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The gut of most insects is lined with a peritrophic matrix that facilitates the digestive process and protects insects from invasion by micro-organisms and parasites. It is widely accepted that the matrix is composed of chitin, proteins and proteoglycans. Here we critically re-examine the chitin content of the typical type 2 peritrophic matrix from the larvae of the fly Lucilia cuprina using a range of techniques. Many of the histochemical and biochemical techniques indicate the presence of chitin, although they are often adversely influenced by the presence of highly glycosylated proteins, a principal component of the matrix. The alkali-stable fraction, which is used as an indicator of the maximum chitin content in a biological sample, is only 7.2% of the weight of the matrix. Larvae fed on the potent chitin synthase inhibitor polyoxin D or the chitin-binding agent Calcofluor White, showed strong concentration-dependent inhibition of larval weight and survival but no discernible effects on the matrix structure. A bacterial endochitinase fed to larvae had no effect on larval growth and no observable effect in vitro on the structure of isolated peritrophic matrix. RT–PCR did not detect a chitin synthase mRNA in cardia, the tissue from which PM originates. It is concluded that chitin is a minor structural component of the type 2 peritrophic matrix of this insect.  相似文献   
The significance of brushtail possum, Trichosurus vulpecula Kerr (Diprotodontia: Phalangeridae) carcasses to the succession and production of Diptera species and its relevance to fly strike management in Tasmania, Australia was examined. Calliphora stygia (Fabricius), Lucilia sericata (Meigen) and Calliphora vicina Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera: Calliphoridae) were found to be the most abundant and Lucilia cuprina (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Calliphoridae) always the least abundant (< 1%) of the putative primary fly invading species to emerge. Carcasses that were left for up to 15 days in the field before being exposed to flies for 2 days also acted as breeding sites for large numbers of all primary fly species, with the exception of L. cuprina. Ordination analysis revealed no relationship between possum carcasses according to their length of exposure but did show significant negative associations between the number of putative secondary invaders (Chrysomya rufifacies (Macquart) (Diptera: Calliphoridae), Chrysomya varipes (Macquart) (Diptera: Calliphoridae) and putative tertiary flies (Hydrotaea rostrata Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera: Muscidae)) to the number of C. vicina or C. stygia to emerge. There was enormous variability in the numbers of secondary/tertiary fly species to emerge from carcasses (0-11 450) that negatively correlated with the proportion of all flies to emerge that were primary, and with the mean size of adult L. sericata. Although carcass temperatures, especially those with a large larval population, were elevated, this did not appear to result in significant pre-adult fly mortality. The most important primary fly strike species L. cuprina was only found in insignificant numbers, whereas three other members of the fly strike fauna C. stygia, L. sericata and Ch. rufifacies did use possum carrion as an important breeding resource, but left implications for fly strike management inconclusive.  相似文献   
In September 1998, a case of nosocomial cutaneous myiasis caused by Lucilia sericata (Meigen, 1826) in a 77-year-old male was found. The patient had been receiving partial maxillectomy due to the presence of malignant tumor on premaxilla. This is the first verified case involving Lucilia sericata in Taegu, Korea. In the present paper, the salient morphological features of the third instar larvae involved have been studied.  相似文献   
Abstract.  Lucilia sericata (Meigen) (Diptera: Calliphoridae) shows a facultative diapause in the third, and final larval, instar after the cessation of feeding. The effects of photoperiod and temperature on the induction and duration of diapause were examined in parental (G0) and current (G1) generations. Insects of the G0 generation were reared under four combinations of conditions, involving two photoperiods, LD 16 : 8 and LD 12 : 12 h, and two temperatures, 25 and 20 °C. The G1 generation, present in the eggs laid by these insects, were transferred to 10 combinations of conditions, involving the above two photoperiods and five temperatures, 25, 20, 17.5, 15 and 12.5 °C. In the G1 generation, the time from hatching to cessation of feeding was significantly affected by temperature only, whereas the induction of diapause was influenced by both photoperiod and temperature experienced by the G0 as well as the G1 generation. Short-day and low-temperature conditions in the G0 and in the G1 generation had diapause-inducing effects. In this species, it is likely that, for purposes of acquiring reliable seasonal information, induction of diapause is sensitive to environmental factors both in the G0 and G1 generations. The function of high-intensity diapause, induced by short-day conditions and high temperature in the parental generation, appeared to be the prevention of accidental pupariation in warm autumn weather.  相似文献   
The mature ovaries accounted for about 25% of dry weight and 30% of the protein content of wild-type (anautogenous) females of L. cuprina which had fed ad lib. on liver. The protein content of gravid females was 50% greater than at emergence. Protein ingested during the adult stage, therefore, plays an important role in ovarian maturation. The protein content of the ovaries of females fed measured amounts of liver exudate was from 37 to 52% of the amount of protein ingested.

Only limited ovarian development occurred in females fed only protein (high MW fraction of liver exudate or bovine serum albumin). The presence, in addition, of low MW components (low MW fraction of liver exudate or a salt mixture) was necessary for ovarian maturation. Quantitative feeding showed that the high and low MW fractions of liver exudate were, respectively, superior to bovine serum albumin and the salt mixture, which was based on the cation analysis of the low MW fraction of the exudate.  相似文献   
After an initial mating, females of the Australian sheep blowfly, Lucilia cuprina(Diptera: Calliphoridae), rejected mating attempts by males for several days. Almost all (>98%) females were unreceptive 24 h after mating. When tested 9 days after mating receptivity had returned in 24% of females denied the opportunity to oviposit and 45% of females given repeated opportunities to oviposit on liver. Those mated females that regained receptivity mated as readily as virgins. Gravid first-, second-, or third-cycle females that did not oviposit when presented with liver had a higher receptivity than those that laid. These non-layers laid after remating. Injection of 1 male equivalent of an extract of male accessory reproductive glands into virgin females switched off their receptivity within 5 h for at least 8 days. An extract of testis reduced receptivity 5 h after injection but had no detectable effect 3 days after injection. Both extracts increased the tendency of virgin females to oviposit. There was no difference in the sperm stores of females that refused to lay a second egg mass and comprised a high percentage of receptive females and those given no opportunity to lay this egg mass.  相似文献   
The incidence of parasite‐mediated livestock disease is the result of a complex interaction of factors such as parasite and host abundance, host susceptibility, climate and, critically, farmer husbandry and intervention strategies, all of which change seasonally in space and time. Given the complexity of the interacting factors, the effects of environment changes on disease incidence are hard to predict, as accordingly are the optimal husbandry responses required to ameliorate any effects. Here a model system is used to explore these issues. Cutaneous myiasis (blowfly strike) is common disease of livestock and would be expected to be highly sensitive to even small changes in climate; it provides a good model for highlighting the problems inherent in attempting to predict the effect of climate change on livestock disease incidence. For this, a stochastic simulation model is used to examine the changes in the seasonal incidence of ovine cutaneous myiasis on farms in the United Kingdom and the likely effects of changes in husbandry and control strategies. The simulations show that the range of elevated temperatures predicted by current climate change scenarios result in an elongated blowfly season with earlier spring emergence and a higher cumulative incidence of strike. Overall, higher temperatures increased strike incidence disproportionately in ewes in early summer, but had relatively less direct effect on the pattern of lamb strike incidence; a +3 °C increase in average temperature approximately doubles the cumulative incidence of strike in lambs but results in four times more strikes in ewes. A range of strike management options is examined and the models show that changes in husbandry practices are also likely to have an important effect in reducing early season ewe strike incidences. The simulations suggest that integrated changes in husbandry practices are likely to be able to manage expected increases in strike, given the range of climate changes currently predicted.  相似文献   
Larval biotherapy is a debridement tool used in wound management. The mechanism of action involves degradation of eschar by serine proteases including chymotrypsin within the alimentary fluids of first instar Lucilia sericata. With the rationale of obviating some limitations of biotherapy, including cost, complexity of use, and patient reticence, the present study describes a mobile hydrogel formulation containing freeze-dried recombinant L. sericata chymotrypsin designed for topical application. Neither freeze-drying nor formulation into the hydrogel significantly attenuated the measured activity of released enzyme compared to fresh-frozen enzyme in aqueous solution. Gel electrophoresis confirmed qualitatively that the chymotrypsin/hydrogel formulation both with and without supplementary urea at 10% (w) /(v) degraded human chronic wound eschar ex vivo. Mindful that the hallmark of intractability of chronic wounds is aberrant biochemistry, the pH activity profile for the enzyme/hydrogel formulation was compared with exudate pH in chronic wounds of mixed aetiology in a cohort of 48 hospital in-patients. Five patients' wounds were acidic, however, the remainder were predominantly alkaline and coincided with the pH optimum for the insect enzyme. Thus, a recombinant L. sericata chymotrypsin and hydrogel formulation could represent a pragmatic alternative to larval therapy for the management of chronic wounds.  相似文献   
The wound-healing maggot, Lucilia sericata Meigen (Diptera: Calliphoridae), degrades extracellular matrix components by releasing enzymes. The purpose of this study was to investigate the glycosylation profiles of wound slough/eschar from chronic venous leg ulcers and the complementary presence of glycosidase activities in first-instar excretions/secretions (ES1) and to define their specificities. The predominant carbohydrate moieties present in wound slough/eschar were determined by probing one-dimensional Western blots with conjugated lectins of known specificities. The presence of specific glycosidase activities in ES1 was determined using chromogenic and fluorogenic substrates. The removal of carbohydrate moieties from slough/eschar proteins by glycosidases in ES1 was determined by two-dimensional electrophoresis and Emerald 300 glycoprotein staining. α-d-glucosyl, α-d-mannosyl and N-acetlyglucosamine residues were detected on slough/eschar-derived proteins. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that the treatment of slough/eschar with ES1 significantly reduced uptake of the carbohydrate-specific stain. Subsequently, α-d-glucosidase, α-d-mannosidase and N-acetylglucosaminidase activities were identified in ES1. Specific chromogenic and fluorogenic substrates and gel filtration chromatography showed that these activities result from distinct enzymes. These activities were mirrored in the removal of α-d-glucosyl, α-d-mannosyl and N-acetylglucosamine residues from proteins of slough/eschar from maggot-treated wounds. These data suggest that maggot glycosidases remove sugars from slough/eschar proteins. This may contribute to debridement, which is ultimately accomplished by a suite of biochemically distinct enzymes present in ES1.  相似文献   
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