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Marine metapopulations often exhibit subtle population structure that can be difficult to detect. Given recent advances in high‐throughput sequencing, an emerging question is whether various genotyping approaches, in concert with improved sampling designs, will substantially improve our understanding of genetic structure in the sea. To address this question, we explored hierarchical patterns of structure in the coral reef fish Elacatinus lori using a high‐resolution approach with respect to both genetic and geographic sampling. Previously, we identified three putative E. lori populations within Belize using traditional genetic markers and sparse geographic sampling: barrier reef and Turneffe Atoll; Glover's Atoll; and Lighthouse Atoll. Here, we systematically sampled individuals at ~10 km intervals throughout these reefs (1,129 individuals from 35 sites) and sequenced all individuals at three sets of markers: 2,418 SNPs; 89 microsatellites; and 57 nonrepetitive nuclear loci. At broad spatial scales, the markers were consistent with each other and with previous findings. At finer spatial scales, there was new evidence of genetic substructure, but our three marker sets differed slightly in their ability to detect these patterns. Specifically, we found subtle structure between the barrier reef and Turneffe Atoll, with SNPs resolving this pattern most effectively. We also documented isolation by distance within the barrier reef. Sensitivity analyses revealed that the number of loci (and alleles) had a strong effect on the detection of structure for all three marker sets, particularly at small spatial scales. Taken together, these results illustrate empirically that high‐throughput genotyping data can elucidate subtle genetic structure at previously‐undetected scales in a dispersive marine fish.  相似文献   
The collapse of Caribbean coral reefs has been attributed in part to historic overfishing, but whether fish assemblages can recover and how such recovery might affect the benthic reef community has not been tested across appropriate scales. We surveyed the biomass of reef communities across a range in fish abundance from 14 to 593 g m−2, a gradient exceeding that of any previously reported for coral reefs. Increased fish biomass was correlated with an increased proportion of apex predators, which were abundant only inside large marine reserves. Increased herbivorous fish biomass was correlated with a decrease in fleshy algal biomass but corals have not yet recovered.  相似文献   
Observations on the development of seaweed communities on concretepanels suspended at three different slope angles – 0° (horizontal),45° (inclined) and 90° (vertical) – were carried out atUranouchi Inlet, Tosa Bay, southern Japan. Each panel had two opposite20 × 20 cm areas, which were affixed with six pieces of 6 × 9 cmacrylic plate on which algal communities were allowed to colonize. The panelswere suspended 1 m below the sea surface from a floating platform fora period of 6 weeks. The experiments were repeated nine times fromAugust 1996 to October 1997. Young thalli could already be recognized on the panels after 3–4 weeks. Thetype of algal community developing on a panel varied with the slope angleas well as the period of suspension. These were classified into the threedominant green algal genera: Ulva, Enteromorpha and Cladophora. The cover and biomass of particular species were clearlyinfluenced by the slope of the substratum.  相似文献   
Aim We examined comparative data for cryptobenthic reef fishes to determine how variation in regional species richness relates to local species richness, abundance, and taxonomic and trophic composition, and to test whether systems with higher species richness exhibit finer habitat partitioning. Locations Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef (GBR), Australia; Bahía de Loreto, Gulf of California (GoC), Mexico. Methods Cryptobenthic reef fish assemblages from four habitats (coral heads, rubble, and horizontal and vertical surfaces of boulders) were collected using clove oil. Differences in density, species richness and biomass were examined between regions and among habitats. Habitat associations were identified for each habitat/location based on multivariate ordination, and the statistical significance of patterns was tested using analysis of similarity (ANOSIM). In addition, the trophic group composition of the assemblages for both regions was examined. Results A total of 91 species in 20 families were recorded (GBR, 66 species; GoC, 25 species). Total and habitat species richness were higher on the GBR, whereas biomass was higher in the GoC. No difference in fish density between regions was found. Habitat division among assemblages was greater in the depauperate GoC. Only coral head associations proved to be distinctive on the GBR, whereas three sample groups were found in the GoC (coral heads, horizontal boulders and vertical boulders/rubble). Trophic composition in the two regions was markedly different, with omnivores dominating the GBR fauna and planktivores the GoC. Main conclusions A positive regional–local relationship in fish diversity was found between regions, but fish abundance in both regions remained similar. Contrary to expectations, habitat partitioning, at a community level, was greater in the depauperate GoC. Differences in trophic composition and patterns of habitat use appear to reflect the disparate history of the regions, whereas patterns of abundance may reflect the influence of fundamental relationships between size and abundance in communities. This study highlights the potential of reef faunas to conform to universal numerical trends while maintaining an ability to respond ecologically to local/evolutionary influences. The GoC fauna appears to be exceptionally vulnerable to natural and anthropogenic disturbance owing to the high numerical dominance of habitat‐specific species and to the limited potential for functional redundancy within the system.  相似文献   
The redhead goby Paragobiodon echinocephalus lives exclusively within the branching coral Stylophora pistillata . While in the Great Barrier Reef fish occupation rate of large coral is higher than that of small coral, an opposite pattern exists in the northern Red Sea. It is suggested that this pattern is caused by a limitation on the adult body size of fish in the northern Red Sea.  相似文献   
This study investigated the influence of reproductive strategy (benthic or pelagic eggs) and habitat preferences (lagoon or outer slope) on both diversity and genetic differentiation using a set of populations of seven coral reef fish species over different geographic scales within French Polynesia. We hypothesized that a Holocene sea-level decrease contributed to severe reduction of population size for species inhabiting lagoons and a subsequent decrease of genetic diversity. Conversely, we proposed that species inhabiting stable environments, such as the outer slope, should demonstrate higher genetic diversity but also more structured populations because they have potentially reached a migration-genetic drift equilibrium. Sequences of the 5' end of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region were compared among populations sampled in five isolated islands within two archipelagos of French Polynesia. For all the species, no significant divergences among populations were found. Significant differences in mtDNA diversity between lagoonal and outer-slope species were demonstrated both for haplotype diversity and sequence divergence but none were found between species with different egg types. Pairwise mismatch distributions suggested rapid population growth for all the seven species involved in this study, but they revealed different distributions, depending on the habitat preference of the species. Although several scenarios can explain the observed patterns, the hypothesis of population size reduction events relative to Holocene sea-level regression and its consequence on French Polynesia coral reefs is the most parsimonious. Outer-slope species have undergone a probable weak and/or old bottleneck (outer reefs persisted during low sea level, leading to reef area reductions), whereas lagoonal species suffered a strong and/or recent bottleneck since Holocene sea-level regression resulted in the drying out of all the atolls that are maximum 70 meters deep. Since present sea level was reached between 5000 and 6000 years ago, different demographic events (bottlenecks or founder events) have lead to the actual populations of lagoons in French Polynesia.  相似文献   
Three species of the reef coral genus Madracis display skeletal isotopic characteristics that relate to depth, colony topography, and consequently to coral physiology. The joint interpretation of skeletal 13C and 18O provides information on the ecological plasticity and adaptation to depth of a coral species. Isotopic results are most easily understood in terms of kinetic effects, which reduce both 18O and 13C below isotopic equilibrium values, and metabolic effects, which only influence the skeletal 13C. Madracis mirabilis is adapted to depths shallower than 20 m, and shows the greatest range in kinetic effects and the strongest metabolic 13C enrichments caused by symbiont photosynthesis. Madracis formosa lives deeper than 40 m, and shows a reduced range of kinetic effects and relatively weak metabolic 13C enrichments. Madracis pharensis inhabits depths from 5 to >60 m, and does not attain the strength of kinetic effects of either of the other two species, apparently because it is not quite as well adapted to rapid growth at either extreme.  相似文献   
We used molecular approaches to study the status of speciation in coral reef fishes known as hamlets (Serranidae: Hypoplectrus). Several hamlet morphospecies coexist on Caribbean reefs, and mate assortatively with respect to their strikingly distinct colour patterns. We provide evidence that, genetically, the hamlets display characteristics common in species flocks on land and in freshwaters. Substitutions within two mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) protein-coding genes place hamlets within a monophyletic group relative to members of two related genera (Serranus and Diplectrum), and establish that the hamlet radiation must have been very recent. mtDNA distances separating hamlet morphospecies were slight (0.6 +/- 0.04%), yielding a coalescent estimate for the age of the hamlet flock of approximately 430 000 years. Morphospecies did not sort into distinct mtDNA haplotype phylogroups, and alleles at five hypervariable microsatellite loci were shared broadly across species boundaries. None the less, molecular variation was not distributed at random. Analyses of mtDNA haplotype frequencies and nested clades in haplotype networks revealed significant genetic differences between geographical regions and among colour morphospecies. We also observed significant microsatellite differentiation between geographical regions and in Puerto Rico, among colour morphospecies; the latter providing evidence for reproductive isolation between colour morphospecies at this locale. In our Panama collection, however, colour morphospecies were mostly genetically indistinguishable. This mosaic pattern of DNA differentiation implies a complex interaction between population history, mating behaviour and geography and suggests that porous boundaries separate species in this flock of brilliantly coloured coral reef fishes.  相似文献   
We visually observed fish traps in situ to identify the habitats exploited by the U.S. Virgin Islands fishery and to document species composition and abundance in traps by habitat. Fishers set more traps in algal plains than in any other habitat around St. John. Coral reefs, traditionally targeted by fishers, accounted for only 16 % of traps. Traps in algal plain contained the highest number of fishes per trap and the greatest numbers of preferred food species. Traps on coral reefs contained the most species, 41 of the 59 taxa observed in the study. Acanthurus coeruleus was the most abundant species and Acanthuridae the most abundant family observed in traps. Piscivore numbers were low and few serranids were observed. Traps in algal plain contained the most fishes as a result of: ecological changes such as shifts in habitat use, mobility of species and degradation of nearshore habitat (fishery independent); and, catchability of fishes and long-term heavy fishing pressure (fishery dependent). The low number of serranids per trap, dominance of the piscivore guild by a small benthic predator, Epinephelus guttatus, and dominance of trap contents overall by a small, fast-growing species of a lower trophic guild, Acanthurus coeruleus, all point to years of intense fishing pressure.  相似文献   
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