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We describe a new technique for immunohistochemical and enzyme-histochemi-cal double staining using confocal laser scanning microscopy in the reflection mode. As an example, we investigated the immunoreactivity for Spot 35-calbindin-D28K, a vitamin D-dependent calcium binding protein, and the enzyme activity for ma+-ATPase in the rat kidney. The lead precipitation method for Ca2+-ATPase was initially used to process kidney slices. Each specimen was then dehydrated and embedded in a water soluble resin. Thin sections were cut from the resin block, and an indirect immunocolloidal gold method with silver enhancement for Spot 35-calbindin-D28K antigen was carried out on the glass slides. Results were then observed by confocal laser scanning microscopy in the reflection mode. The three-dimensional distribution of the reaction products was detected by serial optic slice images. Lead phosphate particles, which represented the location of Ca2+-ATPase, were distributed deep in the section. The most intense signals from the silver partkles were detected from the surface slice of the section. A stereoscopic image generated from the serial optic slices clearly showed the differences in their distribution.  相似文献   
Most of the existing works on fine-grained image categorization and retrieval focus on finding similar images from the same species and often give little importance to inter-species similarities. However, these similarities may carry species correlations such as the same ancestors or similar habits, which are helpful in taxonomy and understanding biological traits. In this paper, we devise a new fine-grained retrieval task that searches for similar instances from different species based on body parts. To this end, we propose a two-step strategy. In the first step, we search for visually similar parts to a query image using a deep convolutional neural network (CNN). To improve the quality of the retrieved candidates, structural cues are introduced into the CNN using a novel part-pooling layer, in which the receptive field of each part is adjusted automatically. In the second step, we re-rank the retrieved candidates to improve the species diversity. We achieve this by formulating a novel ranking function that balances between the similarity of the candidates to the queried parts, while decreasing the similarity to the query species. We provide experiments on the benchmark CUB200 dataset and Columbia Dogs dataset, and demonstrate clear benefits of our schemes.  相似文献   
Twenty-seven populations of Tuomeya, including the types of Tuomeya fluviatilis Harvey and Baileya americana Kützing, were analyzed from the entire known range of the genus: northern Newfoundland to northern Florida and east of the Mississippi River. Key morphological features were examined in detail since it has been recently proposed that Tuomeya should be reduced to a section of the genus Batrachospermum. Our observations confirmed the presence of several characteristics unique to Tuomeya: gametophyte development from a basal mass of undifferentiated cells rather than a chantransia stage, pseudoparenchymatous growth, and carpogonia with obliquely to perpendicularly attached trichogynes. Based on these findings, we conclude that the genus Tuomeya should be retained. Using multivariate morphometrics, two groupings were found that differed significantly in plant length (X = 14.1 and 24.1 mm, respectively). However, since there was no other morphometric, environmental, or geographic basis for separation of the groupings, only one species is recognized, T. americana (Kützing) Papenfuss. Populations tend to occur in large streams (>2.8 m wide) with low ion content (≤ 100 μS · cm?1).  相似文献   
人体超微弱发光图像中的信号检验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用近期研制的具有单光子探测能力的超高灵敏度成像系统获得了人体体表生物超微弱发光的强度数据。为分析图像中的信号检验,二项分布被用于人手不同时间累积发光图像中的信号显著性检验,证实人手存在超微弱生物发光,手指的发光强度在300~550photons/s范围内,全手的发光强度在850~1200photons/s范围内。  相似文献   
The taxonomic impediment to biodiversity studies may be influenced radically by the application of new technology, in particular, desktop image analysers and neural networks. The former offer an opportunity to automate objective feature measurement processes, and the latter provide powerful pattern recognition and data analysis tools which are able to 'learn' patterns in multivariate data. The coupling of these technologies may provide a realistic opportunity for the automation of routine species identifications. The potential benefits and limitations of these technologies, along with the development of automated identification systems are reviewed.  相似文献   
The novel method of Fourier transform multi-pixel spectroscopy was used for the nondestructive analysis of and comparison of pigmentation in different regions of live thalli of the red alga Porphyra linearis. Because the thallus in this alga consists of a monolayer of nonoverlapping cells, we were able to analyze the pigmentation of single cells by combining light absorbance with natural fluorescence data. From the image of each cell in the vegetative male and female reproductive and holdfast regions, more than 4 ± 104 fluorescence and absorbance spectra were obtained. Specific pigments in the different regions were localized by the use of a software program of similarity mapping followed by image construction. The reconstructed images revealed subcellular localization of each pigment according to specific spectroscopic fingerprints. The results showed that the vegetative and female reproductive cell types had a significantly higher content of phycoerythrin than of phycocyanin, and quite similar chlorophyll a levels. Most of the holdfast cells were poorly pigmented, but had more chlorophyll a than phycoerythrin or phycocyanin. The male reproductive cells contained only traces of pigments. Thus, by using Fourier transform multipixel spectroscopy, we were able to characterize the pigmentation of different regions of the thallus and follow the distribution patterns of the different pigments on the subcellular level along the differentiation gradient of the alga.  相似文献   
Abstract Acid phosphatase activity was measured in individual cells by determining their optical densities through a scanning confocal laser microscope. The naphthol AS-TR (3-hydroxy-2-naphtoic acid 4'-chloro-2'-methylanilide) phosphate-hexazotized para-rosanilin method was used to visualise the acid phosphatase content in the light microscope. Evidence was obtained that the amount of enzyme varied in exponential growth phase cells as the fission age increased. By comparing the acid phosphatase activity with the rate of food vacuole formation, it appeared that the amount of enzyme inside the cells decreased in early clonal life, whereas the rate of food uptake increased. It was assumed that the reduction of acid phosphatase content could lead to a more extended life of vacuoles and to a decreased membrane recycling rate. In turn, the reduced supply of membrane available for food vacuole formation could partly be responsible for the decrease of the food uptake rate observed after the initial increase.  相似文献   
The influence of plant resistance on the size of individual root-knot nematodes was determined in greenhouse experiments. Five genotypes of alyceclover were inoculated with second-stage juveniles of Meloidogyne incognita race 3 or M. arenaria race 1. Plants were harvested at selected intervals and stained for detection of the nematodes, which were dissected from the roots. Length, width, and sagittal-sectional area of each animal were measured using an image-analysis system, and areas of nematodes in all stages were compared at different times and across alyceclover lines. Nematodes feeding on roots of resistant lines were consistently smaller than those on susceptible plants, with significant differences in growth detected after the final molt. Similar results were observed with both nematode species.  相似文献   
眼底图象定量分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文介绍了基于数学形态学的图象分析系统在生物医学,特别是眼底图方面日益广泛的应用.提出了运用图象分析系统取得眼底照片上一些参数的方法.主要参数包括:动静脉管径及其比例,无灌注区的面积等.这些参数不仅用于眼科方面的诊断和治疗,对于分析和诊断全身性疾病,如高血压、动脉硬化、糖尿病、静脉阻塞等都具有重要价值  相似文献   
The processes leading to bacterial colonization on solidwater interfaces are adsorption, desorption, growth, and erosion. These processes have been measured individually in situ in a flowing system in real time using image analysis. Four different substrata (copper, silicon, 316 stainless-steel and glass) and 2 different bacterial species (Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Pseudomonas fluorescens) were used in the experiments. The flow was laminar (Re = 1.4) and the shear stress was kept constant during all experiments at 0.75 N m(-2). The surface roughness varied among the substrata from 0.002 mum (for silicon) to 0.015 mum (for copper). Surface free energies varied from 25.1 dynes cm(-1) for silicon to 31.2 dynes cm(-1) for copper. Cell curface hydrophobicity, reported as hydrocarbon partitioning values, ranged from 0.67 for Ps. fluorescens to 0.97 for Ps. aeruginosa.The adsorption rate coefficient varried by as much as a factor of 10 among the combinations of bacterial strain and substratum material, and was positively correlated with surface free energy, the surface roughness of the substratum, and the hydrophobicity of the cells. The probability of desorption decreased with increasing surface free energy and surface roughness of the substratum. Cell growth was inhibited on copper, but replication of cells overlying an initial cell layer was observed with increased exposure time to the cell-containing bulk water. A mathematical model describing cell accumulation on a substratum is presented.  相似文献   
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