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Generalist flowers are visited by a broad variety of insects that function as pollinators, occasional visitors and as pollen and/or nectar robbers. Moreover, among legitimate pollinators the pollination efficiency can be different. Nectar greatly affects visitor behaviour and fidelity to a certain species, influencing plant reproductive effort. In this study we have investigated a generalist system (Gentiana lutea L.), examining the role of flower visitors and quantifying the contribution of each pollinating taxon in three natural populations. In order to verify the level of generalization, we introduce an index of Pollinator Performance (PoP), based on insect visitation rate and cross-pollen transport efficiency. Our results confirm the high degree of pollinator-generalization of the study species. Nevertheless, flower visitors show various degree of pollinating performance, mainly defined by their sedentary versus dynamic behaviour. Sedentary insects enhance geitonogamous pollen transfer, which results in reduced seed set and pollen limitation. In particular, an unusual sluggish behaviour was observed in bumblebees feeding on nectar. The hexose-rich abundant nectar offered by G. lutea flowers is remarkably rich in proline and β-alanine amino acids: this composition presumably influences feeding choice and insect dynamism, likely exerting a narcotic effect on pollinators. The consequences on plant fitness are discussed in an evolutionary perspective.  相似文献   
This study aims to analyze the relationship between carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, trade openness, real income and energy consumption in the top ten CO2 emitters among the developing countries; namely China, India, South Korea, Brazil, Mexico, Indonesia, South Africa, Turkey, Thailand and Malaysia over the period of 1971–2011. In addition, the possible presence of the EKC hypothesis is investigated for the analyzed countries. The Zivot–Andrews unit root test with structural break, the bounds testing for cointegration in the presence of structural break and the VECM Granger causality method are employed. The empirical results indicate that (i) the analyzed variables are co-integrated for Thailand, Turkey, India, Brazil, China, Indonesia and Korea, (ii) real income, energy consumption and trade openness are the main determinants of carbon emissions in the long run, (iii) there exists a number of causal relations between the analyzed variables, (iv) the EKC hypothesis is validated for Turkey, India, China and Korea. Robust policy implications can be derived from this study since the estimated models pass several diagnostic and stability tests.  相似文献   
Species-rich plant communities use nitrogen (N) more efficiently in grassland ecosystems; however, the role of plant functional diversity in affecting community level plant N-use has received little attention. We examined plant N content, stock and N-use efficiency at community-level along a restoration gradient of sandy grassland (mobile dune, semi-fixed dune, fixed dune and grassland) in Horqin Sand Land, northern China. We used the functional trait-based approach to examine how plant functional diversity, reflected by the most abundant species’ traits (community-weighted mean, CWM) and the dispersion of functional trait values (FDis), affected N-use efficiency in sandy grassland restoration. We further used the structure equation model (SEM) to evaluate the direct or indirect effects of plant species richness, biomass, functional diversity and soil properties on community-level plant N-use efficiency. We found that plant biomass and its N stock increased following sandy grassland restoration, and there were lower plant N content and higher N-use efficiency in semi-fixed dune, fixed dune and grassland as compared with mobile dune. N-use efficiency was positively associated with plant species richness, biomass, CWM plant height, CWM leaf C:N, FDis and soil gradient, but SEM results showed that species richness, CWM leaf C:N, plant biomass and FDis controlled by soil properties were the main factors exerting direct effects. CWM plant height also had a positive effect on N-use efficiency through its indirect effect on plant biomass. Soil gradient increased N-use efficiency through an indirect effect on vegetation rather than a direct effect. Final SEM models based on different plant functional diversity explained over 74% of variances in N-use efficiency. Effects of plant functional diversity on N-use efficiency supported both the mass ratio hypothesis and the complementarity hypothesis. Our results clearly highlight the important role of plant functional diversity in mediating the effects of vegetation and soil properties on community level plant N-use in sandy grassland ecosystems.  相似文献   
Extra‐pair paternity (EPP) is common in chickadees and often attributed to the good genes hypothesis. Females generally seek dominant males, who are typically larger, older and sing at higher rates than subordinate males, as extra‐pair sires. In other songbird species, habitat quality and urbanization have been found to influence EPP. Mountain chickadees commonly inhabit suburban habitat, and previous research on our population has shown urbanization may provide benefits to these adaptable songbirds. Here, we ask how individual condition and urbanization influence rates of EPP in mountain chickadees. Over three breeding seasons, we monitored mountain chickadee nests in urban and rural habitat, and determined parentage by genotyping adults and nestlings at six microsatellite loci. Extra‐pair paternity is common in mountain chickadees, with extra‐pair offspring (EPO) in 43.2% of nests and accounting for 17.9% of offspring. We found tenuous support for the good genes hypothesis with females tending to engage in EPCs with older males. However, we did not find an influence of male or female condition on the proportion of EPO in a nest. In addition, we did not find a significant effect of habitat on EPP rates, suggesting the impacts of urbanization on mountain chickadee reproduction may not extend to altering extra‐pair behaviour.  相似文献   
The coexistence of numerous tree species in tropical forests is commonly explained by negative dependence of recruitment on the conspecific seed and tree density due to specialist natural enemies that attack seeds and seedlings (‘Janzen–Connell’ effects). Less known is whether guilds of shared seed predators can induce a negative dependence of recruitment on the density of different species of the same plant functional group. We studied 54 plots in tropical forest on Barro Colorado Island, Panama, with contrasting mature tree densities of three coexisting large seeded tree species with shared seed predators. Levels of seed predation were far better explained by incorporating seed densities of all three focal species than by conspecific seed density alone. Both positive and negative density dependencies were observed for different species combinations. Thus, indirect interactions via shared seed predators can either promote or reduce the coexistence of different plant functional groups in tropical forest.  相似文献   
We examine the evolution of mesic forest ecosystems in the Pacific Northwest of North America using a statistical phylogeography approach in four animal and two plant lineages. Three a priori hypotheses, which explain the disjunction in the mesic forest ecosystem with either recent dispersal or ancient vicariance, are tested with phylogenetic and coalescent methods. We find strong support in three amphibian lineages (Ascaphus spp., and Dicampton spp., and Plethodon vandykei and P. idahoensis) for deep divergence between coastal and inland populations, as predicted by the ancient vicariance hypothesis. Unlike the amphibians, the disjunction in other Pacific Northwest lineages is likely due to recent dispersal along a northern route. Topological and population divergence tests support the northern dispersal hypothesis in the water vole (Microtus richardsoni) and northern dispersal has some support in both the dusky willow (Salix melanopsis) and whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis). These analyses demonstrate that genetic data sampled from across an ecosystem can provide insight into the evolution of ecological communities and suggest that the advantages of a statistical phylogeographic approach are most pronounced in comparisons across multiple taxa in a particular ecosystem. Genetic patterns in organisms as diverse as willows and salamanders can be used to test general regional hypotheses, providing a consistent metric for comparison among members of an ecosystem with disparate life-history traits.  相似文献   
植物生态化学计量特征及其主要假说   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
植物生态化学计量学是生态化学计量学的重要分支, 主要研究植物器官元素含量的计量特征, 以及它们与环境因子、生态系统功能之间的关系。19世纪, 化学家们通过室内实验, 分析了植物器官的元素含量, 开始了对植物化学元素之间关系的探索。如今, 生态学家通过野外采样和控制实验, 探索植物化学元素计量特征的变化规律、对全球变化的响应以及与植物功能属性之间的关系, 促进了植物生态化学计量学的快速发展。该文在概述植物生态化学计量学发展简史的基础上, 综述了19世纪以来该领域的研究进展。首先, 该文将植物生态化学计量学的发展历程概括为思想萌芽期、假说奠基期和理论构建期3个时期, 对各个时期的主要研究进行了简要回顾和梳理。第二, 概述了植物主要器官的化学计量特征, 尤其是陆生植物叶片氮(N)和磷(P)的计量特征。总体上, 全球陆生植物叶片N、P含量和N:P (质量比)的几何平均值分别为18.74 mg∙g-1、1.21 mg∙g-1和15.55 (与16:1的Redfield比一致); 在物种或群落水平上, 叶片N和P含量一般呈现随温度升高、降水增加而降低的趋势。不同生活型植物叶片N和P计量特征差异明显, 尤其是草本植物叶片N和P含量高于木本植物, 落叶阔叶木本植物叶片N和P含量高于常绿木本植物。与叶片相比, 细根和其他器官化学计量特征研究较少。第三, 总结了养分添加实验对植物化学元素计量特征的影响。总体上, N添加一般会提高土壤N的可利用性, 使植物器官中N含量和N:P升高, 在一定程度上提高植物生产力; P添加可能会缓解过量N输入导致的N-P失衡问题, 提高植物器官P含量。但是, 长期过量施肥会打破植物器官原有的元素间计量关系, 导致元素计量关系失衡和生产力下降。第四, 梳理总结了植物生态化学计量学的重要理论、观点和假说, 主要包括刻画化学计量特征与植物生长功能关系的功能关联假说、刻画化学计量特征与环境因子关系的环境关联假说或理论以及刻画化学计量特征与植物进化历史关系的进化关联假说。最后, 指出了植物生态化学计量学研究中存在的问题, 展望了10个未来需要重点关注的研究方向。  相似文献   
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