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* The relationship between carboxylate release from roots and the ability of the species to utilize phosphorus from sparingly soluble forms was studied by comparing Triticum aestivum, Brassica napus, Cicer arietinum, Pisum sativum, Lupinus albus, Lupinus angustifolius and Lupinus cosentinii. * Plants were grown in sand and supplied with 40 mg P kg(-1) in the sparingly soluble forms AlPO(4), FePO(4) or Ca(5)OH(PO(4))(3), or as soluble KH(2)PO(4); control plants received no P. * The ability to utilize sparingly soluble forms of P differed between forms of P supplied and species. Pisum sativum and C. arietinum did not access AlPO(4) or FePO(4) despite releasing carboxylates into the rhizosphere. * Species accessed different forms of sparingly soluble P, but no species was superior in accessing all forms. We conclude that a single trait cannot explain access to different forms of sparingly soluble P, and hypothesize that in addition to carboxylates, rhizosphere pH and root morphology are key factors.  相似文献   
Two molecular cytogenetics methods, PRINS (primed in situ DNA labeling) and C-PRINS (cycling PRINS), were optimized for the physical mapping of several types of DNA sequences on the mitotic chromosomes of the narrow-leafed lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L.). The fragment of the FokI element from Vicia faba was localised by indirect PRINS reaction. Two other sequences, fragments of the coding sequences of L. luteus and of L. angustifolius, were localised by indirect C-PRINS. These techniques are faster and more sensitive than FISH, and they allowed the mapping of short DNA fragments. The data obtained shows that both types of PRINS are valuable tools for chromosome identification in lupin.  相似文献   
Pinheiro C  Kehr J  Ricardo CP 《Planta》2005,221(5):716-728
Lupinus albus plants can withstand severe drought stress and show signs of recovery 24 h after rewatering (RW). Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis was used to evaluate the effect of water deficit (WD) on the protein composition of the two components of the lupin stem (stele and cortex). This was performed at three distinct stress levels: an early stage, a severe WD, and early recovery. Protein characterisation was performed through mass spectrometric partial sequencing. Modifications in the protein expression were first noticed at 3 days of withholding water, when the plant water status was still unaffected but some decrease in the relative soil water content had already occurred. An increase in serine proteases, possibly associated with WD sensing, was an early alteration induced by WD. When the stress severity increased, a larger number of stem proteins were affected. Immunophilin, serine protease and cysteine protease (well-known components of animal sensing pathways) were some of these proteins. The simultaneous expression of proteases and protease inhibitors that reacted differently to the stress level and to RW was found. Although the level of protease inhibitors was significantly raised, RW did not cause de novo expression of proteins. Many amino acid sequences did not match known sequences of either protein or expressed sequence tag databases. This emphasises the largely unknown nature of stem proteins. Nevertheless, some important clues regarding the way the lupin plant copes with WD were revealed.  相似文献   
为了探讨绿木霉与褐环乳牛肝菌的互作机理,在体外共培养条件下,采用光学显微镜和扫描电镜对二者生长重叠部分进行体外观察,发现二者生长无相互影响,在营养生长方面几乎不存在竞争关系。为进一步揭示绿木霉与褐环乳牛肝菌的互作机制,采用体外诱导和生物化学等方法,向褐环乳牛肝菌发酵液中加入灭活绿木霉菌丝诱导物,每天对发酵液中的多酚氧化酶、几丁质酶、漆酶和中性蛋白酶等酶活性进行检测。试验结果表明,绿木霉诱导褐环乳牛肝菌产漆酶能力最强;在整个共培养过程中,多酚氧化酶和漆酶活力始终处于较高水平,在诱导培养第6天,这两种酶活性升至最高,分别达到25.2U/mL和1 580U/mL;灭活绿木霉菌丝对褐环乳牛肝菌几丁质酶的诱导具有“瞬时性”,在诱导培养第2天即检测到较高的几丁质酶活性;中性蛋白酶的活性变化基本上呈先上升后下降的规律,且能增大褐环乳牛肝菌中性蛋白酶的固有产量,形成“叠加效果”。综上所述,绿木霉对褐环乳牛肝菌几乎不存在营养竞争关系,但其灭活菌丝体对褐环乳牛肝菌发酵液的多种酶活性存在诱导增效作用。  相似文献   
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Root axes elongate slowly and swell radially under mechanical impedance. However, temporal and spatial changes to impeded root apices have only been described qualitatively. This paper aims (a) to quantify morphological changes to root apices and (b) assess whether these changes pre-dispose young root tissues to hypoxia. METHODS: Lupin (Lupinus angustifolius) seedlings were grown into coarse sand that was pressurized through a diaphragm to generate mechanical impedance on growing root axes. In situ observations yielded growth rates and root response to hypoxia. Roots were then removed to assess morphology, cell lengths and local growth velocities. Oxygen uptake into excised segments was measured. KEY RESULTS: An applied pressure of 15 kPa slowed root extension by 75% after 10-20 h while the same axes thickened by about 50%. The most terminal 2-3 mm of axes did not respond morphologically to impedance, in spite of the slower flux of cells out of this region. The basal boundary of root extension encroached to within 4 mm of the apex (cf. 10 mm in unimpeded roots), while radial swelling extended 10 mm behind the apex in impeded roots. Oxygen demand by segments of these short, thick, impeded roots was significantly different from segments of unimpeded roots when the zones of elongation in each treatment were compared. Specifically, impeded roots consumed O2 faster and O2 consumption was more likely to be O2-limited over a substantial proportion of the elongation zone, making these roots more susceptible to O2 deficit. Impeded roots used more O2 per unit growth (measured as either unit of elongation or unit of volumetric expansion) than unimpeded roots. Extension of impeded roots in situ was O2-limited at sub-atmospheric O2 levels (21% O2), while unimpeded roots were only limited below 11% O2. CONCLUSIONS: The shift in the zone of extension towards the apex in impeded roots coincided with greater vulnerability to hypoxia even after soil was removed. Roots still encased in impeded soil are likely to suffer from marked O2 deficits.  相似文献   
The internal concentration of isoflavonoids in white lupin (Lupinus albus) cluster roots and the exudation of isoflavonoids by these roots were investigated with respect to the effects of phosphorus (P) supply, root type and cluster-root developmental stage.To identify and quantify the major isoflavonoids exuded by white lupin roots, we used high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled to electrospray ionization (ESI) in mass spectrometry (MS).The major exuded isoflavonoids were identified as genistein and hydroxygenistein and their corresponding mono- and diglucoside conjugates. Exudation of isoflavonoids during the incubation period used was higher in P-deficient than in P-sufficient plants and higher in cluster roots than in noncluster roots. The peak of exudation occurred in juvenile and immature cluster roots, while exudation decreased in mature cluster roots.Cluster-root exudation activity was characterized by a burst of isoflavonoids at the stage preceding the peak of organic acid exudation. The potential involvement of ATP-citrate lyase in controlling citrate and isoflavonoid exudation is discussed, as well as the possible impact of phenolics in repelling rhizosphere microbial citrate consumers.  相似文献   
Gill RA  Boie JA  Bishop JG  Larsen L  Apple JL  Evans RD 《Oecologia》2006,148(2):312-324
In the two decades following the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens in Washington State, the N2-fixing colonizer Lupinus lepidus is associated with striking heterogeneity in plant community and soil development. We report on differences in nutrient availability and plant tissue chemistry between older, dense patches (core) of L. lepidus and more recently established low density patches (edge). In addition, we conducted a factorial nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization experiment in core patches to examine the degree of N and P limitation in early primary succession. We found that there were no significant differences in N or P availability between core and edge L. lepidus patches during the dry summer months, although nutrient availability is very low across the landscape. In the high density patches we found lower tissue N content and higher fiber content in L. lepidus tissue than in the younger edge patches. The addition of nutrients substantially altered plant community composition, with N addition causing an increase in other forb biomass and a corresponding competition-induced decline in L. lepidus biomass. The majority of the positive biomass response came from Hypochaeris radicata. In the second year of the fertilization experiment, the addition of N significantly increased total community biomass while L. lepidus biomass declined by more than 50%. The response of every species other than L. lepidus to N additions suggests that N may be the macronutrient most limiting plant production on Mount St. Helens but that the gains in productivity were somewhat offset by a decline of the dominant species. By the third year of the experiment, L. lepidus began to increase in abundance with P addition. This result suggests co-limitation of the community by N and P.  相似文献   
Root–soil interactions can strongly influence the soil solution chemistry in the rhizosphere. In the present study we propose a modification of the classical rhizobox/micro suction cup system to make it suitable for the collection and analysis of organic acids in the rhizosphere. In order to show the potential of the method, we tested the modified system with Lupinus albus L. as a model plant known to exude large amounts of citrate. The suction cups were installed through the transparent front plate of the rhizoboxes just after the emergence of cluster roots in order to allow optimal localized collection of soil solution. A small dead-volume allowed almost immediate stabilisation with formaldehyde of the sampled soil solutions in the collection container to prevent microbial degradation. The concentrations of organic acids were significantly larger in the rhizosphere soil solution of active cluster roots of Lupinus albus L. than in the bulk soil solution (about 400 μM of citrate versus <0.05 μM). We were able to follow the exudation process in-situ, which occurred during 2–3 days. Also the concentrations of other organic acids and inorganic anions differed between the bulk soil and the rhizosphere of cluster roots, normal roots, and nodules.  相似文献   
Anthers cultures of six Polish cultivars of pasture lupin (Lupinus L.) were examined for their androgenic response. Anthers with microspores at the uninucleate stage were isolated from flower buds and cultured in liquid media. Better viability of androgenetic structures was obtained when donor plants had grown under field as opposed to greenhouse conditions. A density of five anthers per 0.5 ml medium was more conducive to androgenetic induction than 25 anthers per 0.5 ml medium. Addition of 5% maltose to the induction medium and culture at 25°C without pre-treatment of flowers, buds or anthers promoted microspore release and division. The greatest frequency of androgenic callus, ~70% was developed from cvs. Katon, Wat (white lupin), in contrast to cvs. Legat, Juno (yellow lupin), Polonez and Sonet (narrow-leafed lupin) with callus induction ~30–40%. Despite various combinations of media tested, plant regeneration was not obtained from anther derived callus.  相似文献   
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