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Morphological development, allometric growth and behaviour of hatchery-reared California halibut Paralichthys californicus were studied from hatching to metamorphosis (42 days post hatch, dph) at 187° C. Mean standard length ( L S) of larvae and juveniles increased from 2.1 mm at hatching to 10.5 mm at metamorphosis with the increase in length being approximately linear. Stages of morphological development were described using the alphabetic staging (A–I) used for other flatfish species. Organogenesis and differentiation were more rapid and complex in yolk-sac (hatching, stage A–3 dph, stage B), preflexion (3–19 dph, stages B–C), and flexion larvae (from 20 to 23 dph, stages D–E), as larvae developed most of their sensory, feeding, respiratory and swimming systems. After notochord flexion at 24–25 dph (stage F), most morphological changes were related to the progressive transformation from a bilateral symmetrical larva to an asymmetrical benthic juvenile (42 dph, stages G–I).  相似文献   
The phenological window of opportunity for early-season birch sawflies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract 1. The phenological window of opportunity hypothesis posits that an insect herbivore cannot survive outside a specific leaf age interval of its host plant.
2. Previous studies have shown that mountain birch displays extensive seasonal changes in leaf biochemical characteristics. Young, expanding leaves are full of water and amino acids but they also contain large amounts of protein-precipitating gallotannins as well as flavonoid-glycosides. Concentrations of these compounds decline during leaf growth whereas concentrations of sugars and proanthocyanidins and leaf toughness increase.
3. Adult birch sawflies hatch in early summer and oviposit on growing leaves, which compels larvae to feed on leaves that are already well developed. The purpose of this study was to test whether leaves that were younger and biochemically different from the leaves available under natural conditions are within the phenological window of opportunity for the larvae of two early-season birch sawfly species, Amauronematus amplus Konow and Pristiphora alpestris (Konow).
4. Amauronematus amplus larvae survived better and developed faster, and P. alpestris larvae developed faster and became bigger, on atypically young leaves compared with larvae reared on leaves encountered normally. Therefore, these species can exploit the putative nutritional superiority of very young leaves, which probably outweighs the potential impact of the new set of secondary metabolites offered to them. In conclusion, young leaves that are consumed rarely by sawfly larvae are within their phenological window of opportunity, even though the timing of sawfly life cycles constrains their utilisation.  相似文献   
Insect pests are the major cause of damage to commercially important agricultural crops. The continuous application of synthetic pesticides resulted in severe insect resistance by plants. This causes irreversible damage to the environment. Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) emerged as a valuable biological alternative in pest control. However, insect resistance against Bt has been reported in many cases. Insects develop resistance to insecticides through mechanisms that reduce the binding of toxins to gut receptors. Nonetheless, the molecular mechanism of insect resistance is not fully understood. Therefore, it is important to study the mechanism of toxin resistance by analyzing amino‐peptidase‐N (APN) receptor of the insect M. sexta. A homology model of APN was constructed using Insight II molecular modeling software and the model was further evaluated using the PROCHECK program. Oligosaccharides participating in post translational modification were constructed and docked onto specific APN functional sites. Post analyses of the APN model provide insights on the functional properties of APN towards the understanding of receptor and toxin interactions. We also discuss the predicted binding sites for ligands, metals and Bt toxins in M. sexta APN receptor. These data help in the development of a roadmap for the design and synthesis of novel insect resistant Cry toxins.  相似文献   
Twenty‐three microsatellites were isolated from the yellow tang (Zebrasoma flavescens), an ecologically and commercially important reef fish. Genetic diversity was assessed in 90 adults collected from Honokohau, Hawaii. The number of alleles per locus varied from four to 29 (mean = 13.8) and observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.15 to 0.94 (mean = 0.70) and from 0.29 to 0.93 (mean = 0.81), respectively. Eight loci exhibited significant departure from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium due to the presence of null alleles. Exact tests showed no evidence of genotypic disequilibrium between loci. Overall, loci were well resolved, easy to score and highly polymorphic.  相似文献   
Abstract We tested the phenotypic responses of larval striped marsh frogs (Limnodynastes peronii) to the odonate nymph predator, Aeshna brevistyla. When reared in the presence of dragonfly nymphs feeding upon conspecifics of L. peronii larvae the tadpoles showed a strong change in morphology. Morphological changes included an increase in total tail height, but also an unexpected marked change in head‐body shape. In addition, we examined how tadpole development, as well as mass and length at metamorphosis, was affected by exposure to dragonfly nymphs. Larval development of L. peronii was strongly influenced by exposure to the predatory behaviour of dragonfly nymphs. Predator‐induced tadpoles had significantly slower developmental rates than control larvae. Although metamorphs of non‐exposed L. peronii were approximately 33% lighter than predator‐exposed metamorphs and possessed lower jump distances, after adjusting for mass there was no difference in jump distance. The newly described morphological response may assist in more accurately relating morphological plasticity to fitness.  相似文献   
This study used existing western brook lamprey Lampetra richardsoni age information to fit three different growth models (i.e. von Bertalanffy, Gompertz and logistic) with and without error in age estimates. Among these growth models, there was greater support for the logistic and Gompertz models than the von Bertalanffy model, regardless of ageing error assumptions. The von Bertalanffy model, however, appeared to fit the data well enough to permit survival estimates; using length‐based estimators, annual survival varied between 0·64 (95% credibility interval: 0·44–0·79) and 0·81 (0·79–0·83) depending on ageing and growth process error structure. These estimates are applicable to conservation and management of L. richardsoni and other western lampreys (e.g. Pacific lamprey Entosphenus tridentatus) and can potentially be used in the development of life‐cycle models for these species. These results also suggest that estimators derived from von Bertalanffy growth models should be interpreted with caution if there is high uncertainty in age estimates.  相似文献   
The establishment of marine protected areas (MPAs) can often lead to environmental differences between MPAs and fishing zones. To determine the effects on marine dispersal of environmental dissimilarity between an MPA and fishing zone, we examined the abundance and recruitment patterns of two anemonefishes (Amphiprion frenatus and A. perideraion) that inhabit sea anemones in different management zones (i.e., an MPA and two fishing zones) by performing a field survey and a genetic parentage analysis. We found lower levels of abundance per anemone in the MPA compared to the fishing zones for both species (n = 1,525 anemones, p = .032). The parentage analysis also showed that lower numbers of fishes were recruited from the fishing zones and outside of the study area into each anemone in the MPA than into each anemone in the fishing zones (n = 1,525 anemones, p < .017). However, the number of self‐recruit production per female did not differ between the MPA and fishing zones (n = 384 females, p = .516). Because the ocean currents around the study site were unlikely to cause a lower settlement intensity of larvae in the MPA, the ocean circulation was not considered crucial to the observed abundance and recruitment patterns. Instead, stronger top‐down control and/or a lower density of host anemones in the MPA were potential factors for such patterns. Our results highlight the importance of dissimilarity in a marine environment as a factor that affects connectivity.  相似文献   
Despite being one of the dominant groups in freshwater ecosystems, morphological and ontogenetic studies on aquatic Hemiptera have received little attention in the Oriental region. We present the ontogenetic trajectory and allometry of the widespread Oriental belostomatid species, Diplonychus rusticus (Fabricius) for the first time. We have measured nine different morphological variables throughout the growth of the bug using both field captured and laboratory reared specimens. Our results suggest that the developmental instars can be distinguished by the size variables, as seen in the Principal Component Analysis. On the basis of a CHAID (Chi-squared Automatic Interaction Detection) based regression tree, we also show that the characters – total length without head and maximum width – prove to be adequate for effective instar identification. The multivariate allometric growth pattern shows that different body parts exhibit different types of allometry. This is apparent in the allometry exhibited by forelegs and mid and hind legs, which show allometry of opposite polarities. This may be due to the different functions attributed to these body parts. Our results show that the growth pattern in D. rusticus is comparable with the New World genus Belostoma, suggesting a conserved growth pattern in the family Belostomatidae.  相似文献   
The establishment of habitats for immature Ae. aegypti is regulated by biotic and abiotic factors and interactions between these factors. This study aimed to determine the effects of physico‐chemical variables and planktonic algae on immature Ae. aegypti habitats in 101 water tanks (50 of them containing Ae. aegypti pupae and/or larvae) in Girardot, Colombia. Physical data were collected from the water tanks (volume, capacity, material, detritus, and location), along with the physico‐chemical variables (temperature, pH, conductivity, redox potential, dissolved oxygen, percentage of oxygen saturation, nitrates, nitrites, and orthophosphates). The richness and abundance of the planktonic organisms were also measured. A chi‐square test showed that the occurrence of detritus was greater and the container volume was smaller in the tanks that were positive for larvae. Only Cyanobacteria had a positive correlation with the abundance of immature‐stage Ae. aegypti. The results could be important for understanding the vector ecology and envisaging its probable control in the domestic water tanks of Girardot.  相似文献   
Ocean warming, acidification, deoxygenation and reduced productivity are widely considered to be the major stressors to ocean ecosystems induced by emissions of CO2. However, an overlooked stressor is the change in ocean circulation in response to climate change. Strong changes in the intensity and position of the western boundary currents have already been observed, and the consequences of such changes for ecosystems are beginning to emerge. In this study, we address climatically induced changes in ocean circulation on a global scale but relevant to propagule dispersal for species inhabiting global shelf ecosystems, using a high‐resolution global ocean model run under the IPCC RCP 8.5 scenario. The ¼ degree model resolution allows improved regional realism of the ocean circulation beyond that of available CMIP5‐class models. We use a Lagrangian approach forced by modelled ocean circulation to simulate the circulation pathways that disperse planktonic life stages. Based on trajectory backtracking, we identify present‐day coastal retention, dominant flow and dispersal range for coastal regions at the global scale. Projecting into the future, we identify areas of the strongest projected circulation change and present regional examples with the most significant modifications in their dominant pathways. Climatically induced changes in ocean circulation should be considered as an additional stressor of marine ecosystems in a similar way to ocean warming or acidification.  相似文献   
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