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Eukaryotic cells have the ability to uptake and transport endogenous and exogenous DNA in their nuclei, however little is known about the specific pathways involved. Here we show that the nuclear transport receptor importin 7 (imp7) supports nuclear import of supercoiled plasmid DNA and human mitochondrial DNA in a Ran and energy‐dependent way. The imp7‐dependent pathway was specifically competed by excess DNA but not by excess of maltose‐binding protein fused with the classical nuclear localizing signal (NLS) or the M9 peptides. Transport of DNA molecules complexed with poly‐l ‐lysine was impaired in intact cells depleted of imp7, and DNA complexes remained localized in the cytoplasm. Poor DNA nuclear import in cells depleted of imp7 directly correlated with lower gene expression levels in these cells compared to controls. Inefficient nuclear import of transfected DNA induced greater upregulation of the interferon pathway, suggesting that rapid DNA nuclear import may prevent uncontrolled activation of the innate immune response. Our results provide evidence that imp7 is a non‐redundant component of an intrinsic pathway in mammalian cells for efficient accumulation of exogenous and endogenous DNA in the nucleus, which may be critical for the exchange of genetic information between mitochondria and nuclear genomes and to control activation of the innate immune response .  相似文献   
Fused in sarcoma (FUS) belongs to the group of RNA-binding proteins implicated as underlying factors in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and certain other neurodegenerative diseases. Multiple FUS gene mutations have been linked to hereditary forms, and aggregation of FUS protein is believed to play an important role in pathogenesis of these diseases. In cultured cells, FUS variants with disease-associated amino acid substitutions or short deletions affecting nuclear localization signal (NLS) and causing cytoplasmic mislocalization can be sequestered into stress granules (SGs). We demonstrated that disruption of motifs responsible for RNA recognition and binding not only prevents SG recruitment, but also dramatically increases the protein propensity to aggregate in the cell cytoplasm with formation of juxtanuclear structures displaying typical features of aggresomes. Functional RNA-binding domains from TAR DNA-binding protein of 43 kDa (TDP-43) fused to highly aggregation-prone C-terminally truncated FUS protein restored the ability to enter SGs and prevented aggregation of the chimeric protein. Truncated FUS was also able to trap endogenous FUS molecules in the cytoplasmic aggregates. Our data indicate that RNA binding and recruitment to SGs protect cytoplasmic FUS from aggregation, and loss of this protection may trigger its pathological aggregation in vivo.  相似文献   
Dendritic cells (DCs) function as professional antigen presenting cells and are critical for linking innate immune responses to the induction of adaptive immunity. Many current cancer DC vaccine strategies rely on differentiating DCs, feeding them tumor antigens ex vivo, and infusing them into patients. Importantly, this strategy relies on prior knowledge of suitable “tumor-specific” antigens to prime an effective anti-tumor response. DCs express a variety of receptors specific for the Fc region of immunoglobulins, and antigen uptake via Fc receptors is highly efficient and facilitates antigen presentation to T cells. Therefore, we hypothesized that expression of the mouse IgG1 Fc region on the surface of tumors would enhance tumor cell uptake by DCs and other myeloid cells and promote the induction of anti-tumor T cell responses. To test this, we engineered a murine lymphoma cell line expressing surface IgG1 Fc and discovered that such tumor cells were taken up rapidly by DCs, leading to enhanced cross-presentation of tumor-derived antigen to CD8+ T cells. IgG1-Fc tumors failed to grow in vivo and prophylactic vaccination of mice with IgG1-Fc tumors resulted in rejection of unmanipulated tumor cells. Furthermore, IgG1-Fc tumor cells were able to slow the growth of an unmanipulated primary tumor when used as a therapeutic tumor vaccine. Our data demonstrate that engagement of Fc receptors by tumors expressing the Fc region of IgG1 is a viable strategy to induce efficient and protective anti-tumor CD8+ T cell responses without prior knowledge of tumor-specific antigens.  相似文献   
Proteomics research revealed the impressive complexity of eukaryotic proteomes in unprecedented detail. It is now a commonly accepted notion that proteins in cells mostly exist not as isolated entities but exert their biological activity in association with many other proteins, in humans ten or more, forming assembly lines in the cell for most if not all vital functions.1,2 Knowledge of the function and architecture of these multiprotein assemblies requires their provision in superior quality and sufficient quantity for detailed analysis. The paucity of many protein complexes in cells, in particular in eukaryotes, prohibits their extraction from native sources, and necessitates recombinant production. The baculovirus expression vector system (BEVS) has proven to be particularly useful for producing eukaryotic proteins, the activity of which often relies on post-translational processing that other commonly used expression systems often cannot support.3 BEVS use a recombinant baculovirus into which the gene of interest was inserted to infect insect cell cultures which in turn produce the protein of choice. MultiBac is a BEVS that has been particularly tailored for the production of eukaryotic protein complexes that contain many subunits.4 A vital prerequisite for efficient production of proteins and their complexes are robust protocols for all steps involved in an expression experiment that ideally can be implemented as standard operating procedures (SOPs) and followed also by non-specialist users with comparative ease. The MultiBac platform at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) uses SOPs for all steps involved in a multiprotein complex expression experiment, starting from insertion of the genes into an engineered baculoviral genome optimized for heterologous protein production properties to small-scale analysis of the protein specimens produced.5-8 The platform is installed in an open-access mode at EMBL Grenoble and has supported many scientists from academia and industry to accelerate protein complex research projects.  相似文献   
Copper (I) binding by metallochaperone transport proteins prevents copper oxidation and release of the toxic ions that may participate in harmful redox reactions. The Cu (I) complex of the peptide model of a Cu (I) binding metallochaperone protein, which includes the sequence MTCSGCSRPG (underlined is conserved), was determined in solution under inert conditions by NMR spectroscopy.NMR is a widely accepted technique for the determination of solution structures of proteins and peptides. Due to difficulty in crystallization to provide single crystals suitable for X-ray crystallography, the NMR technique is extremely valuable, especially as it provides information on the solution state rather than the solid state. Herein we describe all steps that are required for full three-dimensional structure determinations by NMR. The protocol includes sample preparation in an NMR tube, 1D and 2D data collection and processing, peak assignment and integration, molecular mechanics calculations, and structure analysis. Importantly, the analysis was first conducted without any preset metal-ligand bonds, to assure a reliable structure determination in an unbiased manner.  相似文献   

Two new nickel (II) triphenylphosphine complexes derived from tridentate aroylhydrazone ligands [H2L1 = 2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylidene)benzohydrazone and H2L2 = N′-(2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylidene)-2-hydroxybenzoylhydrazone] and triphenylphosphine were prepared and their molecular structures were determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. Both nickel(II) complexes showed slightly distorted square planar geometry with one tridentate aroylhydrazone ligand coordinated through ONO donor atoms and one triphenylphosphine ligand coordinated to the nickel center through the phosphorus atom. DNA interaction studies indicated that both complexes possessed higher affinity to herring sperm DNA (HS-DNA) than the corresponding free aroylhydrazone ligand. Molecular docking investigations showed that both complexes could bind to DNA through intercalation of the phenyl rings between adjacent base pairs in the double helix. Meanwhile, bovine serum albumin (BSA) binding studies revealed the complexes could effectively interact with BSA and change the secondary structure of BSA. Further pharmacological evaluations of the synthesized complexes by in vitro antioxidant assays demonstrated high antioxidant activity against NO· and O2˙? radicals. The anticancer activity of each complex was assessed through in vitro cytotoxicity assays (CCK-8 kit) toward A549 and MCF-7 cancer cell and normal L-02 cell lines. Significantly, the Ni(II) complex derived from H2L1 ligand was found to be more effective cytotoxic toward MCF-7cancerous cell with the IC50 value equaled 9.7?μM, which showed potent cytotoxic activity over standard drug cisplatin.

Abbreviations A549 human lung carcinoma cell

BSA bovine serum albumin

CCK-8 Cell Counting Kit-8

DFT density functional theory

DNA deoxyribonucleic acid

DPPH˙ 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl

H2L1 2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylidene)benzohydrazone N′-(2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylidene)-2-hydroxybenzoylhydrazone

H2L2 N′-(2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylidene)-2-hydroxybenzoylhydrazone

HOMO highest occupied molecular orbital

IC50 the 50% activity

L-02 human normal liver cell

LOMO lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO)

MCF-7 human breast carcinoma cell

NO˙ nitric oxide

O2˙? superoxide anion

SOD superoxide dismutase

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   
The seventh CAPRI edition imposed new challenges to the modeling of protein-protein complexes, such as multimeric oligomerization, protein-peptide, and protein-oligosaccharide interactions. Many of the proposed targets needed the efficient integration of rigid-body docking, template-based modeling, flexible optimization, multiparametric scoring, and experimental restraints. This was especially relevant for the multimolecular assemblies proposed in the CASP12-CAPRI37 and CASP13-CAPRI46 joint rounds, which were described and evaluated elsewhere. Focusing on the purely CAPRI targets of this edition (rounds 38-45), we have participated in all 17 assessed targets (considering heteromeric and homomeric interfaces in T125 as two separate targets) both as predictors and as scorers, by using integrative modeling based on our docking and scoring approaches: pyDock, IRaPPA, and LightDock. In the protein-protein and protein-peptide targets, we have also participated with our webserver (pyDockWeb). On these 17 CAPRI targets, we submitted acceptable models (or better) within our top 10 models for 10 targets as predictors, 13 targets as scorers, and 4 targets as servers. In summary, our participation in this CAPRI edition confirmed the capabilities of pyDock for the scoring of docking models, increasingly used within the context of integrative modeling of protein interactions and multimeric assemblies.  相似文献   
The study of plant parasitic nematodes such as Meloidogyne spp. and their interactions with phytopathogenic bacteria remains underexplored. One of the challenges towards establishing such interactions is the dependence on symptom development as a measure of interaction. In this study, mCherry was employed as a reporter protein to investigate the interaction between the soft rot Enterobacteriaceae (SRE) Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. brasiliensis (Pcb) and root‐knot nematode (Mincognita). Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. brasiliensis was transformed with pMP7604 generating Pcb_mCherry strain. This strain was shown to attach to the surface coat of M.incognita J2 at the optimum temperature of 28°C. This suggests that RKN juveniles may play a role in disseminating Pcb in soils that are heavily infested with Pcb. The presence of RKN juveniles was shown to play a role in introducing Pcb_mCherry into potato tubers potentially acting as a source of latent tuber infections.

Significance and Impact of the Study

This study uses fluorescent reporter protein tagging as a tool to demonstrate the interaction between root‐knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) and the soft rot Enterobacteriacea (Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. brasiliensis). Introduction of Pectobacterium through wounds generated by second‐stage juveniles (J2) into potato tubers was demonstrated. These results suggest that RKN juveniles can facilitate latent infection of potato tubers in the soil. These findings have important implications in the management of RKN and SRE in seed potato production. Furthermore, this tool can be used to study other nematode–bacteria interactions that have not been previously studied.  相似文献   
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