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We study the ancestral recombination graph for a pair of sites in a geographically structured population. In particular, we consider the limiting behavior of the graph, under Wrights island model, as the number of subpopulations, or demes, goes to infinity. After an instantaneous sample-size adjustment, the graph becomes identical to the two-locus graph in an unstructured population, but with a time scale that depends on the migration rate and the deme size. Interestingly, when migration is gametic, this rescaling of time increases the population mutation rate but does not affect the population recombination rate. We compare this to the case of a partially-selfing population, in which both mutation and recombination depend on the selfing rate. Our result for gametic migration holds both for finite-sized demes, and in the limit as the deme size goes to infinity. However, when migration occurs during the diploid phase of the life cycle and demes are finite in size, the population recombination rate does depend on the migration rate, in a way that is reminiscent of partial selfing. Simulations imply that convergence to a rescaled panmictic ancestral recombination graph occurs for any number of sites as the number of demes approaches infinity.Send offprint request to: Sabin LessardS. Lessard was supported by grants from the Natural Sciences and Research Council of Canada, the Fonds Québécois de la Recherche sur la Nature et les Technologies, and the Université de Montréal.J. Wakeley was supported by a Career Award (DEB-0133760) and by a grant (DEB-9815367) from the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   
The biomass of summer forage and their contributions were surveyed to show that litterfall supported a high-density population of sika deer (Cervus nippon Temminck) in summer on Nakanoshima Island, Toya Lake, Japan. In July 1974, the grassland had the highest productivity among understory vegetations (228±55kgha–1: mean±SE). In deciduous forests, palatable plants occupied only 0.1% of the biomass of 0.872±0.366kgha–1, and deciduous leaves within the reach of deer (=220cm at height) produced 0.208±0.070kgha–1. However, litterfall during this period had the highest productivity, 28.7± 5.3kgha–1. The deer consumed litterfall (75.6% in dry weight), short grasses (17.2%), deciduous forest understory (4.1%), deciduous leaves within the reach of deer (3.0%) and conifer plantation under story (0.1%). It is suggested that the high-density deer population would be maintained by litterfall through the year instead of browsing in deciduous forests, which has been overlooked.  相似文献   
We examined resilience to extreme reduction of habitat, and long-term and long-distance isolation for an endemic species using California's Santa Barbara Island as a natural model. The island is smaller than 260ha, has been isolated by 40km of ocean from the nearest other island for more than 10,000 years and was severely impacted by human activities and feral browsers during at least the past 90 years. Less than 0.2km2 of native plant cover remains, yet seven apparently endemic plants and animals persist, including a moth, Argyrotaenia isolatissima (Tortricidae). Using mitochondrial DNA sequence we examined the levels of genetic divergence between the moth and its closest relatives on the other Channel Islands and the California mainland. A. isolatissima has 15bp differences, including one non-synonymous substitution, from the most closely related taxon, on San Nicolas Island. Both parsimony and likelihood-based molecular systematic analyses confirm the evolutionary independence of A. isolatissima and indicate that portions of an endemic flora and fauna may persist in small fragments, despite long-term isolation and disturbance. Habitat conservation planning may underestimate the value of very small, temporally and spatially isolated fragments of native habitat not only to maintain, but also to generate endemic biodiversity.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to (i) measure differences in species richness between edge habitats versus interior habitats, or more precisely the edge effect, and (ii) test the species–area relationship for gall-forming insects in natural forest patches in a Brazilian floodplain (Pantanal of Mato Grosso do Sul). These patches are regionally known as capões, basically composed of woody vegetation. Twenty-seven patches were surveyed. In each patch two transects were conducted for gall sampling. One transect encircled the patches while the other was conducted in the interior of the patch, totaling 54h of sampling. Host plant and galling insect species composition differed quite characteristically between the edge and the interior of patches, but galling insect richness did not. When insect gall richness was expressed as the ratio between insect gall and host plant richness (gall per plant ratio), a weak species–area relationship was found. Our results suggest that the number of galling insects per individual plant is not affected by the size of the patch. Despite these results, the natural forest patches found in this region seem well suited for long-term studies addressing species–area relationships. With regard to herbivorous insects, these studies should be combined with research on host plant dynamics during flooding and dry seasons.  相似文献   
The instream distributions and feeding habits of two species of sleeper, Eleotris acanthopoma and E. fusca, were studied in the Teima River on Okinawa Island, southern Japan. Both adult fishes inhabited the river, but their distribution patterns were found to be different. The distribution of E. acanthopoma was from the tidally influenced area to the lower part of the freshwater area, whereas E. fusca was distributed almost entirely in the freshwater area. They were found to coexist at the upper limit of the tidally influenced area and the lower part of the freshwater area. Their feeding habits were clearly different, although both species were carnivorous. Eleotris acanthopoma fed mainly on crabs in the tidally influenced area and on aquatic snails in the freshwater area, where they coexist with E. fusca. In contrast, E. fusca fed mainly on shrimps in the freshwater area. Their coexistence may result from the difference in their feeding habits.  相似文献   
Burke  Antje 《Plant Ecology》2002,158(1):41-48
To answer the question whether some inselbergs are better sources thanothers, thus potentially affecting processes in inselberg landscapes,inselberg-matrix affinities and the influence of regional physicalenvironmental parameters (latitude, longitude, distance from coast andmainland)and parameters operating on landscape level (elevation and geology) wereinvestigated. All investigated environmental parameters affected the observedpatternsto some extend. Distance from mainland and geographic position were importantona regional level, while elevation only influenced the observed trends wheninvestigated at a local level. Parameters determining bettersources within the selected study areas and sites, here simply definedasshowing higher floristic affinities with the surrounding, appeared to beinselbergs: (a) in southern Namibia and thus in an inland position; (b) at adistancefrom other mountainous habitats; and (c) of low elevation. Although theimportanceof inselbergs for conservation and maintenanceof biodiversity is evident, this study points towards a complex situation,ruling out the sole effect of any one of the parameters investigated atregionaland landscape level. Further observations and analysis at a local level maygivesome pointers and assist in identifying critical aspects important forconservation and range management.  相似文献   
The composition of the volatiles of banana fruit from various cultivars grown on Madeira Island has been determined. Using GC-MS, the volatiles were shown to be complex mixtures of several classes of components, mainly esters, alcohols, aldehydes, ketones and acids. The average contents of the total volatiles from cultivars "Dwarf Cavendish", "Giant Cavendish", "Robusta" and "Williams" were 93.0, 116.5, 157.3 and 157.0 mg/kg, respectively. The ester and alcoholic fractions appear to play a decisive role in the organoleptic characteristics of banana fruit, presenting a substantial content ranging from 57.2 to 89.8 mg/ kg and 19.0 to 47.7 mg/kg, respectively, in all cultivars from Madeira Island studied. 3-Methyl butyl butanoate ester was the major constituent.  相似文献   
为了解海南岛油茶(Camellia oleifera)种质资源的遗传多样性,采用SRAP分子标记,对海南岛油茶主要分布区的31个居群进行了遗传多样性和亲缘关系分析。结果表明,海南岛油茶资源的遗传多样性低,物种水平的多态性百分率(PPB)为98.30%,Nei’s基因多样性(H)为0.222 8,Shannon信息指数(I)为0.353 8;居群水平的PPB=40.96%,观测等位基因数(Na)为1.409 6,有效等位基因数(Ne)为1.237 1, H=0.138 5, I=0.208 3,这与海南岛油茶丰富的表型多样性水平不一致。海南岛油茶资源遗传分化较大,居群间基因交流有限,不同居群间的遗传分化指数(Gst)为0.380,基因流(Nm)为0.813 91。遗传变异主要发生在居群内,有38.05%的变异存在居群间,61.95%存在于居群内。遗传距离为0.022 6~0.276 4,平均为0.107 7,居群间的亲缘关系较近。UPGMA聚类分析表明,在遗传距离为0.11处,可将31个油茶居群聚为6类,表现出明显的行政区域性,而与地理距离关系不大。因此,海南岛油茶资源遗传多样性低,亲缘关系近可能导致自交或近交不亲和,可能是海南油茶林分花量大而结实低的主要内在原因。  相似文献   
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