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以高产大果型西红柿品种中研988为材料,采用分根培养的方法,研究了控制性分根交替灌溉(APRI)条件下,不同氮素形态(硝态氮、铵态氮)对番茄生长、产量及果实品质的影响.结果表明: 同一灌溉方式或下限处理下,铵态氮对番茄植株前期生长有利,而硝态氮促进番茄植株后期生长,并促进果实产量增加.在APRI同一灌水下限下,硝态氮处理可提高果实维生素C含量及糖酸比,提高营养品质.同一氮素形态供应下,APRI番茄的株高和叶面积均小于正常灌溉(CK),但灌水下限为60%田间持水量(θf)的APRI处理番茄茎粗在生长后期有所增加.在同一氮素形态下,与CK相比,APRI各处理的产量均下降,其中灌水下限在40%θf的APRI处理产量下降了22.4%~26.3%;而灌水下限在60% θf的APRI处理仅下降了5.3%~5.4%,下降幅度相对较小,而品质显著提高,并具有明显的节水效果.因此,控制灌水下限在60%θf、供应硝态氮的APRI处理为番茄高产、优质、节水的最佳处理.
付波霖  李颖  朱红雷  幸泽峰 《生态学报》2015,35(23):7634-7641
以查干湖流域为研究区,利用RS和GIS技术,基于水利部《河流(湖)健康评估指标、标准与方法 V1.0》并加以改进,以500m×1000m为评价基本单元,整个研究区共有315个物理结构基本评价单元,建立基于RS的湖岸带物理结构完整性评价体系,该评价体系由目标层、准则层和指标层构成,其中准则层由湖岸带状况、湖岸线发育率和湖泊萎缩率3项组成,指标层由地形坡度、植被覆盖率等8项指标构成。研究结果表明:38个监测点中,查干湖23个,新庙泡15个,基于RS物理结构评价结果分别为0.67—0.76和0.35—0.45,地面实测评价结果分别是0.64—0.77和0.35—0.55。两种评价方法结果一致,并表明查干湖的湖岸带物理结构健康状态属于健康,新庙泡则属于亚健康。  相似文献   
土壤因子对府谷清水川流域砒砂岩区刺槐和沙棘AMF的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用相关性分析和通径分析研究了府谷清水川流域砒砂岩区土壤因子对刺槐(Robinia pseudoacacia)和沙棘(Hippophae rhamnoides)根际丛枝菌根真菌(AMF)的影响.结果表明:AMF可以与刺槐和沙棘形成良好的共生关系;从两种植物根际土中共分离鉴定出AMF 13种,其中摩西囊霉(Glomus mosseae)、地球囊霉(Glomus geospo-rum)和缩球囊霉(Glomus constrictum)为优势种;AMF平均侵染率为90.6%,平均孢子密度为559.1个?100 g-1干土;AMF的孢子密度、侵染率和种类之间没有显著的相关性;刺槐和沙棘根际AMF侵染率均与pH呈显著正相关,在刺槐根际,pH和有效氮通过直接作用影响侵染率,有机质和有效磷通过间接作用影响侵染率;在沙棘根际,pH和有效磷通过直接作用影响侵染率,有机质和有效氮通过间接作用影响侵染率;在沙棘根际,有机质和pH主要是通过直接作用影响AMF种类,有效氮主要通过有效磷的间接作用影响AMF种类.  相似文献   
生态脆弱带不同区域近缘优势灌木的生理生态学特性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
小叶锦鸡儿、中间锦鸡儿和柠条锦鸡儿分别为中国北方生态脆弱带典型区域——科尔沁沙地、毛乌素沙地和腾格里沙漠的优势灌木。为了探讨生长在地理位置相距很远的不同气候类型区、但亲缘关系较近的沙漠植物种之间特性的差异及近缘种间引种成功的可能性 ,对 3种灌木在原产地和引种地 (腾格里沙漠 )的气体交换、叶绿素荧光参数、β胡萝卜素和脯氨酸累积等特性进行了对比研究 ,结果显示 :各区优势灌木的气体交换特征不同 ,主要依照区域光照和温湿条件的不同组合而变化 ,各区域的环境条件组合最利于其建群种的生长 ;引进种对引种地环境变化的反应调节较乡土种敏感 ;地理位置相距较近的近缘种间生理特性相近 ,引种易于成功  相似文献   
We assessed the fertility (reproductive success, litter size, testis weight, spermatocyte-to-spermatid ratio) of F1s and backcrosses between different wild-derived outbred and inbred strains of two mouse subspecies, Mus musculus domesticus and M. m. musculus . A significant proportion of the F1 females between the outbred crosses did not reproduce, suggesting that female infertility was present. As the spermatocyte-to-spermatid ratio was correlated with testis weight, the latter was used to attribute a sterile vs. fertile phenotype to all males. Segregation proportions in the backcrosses of F1 females yielded 11 (inbred) to 17% (outbred) sterile males, suggesting the contribution of two to three major genetic factors to hybrid male sterility. Only one direction of cross between the inbred strains produced sterile F1 males, indicating that one factor was borne by the musculus X-chromosome. No such differences were observed between reciprocal crosses in the outbred strains. The involvement of the X chromosome in male sterility thus could not be assessed, but its contribution appears likely given the limited introgression of X-linked markers through the hybrid zone between the subspecies. However, we observed no sterile phenotypes in wild males from the hybrid zone, although testis weight tended to decrease in the centre of the transect.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 84 , 379–393.  相似文献   
凋落物分解是陆地生态系统物质循环和能量转换的主要途径.凋落物分解主要受到基质质量和气候因素多因子的综合影响.目前国内尚缺乏关于凋落物分解同气候因子和基质质量关系的多元统计和综合分析.应用分解袋法,对亚热带8个主要树种的凋落叶沿中国东部气候带5个地点历时2a的分解试验研究表明,年均降水量是影响中国东部凋落叶分解速率的首要气候因子,其次是实际蒸散和年均温度.凋落叶的初始N含量是决定分解快慢的首要基质因子,其次是P含量和Lignin:N比和C:N比.  相似文献   
经济开发区生态规划与建设研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈涛  崔秋 《应用生态学报》1992,3(4):378-385
生态规划和建设是协调经济发展和生态环境关系,创造和谐的人工化环境的调控对策。木文研究了沈阳开发区生态规划和建设的理论、方法,着重探讨了开发区经济、环境协调发展的途径:1)选择理想的协调发展优化方案,2)控制发展热电生产,发展集中供热和低能耗高技术产业,3)节约水资源,提高水循环利用率,4)在生态学原理指导下进行生态管理。  相似文献   
基于开发区规划环评的土地资源承载力评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土地资源承载力评价是规划环境影响评价的重点,是决定规划是否可以实施的重要依据.基于地理信息系统技术的空间分析功能,选取高程、坡度、土地利用现状、距居民点距离、距主要交通道路距离和距环境敏感区距离作为敏感因子,综合评价了漳州招商局经济技术开发区生态敏感性程度及其空间分布状况,并将评价结果与用地布局规划图叠加进行生态适宜性分析.结果表明: 研究区84.0%的居住用地、93.1%的工业用地、86.0%的交通用地和760%的其他建设用地处于非敏感区和一般敏感区,用地规划实施总体上对区域陆域生态环境造成的影响较小,规划区内土地资源可以满足规划用地需求.以生态用地为约束条件进行人口承载力评价的结果表明,高度敏感区和60%的中度敏感区可视为生态用地,开发区规划期内人口规模为24.0万,区域人均用地可达134.0 m2,该人口规划规模适宜,符合相关建设用地标准.  相似文献   
1. The effect of light intensity on photosynthesis and the fate of newly fixed organic carbon was compared for three characean algae collected at the same depth (10 m) but differing in their depth distributions. For each species we determined photosynthesis–irradiance (P–E) responses, the partitioning of newly fixed carbon into four intracellular pools (low molecular‐weight compounds, polysaccharides, lipids and proteins) and the extracellular organic carbon (EOC) release at a range of photon flux densities (PFD) 0–60 μmol m–2 s–1. 2. The P–E responses differed between the three species, with the light compensation point (Ec) and dark respiration rate highest in the shallowest species (Chara fibrosa), intermediate in the mid‐range species (C. globularis) and lowest in the deepest species (C. corallina). Photosynthetic efficiency (α) and photosynthesis: respiration ratios were lowest in C. fibrosa and highest in C. corallina. 3. In all three species, the low molecular weight pool was the principal photosynthetic product (>60% of fixed C) at 3 μmol m–2 s–1 PFD, but its proportional contribution decreased rapidly with increasing irradiance. Polysaccharide rose to become the major product (>35% of fixed C) at saturating PFD (35 μmol m–2 s–1). 4. Protein synthesis was saturated at 5 μmol m–2 s–1 in all species and was consistently a lower proportion of the fixed carbon in C. corallina than the other species. The fraction incorporated in the lipid pool increased slightly with irradiance but was always less than 10% of fixed C, while the proportion lost as EOC was unaffected by light, being significantly higher in C. fibrosa than the other species. 5. A kinetic experiment with C. fibrosa at 35 μmol m–2 s–1 PFD revealed a continued increase in net polysaccharide, protein and lipid synthesis during a 22.5‐h light period, whereas the net size of the low molecular weight pool remained constant. In a subsequent dark period, protein and lipid synthesis continued at the expense of the polysaccharide and low‐molecular‐weight pools. The EOC release rose to a constant low release in the light, then peaked slightly immediately after the dark–light transition before returning to the same rate as in the light. Extrapolating these data over 24 h suggests that the proportion of fixed carbon lost as EOC may be as high as 10% in this species. 6. The interspecific differences in carbon acquisition between the three species reflected their depth distributions, with the deeper species having more efficient photosynthetic metabolism, lower P:R ratios and less EOC release, although no apparent differences in internal partitioning of photosynthate.  相似文献   
We examined vertical migration and colonisation patterns of stream macroinvertebrates within the substratum of an Apennine creek in NW Italy. Macrobenthos was sampled at three depths in the streambed (0–5, 5–10, 10–15 cm) by means of artificial baskets filled with natural substratum. We placed 42 traps (5×5×15 cm), i.e. 21 top-opened (T-traps) and 21 bottom-opened (B-traps), each composed of three overlapping baskets (high-H, medium-M and low-L), to evaluate differences in the vertical movements. We also collected Surber samples to compare interstitial assemblages with streambed communities. The multilevel traps yielded 42 taxa, compared with 60 taxa in the natural riverbed. Interstitial traps were rapidly colonised; both taxa richness and organism number increased during the 42-day study period. We found active migration in both vertical directions, but there were more invertebrates in the top-opened traps than in the bottom-opened traps. In the T-traps the most colonised baskets were those placed at the H level, while in the B-traps the L level baskets were more rapidly colonised. The interstitial assemblages differed markedly from the streambed communities in both composition and functional organisation, with more collector-gatherers and predators in the interstitial zone and more filterers and scrapers in the natural riverbed. In Apennine lotic systems, the interstitial zone is an important habitat for stream macrobenthos, although it may not be used by all species.  相似文献   
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