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The effect of 0, 5, 6.25, 10, 12.5, 20, 25, 40, 50 and 80 mg/kg b. wt. of aqueous extract of triphala (an Ayurvedic herbal medicine) administrered intraperitoneally was studied on the radiation-induced mortality in mice exposed to 10 Gy of gamma-radiation. Treatment of mice with different doses of triphala consecutively for five days before irradiation delayed the onset of mortality and reduced the symptoms of radiation sickness when compared with the non-drug treated irradiated controls. The highest protection against GI (gastrointestinal) death was observed for 12.5 mg/kg triphala, where a highest number of survivors were reported up to 10 days post-irradiation. While 10 mg/kg triphala i.p. provided the best protection as evidenced by the highest number of survivors after 30 days post-irradiation in this group when compared with the other doses of triphala. Toxicity study showed that triphala was non-toxic up to a dose of 240 mg/kg, where no drug-induced mortality was observed. The LD50 dose i.p. of triphala was found to be 280 mg/kg b. wt. Our study demonstrates the ability of triphala as a good radioprotective agent and the optimum protective dose of triphala was 1/28 of its LD50 dose.  相似文献   
首次报道了毛瓣车前Plantago lagocephala Bunge在中国的分布,确认了一个鲜为人知的中国特有种——苣叶车前P.perssonii Pilger,并提供了二者的详细描述。  相似文献   
粳稻 (OryzasativaL .ssp .japonica)和籼稻 (O .sativassp .indica)对光抑制的敏感程度存在差异 ,它们的叶绿体光反应中心Ⅱ核心蛋白D1的稳定性不同。以菌落原位杂交法克隆了粳稻“95 16”和籼稻“籼优 6 3”叶绿体D1蛋白的编码基因psbA。核苷酸序列同源比较显示 :两者在启动子区和 5′_UTR完全相同 ;编码区存在着个别碱基的差异 ,但均位于三联体密码的第三位 ,不影响氨基酸编码特性 ,在蛋白质氨基酸序列上没有差异 ;在 3′_UTR内存在寡聚U长度的差异。因此 ,粳稻和籼稻D1蛋白对光抑制作用敏感性的差异与其蛋白质的氨基酸序列结构无关 ,可能与调控psbA基因表达的上游因子或光保护机制的差异有关。  相似文献   
3种植物精油对霉菌的抑制作用   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
肉桂 ( Cinnamomum cassia Presl)别名连桂 ,属樟科樟属 ,常绿乔木 ,高 1 0~ 1 5m,多为栽培 ,主产于广西、广东等地 ,云南、福建等省亦有分布。人们可从其叶、枝或树皮、籽中提取精油 ,精油主要用于医药及食品香精[1 ] 。山苍子 [Litsea cubeba ( Lour.) Pers]别名山鸡椒、木姜子 ,属樟科木姜子属 ,落叶灌木和乔木 ,高 8~ 1 0 m,果期 7~ 8月份 ,我国长江以南各省都有分布。民间广泛使用水蒸汽蒸馏法 ,从其果实中提制精油 ,精油主要用于调配食品、化妆品香精 ,合成其它原料及维生素 [2 ]。丁子香 [Stzygium aromaticum( Linn.)Merr.et…  相似文献   
In the present study, the efficacy of aqueous fruit extract of Azadirachta indica A. Juss. (Neem) on induction of systemic acquired resistance (SAR) in tomato against Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato through enhancement in the activity of polyphenol oxidase (PPO) at different ages was studied. Plants at 6, 8, 10 and 12?weeks of age were selected. A single leaf at the third node from the base of each plant was treated either singly or with different combinations of the pathogen and Neem fruit extract. Samples were collected from the non-treated leaves at an interval of 24?h up to five?days for enzyme assay and after two?weeks for disease development from both treated and untreated plants. The results demonstrate that the neem fruit extract could induce additional PPO isoforms both locally as well as systemically. The PPO activity was observed to be elevated in both the treated and non-treated leaves leading to induction of SAR. The induction of SAR enhances with the increase in the age of the plant.  相似文献   
The objective of this work is to put forth the optimization and kinetics of total phenolic compounds extraction from Azadirachta indica leaves in a stirred batch extraction. Various experiential extraction parameters have been studied for maximum extraction of the total phenolic compounds. The maximum yield of total phenolic compounds was found to be 10.80?mg?g?1 of dried neem powder under the optimized conditions. The extraction kinetics behavior followed first-order kinetics with diffusion coefficient ranged from 1.8?×?10?12 to 3.2?×?10?12?m2 s?1 for all sets. Activation energy (Ea) value for the extraction of the total phenolic compounds was found to be 22.87?kJ?mol?1. The kinetic expression model developed by Spiro and Siddique showed a good agreement with the experimental outcomes. The obtained results can be used to scale up the operations for industrial purposes.  相似文献   
Plant-based methods such as rhizodegradation are very promising for the remediation of petroleum-contaminated soils. Associations of plants with endophytes can further enhance their phytoremediation potential. In this study, a rhizobox experiment was conducted to investigate whether inoculation with the root-colonizing fungus Piriformospora indica could further enhance the degradation of petroleum hydrocarbons in the root zone of maize (Zea mays L.). The rhizoboxes were subdivided into compartments in accordance with distance from the plants. After filling the boxes with soil from a petroleum-contaminated site, seedlings that had either been inoculated with P. indica or not were grown in the middle compartments of the rhizoboxes and grown for 64 days. A plant-free treatment was included for control. The presence of roots strongly increased the counts of total and petroleum-degrading soil bacteria, respiration, dehydrogenase activity, water-soluble phenols and petroleum degradation. All these effects were also found in the soil adjacent to the middle compartments of the rhizoboxes, but strongly decreased further away from it. Inoculation with P. indica further enhanced all the recorded parameters without changing the spatial pattern of the effects. Inoculated plants also produced around 40% more root and shoot biomass than noninoculated plants and had greener leaves. Together, the results indicate that the treatment effects on the recorded soil microbial and biochemical parameters including petroleum hydrocarbon degradation were primarily due to increased root exudation. Irrespectively of this, they show that maize can be used to accelerate the rhizodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons in soil and that inoculation with P. indica can substantially enhance the phytoremediation performance of maize.  相似文献   
A rapid, efficient, routine system has been established forAgrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated production of hundreds of fertile transgenic plants from commercially important rice cultivars, including an indica cultivar, Pusa Basmati 1. Calli induced from embryos of mature rice seeds were cocultivated withA. tumefaciens strain LBA4404 carrying the plasmid pTOK233, then exposed to hygromycin selection followed by an efficient regeneration system. Based on the total number of calli co-cultivated, the transformation frequencies of independent transgenic rice plants including cultivars Pusa Basmati 1, E-yi 105, E-wan 5 and Zhong-shu-wan-geng, were 13.5, 13.0, 9.1, and 9.3%, respectively. T1 seeds were harvested within 7–8 mo of initiation of mature embryo cultures. Data from Southern hybridization analysis proved that foreign genes on T-DNA were stably integrated into the rice genome at low copy/site numbers. Mendelian inheritance of the transgenes was confirmed in T1 progeny.  相似文献   
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