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Transformation of atrioventricular (AV) canal endocardium into invasive mesenchyme correlates spatially and temporally with the expression of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)-2 in the AV myocardium. We revealed the presence of mRNA of Type I BMP receptors, BMPR-1A (ALK3), BMPR-1B (ALK6) and ALK2 in chick AV endocardium at stage-14(-), the onset of epithelial to mesenchymal transformation (EMT), by RT-PCR and localized BMPR-1B mRNA in the endocardium by in situ hybridization. To circumvent the functional redundancies among the Type I BMP receptors, we applied dominant-negative (dn) BMPR-1B-viruses to chick AV explants and whole-chick embryo cultures to specifically block BMP signaling in AV endocardium during EMT. dnBMPR-1B-virus infection of AV endocardial cells abolished BMP-2-supported AV endocardial EMT. Conversely, caBMPR-1B-virus infection promoted AV endocardial EMT in the absence of AV myocardium. Moreover, dnBMPR-1B-virus treatments significantly reduced myocardially supported EMT in AV endocardial-myocardial co-culture. AV cushion mesenchymal cell markers, alpha-smooth muscle actin (SMA), and TGFbeta3 in the endocardial cells were promoted by caBMPR-1B and reduced by dnBMPR-1B infection. Microinjection of the virus into the cardiac jelly in the AV canal at stage-13 in vivo (ovo) revealed that the dnBMPR-1B-virus-infected cells remained in the endocardial epithelium, whereas caBMPR-1B-infected cells invaded deep into the cushions. These results provide evidence that BMP signaling through the AV endocardium is required for the EMT and the activation of the BMP receptor in the endocardium can promote AV EMT in the chick.  相似文献   
为了研究甘露糖正向筛选体系在巨尾桉遗传转化过程中的有效性,构建了以6-磷酸甘露糖异构酶(6-phosphomannose isomerase,PMI)为筛选标记的pCAMBIA1301植物表达载体,并将该载体通过农杆菌介导的遗传转化转入木本植物巨尾桉中。将获得的阳性植株通过氯酚红(chlorophenol red,CPR)法及PCR检测,桉树遗传转化的阳性率达到26.09%。另外,通过正交试验优化法,对巨尾桉组培快繁体系建立过程中不同浓度激素配比进行了研究,建立起良好的巨尾桉组织培养再生体系,由甘露糖筛选敏感性测试,获得了巨尾桉筛选临界浓度,蔗糖与甘露糖比例为19∶11,优化了巨尾桉遗传转化体系,为今后巨尾桉组织培养与遗传转化研究提供了重要的参考依据。  相似文献   
The aminoglycoside antibiotic paromomycin that is highly toxic to the green alga Volvox carteri is efficiently inactivated by aminoglycoside 3′-phosphotransferase from Streptomyces rimosus. Therefore, we made constructs in which the bacterial aphH gene encoding this enzyme was combined with Volvox cis-regulatory elements in an attempt to develop a new dominant selectable marker – paromomycin resistance (PmR) – for use in Volvox nuclear transformation. The construct that provided the most efficient transformation was one in which aphH was placed between a chimeric promoter that was generated by fusing the Volvox hsp70 and rbcS3 promoters and the 3′ UTR of the Volvox rbcS3 gene. When this plasmid was used in combination with a high-impact biolistic device, the frequency of stable PmR transformants ranged about 15 per 106 target cells. Due to rapid and sharp selection, PmR transformants were readily isolated after six days, which is half the time required for previously used markers. Co-transformation of an unselected marker ranged about 30%. The chimeric aphH gene was stably integrated into the Volvox genome, frequently as tandem multiple copies, and was expressed at a level that made selection of PmR transformants simple and unambiguous. This makes the engineered bacterial aphH gene an efficient dominant selection marker for the transformation and co-transformation of a broad range of V. carteri strains without the recurring need for using auxotrophic recipient strains.  相似文献   
本研究对金针菇Flammulina velutipes的一个RNAi转化子菌株1382R3进行了高通量测序,以本实验室先前获得的野生型W23基因组数据为参考,分析了该转化子的基因插入位点以及拷贝数。转化子菌株1382R3是通过农杆菌介导将fv-hmg1-RNAi载体转化至金针菇菌株并通过PCR检测筛选标记而得到。通过BLAST将转化子测序的reads对外源载体和基因组定位,找到具有基因组序列(GS)和外源载体序列(ES)两种序列的临界reads,并据此使用PERL语言程序成功在转化子1382R3菌株中找到两个插入位点。对两个插入位置的序列分析表明:在插入位点1,T-DNA片段部分插入;在插入位点2,T-DNA全部插入到基因组。两个插入位点都对基因组内源基因的表达造成了一定的干扰。此方法拓宽了高通量测序技术的应用范围,将其运用到遗传转化插入位置和拷贝数的研究中,有利于食用菌的功能基因组及基因工程研究。  相似文献   
Summary We show here that plant cells are sensitive to the antibiotic hygromycin-B4. We also show that a chimaeric gene consisting of the nopaline synthase (nos) gene regulatory elements and the E. coli derived hygromycin phosphotransferase (hpt) gene, when transferred to plants' cells, confers resistance to hygromycin B. The chimaeric nos-hpt gene enables efficient selection of DNA transfer to plant cells when used in conjunction with Ti plasmid-derived binary vectors in cocultivation experiments.  相似文献   
为探明人乳头状瘤病毒(HPV)和促癌剂对食管上皮致癌作用,人胚食管上皮细胞转染HPV协同60钴(60Co)放射观察其恶性转化.用HPV18E6E7AAV转染的人胚食管上皮(SHEE),培养至13代,分为4组,实验组分别用60Co2、4、8Gy照射,每周1次共4周;SHEE未经照射为对照组.细胞形态用相差显微镜观察;细胞DNA合成和定量用3H-TdR掺入和用流式细胞仪分析;染色体众数用常规方法分析;致瘤性用软琼脂培养和裸小鼠接种;HPVDNA用PCR检测.经60Co照射后细胞呈凋亡和坏死(危象期).8周后SHEE 4Gy组细胞增殖,增殖指数(34%)和3H-TdR摄入增高,软琼脂培养和裸鼠接种出现致瘤性.对照组SHEE组细胞增殖指数24%,伴有少数3H-TdR掺入,裸鼠未成瘤.染色体众数:对照组,58~62;4Gy组,63~65;两组HPV18E6E7 PCR呈阳性条带.此结果表明,用HPV18E6E7协同60Coγ射线可以使人胚食管上皮恶性转化,60Co γ射线有加速食管上皮细胞恶性转化作用.  相似文献   
海洋中具有丰富的动植物及微生物资源,海洋真菌是其重要组成之一。我们前期的研究发现一株深海真菌白色侧齿霉Engyodontium album能产生具有抑菌活性的次级代谢产物engyodontiumin A,该化合物能抑制黑曲霉、金黄色葡萄球菌及创伤弧菌等病原菌的生长,是一种潜在的海洋源抗菌药物。目前,该菌遗传转化体系尚未建立,不利于开展次级代谢产物合成调控机制及其他功能基因研究。本研究成功制备了深海白色侧齿霉菌的原生质体,建立了借助聚乙二醇3350介导的原生质体转化体系,并将pCT74-sGFP载体成功导入白色侧齿霉的原生质体中,结果显示外源GFP能稳定表达。此外,为了明确白色侧齿霉菌是否能够开展基因敲除研究,通过氨基酸序列同源比对,我们选取酵母高渗甘油信号途径中的同源基因EaSHO1进行初步探究。利用同源重组的方法成功将目的基因EaSHO1的开放阅读框(ORF)替换成潮霉素磷酸转移酶基因(HPH),由此获得EaSHO1基因敲除突变体,并对突变体进行Southern杂交验证及初步的表型分析。结果表明,EaSHO1缺失不影响白色侧齿霉菌的营养生长及对高盐胁迫的响应,亚细胞定位结果显示EaS...  相似文献   
罗汉果转抗病基因NPR1的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
以罗汉果子叶为外植体,研究了影响根癌农杆菌介导的罗汉果遗传转化的若干因素,建立了罗汉果遗传转化体系.结果表明,5 d苗龄的子叶、预培养1 d、侵染20 min、共培养4 d、共培养温度22℃、AS100μmol/L、Hy浓度不定芽筛选为10 mg/L,生根筛选为20 mg/L转化率最高.抗性苗经PCR和Southern...  相似文献   
氨基糖单体碳氮同位素的分析及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
氨基糖(AS)作为有机质中在分子水平识别的重要组分,研究其来源与转化能更好地认知微生物对有机质的调控作用。作为一种新兴技术,氨基糖单体同位素分析(CSIA-AS)为研究氨基糖各组分在自然环境中的变化特征提供了更详细的信息。本文系统总结了CSIA-AS技术的测定方法及其在氨基糖循环转化研究中的应用,气相色谱-同位素比值质谱法(GC-IRMS)和离子色谱-同位素比值质谱法(IC-IRMS)作为2种主要的氨基糖同位素测定方法,各有利弊,但进行相应的校正后均可实现可靠的测定结果。氨基糖各组分在土壤有机质中具有相对较低的周转时间,细菌来源的胞壁酸相对葡萄糖胺、半乳糖胺和甘露糖胺具有更高的矿化速率。氨基糖在环境中的来源和代谢转化受底物的影响,这与微生物群落对不同碳、氮源的特异性响应有关。CSIA-AS技术的推广需要进一步的方法优化并将其与微生物甄别等其他手段相结合,以此来更好地阐释有机质的来源、转化和归宿及其调控机制。  相似文献   
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