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Abstract. Colonies of the branching Caribbean gorgonian Pseudopterogorgia elisabethae were subjected to partial mortality at 2 sites in the Bahamas to study how colony growth responds to disturbances such as harvesting, grazing, and storm damage. Colonies were clipped so that either 4 branches or 10 branches remained. Growth rates of branches were then monitored over 1 year and compared with nearby unclipped colonies. No significant differences were found between branch extension rates among the 3 treatments. Extension rates of newly formed branches were significantly greater in all treatments than among branches present at the start of the experiment. Per capita branching rates were greater on the more severely clipped colonies and were smallest on control colonies. The absolute number of branches that became mother branches did not differ among treatments. Colonies clipped so that 4 and 10 branches remained had the same average number of mother branches per colony, and there was no significant difference between treatments in the average number of new branches formed on the colonies. Per capita branching rates were significantly different among treatments only because the relative proportion of branches that became mother branches was higher in colonies with four branches than in treatments with more initial branches. Total growth (cumulative growth on all branches) was not significantly different between the 2 clipped treatments. Many of the control colonies suffered extensive damage, which may have obscured the comparison of clipped and unclipped treatments; however, within the range of these clipping treatments, differing levels of partial mortality did not lead to different recovery rates. The lack of treatment effects is particularly relevant to assessing the effects of harvest techniques on the recovery and productivity of harvested, naturally occurring, colonies.  相似文献   
The southeast coast of Australia is a global hotspot for increasing ocean temperatures due to climate change. The temperate incursion of the East Australian Current (EAC) is increasing, affording increased connectivity with the Great Barrier Reef. The survival of tropically sourced juveniles over the winter is a significant stumbling block to poleward range shifts of marine organisms in this region. Here we examine the dependence of overwintering on winter severity and prewinter recruitment for eight species of juvenile coral reef fishes which are carried into temperate SE Australia (30–37 °S) by the EAC during the austral summer. The probability of persistence was most strongly influenced by average winter temperature and there was no effect of recruitment strength. Long‐term (138 years) data indicate that winter water temperatures throughout this region are increasing at a rate above the global average and predictions indicate a further warming of >2 °C by the end of the century. Rising ocean temperatures are resulting in a higher frequency of winter temperatures above survival thresholds. Current warming trajectories predict 100% of winters will be survivable by at least five of the study species as far south as Sydney (34 °S) by 2080. The implications for range expansions of these and other species of coral reef fish are discussed.  相似文献   
On Caribbean reefs, colonies of the hydrocoral Millepora alcicornis are capable of pursuing and overgrowing arborescent octocorals (Wahle 1980 ). Nearly four decades since these interactions were described, we quantified arborescent octocorals encrusted by Millepora spp. (Linnaeus 1758) on shallow reefs in St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands, and evaluated encrusted colonies for evidence of an origin through pursuit. In 2014, 8% of octocorals (n=1684 colonies) were encrusted by Millepora spp., and in 2015, 12% were encrusted (n=847 colonies). Millepora spp. encrusted colonies of 10 octocoral genera, and in 2014, the most frequently encrusted were Eunicea spp. (40% of encrusted octocorals); in 2015, the most frequently encrusted were Gorgonia spp. (46% of encrusted colonies). In both years, ≥67% of encrusted octocorals were >21 cm from other colonies of Millepora spp.; 7% of octocorals were >1.3 m from colonies of Millepora spp. in 2014; and 16% of octocorals were >2.0 m from colonies of Millepora spp. in 2015. Relative to the ~5% of octocorals encrusted by Millepora spp. in Jamaica in the late 1970s, a high percentage (~9%) of octocorals were encrusted by Millepora spp. in St. John in 2014 and 2015. The large distances from most encrusted octocorals to the nearest colonies of Millepora spp. in St. John are inconsistent with a hypothesized origin through pursuit, contact, and overgrowth (sensu Wahle 1980 ).  相似文献   
A comparison of the size-frequency distribution of parasitic gnathiid isopod larvae in the diet of the cleaner fish Labroides dimidiatus and on six host fish species ( Chlorurus sordidus, Ctenochaetus striatus, Hemigymnus melapterus, Scolopsis bilineatus, Siganus doliatus, Thalassoma lunare ) was made on one occasion. The comparison was repeated with Hemigymnus melapterus on three occasions and between two islands in Australia. L. dimidiatus selected larger gnathiids at all times at Lizard Island but not at Heron Island. Size-selective predation by L. dimidiatus suggests any potential effect of cleaner fish on parasites may vary according to the size of parasite. However, this effect appears to vary spatially.  相似文献   
The cellular condition of liver hepatocytes and the height of gut epithelium cells of larval Amphiprion melanopus were sensitive indicators of feeding condition. Muscle fibres of the trunk showed marked separation in fish fed every third day just prior to settlement. Low feeding regimes also caused reductions in growth, increases in larval duration and reductions in size at metamorphosis. Gut epithelium cell height was also influenced by fish standard length and age. This study suggests that gut epithelium cell height is a useful index for an examination of the importance of starvation of larvae in tropical waters; however, size and age standardization is required prior to comparisons of wild caught fish through time or with laboratory samples.  相似文献   
Nine populations of giant clams, Tridacna maxima, from six islands of French Polynesia were screened for allozyme variation at ten polymorphic loci. The genetic structure of populations of T. maxima were studied at different spatial scales: within an island, between islands of the same archipelago and between archipelagos. Significant genetic differences were observed only between populations from different archipelagos, and genetic differentiation was correlated with geographical separation. However, these results were only supported by a single locus, PEP * and all other loci were homogeneous between studied populations. According to Lewontin & Krakauer's model, the genetic structure can be explained by selection. The selective factors most likely depend on the respective habitat of each archipelago. We also studied genotype–phenotype correlation using the colour of the clam mantle, and did not find any relationship between the mantle colour and the genetic structure of the individuals.  © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 77 , 221–231.  相似文献   
Recruitment limitation models of coral reef fishes assume that interactions between demersal individuals and settling larvae are of little consequence to local population dynamics, as are interactions among reef residents. To test this premise, I examined the effects of interactions on the settlement and persistence of the ocean surgeonfish, Acanthurus bahianus. I also looked at behavioural exchanges among ocean surgeonfish of different sizes and between ocean surgeonfish and other reef residents to determine whether the nature of these exchanges changes ontogenetically. Settlement of ocean surgeonfish to Tague Bay Reef, St. Croix, U.S.V.I. was increased in the presence of conspecifics and decreased in the presence of a common Caribbean damselfish, the beaugregory Stegastes leucostictus. Additionally, post-settlement persistence was negatively related to the level of aggression received from beaugregories. Interactions among ocean surgeonfish and between ocean surgeonfish and damselfish were size-dependent; the largest and smallest size classes had higher levels of association with conspecifics than did the middle size classes, and larger size classes received more aggression from damselfish than did the smaller size classes. These results suggest that behavioural interactions may significantly affect the distribution, abundance and early post-settlement persistence of ocean surgeonfish settlers, and that the nature of these interactions changes over the lifetime of individuals.  相似文献   
A novel image analysis‐based technique applied to unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) survey data is described to detect and locate individual free‐ranging sharks within aggregations. The method allows rapid collection of data and quantification of fine‐scale swimming and collective patterns of sharks. We demonstrate the usefulness of this technique in a small‐scale case study exploring the shoaling tendencies of blacktip reef sharks Carcharhinus melanopterus in a large lagoon within Moorea, French Polynesia. Using our approach, we found that C. melanopterus displayed increased alignment with shoal companions when distributed over a sandflat where they are regularly fed for ecotourism purposes as compared with when they shoaled in a deeper adjacent channel. Our case study highlights the potential of a relatively low‐cost method that combines UAV survey data and image analysis to detect differences in shoaling patterns of free‐ranging sharks in shallow habitats. This approach offers an alternative to current techniques commonly used in controlled settings that require time‐consuming post‐processing effort.  相似文献   
An updated molecular phylogeny of the blenny genus Ophioblennius, with a focus on two geographically disjunct morphotypes observed in Brazil, is presented. The analyses showed that specimens from the north‐eastern Brazilian coast are the endemic redlip blenny Ophioblennius trinitatis, but specimens from the southern Brazilian coast are conspecific to an undescribed east Atlantic Ocean (Gulf of Guinea) species, previously unknown in Brazil. Possible explanations for this geographical pattern include: natural larval dispersal and rafting across the Atlantic; an unknown ecological attribute that enabled this species to colonize southern Brazil; oil platforms as introduction vectors.  相似文献   
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