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Species richness, composition, and functional traits of carabid beetle assemblages (Coleoptera: Carabidae) were studied in relation to different grassland management. Carabid beetles were sampled during the summers 2008 and 2009 by 165 traps located in 11 sites in the central-eastern Italian Alps. Using mixed effect models to account for potential spatial bias, we found that mown grasslands had significantly more species, a lower proportion of wingless species and a lower proportion of species with long larval development than grazed and natural grasslands. Within grazed and mown grasslands, neither cattle density nor number of cuts had any significant effect neither on species richness nor on any of the traits. The influence of grassland management can be summarised as follows: (1) grazing does not change community structure and functional traits compared to natural grasslands; (2) mowing negatively affects the carabid beetle assemblages; (3) the intensity of grazing and of cutting may not affect the structure of species assemblages of ground beetles. Our results support the hypothesis that agroecosystem practices in alpine grasslands influence carabid beetle communities. Specifically, the species with traits typical of undisturbed habitats (low dispersal abilities and long larval development) are more sensitive to perturbations (e.g. cutting). Our suggestion for agricultural and environmental planning and for conservation schemes is that the preservation of natural grasslands (e.g. forest gaps) and the implementation of grazing should be promoted during the planning of agroecosystem mosaics.  相似文献   


To evaluate treatment details, outcome, relapse rate and side-effects in Stage IIA seminoma irradiated and followed for a period of 39 years.


Seminoma is a very radiosensitive disease and radiation therapy alone is able to achieve long-term disease-free survival, even in advanced Stage disease. Due to the lack of long-term prospective studies, it is of value to follow patients and try to determine the appropriate volume to be irradiated and the dose which can achieve total cure with minimal acute and chronic side-effects.

Patients and methods

A retrospective review of 24 Stage IIA seminoma patients irradiated between 1971 and 2010 was performed. All patients underwent orchiectomy and meticulous clinical, biochemical and radiological staging.


Median age at diagnosis was 36 years and median follow-up was 84 months. A majority of patients received the “hockey-stick” irradiation schedule (para-aortic lymph nodes and hemi-pelvis) to a total dose of 2250–2500 cGy and a boost to radiologically involved nodes of 500–1000 cGy. Treatment was well-tolerated. Twenty-one (88%) patients are alive with no evidence of disease. Two patients died due to unknown causes, while one patient died due to head of the pancreas carcinoma, most probably radiation-induced.


In Stage II seminoma, radiotherapy can provide excellent results with low rates of toxicity. Reduction of total dose and size of fields without affecting the good results should be considered. Due to prolonged survival, awareness of second primary tumor is indicated.  相似文献   
Balancing the production of food, particularly meat, with preserving biodiversity and maintaining ecosystem services is a major societal challenge. Research into the contrasting strategies of land sparing and land sharing has suggested that land sparing—combining high‐yield agriculture with the protection or restoration of natural habitats on nonfarmed land—will have lower environmental impacts than other strategies. Ecosystems with long histories of habitat disturbance, however, could be resilient to low‐yield agriculture and thus fare better under land sharing. Using a wider suite of species (birds, dung beetles and trees) and a wider range of livestock‐production systems than previous studies, we investigated the probable impacts of different land‐use strategies on biodiversity and aboveground carbon stocks in the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico—a region with a long history of habitat disturbance. By modelling the production of multiple products from interdependent land uses, we found that land sparing would allow larger estimated populations of most species and larger carbon stocks to persist than would land sharing or any intermediate strategy. This result held across all agricultural production targets despite the history of disturbance and despite species richness in low‐ and medium‐yielding agriculture being not much lower than that in natural habitats. This highlights the importance, in evaluating the biodiversity impacts of land use, of measuring population densities of individual species, rather than simple species richness. The benefits of land sparing for both biodiversity and carbon storage suggest that safeguarding natural habitats for biodiversity protection and carbon storage alongside promoting areas of high‐yield cattle production would be desirable. However, delivering such landscapes will probably require the explicit linkage of livestock yield increases with habitat protection or restoration, as well as a deeper understanding of the long‐term sustainability of yields, and research into how other societal outcomes vary across land‐use strategies.  相似文献   
Abstract: Rats were given LiCl in their diet (40 mmol/kg dry weight) for at least 3 months to elucidate the regional and subcellular localization of Li+ in the brain as well as the effect of chronic lithium administration on the distribution of other cations. At steady-state the mean concentrations of Li+ were 0.66 mmol/kg wet weight in the whole brain and 0.52 mM in plasma. The tissue/plasma concentration ratio exceeded unity in all anatomical regions. No region showed excessive accumulation of Li+. Whole brain or regional contents of Na+ or K+ were unaffected by lithium treatment. Subcellular Li+ localization was demonstrated in nuclear, crude mitochondrial, and microsomal fractions of whole brain homogenate. Subfractionation of the crude mitochondrial fraction revealed energy-independent intrasynaptosomal and intramitochondrial Li+ and K+ localization at 0–4°C. Li+ administered in vivo disappeared within 10 min from synaptosomes incubated at 37°C. Li+ added in vitro at 1 mM attained a synaptosomal steady-state concentration within 30 min at 37°C. In control rats, synaptosomal concentrations and synaptosomal/medium concentration gradients of cations paralleled their respective in vivo concentrations and gradients. Lithium treatment caused synaptosomal depletion of K+ and Mg2+ and hence probably partial membrane depolarization. Addition of 1 mM Li+ in vitro also caused synaptosomal Mg2+ depletion. The results indicate that Li+ is “accumulated” in brain sediments and synaptosomes following its long-term treatment. The estimated intracellular and intrasynaptosomal Li+ concentrations are lower than predicted by passive distribution according to the Nernst equation, evidencing active extrusion of Li+.  相似文献   
Summary The inhibition of the respiration rate by the heavy metals, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Ni and Zn was investigated in five Dutch soil types in relation to the length of time these heavy metals were present in the soil. The amounts of heavy metal added as chloride salts to the soils were 0, 55, 150, 400, 1000, 3000 and 8000 g·g–1, respectively. The measurements were carried out both immediately after the addition of the heavy metals and approximately 18 months later. The inhibition during the first two to eight weeks was not obscured by an extra nutrient flush to drying. During the 18 months, the toxicity decreased but was still significant. Inhibition was greatest in the sandy soil and least in the clay soil. In a loam soil and in a sandy peat soil, the inhibiting effects were intermediate, but distinct. The main abiotic factors responsible for these different degrees of inhibition were the clay fraction for Cd, the Fe content for Cu, Pb and Zn and the pH for Ni. Although clay, Fe, and Mn together with the organic matter fraction, determine the total cation exchange capacity of soil, their contribution to the toxicity of heavy metals may be antagonistic. The latter may increase the mobility due to chelation and therefore possibly increase the toxicity, while the other factors may bind the heavy metals and therefore decrease the toxicity.  相似文献   
Landmanagement practices such as no-tillage agriculture and tallgrass prairie restoration have been proposed as a possible means to sequester atmospheric carbon, helping to refurbish soil fertility and replenish organic matter lost as a result of previous agricultural management practices. However, the relationship between land-use changes and ecosystem structure and functioning is not yet understood. We studied soil and vegetation properties over a 4-year period (1995–98), and assembled measurements of microbial biomass, soil organic carbon (SOC) and nitrogen (N), N-mineralization, soil surface carbon dioxide (CO2) flux, and leached C and N in managed (maize; Zea mays L.) and natural (prairie) ecosystems near the University of Wisconsin Agricultural Research Station at Arlington. Field data show that different management practices (tillage and fertilization) and ecosystem type (prairie vs maize) have a profound influence on biogeochemistry and water budgets between sites. These measurements were used in conjunction with a dynamic terrestrial ecosystem model, called IBIS (the Integrated Biosphere Simulator), to examine the long-term effects of land-use changes on biogeochemical cycling. Field data and modeling suggest that agricultural land management near Arlington between 1860 and 1950 caused SOC to be depleted by as much as 63% (native SOC approximately 25.1 kg C m−2). Reductions in N-mineralization and microbial biomass were also observed. Although IBIS simulations depict SOC recovery in no-tillage maize since the 1950s and also in the Arlington prairie since its restoration was initiated in 1976, field data suggest otherwise for the prairie. This restoration appears to have done little to increase SOC over the past 24 years. Measurements show that this prairie contained between 28% and 42% less SOC (in the top 1 m) than the no-tillage maize plots and 40%–47% less than simulated potential SOC for the site in 1999. Because IBIS simulates competition between C3 and C4 grass species, we hypothesized that current restored prairies, which include many forbs not characterized by the model, could be less capable of sequestering C than agricultural land planted entirely in monocultural grass in this region. Model output and field measurements show a potential 0.4 kg C m−2 y−1 difference in prairie net primary production (NPP). This study indicates that high-productivity C4 grasslands (NPP = 0.63 kg C m−2 y−1) and high-yield maize agroecosystems (10 Mg ha−1) have the potential to sequester C at a rate of 74.5 g C m−2 y−1 and 86.3 g C m−2 y−1, respectively, during the next 50 years across southern Wisconsin. Received 28 December 1999; accepted 11 December 2000.  相似文献   
Chestnut blight fungus (Endothia parasitica [Murr.] P.J. And. &; H.W. And.)) is a classic example of an invasive species, which severely damaged populations of its host, Castanea dentata, and had widespread and long-term impacts on eastern North American forests. Concurrently, forests were further disturbed by lumbering, which was common across the region from the mid 1800s to the early 1900s. In 1926, local infestations of chestnut blight were reported in the Coweeta Basin, Southern Appalachian Mountains of North Carolina. We used permanent plot inventories of the Basin (first sampled in 1934 and twice afterward in 1969–72 and 1988–93) to describe the distribution of species along a complex environmental gradient. Specifically, we asked: How does vegetation change over approximately 60 years following logging and the demise of C. dentata? Does the association between vegetation and environment determine the pattern of species distributions through time? Which species replaced C. dentata across this complex environmental gradient? We used nonmetric multidimensional scaling ordination and multiresponse permutation procedure for the analyses of the inventory periods. In 1934, C. dentata was the most important species in the Coweeta Basin. It was present in 98% of the plots and contributed 22% of the total density and 36% of the total basal area. Diversity increased significantly over time and was attributed to an increase in evenness of species distribution. The canopy dominant, C. dentata, was replaced by more than one species across the environmental gradient. Importance values of Quercus prinus, Acer rubrum, Cornus florida, Tsuga canadensis, and Oxydendrum arboreum increased by 2–5% across the basin following the decline of C. dentata. Tsuga canadensis increased in abundance and distribution, especially near streams across elevations. Liriodendron tulipifera replaced C. dentata in moist coves, which have low terrain shape and high organic matter content. In contrast, Q. prinus and A. rubrum were ubiquitous, much like C. dentata before the chestnut blight becoming dominant or co-dominant species across all environmental conditions.  相似文献   
Although agriculture dominates much of Central America, little is known about the bat assemblages that occur within agricultural landscapes and how bats use different types of tree cover within these landscapes. Using mist-nets and a mark-recapture protocol, we compared bat diversity and movement across six types of tree cover within an agricultural landscape in central Nicaragua. The tree cover types surveyed included secondary forests, riparian forests, forest fallows, live fences, pastures with high tree cover and pastures with low tree cover. We captured a total of 3084 bats of 39 species, including two new species records for the country ( Lonchorhina aurita and Molossops greenhalli ). Of these, 2970 bats and 27 species were in the Phyllostomidae family. There were significant differences in mean species density, abundance and evenness of phyllostomid bats across the different types of tree cover, but not in bat diversity. Riparian forests had the highest mean species density and bat abundance per plot. In contrast, mean bat abundance and species density were lowest in pastures with low tree cover. Of the 1947 phyllostomid bats marked, a total of 64 bats of eight species were recaptured. The average linear distance between extra-site recaptures was 2227 m (± 228 SE) and the maximum distance was 10.6 km. Bats were recorded moving between almost all types of tree cover, and especially to and from riparian forests. Our study suggests that agricultural landscapes retaining a heterogeneous tree cover may maintain a diverse bat assemblage, and that bats visit and use a variety of tree cover types within the agricultural matrix.  相似文献   
Summary In field experiments carried out uninterruptedly since 1923 on a sandy, grey-brown luvisol (8% clay) the EUF-nutrient fractions were determined after potato and rye crops in 1982 had been harvested.Annual applications of N fertilizer (90 kg N/ha) over a 60-year period raised both the organic and inorganic EUF-N fractions (Table 1). EUF-Norg values increased depending on crop rotation from 1.1–1.9 to 2.4–3.6 mg/100 g. This increase in EUF-N amounts was higher under rye monoculture than under potato monoculture. N leaching was more intensive under potato monoculture than under rye monoculture.Application of P, K and Ca fertilizers raised the EUF-P, EUF-K and EUF-Ca values at 20°C as well as at 80°C (Figs. 1, 2, 3). Analyses of soil samples from the 25–75 cm layer showed that the contents of EUF-Ca and EUF-K in this layer are as high as in the topsoil or even higher (Table 3).High yields of rye (>4 t/ha) and of potatoes (>30 t/ha) were obtained when in samples taken after harvest EUF-amounts of 3.5 mg N, 2 mg P, 3 mg K (in both topsoil and subsoil), 1.7 mg Mg and 20 mg Ca/100 g were released within 35 min. These levels were obtained with annual fertilizer application rates of 90 kg N, 60 kg P2O5 and 110 kg K2O/ha.Applications of 1.6 t CaO/ha every 4 years were sufficient to maintain the soil pH at 6.0–6.5. Calculated on the basis of EUF-Ca contents, with the amounts of K-selective minerals being taken into account, this rate of liming corresponds with the needs of acid sandy soils.  相似文献   
Root development in simple and complex tropical successional ecosystems   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Fine and coarse root mass and fine root surface area were studied during 5 yr following the felling and burning of a tropical forest near Turrialba, Costa Rica. Five experimental ecosystems were established: 1) natural successional vegetation, 2) successional vegetation enriched by seed applications, 3) imitation of succession (built by substituting investigator-selected species for natural colonizers), 4) monocultures (two maize crops followed by cassava andCordia alliodora), and 5) a bare plot. Fine roots grew rapidly in all treatments during the first 15 wk, at which time there were 75 gm−2 in the monoculture and 140 gm−2 in the enriched and natural successions. Subsequent growth was slower, and fine-root mass decreased during the first dry season. After 5 yr coarse root mass to a depth of 85 cm was about 800, 1370, and 1530 gm−2 in the succession, enriched succession and imitation of succession, respectively. At the final harvest, the 3.5 yr-oldC. alliodora plantation had 1000 g m−2 of coarse-root biomass. Roots <1 mm in diameter were concentrated in the upper 5 cm of soil and accounted for most fine-root surface area. Total fine-root surface area was greatest in the enriched successional vegetation and usually lowest in the monoculture.  相似文献   
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