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The purpose of this study was to explore the interacting effects of age and musculoskeletal pain on balance in manual workers. Ninety male manual workers aged 51–72 yr were recruited and stratified according to lower extremity musculoskeletal pain intensity (pain/no pain) and work status (working/retired). The five-repetition sit-to-stand (STS) test was used to assess lower extremity function including completion time, stand time, sit time and dynamic rate of force development both in the upwards (RFDup) and downwards moving phase (RFDdown). Dynamic balance was expressed as the range, velocity, standard deviation (SD), maximum Lyapunov Exponent and sample entropy of centre of pressure displacement in the anterior-posterior and medial-lateral direction, as well as free moment during the STS test. Except for higher age, no marked differences were seen between working and retired participants. Both age and musculoskeletal pain were negatively associated with motor function. Age × pain interactions showed that completion time, stand time, RFDup and RFDdown were negatively associated with age for participants without pain, but positively for those with pain. Similar findings were seen for dynamic balance. These findings indicate that the effects of lower extremity musculoskeletal pain on lower extremity function and dynamic balance are age dependent.  相似文献   
The paper describes new Lower Jurassic corals from the South-Eastern Pamir Mountains (Tajikistan) and interprets their relationships with contemporaneous West Tethyan corals. Taxonomic similarities with Pliensbachian European and North African faunas indicate a Pliensbachian age for this fauna, which was previously considered to be of Hettangian/Sinemurian age. Together with the taxa earlier described from the Pamirs, this fauna consists of 30 species of 25 genera, including Triassic holdover genera such as Stylophyllopsis, Phacelostylophyllum and Eocomoseris. The bulk of the fauna represents new Jurassic genera: Alichurastrea, Eomicrophyllia, Guembelastreomorpha, Gurumdynia, Pinacomorpha, Protostephanastrea, Psenophyllia, Sedekastrea and Stylimorpha. Earlier coral studies of the region concerned the genera: Archaeosmilia Melnikova, 1975, Archaeosmiliopsis Melnikova, 1975, Cylismilia Roniewicz, 1988, Pachysmilia Melnikova, 1989, and Prodonacosmilia Melnikova in Melnikova and Roniewicz, 1976. Two species that were considered to belong to the genus Cylismilia, are redescribed and reclassified in the genera Psenophyllia, and Archaeosmilia Melnikova, respectively.  相似文献   

The distribution of macrophytic plant communities, defined by phytosociological numerical methods, in the irrigation system of the Lower river Po Plane was correlated with water characteristich. Water samples were collected periodically within phytocoena well-characterized from the phytosociological viewpoint. Nymphaeid-dominated communities (all. Nymphaeion) usually occur in deeper waters than elodeid- myriophyllid-, and ceratophyllid-dominated vegetation types (all. Potamogetonion). Hydrochemically, all of the studied waterbodies can be classified as rich in electrolytes and in bicarbonates. The distribution of phytocoena reflects a gradient in nutrient content: the Nymphoidetum peltatae characterizes waters moderately rich; the Myriophyllum spicatum community and the Trapetum natantis fairly rich; the Potamogetonetum pectinati and the Ceratophyllum demersum community very rich in nutrients.  相似文献   
Evolutionary patterns of Clavatoraceae during the Malm and the Lower Cretaceous can be understood by considering how palaeoecological constraints of these charophytes were affected by palaeoenvironmental change. Speciation of Clavatoraceae reached maxima in the Tithonian and especially in the Lower Barremian, coinciding with an important areal extension and environmental diversification of freshwater swamps. Extinction reached a peak in the Upper Barremian, coinciding with the marine flooding of freshwater environments in Mesogea, and continued through the Aptian and Albian due to substitution of carbonatic freshwater swamps by terrigenous deltaic environments and probably by development of highly competitive aquatic flora of angiosperms. Anagenetic change within species attained maxima during the Berriasian and Lower Barremian, when freshwater environments became extensively developed. Absence of change (stasis) was marked during the Valanginian and Hauterivian, in a geological context of environmental stability and areal reduction of the freshwater environments.  相似文献   
In northern Shiraz (SW Iran), Lower Cretaceous carbonate was studied in detail. In this study, nine species of dasycladacea algae were classified. There are different species of dasycladacea algae which belong to seven different genera: Actinoporella, Cylindroporella, Dissocladela, Heteroporella, Neomeris, Salpingoporella, Trinocladus; one species of udoteaceae belongs to Bouenia; one species of acetabulariaceae belongs to Clypeina and the microproblematicum Coptocampylodon was also seen. Among the green algae, dasycladaceae and acetabulariceae are the most frequent and udoteaceans are rare in Zagros Mountains. The genus of Trinocladus is a new record for Lower Cretaceous (Upper Albian) in SW Iran.  相似文献   
Background: Hybridisation in Senecio/Jacobaea is frequent and of significance in speciation and evolution. Moreover, these genera are model systems for studying the evolution of pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs). Hybrids between Jacobaea aquatica and J. vulgaris have been reported from north-western Europe.

Aims: Our aim was to determine whether hybrids between Jacobaea aquatica and J. vulgaris also occurred in Austria, and if these hybrids could be responsible for the presumed increase of J. aquatica-like plants in this part of Europe. Furthermore, we tested if such hybrids showed an altered PA spectrum compared with parental species.

Methods: We used amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs) to analyse genetic diversity and structure, and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) to identify PAs.

Results: We were able to identify genetically one hybrid population adjacent to a large J. aquatica population. The AFLP phenotypes of hybrids demonstrated a closer relationship to J. aquatica, suggesting frequent backcrossing. All hybrid individuals contained the same set of PAs as the parental species, but in differing amounts, plus four additional PAs, one of which may be novel.

Conclusions: Although hybridisation in Jacobaea is common, we were able to confirm only one hybrid population in Austria. Therefore, it seems unlikely that hybridisation plays a role in the presumed increase of J. aquatica in this area.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to characterize responses in oxygen uptake ( V·O2), heart rate (HR), perceived exertion (OMNI scale) and integrated electromyogram (iEMG) readings during incremental Nordic walking (NW) and level walking (LW) on a treadmill. Ten healthy adults (four men, six women), who regularly engaged in physical activity in their daily lives, were enrolled in the study. All subjects were familiar with NW. Each subject began walking at 60 m/min for 3 minutes, with incremental increases of 10 m/min every 2 minutes up to 120 m/min V·O2 , V·E and HR were measured every 30 seconds, and the OMNI scale was used during the final 15 seconds of each exercise. EMG readings were recorded from the triceps brachii, vastus lateralis, biceps femoris, gastrocnemius, and tibialis anterior muscles. V·O2 was significantly higher during NW than during LW, with the exception of the speed of 70 m/min (P < 0.01). V·E and HR were higher during NW than LW at all walking speeds (P < 0.05 to 0.001). OMNI scale of the upper extremities was significantly higher during NW than during LW at all speeds (P < 0.05). Furthermore, the iEMG reading for the VL was lower during NW than during LW at all walking speeds, while the iEMG reading for the BF and GA muscles were significantly lower during NW than LW at some speeds. These data suggest that the use of poles in NW attenuates muscle activity in the lower extremities during the stance and push-off phases, and decreases that of the lower extremities and increase energy expenditure of the upper body and respiratory system at certain walking speeds.  相似文献   
目的:探讨导管接触性溶栓(catheter-directed thrombolysis,CDT)联合球囊及支架成形术治疗下肢动脉硬化闭塞症合并血栓形成的临床疗效及安全性。方法:选择2011年1月~2014年12月收治的36例下肢动脉硬化闭塞症合并血栓形成性病变患者,先行置管溶栓治疗,再联合球囊及支架成形术治疗,观察其溶栓效果及血管再通情况。结果:本组溶栓总有效率为86.1%,尿激酶用量(75.5±34.6)万单位,溶栓后31例下肢缺血症状改善,下肢疼痛症状有不同程度减轻,下肢跛行距离明显延长,无垃圾脚发生。球囊及支架成形术后踝肱指数(ABI)由术前的0.39±0.11升高至术后的0.79±0.19,差异有统计学意义(P0.01)。随访1~48月,无死亡病例,9例出现支架内膜增生血管再狭窄,5例出现糖尿病膝下动脉狭窄闭塞,给予球囊扩张及支架成形术后下肢缺血症状减轻,其中1例患者于术后3年行下肢截肢治疗。结论:CDT联合球囊及支架成形术治疗下肢动脉硬化闭塞症合并血栓形成具有较高的临床价值,可以为PTA血管成形或支架置入赢得时机,改善下肢缺血,该方式创伤小,并发症少。  相似文献   
The Lower Palaeolithic site of Menez-Dregan I is currently the subject of an important excavation and has been part of a multidisciplinary project since 1991. It is an ancient marine cave whose roof has gradually collapsed and thus partly protected the site from erosion. In Menez-Dregan 1, the sedimentological evidence has been significantly reduced due to multiple episodes of marine erosion in the cave (low sedimentary preservation in terms of sedimentation and erosion process). However, the proximity of a section with a longer sedimentary record (Gwendrez cliff) has allowed for an attempt at correlation between the different deposits by way of a sedimentologic study applied to sandy marker beds (dunes). The resulting new data permitted a more precise chronostratigraphy of this site to be drawn up and contributed to further validation of dating. Three main stratigraphic units show distinct levels of human occupation at the site, separated by coastal deposits. The ESR dates tend to place the first human occupation in MIS 12 or at the end of MIS 13 (around 465,000 years). The ESR dating obtained at the base of layer 5 gave an age of 380,000 years. The geological analysis (sedimentology, stratigraphical correlations at short distance) tends to confirm these dates. The fauna has not preserved due to the acidic environment, leaving only the lithic industry to show how the human groups who settled at the site lived and, it is worth noting, mastered fire lighting, and or control, at a very early date (late MIS 13 or early MIS 12). The lithic industry from the upper levels (layer 5) is likely Colombanian and is composed of numerous flakes and cores alongside a great quantity of cobble tools (mostly choppers), fractured cobbles, and cobbles with isolated removals on various types of rocks, some cleavers and very rare bifaces. Additionally denticulates and notches form the main part of the light duty tools, together with scrapers. These retouched light duty tools are mainly made on flint, but quartz and glossy sandstone were also used. The last level of occupation (layer 4) probably shows the transition between Lower and Middle Palaeolithic. This may represent a regional cobble tool industry of the south armorican shoreline, however, it is still difficult to separate it totally from the classic European Acheulean from Northern France. These armorican lithic industries could indeed correspond with areas of specialised activities, as demonstrated for some Middle Palaeolithic groups with a cobble tools lithic industry. The notion of culture that could be chosen to explain this variability must be treated with caution, because it would only be based on the presence or absence of only one type of tool (the handaxe).  相似文献   
A spherical coccosphere and two collapsed coccospheres composed of monomorphic rhombic coccoliths were encountered in 2005 in the Java upwelling system of the SE Indian Ocean, while a further two specimens with elongate coccospheres were recently found in the Gulf of Mexico. All of the specimens were collected from the lower photic zone (75–160 m). The coccoliths possess a proximal flange, a slightly flared wall with a serrated distal margin, and a relatively plain central area structure comprised only of overlapping laths. The taxon appears to be an undescribed species of the Syracosphaera nodosa group, so we describe it herein as Syracosphaera rhombica sp. nov.  相似文献   
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