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The competitive inhibition of [3H]-flunitrazepam binding by CL 218872 and propyl beta-carboline-3-carboxylate (PCC), non-benzodiazepine compounds that show differential affinities for benzodiazepine (BZD) receptor subtypes, was studied in the rat cerebral cortex and hippocampus at different temperatures of incubation. The potency of both inhibitors was significantly greater at 0° than at 37°C. The magnitude of temperature induced enhancement of potency may correlate with the pharmacological efficacy of compounds that interact with BZD receptors. Hill slopes for CL 218872 shifted from 0.52 to 0.97 in the cerebral cortex when incubations were performed at 0° and 37°C, respectively. Hill values for PCC changed from 0.68 to 0.93 under similar temperature conditions. These observations suggest the presence of a homogenous population of benzodiazepine receptors at physiological temperatures or the inability of CL 218872 and PCC to distinguish between receptor subtypes at 37°C.  相似文献   
Purified von Willebrand factor rapidly loses activity when treated under mild conditions with the highly specific amino group reagent trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid. Greater than 90 percent inhibition of activity is achieved by modification of only 7 percent of the amino groups. Other modifications such as acetylation and succinylation also abolish activity. It is unlikely that the essential rapidly reacting amino groups function simply in an electrostatic manner since modifications such as amidination and methylation which produce derivatives which retain positive charge are also inactive or nearly so.  相似文献   
When epidermal growth factor (EGF) which had been extensively purified by HPLC was subjected to iodination with sodium 125iodide, 5 major species of differing isoelectric points were produced. Some of these species bound to rat fibroblasts with different affinities but were internalized with equal efficiency. Examination of the internalized 125I-labelled molecules revealed processing of all the 125I-EGF species to macromolecules with more acidic isoelectric points. The 125I-EGF species with a pI of 4.5 corresponded in electrofocusing behavior with intact non-iodinated EGF. Other EGF species probably represented molecules which were covalently modified as a result of the iodination procedure.  相似文献   
Tonsil lymphocytes from three adults and three children were examined for immunoglobulin (Ig) production before and after Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) transformation. T-cell depletion was required to obtain cell lines from EBV-seropositive individuals. Cytoplasmic Ig was mainly IgG in adult lymphocytes before and after transformation; IgA and IgM were more prominent after than before. IgM and IgG predominated in lymphocytes of children before and after transformation; IgA was more prominent after than before. Cytoplasmic Ig of peripheral blood lymphocytes from these individuals was mainly IgM. Secreted Ig from tonsil lymphocytes was mainly IgA or IgG; after transformation IgM predominated with adult cell lines, and IgG or IgM with cell lines from children. IgE was consistently sparse in spite of ragweed and/or grass allergies of the adults.  相似文献   
新(亚)种的模式标本除标明者外均存作者所在单位。1.贵州棘蝇Phaonia guizhouensis Wei,新种(图1) 雄:体长6mm。眼具淡黄色密长毛。额宽至少等于触角第三节宽。间额黑灰,约为一侧额的5倍宽。侧额狭,粉被暗银灰色。额鬃上达单眼瘤前,仅前方的3对发达,后大半细如眼毛。侧颜黑,下侧颜暗红,粉被银灰;侧颜至少如触角第三节宽之半。触角黑,第三节约为第二节的2倍长。芒短羽状,最长芒毛约为触角宽之半。颊蓝黑,粉被灰褐,前上缘具一列上弯的鬃;颊约如眼高的2/7。口上片突出于额前缘。中颜板  相似文献   
Les interactions h?te-parasito?de ont été abordées dans le cas du systèmeTrichomalopsis peregrina G. (Pteromalidae) et son h?te grégaireEuproctis chrysorrhoea L. (Lymantriidae), au cours de la phase diapausante des chenilles dans les nids d'hiver tissés par ce ravageur. Un échantillon de 1 432 nids d'hiver a été récolté dans 8 peuplements de chênes dans la région toulousaine durant l'hiver 1988. Le volume du nid a été utilisé comme estimateur du nombre de chenillesh?tes dans les nids et la réponse du parasito?de a été comparée à celle prévue par la théorie de la stratégie optimale de recherche. Les principaux résultats sont les suivants:
(i)  les parasito?des présentent une réponse agrégative typique, les plus fortes densités d'h?tes correspondant au plus grand nombre de parasito?des sortant des nids;
(ii)  contrairement à la théorie, les taux de parasitisme apparent varient en sens inverse des effectifs de chenilles par nid;
(iii)  ces résultats suggèrent l'existence d'une accessibilité limitée des chenilles, l'activité parasitaire s'exer?ant sur les chenilles proches de la surface du nid.
Host-parasitoid interactions are reviewed in the case ofTrichomalopsis peregrina G. (Pteromalidae) and its aggregated host,Euproctis chrysorrhoea (Lymantriidae) during the arrest of development of the caterpillars in the winter nest spun by this forest pest. A sample of 1,432 winter nests in 8 oak groves near Toulouse, Haute-Garonne, France were collected during the winter 1988. The volume of the winter nests has been used to estimate the number of larvae in nests. The response of the parasitoid has been compared with the optimal searching theory for parasitoids. The main results are: (i) Parasitoids present an aggregative response; to a higher density of host larvae corresponds a higher number of apparent attacks; (ii) in contrast with that theory, the apparent rate of parasitism is inversely density dependent with respect to caterpillar density in the nest; (iii) these results suggest that the access of the parasito?d to the caterpillars is limited to the proximity of the nest surface.  相似文献   
A sensitive fluorometric method for the quantitation of hemoglobin glycosylation, based upon periodate oxidation of the carbohydrate moieties present on both the α- and ?-amino groups of globin is described. The formaldehyde product is measured as the fluorescent 3,5-diacetyl-1,4-dihydrolutidine formed from the condensation of formaldehyde with acetylacetone and ammonia.This method is rigorously designed to assay glycosylated hemoglobin levels and to give a direct measure of the number of glycogroups per milligram of hemoglobin. It requires only 1 mg of protein and may also be used to determine the extent of the nonenzmatic glycosylation of other proteins.  相似文献   
E E Keha  H Ronft  G B Kresze 《FEBS letters》1982,145(2):289-292
45Ca2+ incorporated in response to glucose was selectively mobilized from the beta-cell-rich pancreatic islets of ob/ob-mice after raising the intracellular Na+ by removal of K+ or addition of ouabain or veratridine. Also studies of insulin release indicated opposite effects of glucose and Na+ on the intracellular sequestration of calcium. The fact that glucose inhibits insulin release induced by raised intracellular Na+ indicates that this sugar can lower the cytoplasmic [Ca2+]. The concept of a dual action of glucose on the cytoplasmic [Ca2+]. The concept of a dual action of glucose on the cytoplasmic [Ca2+] might well explain previous observations of an inhibitory component in the glucose action on the 45Ca2+ efflux.  相似文献   
In the Maritime Alps, the Middle and Upper Bathoniancorresponds to a transgressive episode on the Provençal platform. The advancement of the marine invasion is very noticeable between Grasse and Antibes. The sediment shows the existence of a shallow marine environment in which benthic organisms were predominant.The deposits are at first varied: marly layers withbivalves (burrowers for the most part) and calcareous layers with monospecific populations of brachiopods (Burmirhynchia mediterranea nov. sp. in a calm environment, and B. turgidaBuckman in a more turbulent environment).The deposits then become uniform and show theexistence of very shallows environments: B. decorata kiliani nov. subsp. is the only representative of macrofauna in the micritic limestones that can be attributed to the Upper Bathonian.The Rhynchonellids, as on the other Bathonian carbonateplatforms of Western Europe, seem to be the only organisms likely to stay alive and proliferate in the specific environments in which entirely carbonate sediments are deposited in shallow water. Due to their relationships to those existing in other platforms, the species described in this article permit the clarification of biostratigraphic correlations.  相似文献   
Flavonoid patterns of several provenances ofVeronica triloba, V. sublobata, andV. hederifolia s. str. have been investigated. 7-0-glucuronides of apigenin and luteolin as well as of 6-substituted (6-hydroxyluteolin and hispidulin) and 3′-methylated (chrysoeriol) derivatives represent characteristic accumulation tendencies in theV. hederifolia group. The three species show slightly different flavonoid profiles.V. hederifolia exhibits a cumulative pattern of all compounds occurring either inV. triloba orV. sublobata, thus supporting the hypothesis of an allopolyploid origin ofV. hederifolia.  相似文献   
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