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Previous work in primates has shown that body size often covaries with ecological parameters related to resource or energy availability in the environment. This relationship may differ for males and females as access to resources has greater importance for reproductive success in females. We test the hypotheses that (1) female body mass may be more tightly constrained than male body mass by ecological variables, and (2) female body mass may respond more strongly than male body mass to changes in ecological variables (i.e., population‐specific female mass may vary more across an ecological gradient than male mass). Specifically, we investigate the relationship between climatic variables and sex‐specific body mass in Propithecus, a genus in which species‐specific body mass has already been demonstrated to covary significantly with climatic variables. Data from 733 wild sifakas are used to identify sex‐specific body mass for 27 populations representing all nine described sifaka species, and climatic data for each population are derived from the WorldClim database. We use phylogenetic generalized least squares models to demonstrate that body mass in both sexes is significantly correlated with annual rainfall and number of dry months. Furthermore, coefficients of determination are always higher for female models, and coefficients for each climatic variable are higher for females in all significant models. These results support the two hypotheses tested, indicating that ecological forces can have a greater impact on female mass than on male mass in primates. Am J Phys Anthropol 151:77–87, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Background and Aims

The coffee genus (Coffea) comprises 124 species, and is indigenous to the Old World Tropics. Due to its immense economic importance, Coffea has been the focus of numerous genetic diversity studies, but despite this effort it remains insufficiently studied. In this study the genetic diversity and genetic structure of Coffea across Africa and the Indian Ocean islands is investigated.


Genetic data were produced using 13 polymorphic nuclear microsatellite markers (simple sequence repeats, SSRs), including seven expressed sequence tag-SSRs, and the data were analysed using model- and non-model-based methods. The study includes a total of 728 individuals from 60 species.

Key Results

Across Africa and the Indian Ocean islands Coffea comprises a closely related group of species with an overall pattern of genotypes running from west to east. Genetic structure was identified in accordance with pre-determined geographical regions and phylogenetic groups. There is a good relationship between morpho-taxonomic species delimitations and genetic units. Genetic diversity in African and Indian Ocean Coffea is high in terms of number of alleles detected, and Madagascar appears to represent a place of significant diversification in terms of allelic richness and species diversity.


Cross-species SSR transferability in African and Indian Ocean islands Coffea was very efficient. On the basis of the number of private alleles, diversification in East Africa and the Indian Ocean islands appears to be more recent than in West and West-Central Africa, although this general trend is complicated in Africa by the position of species belonging to lineages connecting the main geographical regions. The general pattern of phylogeography is not in agreement with an overall east to west (Mascarene, Madagascar, East Africa, West Africa) increase in genome size, the high proportion of shared alleles between the four regions or the high numbers of exclusive shared alleles between pairs or triplets of regions.  相似文献   
The evolutionary origins of Madagascar''s biodiversity remain mysterious despite the fact that relative to land area, there is no other place with consistently high levels of species richness and endemism across a range of taxonomic levels. Most efforts to explain diversification on the island have focused on geographical models of speciation, but recent studies have begun to address the island''s accumulation of species through time, although with conflicting results. Prevailing hypotheses for diversification on the island involve either constant diversification rates or scenarios where rates decline through time. Using relative-time-calibrated phylogenies for seven endemic vertebrate clades and a model-fitting framework, I find evidence that diversification rates have declined through time on Madagascar. I show that diversification rates have clearly declined throughout the history of each clade, and models invoking diversity-dependent reductions to diversification rates best explain the diversification histories for each clade. These results are consistent with the ecological theory of adaptive radiation, and, coupled with ancillary observations about ecomorphological and life-history evolution, strongly suggest that adaptive radiation was an important formative process for one of the most species-rich regions on the Earth. These results cast the Malagasy biota in a new light and provide macroevolutionary justification for conservation initiatives.  相似文献   
Madagascar's shrew tenrecs (Mammalia: Tenrecidae; Microgale, Nesogale) represent an excellent system for studying speciation. Most species are endemic to the island's eastern humid forests, a region renowned for high levels of biodiversity and a high rate of in situ diversification. We set out to understand the speciation dynamics in a clade of recently described taxa: Microgale fotsifotsy and M. soricoides, which have nearly identical distributions in the moist evergreen forest, and M. nasoloi, which occurs in the western dry deciduous forest. A phylogenetic analysis using mitochondrial DNA data recovered two distinct clades of M. fotsifotsy: a south clade that is sister to, and broadly sympatric with, M. soricoides, and a north clade that is sister to the dry‐forest and distantly allopatric species M. nasoloi. To better understand this result, we analysed cranioskeletal measurements and performed demographic analyses using nuclear sequence data from ultraconserved elements. Nuclear data did not support a sister relationship between M. soricoides and the south clade of M. fotsifotsy but did demonstrate introgression between these clades, which probably explains the discordance between nuclear and mitochondrial phylogenies. Demographic analyses also revealed the absence of gene flow between the north and south clades of M. fotsifotsy. Morphometric data revealed several major differences between M. soricoides and M. fotsifotsy, as well as more subtle differences between the two clades of M. fotsifotsy. In light of these results, we treat the south clade of M. fotsifotsy as a new candidate species. Our findings demonstrate the utility of integrating multiple data types to understand complex speciation histories, and contribute to a growing body of evidence that species diversity on Madagascar is underestimated.  相似文献   
Mycorrhizal fungi play a key role in mineral nutrition of terrestrial plants, but the factors affecting natural distribution, diversity and community composition of particularly tropical fungi remain poorly understood. This study addresses shifts in community structure and species frequency of ectomycorrhizal (EcM) fungi in relation to host taxa, soil depth and spatial structure in four contrasting African ecosystems. We used the rDNA and plastid trnL intron sequence analysis for identification of fungi and host plants, respectively. By partitioning out spatial autocorrelation in plant and fungal distribution, we suggest that African EcM fungal communities are little structured by soil horizon and host at the plant species and family levels. These findings contrast with patterns of vegetation in these forests and EcM fungal communities in other tropical and temperate ecosystems. The low level of host preference indirectly supports an earlier hypothesis that pioneer Phyllanthaceae may facilitate the establishment of late successional Fabaceae and potentially other EcM host trees by providing compatible fungal inoculum in deforested and naturally disturbed ecosystems of tropical Africa.  相似文献   
Eulophiinae comprise c. 270 species divided into nine genera, with the species‐rich terrestrial genus Eulophia representing 60% of this diversity. Remarkable ecological and morphological variation, and an absence of clear diagnostic characters have led to uncertain generic delimitation in the subtribe. Using a combination of new and previously published DNA sequences, we created a dataset representing 122 taxa and all genera of Eulophiinae and inferred a complete generic‐level phylogeny for the subtribe for the first time. Our sampling focused on analysing Afro‐Madagascan taxa and therefore included representatives of the four mostly epiphytic Madagascan endemic genera, the near Madagascan endemic Oeceoclades and additional sampling of the predominantly African genera Eulophia and Orthochilus. In total, 104 new accessions were collected for this study in Zambia and Madagascar (88 of which represented 36 Eulophia spp. and 12 Oeceoclades spp.). Independent plastid and nuclear phylogenetic trees were inferred using Bayesian and maximum‐likelihood algorithms, which recovered strong support for a monophyletic Eulophiinae, the first‐branching position of the mostly epiphytic Madagascan endemic genera, and increased support for recognition of the terrestrial genera Oeceoclades and Orthochilus. Eulophia, the largest genus in the group, was recovered as polyphyletic, but with implications for its classification and that of Geodorum, that was nested in the main Eulophia clade. Although relationships among several genera were resolved with some confidence, the positions of the South African endemic genus Acrolophia and the epiphytic Madagascan endemic Paralophia require further work. Taxon sampling of Asian Eulophia is a priority for future work on the systematics of this group. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 179 , 43–56.  相似文献   
Although important advances have been made in recent years in the taxonomy of different families and subfamilies of Malagasy bats, those belonging to the Vespertilioninae remain partially unresolved. Herein using a mitochondrial marker (cytochrome b) as the point of departure for 76 specimens of Malagasy vespers and appropriate African taxa, we diagnose the six taxa of this subfamily on the island by overlaying different morphological and bioacoustic characters on the clade structure of sequenced animals. The species include: endemic Neoromicia matroka, which is sister to African N. capensis; endemics N. malagasyensis and N. robertsi, which form sister species; a member of the genus Hypsugo, which is sister to African H. anchietae and described herein as new to science; Pipistrellus hesperidus for which Madagascar animals are genetically close but distinct from African populations of the same species; and endemic P. raceyi, which shows segregation of eastern (mesic) and western (dry) populations and its sister species relationships are unresolved. While the external and craniodental measurements, as well as bioacoustic variables, allow only partial differentiation of these six species of Vespertilioninae, molecular characters provide definitive separation of the taxa, as do male bacular morphology. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

Background and Aims

Salvia is the largest genus in Lamiaceae and it has recently been found to be non-monophyletic. Molecular data on Old World Salvia are largely lacking. In this study, we present data concerning Salvia in Africa. The focus is on the colonization of the continent, character evolution and the switch of pollination systems in the genus.


Maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference were used for phylogenetic reconstruction. Analyses were based on two nuclear markers [internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and external transcribed spacer (ETS)] and one plastid marker (rpl32-trnL). Sequence data were generated for 41 of the 62 African taxa (66 %). Mesquite was used to reconstruct ancestral character states for distribution, life form, calyx shape, stamen type and pollination syndrome.

Key Results

Salvia in Africa is non-monophyletic. Each of the five major regions in Africa, except Madagascar, was colonized at least twice, and floristic links between North African, south-west Asian and European species are strongly supported. The large radiation in Sub-Saharan Africa (23 species) can be traced back to dispersal from North Africa via East Africa to the Cape Region. Adaptation to bird pollination in southern Africa and Madagascar reflects parallel evolution.


The phenotypic diversity in African Salvia is associated with repeated introductions to the continent. Many important evolutionary processes, such as colonization, adaptation, parallelism and character transformation, are reflected in this comparatively small group. The data presented in this study can help to understand the evolution of Salvia sensu lato and other large genera.  相似文献   
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