary considerably as a result of small variations in these parameters. For other parameter values, small variations in the parameters result in only small changes in predicted phenotype, but these have very large fitness consequences. Satisfactory empirical tests are thus likely to require much accuracy in parameter estimates. The effort required for parameter estimation imposes a practical constraint on empirical tests, making large multipopulation comparisons impractical. It may be most practical to compare the predicted and observed fitness consequences of variation in the timing of onset of reproduction.  相似文献   
Summary Analysis of 6 years' data on a population of free-living white-footed mice documents both phenotypic and environmental control of litter size. Litter size was positively correlated with maternal body size. Maternal size depended upon both seasonal and annual variation. Paradoxically, the proportion of small versus large litters varied among habitats independently of the effects of body size. The result is an influence of habitat on life history that yields patterns of reproduction and survival opposite to the predictions of demographic theory. The habitat producing the largest litters had a relatively high ratio of adult/juvenile survival. Litter size was small in the habitat where the adult/juvenile survival ratio was smallest. All of these anomalous patterns can be explained through density-dependent habitat selection by female white-footed mice. Life-history studies that ignore habitat and habitat selection may find spurious correlations among traits that result in serious misinterpretations about life history and its evolution.  相似文献   
Abstract. 1. One of the first activities of minim workers in incipient fire ant nests is mutual brood raiding, the amalgamation of nests through the reciprocal stealing of brood and defection of workers.
2. Discrete mating flights created cohorts of incipient colonies. About 25% of founding nests survived the claustral period of 16–48 days (depending on season). Early incipient colony mortality was 5–6% per day. Over 60% of this mortality was accounted for through brood raiding. Most colonies raided when each cohort first became active, and many raided more than once. Raid size (number of nests, duration, distance) tended to increase during the summer as colonies grew through raiding. After the raiding period, nest mortality rate dropped 3–10-fold. Only 1–3% of founding nests were still alive at this time.
3. Queens from losing or failed nests tended to abandon their nests and attempted to enter successful ones, often following raiding trails to do so. This emigration was at least as successful as non-emigration in ultimately achieving the status of reproductrix of a successful nest (about 4%).
4. Brood raiding is a dominant process in early population dynamics, probably accounting for most of the early nest mortality. Its effect is to change the venue and unit of competition from nest-against-nest to a shifting aggregation of queens, workers and brood involving entire local populations. Nest thinning is thus very rapid, and the boost to the size of winning nests very large, allowing raiding colonies to win the competition for territory, and to achieve the early colony maturity so important to this, and other, weedy species. The importance of winning brood raids may also have driven increased minim production through the evolution of pleometrosis.  相似文献   
Abstract Over 200 strains of marine purple photosynthetic bacteria were isolated. Two strains showed antibiotic activity towards Saccharomyces cerevisiae and were tentatively identified as Chromatium purpuratum . Crude antibiotic, prepared by solvent extraction, showed a broad antimicrobial spectrum. The highest activity was found in the chromatophore fraction. Chromatographic separation of purified light harvesting complex from one strain, NKPB 031704, showed the presence of two separate pigmented compounds which were responsible for antimicrobial activity. Our findings reveal the unexpected ability of photosynthetic bacteria to produce broad spectrum antibiotics. In addition, this is the first example of intracellular localization of antibiotic activity in a marine bacterium.  相似文献   
A statistical method (based on the maximum likelihood principle) for estimating mortalities of skeletal populations is presented. The method can be applied both when osteological age groups are not overlapping as well as when they are. The results are presented as point estimates and as confidence intervals around these. The method is applied to two series from the Middle Ages: Westerhus and Helgeandsholmen.  相似文献   
Mortality of the collembole species Orchesella cincta (L.), due to predation by the carabid Notiophilus biguttatus F., has been measured in the laboratory at three levels of prey density. Prey densities were chosen such that the predator's consumption at the lowest prey density was a little above the maintenance ration. Between the two lowest prey densities, mortality increased significantly with prey density. We presume that density-dependent search activity by the predator is responsible for the positive density-dependent mortality. A method is proposed to solve the problem of decreasing prey density during the observations.
Relation positive entre la densité de Orchesella cincta et la mortalité due à la prédation part Nothiophilus biguttarus
Résumé Cet article décrit l'importance de la prédation par le carabe N. biguttatus en fonction de la densité de la proie, O. cincta. Les résultats montrent que, sous l'effet de la prédation, la mortalité de la proie augmente avec sa densité. La quantité minimale de proies qui doit être consommée pour permettre la reproduction du carabe, a été déterminée. La relation entre la fécondité du carabe et l'effectif consommé, montre l'effet stabilisant de la prédation sur les populations de proies.La relation de dépendance de la densité observée avec la mortalité est due à une modification du comportement du carabe en fonction de la densité de sa proie. Nous proposons un modèle permettant de prévoir la régression de la population de proies sous les effets de la prédation.
The suitability of different host plants for Pieris rapae L. in the South of the Iberian Peninsula, was studied in relation to host plant phenology, female behaviour, and larval development. Capparis spinosa is the only host plant available during the dry season of the year in the area studied. D. virgata, R. raphanistrum, H. incana and S. alba being suitable spring hosts. Comparative studies on mortality, larval development and larval growth between C. spinosa and the spring hosts revealed no significant differences.
Résumé L'adéquation de différentes plantes comme hôtes de P. rapae a été examinée en fonction de la phénologie des végétaux, du comportement de la femelle et du développement larvaire dans le sud de la péninsule ibérique. Pendant la saison sèche, C. spinosa est la seule plant convenable dans la zone étudiée. Diplotaxis virgata, Raphanus raphanistrum, Hirschfeldia incana et Sinapis alba sont des hôtes printaniers convenables. La mortalité, le développement et la croissance larvaires ne sont pas différentes sur C. spinosa et sur les hôtes de printemps.
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