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A recombinant plasmid which carried a 5 kb fragment of Vibrio harveyi DNA containing the luxA and luxB genes was mobilized from Escherichia coli into luminescence-deficient mutants of V. harveyi. The cloned genes complemented a temperature sensitive luciferase mutation, but failed to complement lesions in two different aldehyde deficient mutants. Expression of the cloned genes was not subject to autoinduction in either E. coli or in V. harveyi.  相似文献   
Growth rate stimulation of marine pseudomonads by thiosulfate   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The oxidation of thiosulfate to tetrathionate exerts a definite growth rate stimulation in glucose, acetate, and yeast extract cultures of some marine pseudomonads. The failure to find this effect in earlier studies with terrestrial isolates may lie in the particular conditions used in the present experiments (constant pH, high ratio of thiosulfate to organic substrate) or in the different metabolic characteristics of the marine isolates.Contribution No. 3220 from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.  相似文献   
Molecular tools have diverse applications in marine ecology. In microbial systems, DNA sequences of rRNA and other genes have identified a variety of novel lineages of bacteria inhabiting marine environments that have resisted traditional culture methods. However, relatively few natural populations have been characterized due to the rather labor-intensive methodologies employed. Recent technological developments such as in situ PCR and flow cytometry promise to greatly enhance the speed at which microbial taxa can be identified and enumerated in field collected water and substrate samples; such advances will allow future work to employ the spatial and temporal field sampling required to monitor the impact of natural and anthropogenic changes in the environment. This approach also holds promise for examining physiological status of field collected cells, garnering information on such elusive parameters as growth rates and the extent of nutrient limitation under natural conditions. Studies of macrobiota have similarly benefited from the use of molecular approaches to species identification. This has been particularly true with regard to distinguishing among larval forms of closely related taxa which are nearly identical morphologically. Genetic variation within species assayed by molecular tools has been useful in examining the stability of populations through time and in assessing patterns of recruitment to geographically separated populations. Enhanced understanding of these ecological problems will also require intensive spatial and temporal monitoring of both larval and adult populations. Often, the newer techniques based on DNA sequence variation have practical advantages over allozyme techniques: e.g., PCR allows assay of minute quantities of DNA that may come from ethanol preserved samples. However, when ample allozyme variation exists to address a given issue, these older techniques may be favored on a variety of criteria, including speed and cost. Hence, choice of methodology should be based on the expected efficiency of a given approach to a specific problem rather than the apparent sophistication of the method itself.  相似文献   
Abstract: Laboratory cultures of marine Synechococcus sp. WH 7803 were grown under conditions of restricted iron availability. The culture medium was adjusted to restrict iron availability: (i) by adding the iron chelator EDDA; (ii) by omitting iron; and (iii) by omitting both iron and EDTA. An adaptive response was observed to these iron-restricted conditions, including a decrease in cellular phycoerythrin and synthesis of a 36 kDa polypeptide in [35S]methionine radiolabelled whole cell lysates separated by SDS-PAGE. The polypeptide was synthesized within 48 h of transferring exponential phase cells to the iron-restricted medium. The protein was localized to the cell membranes and not the cytoplasmic fraction.  相似文献   
Abstract Horizontal gene transfer among microbial populations has been assumed to occur in the environment, yet direct observations of this phenomenon are rare or limited to observations where the mechanism(s) could not be explicitly determined. Here we demonstrate the transfer of exogenous plasmid DNA to members of indigenous marine bacterial populations by natural transformation, the first report of this process for any natural microbial community. Ten percent of marine bacterial isolates examined were transformed by plasmid DNA while 14% were transformed by chromosomal DNA. Transformation of mixed marine microbial assemblages was observed in 5 of 14 experiments. In every case, acquisition of the plasmid by members of the indigenous flora was accompanied by modification (probably from genetic rearrangement or methylation) that altered its restriction enzyme digestion pattern. Estimation of transformation rates in estuarine environments based upon the distribution of competency and transformation frequencies in isolates and mixed populations ranged from 5 × 10−4 to 1.5 transformants/1 day. Extrapolation of these rates to ecosystem scales suggests that natural transformation may be an important mechanism for plasmid transfer among marine bacterial communities.  相似文献   
Erythrocytes from the marine fish species ballan wrasse (Labrus berggylta Ascanius), bullhead (Myoxocephalus scorpius L.), cod (Gadus morhua L.), dab (Limanda limanda L.), eelpout (Zoarces viviparus L.), flounder (Platichthys flesus L.), lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus L.), plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.), sole (Solea solea L.) and turbot (Scophthalmus maxima L.) possess the capacity for regulatory volume decrease. This property was demonstrated in vitro by reduction of the osmolality of the incubation medium from 330 to 255 mosmol·kg-1. During the 4-h incubation period only the lumpfish cells completely regained the original volume. Twenty-seven free amino compounds were present in detectable amounts in the erythrocytes. At normal osmolality the taurine content was between 14.0 mol·g dry weight-1 (lumpfish) and 147.4 mol·g dry weight-1 (sole). Except in the bullhead, taurine was the quantitatively dominating amino compound in the erythrocytes from all species, and accounted for betwee 23% (lumpfish) and 88% (sole) of the total content of free amino compounds. In each species the regulatory volume decrease was associated with a reduction in the cellular content of taurine. Taurine contributed to between 6% (lumpfish) and 36% (flounder) of the cell shrinkage. There was a significant negative correlation, however, between the cellular concentration of taurine at normal osmolality and the capacity of the cells for regulatory volume decrease. Gamma-aminobutyric acid and/or glycine also contributed to the process of volume regulation, but to a lesser extent than taurine. The volume regulatory efflux of taurine and -aminobutyric acid were mediated by taurine channels. It is suggested that these channels also mediated the reduction in the cellular contents of glycine.Abbreviations cmp counts per minute - dw dry weight - GABA -amino-n-butyric acid - MW molecular weight - SD standard deviation - ww wet weight  相似文献   
The sodium ion gradient and the membrane potential were found to be the driving forces of sulfate accumulation in the marine sulfate reducer Desulfovibrio salexigens. The protonmotive force of –158 mV, determined by means of radiolabelled membrane-permeant probes, consisted of a membrane potential of –140 mV and a pH gradient (inside alkaline) of 0.3 at neutral pHout. The sodium ion gradient, as measured with silicone oil centrifugation and atomic absorption spectroscopy, was eightfold ([Na+]out/[Na+]in) at an external Na+ concentration of 320 mM. The resulting sodium ionmotive force was –194 mV and enabled D. salexigens to accumulate sulfate 20000-fold at low external sulfate concentrations (<0.1 M). Under these conditions high sulfate accumulation occurred electrogenically in symport with three sodium ions (assuming equilibrium with the sodium ion-motive force). With increasing external sulfate concentrations sulfate accumulation decreased sharply, and a second, low-accumulating system symported sulfate electroneutrally with two sodium ions. The sodium-ion gradient was built up by electrogenic Na+/H+ antiport. This was demonstrated by (i) measuring proton translocation upon sodium ion pulses, (ii) studying uptake of sodium salts in the presence or absence of the electrical membrane potential, and (iii) the inhibitory effect of the Na+/H+ antiport inhibitor propylbenzilylcholin-mustard HCl (PrBCM). With resting cells ATP synthesis was found after proton pulses (changing the pH by three units), but neither after pulses of 500 mM sodium ions, nor in the presence of the uncoupler tetrachorosalicylanilide (TCS). It is concluded that the energy metabolism of the marine strain D. salexigens is based primarily on the protonmotive force and a protontranslocating ATPase.Abbreviations MOPS morpholinopropanesulfonic acid - TCS tetrachlorosalicylanilide - PrBCM propylbenzilylcholin-mustard HCl - Tris tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane - TPP+ bromide tetraphenylphosphonium bromide  相似文献   
The effect of algae on the production of musty-smelling compounds by actinomycetes was studied. Streptomyces spp., causing intensive musty odor, were isolated from hypertrophic Lake Kasumigaura and cultured in association with algae from the same lake. Isolate E and I effectively utilized the cyanobacteria, Microcystis aeruginosa and Anabaena spiroides, and the diatom, Synedra acus, as a carbon source and produced a musty-smelling 2-methylisoborneol in the shaken sediment cultures. High populations of algae and actinomycetes, and aerobic condition in the sediment seem responsible for the occurrence of musty odor in Lake Kasumigaura.  相似文献   
Dimethylsulfoniopropionate, an osmolyte of marine algae, is thought to be the major precursor of dimethyl sulfide, which plays a dominant role in biogenic sulfur emission. The marine sulfate-reducing bacterium Desulfobacterium strain PM4 was found to degrade dimethylsulfoniopropionate to 3-S-methylmercaptopropionate. The oxidation of one of the methyl groups of dimethylsulfoniopropionate was coupled to the reduction of sulfate; this process is similar to the degradation betaine to dimethylglycine which was described earlier for the same strain. Desulfobacterium PM4 is the first example of an anaerobic marine bacterium that is able to demethylate dimethylsulfoniopropionate.Abbreviations DMSP dimethylsulfoniopropionate - DMS dimethyl sulfide - MMPA 3-S-methylmercaptopropionate  相似文献   
Synopsis Four species of nototheniid fish were sampled from below the sea ice near Cape Armitage, McMurdo Sound:Pagothenia borchgrevinki from just below the ice 1.5 km offshore,Trematomus bernacchii, Trematomus hansoni andTrematomus centronotus from off the bottom in about 20 m of water near the shore. Scale worms and isopods were conspicuous non-planktonic prey, and present in the three benthic fish species. The planktonic pteropod molluscLimacina helicina was numerically common in all four species of fish. The planktonic hyperiid amphipodHyperiella dilatata was also found in all fish species. WhereasP. borchgrevinki is planktivorous in accord with its pelagic habit, theTrematomus spp. clearly also feed on plankton from the water column.T. hansoni is particularly planktivorous, taking smaller copepods thanP. borchgrevinki.  相似文献   
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