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Summary The innervation of the toad (Bufo marinus) lung was studied with transmission electron microscopy and fluorescence techniques, both before and after 12 or 20 days close vagosympathetic denervation. Four cytologically distinct types of neuronal processes were recognised, in relation to the visceral muscles of the lung. These were described as cholinergic, adrenergic, nonadrenergic/non-cholinergic (NANC) and sensory on the basis of the characteristics of their vesicular content and cytochemical reactions. An apparent efferent innervation of visceral smooth muscle was achieved by NANC (50%), cholinergic (25%) and adrenergic (25%) fibres. A few sensory fibres were also present. After denervation only NANC fibres persisted, showing that the cell bodies of these fibres were intrapulmonary. The vascular smooth muscle was supplied by cholinergic, adrenergic and sensory fibres. In the walls of the proximal branches of the pulmonary artery were fibres containing large dense-cored vesicles. These profiles, which were associated with the vasa vasorum, were similar to neurosecretory fibres. After denervation all neural profiles associated with the vasculature had degenerated. The observations suggest that vagal vasodepressor effects in the toad lung are mediated indirectly through relaxation of visceral muscle strands which in their contracted state compress vascular channels.The authors would like to thank Dr. J.R. McLean for technical advice on fluorescence microscopy. This work was supported by a grant from the Australian Research Grants Committee  相似文献   
Ultrastructural and morphometric investigations were performed on the lung of the European salamander, Salamandra salamandra L. Folds of first and second order are covered with a ciliated epithelium containing goblet cells. The respiratory surface of the lung is lined by a single type of cell which, in amphibians, combines features of type I and type II alveolar cells of the mammalian lung. In the salamander the respiratory and ciliated epithelial cells as well as goblet cells possess electron dense and lucent vesicles in their cytoplasm as well as lamellar bodies. A small amount of surfactant, composed most probably of phospholipids and mucopolysaccharides, was observed covering the entire inner surface of the lung. Morphometric methods were used to determine the dimensions of the perinuclear region of pneumocytes, the thickness of the air-blood barrier and lung wall, and also the diameter of capillaries. The thickness of the respiratory air-blood barrier was found to be considerably higher than that of the corresponding barrier in mammals.  相似文献   
Summary Neuroepithelial bodies (NEB) were identified in the lung of Bufo marinus. The characteristics of the cells and their innervation were studied with electron and fluorescence microscopy before and after close vagosympathetic denervation. The bodies consist of low columnar cells which rest on the epithelial basal lamina. The majority of the cells do not reach the lumen of the lung (basal cells); the few which do (apical cells) are bordered by microvilli and possess a single cilium. The neuroepithelial cell cytoplasm contains a variety of organelles the most characteristic of which are dense cored vesicles. Microspectrofluorometry and electron microscopic cytochemistry indicate significant quantities of 5-hydroxytryptamine in these cells. The neuroepithelial bodies could be divided into three groups on the basis of their innervation: 1) About 60% of the NEBs are innervated solely by nerve fibres containing agranular vesicles which form reciprocal synapses; 2) about 20% are innervated solely by adrenergic nerve fibres which form distinct synaptic contacts; and 3) the remaining 20% are innervated by both types of nerve fibres. It is proposed that the NEBs are receptors monitoring intrapulmonary PCO 2 and so leading to modulation of activity in afferent nerve fibres (type containing agranular vesicles). The presence of NEBs solely with an adrenergic (efferent) innervation poses a problem with this interpretation.  相似文献   
The pH dependence of proton uptake upon binding of NADH to porcine heart mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase (l-malate: NAD+ oxidoreductase, EC has been investigated. The enzyme has been shown to exhibit a pH-dependent uptake of protons upon binding NADH at pH values from 6.0 to 8.5. Enzyme in which one histidine residue has been modified per subunit by the reagent iodoacetamide (E. M. Gregory, M. S. Rohrbach, and J. H. Harrison, 1971, Biochim. Biophys. Acta253, 489–497) was used to establish that this specific histidine residue was responsible for the uptake of a proton upon binding of NADH to the native enzyme. It has also been established that while there is no enhancement of the nucleotide fluorescence upon addition of NADH to the iodoacetamide-modified enzyme, NADH is nevertheless binding to the modified enzyme with the same stoichiometry as with native enzyme. The data are discussed in relation to the involvement of the essential histidine residue in the catalytic mechanism of “histidine dehydrogenases” recently proposed by Lodola et al. (A. Lodola, D. M. Parker, R. Jeck, and J. J. Holbrook, 1978, Biochem. J.173, 597–605) and the catalytic mechanism of “malate dehydrogenases” recently proposed by L. H. Bernstein and J. Everse (1978, J. Biol. Chem.253, 8702–8707).  相似文献   
Summary Carapace movements in crabs are briefly reviewed. While on land and recirculating branchial water, the Australian semaphore crab Heloecius cordiformis (Decapoda: Ocypodidae), a semi-terrestrial air-breathing mangrove crab, sequentially depresses and elevates its carapace relative to its thorax (0.5–1 mm excursion) in a regular pump-like manner. In quiescent crabs each carapace-pumping cycle lasts about 4 s; carapace depression takes 3 s and elevation 1 s. Carapace movements are brought about by pressures generated within the branchial chambers by the scaphognathites, probably in combination with carapace muscles. Carapace movements are associated with bilaterally synchronised scaphognathite activity. Unilateral scaphognathite activity was not observed. During normal forward recirculation of branchial water the scaphognathites beat at about 1.5 Hz (slow-forward pumping) and the lungs (epibranchial chambers) are not ventilated. In Heloecius, the lungs are not physically separated from the gills below by an anatomical barrier. Lung ventilation is accomplished during the following sequence of events: the carapace is lowered and the scaphognathites pump in a fast-forward mode at about 2.8 Hz. This activity preferentially pumps air out of the lungs and generates suction within the branchial chambers (4–10 cm H2O below ambient) which draws water from external body surfaces into the hypobranchial space below and around the gills. At the end of the carapace's downward travel the scaphognathites switch from fast-forward to fastreverse beating at about 4 Hz. This pumps air into the lungs and the carapace elevates. As a result, during carapace elevation the water which had previously been drawn into the branchial chambers by fast-forward pumping activity is released and flows out between the legs and into the abdominosternal cavity. When the carapace reaches its original resting or up position the scaphognathites switch from fast-reverse to slowforward beating to re-establish water recirculation through the branchial chambers. This cycle is subsequently repeated. In stationary crabs, there are 2 carapace-pumping cycles per minute, increasing to 14 per minute in active crabs (walking). When water is absent, the lungs are preferentially ventilated by slow-reverse scaphognathite pumping activity. Carapace movements do not occur in the absence of branchial water. Carapace pumping is thought to provide a mechanism which permits the scaphognathites to ventilate the lungs in the presence of recirculating branchial water, without this water interfering with lung ventilation or being lost to the environment.Abbreviations FF, FR, SF, SR fast-forward, fast-reverse, slowforward, slow-reverse scaphognathite pumping - MEA Milne Edwards aperture  相似文献   
本文用~(125)Ⅰ标记LC-1进行了一些体内外实验。实验结果表明:LC-1单抗的结合常数为4.8×10~8M~(-1),LC-1针对的SPC-A_1细胞表面抗原的位点数为7.2×10~4/细胞;LC-1与LAC-122两单抗针对的抗原决定簇没有交叉;用蛋白酶和过碘酸钠处理SPC-A_1细胞,前者对LC-1的结合抑制39%,后者抑制66%;LC- 1不但有较强的体外结合靶细胞的能力,从LC-1在荷瘤裸鼠中的组织器官分布来看,LC-1与肿瘤有较高的体内亲和性,并且是特异性的结合。  相似文献   
The morphology and life cycle of Pneumocystis carinii were studied in cortico-steroid-treated rats by ultrathin section and freeze-fracture electron microscopy. The following stages of P. carinii were noted: trophic, precyst, and cyst. The crescent-shaped cysts appeared to be intermediate forms between precyst and cyst. The cell wall of the trophic stage showed membrane structures suggestive of protozoan endocytosis, whereas the surface of the precyst stage was smooth. The cell wall of the cyst lacked the specialized structural differentiation of yeasts and resembled that of Plasmodium spp. We conclude that P. carinii belongs to the Protozoa, and is presumably Rhizopoda.  相似文献   
Summary Single cells of a new type appear scattered among pneumocytes in the pulmonary epithelium. The surfaces of these cells communicate with the air space and display numerous finger-like microvilli. In comparison to pneumocytes, these cells have a more lucid cytoplasm and their apical parts contain large amounts of electron-lucent vesicles and electron-dense granules, which are probably released into the lumen of the lung. These secretory cells exhibit a yellow formaldehyde-induced fluorescence, which suggests that they belong to the class of APUD cells.  相似文献   
Summary A new calculation of the relative efficiency of polymorphic enzyme markers, called the REB, was determined and compared with one of Fisher's determinations of the relative efficiency called REA here. The REA estimates the chance of failing, and 1-REA of succeeding, to show a phenotypic difference between two randomly selected persons or cultured cell lines (Case 1). In this study it was shown that the REA also estimates the chance of detecting a cell line mislabeling or similar mixup (Case 2) and a cell line cross-contamination leading to the complete replacement of an original line by contaminating line (Case 3). The new REB determines the probability of failing, and 1-REB of succeeding, to detect a contamination of an original line by another line leading to their coexistence, or at least a sufficiently long period of transitional coexistence before one overgrows the other. The REA and REB also apply to determining the efficiency of polymorphic markers in detecting donor and recipient cells in tissue transplants. This work was developed from the author's involvement in the human tumor cell-line characterization project at Sloan-Kettering Institute and he acknowledges this opportunity and the benefits of his association with Dr. J?rgen Fogh and colleagues in the Human Tumor Cell Laboratory.  相似文献   
Summary Scanning and transmission electron microscopy were used to study the inner architecture of the frog lung. In some specimens the alveolar surface mucus layer was removed to permit the examination of underlying features. The inner surface of the frog's lung is covered by a layer of microvilli belonging to only one type of epithelial cells. The boundaries of these epithelial cells are demarcated by small ridges. Different degrees of lung expansion cause variations of the surface topography. The morphology of certain surface features is examined in detail. Several methods of drying the specimens are compared.The author wishes to thank Dr. I. E. Richter, Institut für allgemeine und experimentelle Pathologie der Bundeswehr, Mainz, for the opportunity to do these investigations and for helpful discussions.  相似文献   
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