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Dispersal is thought to be an important process determining range size, especially for species in highly spatially structured habitats, such as tropical reef fishes. Despite intensive research efforts, there is conflicting evidence about the role of dispersal in determining range size. We hypothesize that traits related to dispersal drive range sizes, but that complete and comprehensive datasets are essential for detecting relationships between species’ dispersal ability and range size. We investigate the roles of six traits affecting several stages of dispersal (adult mobility, spawning mode, pelagic larval duration (PLD), body size, aggregation behavior, and circadian activity), in explaining range size variation of reef fishes in the Tropical Eastern Pacific (TEP). All traits, except for PLD (148 species), had data for all 497 species in the region. Using a series of statistical models, we investigated which traits were associated with large range sizes, when analyzing all TEP species or only species with PLD data. Furthermore, using null models, we analyzed whether the PLD‐subset is representative of the regional species pool. Several traits affecting dispersal ability were strongly associated with range size, although these relationships could not be detected when using the PLD‐subset. Pelagic spawners (allowing for passive egg dispersal) had on average 56% larger range sizes than nonpelagic spawners. Species with medium or high adult mobility had on average a 25% or 33% larger range, respectively, than species with low mobility. Null models showed that the PLD‐subset was nonrepresentative of the regional species pool, explaining why model outcomes using the PLD‐subset differed from the ones based on the complete dataset. Our results show that in the TEP, traits affecting dispersal ability are important in explaining range size variation. Using a regionally complete dataset was crucial for detecting the theoretically expected, but so far empirically unresolved, relationship between dispersal and range size.  相似文献   
Although numerous studies have been carried out on the impacts of oil spills on coral physiology, most have relied on laboratory assays. This scarcity is partly explained by the difficulty of reproducing realistic conditions in a laboratory setting or of performing experiments with toxic compounds in the field. Mesocosm systems provide the opportunity to carry out such studies with safe handling of contaminants while reproducing natural conditions required by living organisms. The mesocosm design is crucial and can lead to the development of innovative technologies to mitigate environmental impacts. Therefore, this study aimed to develop a mesocosm system for studies simulating oil spills with several key advantages, including true replication and the use of gravity to control flow‐through that reduces reliance on pumps that can clog thereby decreasing errors and costs. This adaptable system can be configured to (a) have continuous flow‐through; (b) operate as an open or closed system; (c) be fed by gravity; (d) have separate mesocosm sections that can be used for individual and simultaneous experiments; and (e) simulate the migration of oil from ocean oil spills to the nearby reefs. The mesocosm performance was assessed with two experiments using the hydrocoral Millepora alcicornis and different configurations to simulate two magnitudes of oil spills. With few exceptions, physical and chemical parameters remained stable within replicates and within treatments throughout the experiments. Physical and chemical parameters that expressed change during the experiment were still within the range of natural conditions observed in Brazilian marine environments. The photosynthetic potential (Fv/Fm) of the algae associated with M. alcicornis decreased in response to an 1% crude‐oil contamination, suggesting a successful delivery of the toxic contaminant to the targeted replicates. This mesocosm is customizable and adjustable for several types of experiments and proved to be effective for studies of oil spills.  相似文献   
From January 2017 - December 2019, 75 out of 850 (8.8 %) great hammerhead sharks from the Arabian Gulf had skin lesions of black irregular discolorations on the ventral surface of the head. The lesions consisted of pencil-like lineations often advancing forward by about 2 mm in back-and-forth looped scribbles often forming a relatively linear bands of about 5–7 cm wide. Similar lesions were also found in the blacktip reef shark from the same area within the same period, and consisted of straight to irregular black lines, extended indiscriminately across the skin of the sharks. Microscopic examination of the skin revealed the presence of dark-brown eggs exhibiting the spindle or ellipsoidal eggs characteristic of Huffmanela sp. The morphometrics of eggs from both hosts were similar (62.9–89.9 μm long and 29.3–56.1 μm wide). The eggshells were smooth with polar plugs protruding or not, with an abruptly truncated crown-like or shoulder-like collar surrounding the plug. The eggs were only found in the epidermal layer of the skin. Based on the unique morphometrics of the eggs, we report a new species, named: Huffmanela selachii n. sp.. This appears to be the first report of Huffmanela from either the great hammerhead shark or the blacktip reef shark, and the third reported Huffmanela in sharks from the Arabian Gulf. It is also one of few species reported from connecting waters of the greater Indian Ocean. This new finding contributes to our understanding of the diversity and ubiquity of Huffmanela sp. in marine creatures.  相似文献   
Stable between‐group differences in collective behavior have been documented in a variety of social taxa. Here we evaluate the effects of such variation, often termed collective or colony‐level personality, on coral recovery in a tropical marine farmerfish system. Groups of the farmerfish Stegastes nigricans cultivate and defend gardens of palatable algae on coral reefs in the Indo‐Pacific. These gardens can promote the recruitment, growth, and survival of corals by providing a refuge from coral predation. Here we experimentally evaluate whether the collective response of farmerfish colonies is correlated across intruder feeding guilds – herbivores, corallivores and egg‐eating predators. Further, we evaluate if overall colony responsiveness or situation‐specific responsiveness (i.e. towards herbivores, corallivores, or egg‐eaters in particular) best predicts the growth of outplanted corals. Finally, we experimentally manipulated communities within S. nigricans gardens, adding either macroalgae or large colonies of coral, to assess if farmerfish behavior changes in response to the communities they occupy. Between‐group differences in collective responsiveness were repeatable across intruder guilds. Despite this consistency, responsiveness towards corallivores (porcupinefish and ornate butterflyfish) was a better predictor of outplanted coral growth than responsiveness towards herbivores or egg‐eaters. Adding large corals to farmerfish gardens increased farmerfish attacks towards intruders, pointing to possible positive feedback loops between their aggression towards intruders and the presence of corals whose growth they facilitate. These data provide evidence that among‐group behavioral variation could strongly influence the ecological properties of whole communities.  相似文献   
Stable-isotope analyses (δ13C, δ15N and δ34S) of multiple tissues (fin, muscle, red blood cells and plasma), revealed ontogenetic shifts in resource use by grey reef sharks Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos and resource partitioning with silvertip sharks Carcharhinus albimarginatus within the British Indian Ocean Territory marine protected area (MPA). Resource partitioning varied temporally, with C. albimarginatus feeding on more pelagic prey during October to January, potentially attributable to an influx of pelagic prey from outside the MPA at that time. Reef sharks may therefore be affected by processes outside an MPA, even if the sharks do not leave the MPA.  相似文献   
On 20 December 2017, a mature Triaenodon obesus was observed at Hanga Roa Bay, Rapa Nui (Easter Island) at c.18 m depth. This observation increases both the range of T. obesus in the Pacific Ocean and the number of elasmobranch species at Rapa Nui. In combination with other recent sightings further extending the southern range of this species during the Austral summer, sea surface temperature is suggested as key to southern dispersal.  相似文献   
Fish larvae abundances, diversity and trophic position across shallow seagrass, coral reef and open water habitats were examined to characterize their distribution in coastal East Africa. Larvae were identified to family and analysed for abundance differences between sites and habitats, trophic level using stable-isotope analysis and parental spawning mode. Abundances differed greatly between sites with the highest numbers of larvae occurring in the open-water and seagrass habitats. Larval fish diversity was high across habitats with 51 families identified with small differences between sites and among habitats. Notably, larvae of abundant large herbivorous fishes present in reef and seagrass habitats were almost completely absent at all sampling locations. In the seagrass, demersal spawned larvae were more abundant compared with the reef and open-water habitats. Stable-isotope analysis revealed that fish larvae have a varied diet, occupying trophic level two to three and utilizing planktonic prey. This study offers new insights into distributional aspects of fish larvae along the East African coast where such information is sparse.  相似文献   
The spatial extent of animal movement is a key consideration when designing conservation measures, such as marine protected areas. Methods to assess territory size in the marine environment, however, are labour intensive and/or expensive. Here, we explore a novel method to investigate the spatial ecology of territorial fishes by examining their reactions to an artificial light stimulus. During benthic towed video surveys conducted in Lyme Bay, southwest England, several species of wrasse (Labridae) have frequently been observed pursuing a laser projected onto the seabed. While the motivation behind ‘laser‐chasing’ is unclear, we quantified the spatial aspects of this behaviour by comparing chase distance and chase likelihood between and within species, to determine the potential utility of this method for investigating space use and aggression in wild fishes. Cuckoo wrasse (Labrus mixtus) were significantly more likely to display agonistic behaviour towards the laser than Goldsinny wrasse (Ctenolabrus rupestris). Goldsinny wrasse displayed a positive relationship between total length and chase‐distance, but not Cuckoo wrasse. The observed species differences may relate to behavioural factors affecting the motivation behind ‘laser‐chasing’, which is discussed. Chases by the cuckoo wrasse were significantly longer than those by Goldsinny wrasse, and these chase distances were used to estimate theoretical territory sizes for each species. To our knowledge, this is the first study to explore the spatial aspects of the reactions to an artificial stimulus by wild fishes. The potential to develop the method to directly investigate aspects of territoriality and aggression in wild fishes is discussed, including necessary further refinements and testing. Wild wrasses are increasingly exploited in Europe to provide cleaner fish for salmonid aquaculture, and we encourage the development of methods to inform spatial conservation measures for these ubiquitous and iconic species.  相似文献   
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