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目的:探讨尿动力学检查在了解慢性非细菌性前列腺炎/慢性骨盆疼痛综合征(Chronicabacterialprostatitis/chronicpelvicpain syndrome,CPPS)患者中下尿路症状(LUTS)产生原因的作用。方法:对36例难治性慢性前列腺炎/盆腔疼痛综合征患者行尿流动力学压力-流率测定,同步测定膀胱压、逼尿肌压、同步肌电图测定,了解其症状产生的原因。结果:36例患者中,尿动力学证实膀胱出口梗阻14例(39%);逼尿肌过度活动者8例,其中有7例与BOO同时存在;假性逼尿肌尿道外括约肌协同失调6例(16.7%);逼尿肌收缩力低下者5例(13.9%)。结论:对难治性CPPS患者进行尿动力学检查有助于对此类患者LUTS产生的原因进行鉴别,从而可以采取有针对性的治疗。  相似文献   
低等白蚁肠道共生微生物的多样性及其功能   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
低等白蚁肠道里存在着复杂的微生物区系,包括真核微生物鞭毛虫和原核生物,细菌及古细菌。低等白蚁的后肠以特别膨大的囊形胃及其氢氧浓度的明显梯度分布和丰富的微生物区系为特征,是白蚁进行木质纤维素消化的主要器官。后肠内的鞭毛虫能将纤维素水解并发酵为乙酸,二氧化碳和氢,为白蚁提供营养和能源。系统发育研究表明,低等白蚁肠道共生细菌的主要类群为白蚁菌群1、螺旋体、拟杆菌,低G C mol%含量的革兰氏阳性菌和紫细菌等。而古细菌主要为甲烷短杆菌属的产甲烷菌。共生原核生物与二氧化碳的还原和氮的循环等代谢有关。但肠道共生微生物的具体功能和作用机制还有待进一步的揭示。  相似文献   
摘要 目的:探讨老年2型糖尿病(T2DM)患者血清脂肪因子血管生成素样蛋白4(ANGPTL4)、促代谢因子(Betatrophin)、腹腔脂肪型丝氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂(Vaspin)水平与血糖、血脂、下肢血管病变(LVD)的关系。方法:选取我院2018年8月~2019年8月收治的老年T2DM患者108例,根据患者是否合并LVD,分成LVD组(n=38)和无LVD组(n=70),比较两组临床资料、血清ANGPTL4、Betatrophin、Vaspin水平、血糖指标[空腹血糖(FPG)、餐后2 h血糖(2hPG)、糖化血红蛋白(HbA1c)]、血脂指标[总胆固醇(TC)、甘油三酯(TG)、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C)]。经Pearson线性相关分析患者血清ANGPTL4、Betatrophin、Vaspin水平与血糖、血脂指标相关性。经Logistic多因素回归模型分析患者LVD发生的影响因素。结果:LVD组舒张压、收缩压均高于无LVD组(P<0.05)。LVD组血清Betatrophin水平及TC、TG、LDL-C、FPG、2hPG、HbA1c高于无LVD组,血清ANGPTL4、Vaspin水平及HDL-C低于无LVD组(P<0.05)。Pearson线性相关分析显示,血清ANGPTL4、Vaspin与TC、TG、LDL-C、FPG、2hPG、HbA1c呈负相关,与HDL-C呈正相关(P<0.05)。血清Betatrophin与TC、TG、LDL-C、FPG、2hPG、HbA1c呈正相关,与HDL-C呈负相关(P<0.05)。Logistic多因素回归模型分析结果显示,血清ANGPTL4、Betatrophin、Vaspin以及舒张压、TC、TG、HDL-C、LDL-C、FPG、2hPG、HbA1c是患者LVD发生的影响因素(P<0.05)。结论:老年T2DM合并LVD患者的血清ANGPTL4、Vaspin水平明显下降,而血清Betatrophin水平升高,且三者与血糖、血脂指标均存在相关性,并且是患者发生LVD的影响因素,临床可考虑通过检测血清ANGPTL4、Betatrophin、Vaspin水平,辅助评估LVD的发生风险。  相似文献   
The temnospondylCheliderpeton vranyi Fritsch, 1877 from the Lower Permian Ruprechtice horizon (Rotliegend) of the Intrasudetic Basin (Bohemia, Czech Republic) is redescribed. Many features of the skeleton permit a new understanding of the type species and consequently of the genus. Diagnostic characters are the narrow and round-tipped snout, straight to convex outline of the skull roof, narrow and long otic notch, posteriorly expanded quadratojugal, and the relatively wide and short rhombic interclavicle. The ilium with a short, expanded dorsal branch and the missing contact of nasal/maxilla are features shared with the related Upper PermianIntasuchus from Russia and the Eryopidae.Actinodon germanicus is a junior synonym ofCheliderpeton vranyi.   相似文献   
下扬子区奥陶纪牙形刺多样性演变初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据前人和作者现有资料,对下扬子地区,特别是宁镇地区奥陶纪已经报道的牙形刺属种进行厘定,并按牙形刺带逐带进行多样性统计分析,初步编制出该地区奥陶纪牙形刺属种的地层延限表.研究表明;下扬子区牙形刺在奥陶纪的宏演化经历了3次较明显的辐射事件,分别发生在特马豆克期晚期-弗洛期早期(Serratognathus diversua带)、大坪期早期(Baltoniodus triangularis带)、达瑞威尔期晚期(Eoplacognathus suecicus带);此外,还经历了2次快速增长期,分别发生在达瑞威尔期早期(Lenodus antivariabilis带)、桑比期晚期至凯迪期早期(Hamarodus europaeus带),后者可能与局部环境变化有关.研究表明:华南海平面升降对下扬子区牙形刺宏演化趋势有重要影响.  相似文献   
目的:探讨沙格雷酯治疗2型糖尿病伴下肢动脉硬化闭塞症(ASO)患者的临床疗效。方法:选择2014年4月~2015年5月我院2型糖尿病伴下肢ASO患者80例,给予口服沙格雷酯100 mg,3次/日,连续8周,监测治疗前后患肢的症状与体征、双下肢动脉峰值血流速度、血糖、血脂及血液流变学等指标的变化。结果:口服沙格雷酯8周后,患者疼痛感、冷感、间歇性踱行、麻木感及下肢溃疡等主观症状有效率均大于91%,临床总有效率为93.75%。治疗后患者左、右下肢动脉血管直径与治疗前比较,差异无统计学意义(P0.05),但左、右下肢动脉峰值血流速度比治疗前显著降低,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。治疗后患者的甘油三酯、总胆固醇、低密度脂蛋白、全血高切黏度及全血低切黏度比治疗前降低,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:沙格雷酯可改善2型糖尿病伴下肢ASO患者的症状,降低双下肢动脉峰值血流速度,临床疗效确切,值得临床推广应用。  相似文献   
Dr. Andreas May 《Facies》1992,26(1):103-116
Summary The prevailing sandy/silty lower part of the Middle Devonian in the northwestern Sauerland includes two coral limestone horizons, which contain a rich fauna of corals, stromatoporoids, and calcareous algae. The Ihmert-Formation is subdvided into three parts. The older coral limestone horizon is the Grünewiese-Member of the Ihmert-Formation (uppermost Eifelian), the younger is in the Bredenbruch-Member of the Unterhonsel-Formation (lower Lower Givetian). Conclusions about the environmental constraints are drawn from the sedimentology and the fossil content of the coral limestones. Predominant biostromes are built between storm wave base and normal wave base. Only the few bioherms grew above the normal wave base. These coral limestones were deposited in a tropical or subtropical normal marine environment in the shallow euphotic zone. Among the reef-builders epoecism is very frequent, and until now this phenomenon has not been investigated in detail. Fragile rugose and tabulate corals lived as commensals with stromatoporoids. Some other aspects of paleoecology are concisely presented.  相似文献   
The conodont faunas of Tournaisian shallow-water carbonates from central Guangxi are described mainly for biostratigraphic purposes. A complete series of samples was collected from the Long’an and Du’an formations in the Long’an section. These formations are characterized by lime-mudstone, skeletal and peloidal wackestone, packstone and grainstone with typical shallow-water biota. Overall, these samples produced 809 identifiable Pl elements, belonging to 50 species in 11 genera, of which one species and one subspecies are new. The fauna enables the establishment of seven biozones (in ascending order): Polygnathus spicatus, Siphonodella homosimplex, S. sinensis, S. dasaibaensis, Polygnathus communis carina Acme, Gnathodus cuneiformis, and P. communis porcatus zones. Based on these new collections from central Guangxi and on data from the literature, a conflated Tournaisian conodont zonation is proposed for shallow-water successions in South China. Most of the conodont zones correlate well with their counterparts recognized in Western Europe, which may be of greater significance in stratigraphic correlation than previously thought.  相似文献   
The Lower Pleistocene TD6 level at the Gran Dolina site in the Sierra de Atapuerca (Burgos, Spain) has yielded nine ribs that represent a minimum of three individuals of the species, Homo antecessor. We present a detailed morphological and metric study of these costal elements, including the siding and anatomical position of all of the rib remains. The adult or nearly adult ribs are also metrically compared with other fossil hominins and with modern comparative samples. The costal elements recovered to date from the TD6 level at Gran Dolina can neither confirm nor reject the hypothesis that H. antecessor had a large thorax, similar to that of Neandertals. However, the fragmentary evidence of the H. antecessor thoracic skeleton is not inconsistent with this suggestion based on other skeletal elements, such as clavicles.


En el nivel TD6 del Pleistoceno inferior del yacimiento de Gran Dolina, en la Sierra de Atapuerca (Burgos, España) se han recuperado nueve costillas que pertenecen a un mínimo de tres individuos de la especie Homo antecessor. Presentamos un detallado estudio métrico y morfológico incluyendo el lado y la determinación anatómica. Las costillas pertenecientes a individuos adultos o casi adultos también son comparadas métricamente a muestras modernas de comparación y otros homininos fósiles. Basándonos en el registro de costillas de Homo antecessor recuperado hasta el momento no podemos probar ni refutar la hipótesis de que esta especie presentaba un tórax grande similar al de los Neandertales. Sin embargo, el registro de costillas no es inconsistente con la hipótesis de un tórax grande como sugiere la gran longitud de sus clavículas.  相似文献   
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