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Despite increasing scientific and public concerns on the potential impacts of global ocean warming on marine biodiversity, very few empirical data on community-level responses to rising water temperatures are available other than for coral reefs. This study describes changes in temperate subtidal reef communities over decadal and regional scales in a location that has undergone considerable warming in recent decades and is forecast to be a 'hotspot' for future warming.
Plant and animal communities at 136 rocky reef sites around Tasmania (south-east Australia) were censused between 1992 and 1995, and again in 2006 and 2007. Despite evidence of major ecological changes before the period of study, reef communities appeared to remain relatively stable over the past decade. Multivariate analyses and univariate metrics of biotic communities revealed few changes with time, although some species-level responses could be interpreted as symptomatic of ocean warming. These included fishes detected in Tasmania only in recent surveys and several species with warmer water affinities that appeared to extend their distributions further south. The most statistically significant changes observed in species abundances, however, were not related to their biogeographical affinities. The majority of species with changing abundance possessed lower to mid-range abundances rather than being common, raising questions for biodiversity monitoring and management. We suggest that our study encompassed a relatively stable period following more abrupt change, and that community responses to ocean warming may follow nonlinear, step-like trajectories.  相似文献   
On land, biodiversity hotspots typically arise from concentrations of small‐range endemics. For Indo‐Pacific corals and reef fishes, however, centres of high species richness and centres of high endemicity are not concordant. Moreover ranges are not, on average, smaller inside the Central Indo‐Pacific (CI‐P) biodiversity hotspot. The disparity between richness and endemicity arises because corals and reef fishes have strongly skewed range distributions, with many species being very widespread. Consequently, the largest ranges overlap to generate peaks in species richness near the equator and the CI‐P biodiversity hotspot, with only minor contributions from endemics. Furthermore, we find no relationship between the number of coral vs. fish endemics at locations throughout the Indo‐Pacific, even though total richness of the two groups is strongly correlated. The spatial separation of centres of endemicity and biodiversity hotspots in these taxa calls for a two‐pronged management strategy to address conservation needs.  相似文献   
Despite the ecological and economic significance of stony corals (Scleractinia), a robust understanding of their phylogeny remains elusive due to patchy taxonomic and genetic sampling, as well as the limited availability of informative markers. To increase the number of genetic loci available for phylogenomic analyses in Scleractinia, we designed 15,919 DNA enrichment baits targeting 605 orthogroups (mean 565 ± SD 366 bp) over 1,139 exon regions. A further 236 and 62 barcoding baits were designed for COI and histone H3 genes respectively for quality and contamination checks. Hybrid capture using these baits was performed on 18 coral species spanning the presently understood scleractinian phylogeny, with two corallimorpharians as outgroup. On average, 74% of all loci targeted were successfully captured for each species. Barcoding baits were matched unambiguously to their respective samples and revealed low levels of cross‐contamination in accordance with expectation. We put the data through a series of stringent filtering steps to ensure only scleractinian and phylogenetically informative loci were retained, and the final probe set comprised 13,479 baits, targeting 452 loci (mean 531 ± SD 307 bp) across 865 exon regions. Maximum likelihood, Bayesian and species tree analyses recovered maximally supported, topologically congruent trees consistent with previous phylogenomic reconstructions. The phylogenomic method presented here allows for consistent capture of orthologous loci among divergent coral taxa, facilitating the pooling of data from different studies and increasing the phylogenetic sampling of scleractinians in the future.  相似文献   
Effective spatial management of coral reefs including design of marine protected areas requires an understanding of interpopulation genetic connectivity. We assessed gene flow along 355 km of the Florida reef system and between Florida and Belize in three commensal invertebrates occupying the same host sponge (Callyspongia vaginalis) but displaying contrasting reproductive dispersal strategies: the broadcast-spawning brittle star Ophiothrix lineata and two brooding amphipods Leucothoe kensleyi and Leucothoe ashleyae. Multiple analytical approaches to sequence variation in the mitochondrial COI gene demonstrated a high degree of overall connectivity for all three species along the Florida reef system. Ophiothrix lineata showed significant genetic structuring between Florida and Belize, and a pattern of isolation by distance but no significant genetic structuring along the Florida coastline. Bayesian estimates of migration detected a strong southerly dispersal bias for O. lineata along the Florida reef system, contrary to the general assumption of northerly gene flow in this region based on the direction of the Florida Current. Both amphipods, despite direct development, also showed high gene flow along the Florida reef system. Multiple inferences of long-distance dispersal from a nested clade analysis support the hypothesis that amphipod transport, possibly in detached sponge fragments, could generate the high levels of overall gene flow observed. However, this transport mechanism appears much less effective across deep water as connectivity between Florida and Belize (1072 km) is highly restricted.  相似文献   
The eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica), has experienced dramatic declines throughout its range, and most U.S. states along the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coasts have restoration programs. Oyster restoration in the Hudson River Estuary has been a focus of management agencies for over two decades. The present project was initiated in 2013 after sampling for replacement of the Tappan Zee bridge determined live oysters would be lost during bridge construction, thus requiring mitigation measures. Preliminary studies identified three areas for pilot studies to inform the design of full-scale efforts. A pilot study involving deployment of oyster shell-filled gabions and two styles of Reef Balls, found all substrates supported oyster recruitment and growth but there were higher oyster densities on gabions. Some of the gabions, however, failed structurally necessitating a need for new design. For full-scale restoration, a total of 422 modified gabions and 881 Mini-Bay style Reef Balls were deployed across three sites which totaled approximately 2.4 ha (6 ac) in seafloor area. Both substrate types were heavily colonized by oysters and several other species at all three sites, essentially duplicating the findings of the pilot study. The final monitoring event in 2020 indicated a total of approximately 5.8 million live oysters were on the substrates deployed in 2018. This mitigation effort was the largest oyster habitat restoration project in, or north of, the New York Harbor region in recent decades based on restoration area and several oyster metrics of early success.  相似文献   
大亚湾杨梅坑人工鱼礁区生态系统健康评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以大亚湾杨梅坑人工鱼礁区海域2007~2009年间6个航次生态环境调查数据为基础,运用所建立的生态系统健康综合评价模型对该海域生态系统健康状况进行了综合评价。研究结果表明:(1)人工鱼礁区生态系统健康综合指数平均为0.794,生态系统健康总体状况处于较健康水平;(2)投礁后人工鱼礁区生态系统的健康状况明显提高,6个航次生态系统健康综合指数分别为0.713、0.807、0.830、0.841、0.759、0.815;(3)不同季节,生态系统健康水平呈现一定变化,总体以春、夏季节健康状况略优于秋、冬季节:(4)影响该海区生态系统健康的主要因素为海水总无机氮和沉积物无机碳。研究结果对于人工鱼礁区生态系统的管理、保护和规划具有参考意义。  相似文献   
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