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We studied leaflet anatomy, emphasizing secretory structures, from herbarium specimens of 128 species of 44 genera of tribeCaesalpinieae, using clearings, resin sections, and scanning electron microscopy. These observations, combined with those from our three earlier papers, provide a survey of 210 species representing all genera. Seventy-three species had secretory structures: 21 had glands or gland-like trichomes, 40 had living mesophyll idioblasts, and nine had cavities (three species each had two different types). Five additional species, all inCercidium (Caesalpinia group), had paired or clustered large spheroidal, thick-walled, empty cells (veinlet idioblasts) interconnected by perforation plate-like gaps. Secretory structures have systematic significance at various taxonomic levels.  相似文献   
Since the brain is not a homogeneous organ, but one dependent upon the well orchestrated interaction of numerous parts, pathology in one nucleus may have a large impact upon its overall function. Hence, the anatomical distribution of the P450 monoxygenase system in brain, as well as the regulation of its expression, is important in elucidating its function in that organ. In order to study these issues, female rats-both ovariectomized and not-were treated with a number of xenobiotic compounds and sex steroids. The brains from these animals were dissected into 8 discrete regions and the presence and relative level of message for P4502D and P450 reductase determined using polymerase chain reaction. Results of this investigation indicate the presence of mRNA for reductase and P4502D isoforms throughout the rat brain. In addition, quantitative PCR was utilized to demonstrate the effects of xenobiotics (phenobarbital, β-naphthoflavone, imipramine) and sex hormones (testosterone, estrogen) on the levels of these messages in the female rat brain. Significant induction of message for P4502D forms was noted with testosterone in the absence of estrogen. The level of mRNA for reductase was not significantly influenced by any of the treatments, however. These results raise the issue of a sexual dimorphism in the rat regarding P4502D expression in brain.  相似文献   
Summary Maternally inherited microorganisms that kill male (but not female) progeny are widespread in nature. Three hypotheses have been proposed for the evolution of male-killing microorganisms: inbreeding reduction, release of resources to remaining females and inoculum for horizontal transmission. The sonkiller bacterium,Arsenophonus nasoniae, is a maternally inherited bacterium that causes lethality of male embryos of infected females in the parasitoid wasp,Nasonia vitripennis. In this paper we describe the geographical distribution and frequency of the son-killer bacterium in North American populations ofN. vitripennis andNasonia longicornis. We tested the resource release hypothesis using the body size measurements of infected and uninfected females from natural populations. No evidence was found for a fitness increase of females infected with the bacterium compared to uninfected females. We propose a modification of the existing models, termed the incremental gain hypothesis. According to this model, the bacteria are maintained in host populations due to horizontal transmission and male killing provides an incremental gain in the fitness of infected females relative to females infected with non-male-killing bacteria.  相似文献   
While antibiotics are broadly used in dental and medical therapy, little attention has been directed towards the potential toxic side effects of antibiotics on tissue regeneration. Here we examined the effect of a quinolone antibiotic, pefloxacin (Rhone Poulenc) on rat parotid gland responses to chronic isoproterenol treatment. Groups of rats received injections of isoproterenol to induce glandular growth, saline (controls), pefloxacin, or isoproterenol and pefloxacin in combination. Parotid gland weight decreased significantly after pefloxacin treatment for 7 days as well as inhibiting glandular enlargement provoked by isoproterenol. The same trend was observed for the rates of DNA synthesis, with the incorporation of [3H]-thymidine in isoproterenol/pefloxacin-treated rats reduced to 49% of isoproterenol treatment alone levels. Saline-treated animals were 42% of the rate of [3H]-thymidine incorporation into DNA observed in isoproterenol treated rats. While isoproterenol treatment increased steady-state mRNA levels for fos, jun, myc, src, c-erbB-2, ras and topo II, inclusion of pefloxacin with the isoproterenol regimen blocked these increases. Pefloxacin treatment by itself did not alter proto-oncogene mRNA levels in the parotid gland. Glandular amylase activity was decreased in the pefloxacin treated group, while the combination of isoproterenol with pefloxacin did not decrease glandular amylase levels to the extent of that observed with -agonist treatment alone. In acute experiments, pefloxacin significantly decreased the volume of saliva secreted by the parotid gland. These results suggest that quinolone-based antibiotics disturb the secretory function of the parotid gland and can inhibit cell proliferation and regeneration. (Mol Cell Biochem 165: 55–63, 1996)  相似文献   
In Africa, the seeds and/or pods ofVigna unguiculata andVigna radiata (Papilionacea) are attacked in fields and storage structures by bruchid beetlesCallosobruchus maculatus andBruchidius atrolineatus, on which parasitoid communities can develop. One of these parasitoids is the solitary ectoparasitoidEupelmus vuilleti (Eupelmidae). The storage conditions ofV. unguiculata andV. radiata favor the overlapping of all host stages during several months. These conditions suggest that female parasitoids would vary the sex ratio of their offspring according to the different sizes or developmental stages of hosts. The sex ratio ofE. vuilleti was strongly related to the developmental stage of the hostC. maculatus. Under our experimental conditions, where superparasitism is rare, the proportion of daughters varied between 5 and 25% on the third larval stage but reached 70 to 90% on the pupae. The increase in the proportion of daughters was also observed in the absence of superparasitism. In this case, there was an absolute coincidence between the sex ratio of eggs laid and that of emerged adults. Manipulation of the sex of the egg by the females seems to take place at the time of the egg's fertilization. The relation between host weight and egg sex showed that the male eggs are preferentially laid on lighter host larvae and the female eggs on heavier ones.  相似文献   
Population-based data have not been readily available on relatively short-term changes in weight. Therefore, we sought to determine the nature of self-reported substantial (> 10%) weight change over one year in a representative sample of the US population which participated in the 1989 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS). Across all ages, a larger proportion of women than men reported both weight loss as well as weight gain of any amount (18.9% vs. 16.1% for weight loss and 20.0% vs. 16.1% for weight gain). In sex-specific logistic regression analyses, significant risk factors common to both sexes for substantial weight loss included divorced/separated marital status, smoking, increased number of blood pressure checks, increased BMI (body mass index) and increased number of bed days. Black race reduced the risk of weight loss for both men and women. Sex-specific risk factors for weight loss in men only were widowhood or never married marital status, while increasing age was a protective factor in women only. Concerning weight gain > 10% over the past year, increased number of blood pressure checks and having one or more diabetic parents were significant risk factors among both men and women; while never being married, increased age, BMI, and education exerted a protective effect in both sexes. For women only, risk factors for weight gain included black race, increased number of contacts with a health professional, and being unemployed. Intention to lose weight was associated with both weight gain and weight loss in both sexes, although it did not serve as a confounder in any of these relationships. A greater likelihood of substantial weight loss among women relative to men was diminished for persons with higher BMI, higher number of blood pressure checks, being widowed, divorced or separated, and intention to lose weight. A greater likelihood of substantial weight gain among women relative to men was diminished for persons with low BMI. The results of this cross-sectional study of weight change, involving a one-year follow-up period, generally correspond with the results obtained by longitudinal studies involving a longer follow-up.  相似文献   
The acinous salivary glands of the cockroach (Periplaneta americana) consist of four morphologically different cell types with different functions: the peripheral cells are thought to produce the fluid component of the primary saliva, the central cells secrete the proteinaceous components, the inner acinar duct cells stabilize the acini and secrete a cuticular, intima, whereas the distal duct cells modify the primary saliva via the transport of water and electrolytes. Because there is no direct information available on the distribution of ion transporting enzymes in the salivary glands, we have mapped the distribution of two key transport enzymes, the Na+/K+-ATPase (sodium pump) and a vacuolar-type H+-ATPase, by immunocytochemical techniques. In the peripheral cells, the Na+/K+-ATPase is localized to the highly infolded apical membrane surface. The distal duct cells show large numbers of sodium pumps localized to the basolateral part of their plasma membrane, whereas their highly folded apical membranes have a vacuolar-type H+-ATPase. Our immunocytochemical data are supported by conventional electron microscopy, which shows electrondense 10-nm particles (portasomes) on the cytoplasmic surface of the infoldings of the apical membranes of the distal duct cells. The apically localized Na+/K+-ATPase in the peripheral cells is probably directly involved in the formation of the Na+-rich primary saliva. The latter is modified by the distal duct cells by transport mechanisms energized by the proton motive force of the apically localized V-H+-ATPase.  相似文献   
麦蛾的求偶行为与区分等级的方法   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
周祖琳 《昆虫知识》1994,31(5):270-273
求偶行为是麦蛾的本能,主要由自身生理状态决定,雌蛾全是自发行为,雄蛾多是对异性信息刺激的反应。两性求偶行为都有固定发生程序,有明显的阶段性。本文按其阶段程序特点把两性求偶行为各分为3等9级。非求偶行为概作0等0级。等级数值大小反映了性兴奋强度,统计分析级别数值,就能确定个体或蛾群求偶行为的动态。  相似文献   
The control of Spodoptera littoralis sex pheromone biosynthesis has been investigated with synthetic pheromone biosynthesis activating neuropeptide (PBAN) and different labeled tracers using an in vitro isolated gland system. Responsiveness of the glands to PBAN stimulation was impaired by careless tissue manipulation. The fact that PBAN is active in the isolated gland system suggests that this might be a target organ for this peptide in S. littoralis. As reported previously with Br-SOG extracts and intact females, label incorporation into the pheromone increased in glands treated with PBAN from all the precursors tested. However, the formation of labeled intermediates from d5E11–14:Acid also occurred in glands incubated in the absence of the peptide, but the amounts of d5Z9, E11–14:Acid were lower in PBAN treated glands than in controls. These results indicate that PBAN controls pheromone biosynthesis in S. littoralis by regulating the reduction of acyl moieties. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
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