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Summary A time-dependent redistribution of microfilaments was observed in cultured human keratinocytes using a human monoclonal autoantibody specific for myosin. Immunofluorescent staining revealed that 5 days after plating keratinocytes in either 0.1 mM or 2.0 mM Ca++, myosin was distributed uniformly throughout the cytoplasm. At day 6, parallel arrays of myosin-containing microfilaments were prominent in the cell peripheries. At day 7 the microfilaments formed circumferential rings. The distribution of the microfilaments was disrupted by cytochalasin but not by colchicine, indicating that this novel distribution of myosin was not dependent on colchicine-sensitive vimentin intermediate filaments. The time-dependent redistribution of myosin was not influenced by cell population density, cell shape or cell cycle phase, except for mitotic cells in which myosin was distributed diffusely through the cytoplasm. If, as suggested by Kolega (9), microfilaments align parallel to the direction of applied tension, the redistribution of myosin-containing microfilaments in cultured keratinocytes may reflect the increased tension between cells resulting from increasing strength of cell-cell junctions over time. In sectioned human skin, myosin was localized in the peripheral cytoplasm of stratified epidermal cells. Tensions arising from the numerous desmosomal junctions between cellsin vivo could account for this distribution of myosin. Supported by grant NS-23537 (V. A. L.) from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, and by the Mayo Foundation. C. L. W. is recipient of the Kermit E. Osserman and Blanche McClure Fellowship, 1987, National Myasthenia Gravis Foundation.  相似文献   
Summary Production of antibodies against peptides or poorly antigenic proteins by conventional methods often requires either large quantities of the native immunogen or some chemical modification to increase their antigenicity. In this study an in vivo and in vitro immunization protocol has been used to generate monoclonal antibodies against the decapeptide luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH). Two injections of 100 μg of avian LHRH-I into BALB/c mice were given 7 d apart. Dissociated splenocytes were collected under sterile conditions. They were incubated with 100 μg of the immunogen in 75-cm2 tissue culture flasks in thymocyte-conditioned media. After 5 to 8 d exposure to the antigen, splenocytes were fused with SP2/O myeloma cells by polyethylene glycol. The cells were plated into 24 wells and then incubated in hypoxanthine aminopterin and thymidine selective media. After 14 d an initial screening was done by enzyme immunoassay. The positive wells (6/24) were expanded into 96-well plates and rescreened. Selected lines were cloned out 3 times by limiting dilution and the most positive expanded for ascites production. The antibody was affinity purified in a protein A column. The antibody cross-reacted with LHRH-I and II but preferentially to LHRH-I, as shown by competitive assay. A hypothalamic extract from a mature chick showed a higher response than preparations from whole brain explants of 1- to 3-d posthatched chicks, mature quail, and mature mouse. This work was funded by the Maryland Agricultural Experiment Station artical no. A4975, contribution no. 8019.  相似文献   
用单克隆抗体分析流行性出血热病毒的核蛋白抗原位点   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
梁米芳  宋干 《病毒学报》1989,5(1):24-30
The monoclonal L5 antibody reacts with an N-glycosidically linked carbohydrate structure which is present on the neural cell adhesion molecule L1, neural chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans, and other not yet identified glycosylated proteins. Using this antibody, we isolated and characterized proteoglycans from adult mouse brain and cultured astrocytes biosynthetically labeled with Na2 35SO4 and a 3H-amino acid mixture. Our data suggest that the L5 proteoglycans of both sources are identical in their biochemical properties. The apparent molecular mass of the L5 proteoglycan is approximately 500 kDa. Digestion of the iodinated L5 proteoglycan from mouse brain and of the [35S]methionine-labeled L5 proteoglycan from cultured astrocytes with proteinase-free chondroitinases ABC and AC revealed three major core proteins with apparent molecular masses of approximately 380, 360, and 260 kDa. These represent molecularly distinct protein cores.  相似文献   
We have previously partially purified the basolateral Na+/HCO 3 cotransporter from rabbit renal cortex and this resulted in a 400-fold purification, and an SDS-PAGE analysis showed an enhancement of a protein band with a MW of approximately 56 kDa. We developed polyclonal antibodies against the Na+/HCO 3 cotransporter by immunizing Dutch-belted rabbits with a partially purified protein fraction enriched in cotransporter activity. Western blot analysis of renal cortical basolateral membranes and of solubilized basolateral membrane proteins showed that the antibodies recognized a protein with a MW of approximately 56 kDa. The specificity of the purified antibodies against the Na+/HCO 3 cotransporter was tested by immunoprecipitation. Solubilized basolateral membrane proteins enriched in Na+/HCO 3 cotransporter activity were incubated with the purified antibody or with the preimmune IgG and then reconstituted in proteoliposomes. The purified antibody fraction caused a concentration-dependent inhibition of the Na+/HCO 3 cotransporter activity, while the preimmune IgG failed to elicit any change. The inhibitory effect of the antibody was of the same magnitude whether it was added prior to (inside) or after (outside) reconstitution in proteoliposomes. In the presence of the substrates (NaHCO3 or Na2CO3) for the cotransporter, the inhibitory effect of the antibody on cotransporter activity was significantly blunted as compared with the inhibition observed in the absence of substrates. Western blot analysis of rabbit kidneys showed that the antibodies recognized strongly a 56 kDa protein band in microsomes of the inner stripe of outer medulla and inner medulla, but not in the outer stripe of outer medulla. A 56 kDa protein band was recognized in microsomes of the stomach, liver, esophagus, and small intestine but was not detected in red blood cell membranes. Localization of the Na+/HCO 3 cotransporter protein by immunogold technique revealed specific labeling of the cotransporter on the basolateral membranes of the proximal tubules, but not in the brush border membranes. These results demonstrate that the polyclonal antibodies against the 56 kDa basolateral protein inhibit the activity of the Na+/HCO 3 cotransporter suggesting that the 56 kDa protein represents the cotransporter or a component thereof. These antibodies interact at or near the substrate binding sites. The Na+/HCO cotransporter protein is expressed in different regions of the kidneys and in other tissues. Received: 27 January 1996/Revised: 23 July 1996  相似文献   
A monoclonal antibody, BLCA-8, was raised against the human bladder cancer cell line, UCRU-BL-17CL. By flow cytometry and immunoperoxidase staining, this antibody was found to possess high specificity for bladder tumours, some reactivity with fetal tissues, and no reactivity with normal bladder, or any normal or malignant tissue. This high specificity and the stability of the antigen to the urinary environment suggest that BLCA-8 may have potential for use as an anti-bladder-cancer therapeutic agent. By thin-layer chromatography and autoradiography, BLCA-8 was found to bind four components within the neutral lipid fraction of a bladder cancer cell line, UCRU-BL-17/23. These components hadR F values of 0.22, 0.16/0.15 (doublet), 0.12 and 0.08, and migrated below globoside, indicating the presence of more than four sugars. By enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay and thin-layer chromatography it was found that the binding of BLCA-8 to the lipid extract was increased by both mild alkaline hydrolysis and enzymatic treatments, indicating that adjacent phospholipids and glycolipids interfere with the accessibility of the antibody-binding site. Full biochemical characterisation of the BLCA-8 antigen is currently underway.  相似文献   
Murine monoclonal antibodies were produced against Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) using standard hybridoma procedures. By a whole cell enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), one monoclonal antibody (mAb), HB28, demonstrated high level specific reactivity to Mtb. Western blot analysis demonstrated reactivity to a single 65 kDa Mtb protein in the cell wall extract and culture filtrate. HB28 mAb appears to be recognizing a 65 kDa Mtb protein that is over-expressed by Mtb but not other species under certain culture conditions. Differential expression and detection of this protein by HB28 mAb may have potential for diagnostic applications.  相似文献   
To determine amino acid sequences of the epitopes recognized by monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) 3C8 and 5C3 directed against Yersinia enterocolitica heat-shock protein (HSP60), a dot blot analysis was perfomed using synthesized peptides of Y. enterocolitica HSP60 such as peptides p316-342, p327-359, p340-366, p316-326, p316-321, p319-323, and p321-326 which represent positions of amino acids in Y. enterocolitica HSP60. The dot blot analysis revealed that 5C3 mAb reacted with p316-342, p316-326 and p321-326, and 3C8 mAb p316-342 and p316-326. These results indicate that the epitopes recognized by the mAbs were associated with eleven amino acids, Asp Leu Gly Gln Ala Lys Arg Val Val Ile Asn, of p316-326. The sequence homology between p316-326 of Y. enterocolitica HSP60 and the rest of the HSP60 family suggests that the five amino acids of Lys, Arg, Val, Ile and Asn, which are highly conserved in the HSP60 family, might be related with the epitope recognized by 3C8. In contrast, it was also demonstrated that three amino acids of Leu, Gly and Val, which are not well conserved in the HSP60 family, might be related to the epitope recognized by 5C3.  相似文献   
The effects of anti-peptide antibodies against the second extracellular loop of human M2 muscarinic receptor on transmembrane potentials and currents in guinea pig single ventricular cells were analyzed using whole-cell patch clamp technique. These effects were compared with those of the muscarinic receptor agonists carbachol and acetylcholine. The antibodies shortened the action potential duration in a dose-dependent manner. By using a ramp or step rectangular pulse protocol, it was found that the antibodies increased the outward K+ current and decreased the inward basal I Ca significantly. The reversal potential of both carbachol-and antibody-induced extra currents were close to –80 mV, being in proximity to the calculated Ek of –90 mV. A -adrenergic receptor agonist, isoprenaline, prolonged the action potential and increased the overshoot which could be inhibited by both antibody and carbachol. Isoprenaline increased inward Ica and outward Ik simultaneously. Both antibody and carbachol could significantly reduce the isoprenaline-stimulated ICa but not the isoprenaline-stimulated Ik. The antibody- or carbachol-induced outward K+ current and the depressant effects of antibody and carbachol on isoprenaline-stimulated Ica were partially antagonized by atropine. These results suggest that the anti-M2 muscarinic receptor antibodies display a stimulatory activity similar to muscarinic receptor agonist on the receptor-mediated electrophysiological events.  相似文献   
Arabinogalactan-proteins (AGPs) occurring in suspension-cultured rice (Oryza saliva L.) cells, their conditioned medium and at the rice root apex were investigated using monoclonal antibodies and the AGP-binding -glucosyl Yariv reagent ( GlcY). A monoclonal antibody, LM2, was generated that recognized an acidic carbohydrate epitope common to two soluble AGPs occurring in the conditioned medium of proliferating rice cells, membrane-associated AGPs (rmAGP) in the cultured cells and two AGPs at the rice root apex. In addition, LM2 recognized AGPs secreted by suspensioncultured carrot (Daucus carota L.) cells. The two AGPs of the rice culture medium, srAGP1 and srAGP2, were discriminated by their mobilities during sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, reaction with GlcY, the presence of arabinogalactan epitopes and anion-exchange chromatography. The association of rmAGP with the plasma membrane was investigated by Triton-X-114/aqueous partitioning of both microsomal and plasma-membrane preparations and rmAGP was found to partition into the detergent phase, indicating that AGPs are hydrophobic plasma-membrane proteins in rice. This was in contrast to plasma-membrane AGPs of suspension-cultured carrot cells that partitioned into the aqueous phase. At the rice root apex most of the AGP was associated with the microsomal fraction and also partitioned into the detergent phase, although a distinct highmolecular-mass AGP entered the aqueous phase.Abbreviations AGP arabinogalactan-protein - GlcY -glucosyl Yariv reagent - ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay We gratefully acknowledge support from the Leverhulme Trust, the UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council and the Royal Society.  相似文献   
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