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A microsatellite‐enriched partial genomic DNA library of Lygus hesperus was generated and screened by sequencing. Ten polymorphic microsatellite marker loci were characterized by genotyping 92 insect samples. The observed number of alleles ranged from three to seven with an average of 4.5 (SE ± 0.45), while the effective number of alleles ranged from 1.21 to 3.02 with an average of 2.14 (SE ± 0.20). Significant deviations from Hardy–Weinberg expectations were detected at three loci. Significant linkage disequilibrium was also detected between the loci LhMS2‐54 and LhMS3‐32. Seven of the L. hesperus markers could be transferred to Lygus lineolaris.  相似文献   
Herbivorous insects in natural and agricultural systems experience variation in parasitoid attack on different plant species due to direct and indirect plant influences on parasitoids. Lygus hesperus is a native polyphagous mirid that suffers up to 100% parasitism by the native egg parasitoid Anaphes iole in certain weed hosts, but with inundative releases in commercial strawberries, we achieve <65% L. hesperus suppression. We examined L. hesperus egg distribution in individual strawberry plants and parasitism by A. iole of eggs in different strawberry plant structures to determine whether plant-related factors affected parasitoid performance in strawberries. L. hesperus laid more eggs (46.5% of all eggs laid) in the fruit (between the achenes [seeds] in the fleshy receptacle) than in the petiole (23.3%), leaflet (20.3%), peduncle (6.2%), or calyx (3.7%). In a no-choice test, parasitism by A. iole was higher in the petiole (96.7%), calyx (91.9%), and leaflet (85.2%) than in the fruit (51.8%), in which the achenes appeared to hinder parasitoid access to host eggs. In addition, in young fruits in which the interachene distance was minimum, parasitism was considerably lower (25.4%) than in fruits in which receptacle swelling had resulted in interachene distances that were medium (65.7% parasitism) or large (77.1% parasitism). Our results suggest that strawberry fruits can provide refugia from parasitism by A. iole and that maximum protection occurs when the achenes are contiguous. The presence of refugia in strawberries limits the impact of augmentative biological control with A. iole, highlighting the need for its integration with other strategies to effectively suppress L. hesperus in strawberries.  相似文献   
【目的】为了探明中国境内明亮熊蜂复合种Bombus lucorum complex的物种组成及其分布特性。【方法】利用DNA条形码技术对来源于中国境内的明亮熊蜂复合种的223个标本进行了鉴定, 并根据鉴定结果分析了各物种的分布特性。【结果】中国境内明亮熊蜂复合种包括地熊蜂B. terrestris、 隐熊蜂B. cryptarum、 明亮熊蜂B. lucorum和长翅熊蜂B. longipennis。4种熊蜂共获得160条DNA条形码序列, 包含36个单倍型, 其中B. longipennis单倍型最多, 为14个; B. terrestris最少, 为3个。B. terrestris和B. lucorum亲缘关系最远, 其遗传距离为0.077; B. lucorum和B. longipennis亲缘关系最近, 其遗传距离为0.034。系统进化分析(贝叶斯法和最大似然法)表明, 4种熊蜂的分化先后顺序为B. terrestris, B. longipennis, B. lucorum和B. cryptarum。4种熊蜂的分布格局不同, 平均分布海拔高度由高到低的顺序依次为B. longipennis, B. cryptarum, B. lucorum和B. terrestris。B. longipennis发现于高海拔的青藏高原东部及南部地区, 而B. terrestris仅发现于低海拔的新疆西北部边界地带。【结论】本研究探明了中国境内明亮熊蜂复合种的分类地位及其分布特性, 为深入研究该类群的资源保护和农业授粉利用奠定了基础。  相似文献   
Host dissection, host rearing and PCR analysis were used to estimate parasitism level and identify the parasitoid complex in Lygus spp. populations in alfalfa. Parasitism level estimates by PCR were higher than by other methods. The PCR results from all samples tested with available primers were consistent with Peristenus pallipes, although the parasitoid was identified as Peristenus near mellipes by morphological characters.  相似文献   
Polygalacturonase (PG), an enzyme that degrades pectin within the plant tissue cell wall, has been postulated as the chemical cause of damage to plants by the mirid Lygus hesperus. Micro-injection of two pure recombinant Aspergillus niger PG II protein forms, the wild type enzymically active and the mutant inactive one, into alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) florets, demonstrates that the enzymatic activity rather than the PG protein structure per se elicits damage symptoms. A PG gene family has been described for the tarnished plant bug, L. lineolaris. Here we report cloning members of the L. hesperus PG gene family, Lhpg2, obtained with L. lineolaris PG-specific primers and a novel Lhpg4, amplified with degenerate primers that were designed based, in part on the N-terminal sequence from an active, partially purified L. hesperus salivary gland PG protein. Proteomic analyses revealed that the salivary gland PGs encoded by Lhpg2 and Lhpg4 are detected in a diet into which L. hesperus has extruded its saliva when feeding. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Handling editor: Henryk Czosnek  相似文献   
Insect populations vary in the proportion of individuals exhibiting a particular ‘state’ (e.g., developmental stage, sex, egg load, or nutritional status). Because an insect's developmental state often determines both its size and its behavior, it is likely that this will also affect the probability of being sampled. We propose that a comprehensive approach to pest management must consider the interaction between the structure of a pest population (i.e., the relative number of individuals in each state) and any state‐dependent sampling bias. To illustrate the usefulness of this method we sampled populations of the western tarnished pest bug, Lygus hesperus Knight (Heteroptera: Miridae), in cotton fields. Our sampling technique utilized large cages to measure the absolute densities of each L. hesperus stage and adult sex within a population. This technique allowed us to document a wide range of absolute stage structures and sex ratios across 10 L. hesperus populations in California. Using a combination of cage samples and sweep net samples, we quantified the state‐dependent sampling bias by calculating the efficiency of sweep sampling as a function of L. hesperus developmental stage and sex. We found that the efficiency of sweep nets increased steadily with each successive developmental stage (i.e., nymphal instar) of L. hesperus. We also found that sweep nets are slightly more efficient in capturing male vs. female L. hesperus adults. Since other studies have documented that the stage and sex of L. hesperus can affect feeding impact on cotton flower buds, our results suggest that accurate predictions of Lygus damage will need to incorporate stage and sex‐dependent sampling biases.  相似文献   
北京梨园绿盲蝽及其天敌的种群动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭晨茜  王璇  杨宇晖  刘小侠  张青文 《昆虫学报》2013,56(12):1516-1522
【目的】调查研究梨园绿盲蝽Apolygus lucorum (Meyer-Dür)及其天敌的种群动态, 为梨园绿盲蝽的预测预报和科学防治提供理论依据。【方法】2012-2013年利用色板诱集法和目测法, 对北京市农林科学院林业果树研究所梨园的绿盲蝽及其天敌的种群动态进行了系统调查和分析。【结果】绿板调查结果显示, 绿盲蝽在梨园的发生有2个高峰期, 第1个峰值远高于第2个峰值, 主要发生高峰期为5月下旬至6月中旬。目测调查结果显示, 2012年, 绿盲蝽有两个发生高峰期, 5月中旬达到第1个峰值, 5月下旬达到第2个峰值; 2013年, 绿盲蝽仅有5月下旬一个发生高峰期。2012和2013年天敌主要发生高峰期均为6月上旬至下旬。梨园调查到的天敌主要为捕食类天敌, 包括蜘蛛和天敌昆虫, 其中天敌昆虫有7种隶属3目3科。天敌的优势种类为蜘蛛、 龟纹瓢虫、 异色瓢虫、 中华草蛉。【结论】天敌的发生与绿盲蝽有明显的时间和数量跟随关系。  相似文献   
前期研究发现,二甲基二硫醚(DMDS)对绿盲蝽成虫具有明显的趋避效果,但田间喷施应用的持效期较短.本文从缓释材料、缓释剂、稀释浓度等方面构建DMDS的缓释体系,并在枣园检验其缓释效果.结果表明:以PE小瓶为缓释材料、液体石蜡为缓释剂、稀释浓度为1∶10构建的DMDS缓释体系在田间的持效期达15 d以上.上述DMDS缓释体系在枣园成直线挂置使用,30 d后距趋避带10 m范围内的绿盲蝽越冬卵数量降低了48.0%.本研究为田间应用DMDS趋避防控绿盲蝽成虫奠定了重要基础.  相似文献   
调查了生长期14个不同棉花品种上绿盲蝽Apolygus lucorum Meyer-Dür的危害情况。亚洲棉表现为高抗,冀丰杂7号等12个品种表现为中抗,灵-17表现为敏感。田间采用ASD光谱仪对14个棉花品种生长期的冠层光谱进行了测定,发现相同品种不同时期的光谱反射率的一阶微分具有明显差异(P<0.05),在近红外717 nm波段处一阶微分光谱值与棉花抗绿盲蝽级别显著相关(R2=0.89,P=0.01),可较好的表征绿盲蝽危害指数,可利用这个波段的光谱指标对棉花品种的抗绿盲蝽特性进行初步诊断,为棉花抗盲蝽评价选育提供参考。  相似文献   
【目的】为了明确解毒酶对绿盲蝽Apolygus lucorum防治药剂温度效应的影响机制。【方法】本文测定了绿盲蝽3龄若虫体内3种主要解毒酶活力随温度变化的"钟形"曲线,以及在不同温度效应杀虫剂诱导后对绿盲蝽体内解毒酶"钟形"曲线的影响。【结果】在供试温度10~40℃范围内,绿盲蝽体内3种主要解毒酶,在25℃时活力均最高,且显著高于其他温度处理。在不同温度下,4种不同温度效应杀虫剂诱导后对绿盲蝽体内解毒酶活力影响测定结果来看,谷胱甘肽-S-转移酶受杀虫剂诱导影响,可能参与了负温度效应杀虫剂溴虫腈的代谢,其在20~30℃的温度范围内,可能参与了吡虫啉和辛硫磷的部分代谢,而正温度效应杀虫剂氟铃脲在低温时毒力较低,可能与其诱导该酶在低温时活力升高相关。在15℃左右的低温时,绿盲蝽体内羧酸酯酶和多功能氧化酶易受氟铃脲和溴虫腈诱导而活力增加,而在20~35℃,这两种酶活力不易受杀虫剂诱导,且辛硫磷、溴虫腈和吡虫啉可对绿盲蝽体内两种酶活力产生一定的抑制作用。【结论】绿盲蝽体内解毒酶活力可明显受到温度影响,而在杀虫剂诱导条件下,其可对绿盲蝽防治药剂的温度效应产生显著影响。  相似文献   
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