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Previous studies have described an IL-1 Inhibitor produced by a myelomonocytic line developed in our laboratory (Eur J Immunol 1986; 16: 1449). This IL-1 Inhibitor was secreted by the M20 line constitutively in addition to IL-1, from which it could be separated. We have recently shown that the M20 IL-1 Inhibitor is distinct from the IL-1ra.In vitro this factor inhibited IL-1 induced proliferative responses as well as PGE2 secretion by IL-1 induced fibroblasts. We also showed for the first time (Lymphokine Research 1988; 7(3): 268) that an IL-1 inhibitor can reduce IL-1 induced inflammatory effects. This study describes the specific effect of the M20 IL-1 Inhibitor on IL-1 induced parameters of inflammation: fever, leukocytosis and local foot pad swelling or lymph node enlargement. Purified preparations of the IL-1 Inhibitor, when injected together with IL-1, or before the IL-1, reduced fever, leukocytosis, foot pad swelling and lymph node enlargement caused by IL-1. Similar responses were obtained by injection of IL-6 or TNF, but were unaffected by the IL-1 Inhibitor, when injected together.These results indicate that the M20 IL-1 Inhibitor acts specifically on IL-1 induced responsesin vivo. The potential importance of this factor as an anti-inflammatory and immune regulatory factor, is supported by the findings of this study.Abbreviations IL-1 Interleukin 1 - IL-6 Interleukin 6 - IL-1ra Interleukin 1 receptor antagonist - TNF tumor necrosis factor  相似文献   
用闪光动力学光谱仪测量了酰化紫膜LB膜中M衰减速率的变化。酰化紫膜LB膜的衰减无论是悬浮液状态,还是LB膜中,均比未修饰的要慢。在温度为20℃时,酰化紫膜LB随着相对湿度的增加,M衰减加快。在相对湿度较低时(RH34—75%),变化较平缓,即M的衰减加快不明显;在相对湿度较高时(RH84—95%),M衰减明显加快。温度的变化则随相对湿度不同而不同。相对湿度较低时,随着温度的升高,M衰减加快;相对湿度较高时,M衰减反而减慢。酰化紫膜悬浮液的M衰减随着温度的升高而明显加快.这说明酰化紫膜LB膜中BR水合程度可能是直接影响M衰减的因素之一。  相似文献   
DNA sequence and expression analyses have greatly benefited from using M13 and pUC derived cloning vectors and their polycloning sites. A chronology of the original concepts and experiments is reviewed.  相似文献   
Abstract: Physostigmine, the acetylcholinesterase inhibitor (0.3 mg/kg, i.m.), increased extracellular glutamate but not aspartate concentrations in the striatum of anaesthetised rats, determined using microdialysis and HPLC. The rise was both tetrodotoxin and calcium dependent. In contrast, neither physostigmine (10 µ M ) added to the perfusion fluid nor vehicle (injected intramuscularly) affected amino acid concentrations. To obtain evidence that the action of acetylcholine was to modulate positively cortical pyramidal neurone activity via the M1 receptor, the selective M1 agonist PD 142505-0028 (10 µ M ) was topically applied to the frontal cortex. Like physostigmine, PD 142505-0028 rapidly increased glutamate but not aspartate concentrations in the striatum. Moreover, the effect of intramuscular physostigmine was blocked by a topically applied M1 antagonist. These new data add to our hypothesis that cholinomimetics increase pyramidal neurone function.  相似文献   
Abstract The phylogeny of a symbiotic methanogen inhabiting the gut of a lower termite, Reticulitermes speratus , was analysed without cultivation. The small subunit ribosomal RNA gene (ssrDNA) and a 640-bp portion of the gene encoding subunit A of methyl coenzyme M reductase ( mcrA ) were amplified from a mixed-population DNA of the termite gut by polymerase chain reaction and cloned. The nucleotide sequence of the ssrDNA and the predicted amino acid sequence of the mcrA product were compared with those of the known methanogens. Both comparisons indicated that the termite symbiotic methanogen belonged to the order Methanobacteriales but was distinct from the known members of this order.  相似文献   
Three types of ionic current essentially determine the firing pattern of nerve cells: the persistent Na+ current, the M current and the low-voltage-activated Ca2+ current. The present article summarizes recent experiments concerned with the basic properties of these currents. Keynes and Meves (Proc R Soc Lond B (1993) 253, 61–68) studied the persistent or steady-state Na+ current on dialysed squid axons and measured the probability of channel opening both for the peak and the steady-state Na+ current (PFpeak and PFss) as a function of voltage. Whereas PFpeak starts to rise at −50 mV and reaches a maximum at +40 to +50 mV, PFss only begins to rise appreciably at around 0 mV and is still increasing at +100 mV. This differs from observations on vertebrate excitable tissues where the persistent Na+ current turns on in the threshold region and saturates at around 0 mV. Schmitt and Meves (Pflügers Arch (1993) 425, 134–139) recorded M current, a non-inactivating K+ current, from NG108-15 neuroblastoma × glioma hybrid cells, voltage-clamped in the whole-cell mode, and studied the effects of phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate (PDB), an activator of protein kinase C (PKC), and arachidonic acid (AA). PDB and AA both decreased IM, the effective concentrations being 0.1–1 μM and 5–25 μM, respectively; while the PDB effect was regularly observed, the M current depression by AA was highly variable from cell to cell. The PKC 19–31 peptide, an effective inhibitor of PKC, in a concentration of 1 μM almost totally prevented the effects of PDB and AA on M current, suggesting that both are mediated by PKC. Schmitt and Meves (Pflügers Arch (1994a) 426, Suppl R 59) measured low-voltage-activated (l-v-a) and high-voltage-activated (h-v-a) Ca2+ currents on NG108-15 cells and investigated the effect of AA and PDB on both types of current. At pulse potentials > −20 mV, AA (25–100 μM) decreased l-v-a and h-v-a ICa. The decrease was accompanied by a small negative shift and a slight flattening of the activation and inactivation curves of the l-v-a ICa. The AA effect was not prevented by 50 μM eicosa-5,8,11,14-tetraynoic acid (ETYA), an inhibitor of AA metabolism, or PKC 19–31 peptide and not mimicked by 0.1–1 μM PDB. Probably, AA acts directly on the channel protein or its lipid environment. The physiological relevance of these three sets of observations is briefly discussed.  相似文献   
Abstract Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) have been produced by immunizing BALB/C mice with whole M+ bacteria in incomplete Freund adjuvant and the resulting mAbs for M3 protein have been selected by an indirect immuno-fluorescent technique using formaldehyde-fixed M+ and M bacteria. Four mAbs reacted with a 65 kDa protein in an extract obtained from the cell wall of M+ bacteria after treatment with N -acetyl muramidase and lysozyme. The purified 65 kDa protein neutralized the phagocytic activity of rabbit anti-M3 antibody. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of the 65 kDa protein was identical with that of protein generated by the M3 gene which has been previously cloned and sequenced. The evidence indicates that the 65 kDa protein is M3 protein. The M3 protein bound not only human fibrinogen but also human serum albumin (HSA). When the M3 protein was purified by gel-filtration and ion-exchange chromatography in the absence of phenylmethyl sulfonyl fluoride (PMSF), four fragments (35 kDa, 32 kDa, 30 kDa, and 25 kDa) in addition to the intact molecule appeared. N-terminal amino acid sequence analysis showed that 35 kDa and 25 kDa fragments were ANAAD and DARSV, respectively, being identical at positions 1–5 and 198–202 to the M3 gene derived protein. Therefore, the 35 kDa and 25 kDa fragments, which were presumed to be cleavage products, may be derived from the C-terminal part and N-terminal part of the intact molecule, respectively. When the effect of purified M3 protein in the bactericidal activity of normal human blood in the presence of M bacteria was investigated, the M3 protein was responsible for the organism's resistance to attack by phagocytic cells.  相似文献   
A selective uptake mechanism for some nucleosides and related substances was found in retinae of light adapted rabbits and fish. After the intravitreal injection in vivo of [3H]adenosine, [3H]inosine, [3H]guanosine and certain related compounds, the distribution of radioactivity was studied by autoradiography. Retinae were also incubated in [3H]adenosine and [3H]inosine and then were similarly processed.In rabbits, the accumulation of radioactivity from [3H]adenosine and [3H]guanosine was predominantly into glial cells, but also into neurons. [3H]Inosine labelled glia almost exclusively. However, the adenosine analog, [3H]methylphenylethyl-adenosine, resulted in well-defined neuronal labelling in this species. In fish, a few photoreceptor cell bodies exhibited strong radioactivity with the nucleosides, presumably representing incorporation into nucleic acids of replicating cells. Labelling was also seen in horizontal cells, amacrine cells and ganglion cells after the injection of either [3H]adenosine, [3H]guanosine or [3H]inosine.To some extent, the selective accumulation of radioactivity is likely to be due to cell replication, but in most neurons, other factors must be responsible. Judging from what is known about the actions of adenosine in central nervous tissue, signal transmission in the retina could be such a factor.  相似文献   
(1) By treating Mycoplasma capricolum cells with phospholipase A2 about 80% of membrane phospholipids were rapidly hydrolyzed. The rate and extent of hydrolysis (at 37°C) were the same in intact cells and in isolated unsealed membranes. (2) Due to the low endogenous lysophospholipase activity detected in M. capricolum, phospholipase A2 treatment resulted in the accumulation of lysophospholipids and free fatty acids. The free fatty acids were efficiently extracted from the cells by 1% bovine serum albumin whereas the lysophospholipids were almost fully retained within the cell membrane. (3) Following phospholipase A2 treatment in the presence of 1% bovine serum albumin, cell intactness was preserved as indicated by the constant absorbance of the cell suspension and the retention of nucleic acids and NADH dehydrogenase activity within the cells. The treated cells showed, however, a slight decrease in K+ content and a decrease in cell viability. Viability was fully preserved after phospholipase A2 treatment of cells grown with exogenous sphingomyelin. (4) Adapting M. capricolum to a cholesterol-poor medium resulted in a marked decrease in the cholesterol to phospholipid molar ratio (from about 1.1 to 0.3). Phospholipase A2 treatment of the cholesterol-poor cells resuted in cell lysis. Cell lysis was induced in the cholesterol-rich cells by hydrolysing the lysophospholipids accumulated following phospholipase A2 treatment. (5) It is suggested that after phospholipase A2 treatment of M. capricolum cells, a relatively stable cell membrane is maintained and cell intactness is preseved due to the interaction of cholesterol, present in high amount in this membrane, with the lysophospholipids formed.  相似文献   
Nanosecond laser flash photolysis has been used to produce and identify the vitamin K semiquinone (radical) from vitamin K dihydroquinone and to observe its formation and decay in the presence of vitamin K-dependent carboxylase (epoxidase). The activity of vitamin K-dependent carboxylase is not decreased by exposure to the laser. Absorbance of the semiquinone is proportional to enzyme concentration and is stimulated by a synthetic substrate, PheLeuGluGluIle. Stabilization of the semiquinone is observed in the presence of the enzyme. The semiquinone is rapidly destroyed in the presence of inhibitors of vitamin K-dependent carboxylase and vitamin K epoxidase.  相似文献   
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