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高寒山区植物根抗氧化酶系统的季节变化与抗冷冻关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在高寒山区(海拔2900m)和选取4种多年生草本植物,即无芒雀麦(Bromus inermis)、草地早熟禾(Poa sphyondylodes)、花誉麦(Bromus sinensis)和垂重申披碱草(Elymus nutans),测定了秋末、冬初、冬季、春季气温变化过程中其根中丙二醛(MDA)含量和抗氧酶活力(过氧化氢酶(CAT)、过氧化物酶(POD)、超氧物歧化酶(SOD))和抗坏血酸氧化酶(APX)变化,分析了抗氧酶系统在根抗冷适应中的作用,结果表明,随秋末降温植物根中MDA含量增加,尔后下降,在冬季和翌年春季保持相对稳定。从9月初到10月下旬,4种植物根中SOD、CAT、POD活力平均增加170%、130%和56%。在冬季下降,但仍远高于9月,在春季气温上升过程中酶活力上升。根能在组织结冰状况下生存与其具备完善的保护酶系统,能及时清除氧自由基抑制膜脂过氧化维持膜完整性有关,据降温过程中MDA含量和抗氧酶活力变化,可将根冷适应分为两个阶段,即第1阶段平均气温在0℃以上,抗氧酶活力增强,MDA增加阶段,第2阶段平均气温降至0℃以下,最低气温降到-15℃以下,抗氧酶活力下降,MDA无明显变化阶段。  相似文献   
Liao Yan  Chen Guizhu 《生态学报》2007,(6):2208-2214
The impact of salinity on three arboreal mangrove plants, Sonneratia apetala (Sa), S. caseolaris (Sc) and Rhizophora stylosa (Rs), was studied. The three mangrove species were treated with different salinity levels over a three-month period. The response and adaptation of these three mangrove species to salinity were shown to be different. Net photosynthesis rate, stomata conductance and transpiration rate of leaves decreased and soluble sugar content in leaves increased, with salt concentration in all three mangrove species. The malondial dehyde (MDA) content in stems and leaves of Sa and Sc somewhat decreased when the salinity was lower than 10, but rapidly increased with increasing salt concentration. The MDA content in stems and leaves of Rs increased only when salinity was greater than 40. No changes were observed in the MDA content of roots in the three mangrove species. The adaptabilities of Sa and Sc to salt tolerance were limited. The more salt tolerant the mangrove Rs, the more likely the free oxygen radicals were eliminated through the increase in activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD). Results of this experiment identified salinity levels best suited for the growth and metabolism of the species, which provides information necessary for maintaining mangrove forestation along the South China coast.  相似文献   
The present study was designed to investigate the potential protective effect of melatonin as an antioxidant separately or in combination with antigens (cercarial; CAP or soluble worm; SWAP) against Schistosoma mansoni infection in hamsters. Each hamster was sensitized with an initial immunization of 0.6 ml of the extracted antigen (30 μg protein/mL). After four days,a second injection of 0.4 mL was given (20 μg protein/mL). Then,each hamster was exposed to 260±20 S.mansoni cercariae followed with melatonin...  相似文献   
Using ethane as a marker for peroxidative damage to membranes by reactive oxygen species (ROS) we examined the injury of rice seedlings during submergence in the dark. It is often expressed that membrane injury from ROS is a post-submergence phenomenon occurring when oxygen is re-introduced after submergence-induced anoxia. We found that ethane production, from rice seedlings submerged for 24–72 h, was stimulated to 4–37 nl gFW−1, indicating underwater membrane peroxidation. When examined a week later the seedlings were damaged or had died. On de-submergence in air, ethane production rates rose sharply, but fell back to less than 0.1 nl gFW−1 h−1 after 2 h. We compared submergence-susceptible and submergence-tolerant cultivars, submergence starting in the morning (more damage) and in the afternoon (less damage) and investigated different submergence durations. The seedlings showed extensive fatality whenever total ethane emission exceeded about 15 nl gFW−1. Smaller amounts of ethane emission were linked to less extensive injury to leaves. Partial oxygen shortage (O2 levels <1%) imposed for 2 h in gas phase mixtures also stimulated ethane production. In contrast, seedlings under anaerobic gas phase conditions produced no ethane until re-aerated: then a small peak was observed followed by a low, steady ethane production. We conclude that damage during submergence is not associated with extensive anoxia. Instead, injury is linked to membrane peroxidation in seedlings that are partially oxygen deficient while submerged. On return to air, further peroxidation is suppressed within about 2 h indicating effective control of ROS production not evident during submergence itself.  相似文献   
It has been recently hypothesized that in PIH a placental oxidant-antioxidant imbalance might cause the release of lipoperoxidation products into the circulation, with subsequent damage of endothelial cell membranes. In this hypothesis the endothelial cell and further increase in circulating lipoperoxide levels, which are by themselves able to induce smooth muscle constriction and increased pressor responsiveness to angiotensin II. In order to investigate this issue, we studied the basal content of lipid peroxides in terms of malondialdehyde (MDA) in the syncytiotrophoblast plasma membranes (SPM) from PIH women. Moreover, we investigated the susceptibility to peroxidation of SPM using anin vitro oxidative stress as a tool to verify the predisposition to thein vivo development of peroxidation products. The fatty acid composition of the membranes was also analyzed. Microvillus membrane lipoperoxide concentrations were significantly increased in PIH women (62.8±7.6 ng MDA/mg prot) compared with healthy pregnant subjects (37.6±4.8 ng MDA/mg prot; p<0.01).The formation of TBARS under the action of phenylhydrazine was significantly greater in PIH women (90.3±7.4 mmol MDA/mol cholesterol) than in normal pregnant subjects (68.6±6.4 mmol MDA/mol cholesterol; p<0.01). In PIH microvillus membrane we also observed a significant increase of the content of polyunsaturated arachidonic acid.The increased susceptibility to oxidative stress of SPMs from PIH women might be due either to reduced antioxidant systems or to an abnormality of the lipid composition of the membrane. The present work also demonstrated in PIH a reduction in the SPM content of saturated fatty acids with an increase in polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are the major substrate for peroxidation. On the other hand, the higher lipoperoxidation may be due to the observed increased susceptibility to peroxidative stress, to a primary reduction in placental perfusion with tissue hypoxia or to both factors, which can potentiate each other.  相似文献   
Fatty acids (FAs) have long been recognized for their nutritional value in the absence of glucose, and as necessary components of cell membranes. However, FAs have other effects on cells that may be less familiar. Polyunsaturated FAs of dietary origin (n–6 andn–3) cannot be synthesized by mammals, and are termed essential because they are required for the optimal biologic function of specialized cells and tissues. However, they do not appear to be necessary for normal growth and metabolism of a variety of cells in culture. The essential fatty acids (EFAs) have received increased attention in recent years due to their presumed involvement in cardiovascular disorders and in cancers of the breast, pancreas, colon and prostate. Manyin vitro systems have emerged which either examine the role of EFAs in human disease directly, or utilize EFAs to mimic thein vivo cellular environment. The effects of EFAs on cells are both direct and indirect. As components of membrane phospholipids, and due to their varying structural and physical properties, EFAs can alter membrane fluidity, at least in the local environment, and affect any process that is mediated via the membrane. EFAs containing 20 carbons and at least three double bonds can be enzymatically converted to eicosanoid hormones, which play important roles in a variety of physiological and pathological processes. Alternatively, EFAs released into cells from phospholipids can act as second messengers that activate protein kinase C. Furthermore, susceptibility to oxidative damage increases with the degree of unsaturation, a complication that merits consideration because lipid peroxidation can lead to a variety of substances with toxic and mutagenic properties. The effects of EFAs on cultured cells are illustrated using the responses of normal and tumor human mammary epithelial cells. A thorough evaluation of EFA effects on commercially important cells could be used to advantage in the biotechnology industry by identifying EFA supplements that lead to improved cell growth and/or productivity.Abbreviations AA arachidonic acid (20 carbons: 4 double bonds,n–6) - BHA butylated hydroxyanisole - BHT butylated hydroxytoluene - cAMP cyclic adenosine monophosphate - CHO Chinese hamster ovary - DAG diacylglycerol - DGLNA dihomo--linolenic acid (203,n–6) - DHA docosahexaenoic acid (226,n–3) - EFA essential fatty acid - EGF epidermal growth factor - EGFR epidermal growth factor receptor - EPA eicosapentaenoic acid (205,n–3) - FA fatty acid - FBS fetal bovine serum - GLNA -linolenic acid (183,n–6) - LA linoleic acid (182,n–6) - LNA -linolenic acid (183,n–3) - LT leukotriene - MDA malondialdehyde - NAD nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide - NDGA nordihydroguaiaretic acid - OA oleic acid (181,n–9) - PG prostaglandin - PKC protein kinase C - PUFA polyunsaturated fatty acid - SFM serum-free medium - TX thromboxane  相似文献   
A number of xenobiotics are toxic because they rcdox cycle and generate free radicals. Interaction with iron, either to produce reactive species such as the hydroxyl radical, or to promote lipid peroxidation, is an important factor in this toxicity. A potential biological source of iron is ferritin. The cytotoxic pyrimidines, dialuric acid, divicine and isouramil, readily release iron from ferritin and promote ferritin-dependent lipid peroxidation. Superoxide dismutase and GSH, which maintain the pyrimidines in their reduced form, enhance both iron release and lipid peroxidation. Microsomes plus NADPH can reduce a number of iron complexes, although not ferritin. Reduction of Adriamycin. paraquat or various quinones to their radicals by the microsomes enhances reduction of the iron complexes, and in some cases, enables iron release from ferritin. Adriamycin stimulates iron-dependent lipid peroxidation of the microsomes. Ferritin can provide the iron, and peroxidation is most pronounced at low PO2. Compiexing agents that supress intraccllular iron reduction and lipid peroxidation may protect against the toxicity of Adriamycin.  相似文献   
低温下黄瓜幼苗子叶硫氢基(SH)含量变化与膜脂过氧化   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
随着温度的降低,黄瓜(Cucumis sativus)幼苗子叶中的 SH 基含量逐渐减少;子叶电解质泄漏逐渐提高;SH 基含量的减少与丙二醛(MDA)的增加呈负相关。在黄瓜幼苗子叶中由低温引起的 SH 含量降低和 MDA 增加可因苯甲酸钠和 Vit E 预处理而抑制,因甲基紫精(MV)预处理而加剧。随着对黄瓜幼苗预处理的 MDA 浓度的增大,幼苗子叶中 SH 基含量的降低和电解质泄漏的增加越来越剧,显示出 MDA 对 SH 基具有一定的破坏作用。  相似文献   
Dipyridamole (DIP), 2,6-bis(diethanolamino)-4,8-dipiperidino-[5,4-d]pyrimidine, is a coronary vasodilator widely used in clinics. It has also been reported to have coactivator activity for a number of antitumour drugs and antioxidant activity in membrane systems. In recent years we have been studying the spectroscopic properties of this drug and several of its derivatives as well as their interaction with charged micelles and phospholipid monolayers. A strong interaction of DIP and DIP derivatives with these model membrane systems and a dependence of the strength of the interaction upon the chemical structure of the DIP derivative was observed. Here, the antioxidant effect of DIP and the derivatives, RA14, RA47, and RA25, was compared. We observed that although it strongly inhibits the iron-induced lipoperoxidation on mitochondria (IC50 = 1 μM), it shows no protection against an organic oxidant, cumene hydroperoxide. The order of hydrophobicity of the DIP derivatives, DIP > RA14 > RA47 > RA25, correlates very well with both the values of the association constants of these derivatives to micelles, their localization in the micelles, and phospholipid films and their antioxidant effect on mitochondria. So, a very good correlation of the structure of the drug in regarded to the nature of its substituents with the biological activity is observed. Essentially the same result was observed either measuring the lipid peroxidation or the membrane fluidity by ESR, suggesting that the effect of DIP and DIP derivatives is probably associated to their binding to the lipid bilayer and not to interaction with membrane proteins.  相似文献   
大豆下胚轴线粒体的衰老与膜脂的过氧化作用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
离体的大豆下胚轴线粒体,在人工衰老条件下,产生了结构膨胀和细胞色素氧化酶活性的下降。衰老的线粒体也发生膜脂的过氧化作用——丙二醛、脂质的氢过氧化物和荧光脂褐色素明显增加。而且,线粒体衰老时产生的膜脂过氧化产物雨二醛,可能是膜脂的磷脂酰胆碱和磷脂酰乙醇胺中的亚麻酸发生过氧化反应的结果。  相似文献   
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