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Acyl Group Migrations in 2-Monoolein   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Acyl migration in 2-monoolein dissolved in solvents under conditions common in lipid modification reactions has been studied. The effects on acyl migration of solvent, incubation temperature, water activity, polar additives and solid additives have been investigated. Extensive acyl migration occured in aliphatic hydrocarbons and water-miscible alcohols under dry conditions. The acyl migration rate could be decreased in several nonpolar solvents by adding a small amount of water or an alcohol. Increasing water activity had no effect in isooctane, but decreased the acyl migration rate dramatically in methyl tert-butyl ether and methyl isobutyl ketone. Several commonly used enzyme supports catalysed acyl migration, showing that supports with surface charges could catalyse acyl migration.  相似文献   
The mosquito Culex pipiens is subjected to organophosphate treatments in both Corsica and southern Sardinia, but the resistance gene A2-B2, which is currently in a worldwide expansion, has only reached Sardinia. In order to understand this situation, the genetic structure of populations sampled in Sardinia and Corsica was assessed using 15 isozymes. Two loci (HK1 and HK2) were not taken into account because of the possibility of selection. For trie other loci, statistical independence was not rejected for all possible pairs, and no deviation from Hardy-Weinberg expectations was apparent. Low but significant genie differentiation was present between Corsica and Sardinia, as well as between northern and southern Sardinia, despite a large number of effective migrants per generation. These results are discussed in the context of the high probability of extinction/recolonization of breeding sites, the flight migration ability of this mosquito, and the pleiotropic cost of insecticide resistances genes. It is concluded that A2-B2 resistance is unlikely to reach Corsica from southern Sardinia, unless accidental human transportation occurs.  相似文献   
During the night anchovies were observed in the deep offshore oceanic and intermediate slope zones off the Baja California coast, Mexico, in high abundance. Anchovies moved towards the shallow inshore neritic zone in low density groups, returning at dawn to deeper depth strata. During the day, abundances were reduced drastically and those observed were forming compact and discrete schools at deeper depth strata. Anchovy and euphausiid abundance, as recorded by the echosounder, Were positively correlated.  相似文献   
Pervasive migration of organellar DNA to the nucleus in plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A surprisingly large number of plant nuclear DNA sequences inferred to be remnants of chloroplast and mitochondrial DNA migration events were detected through computer-assisted database searches. Nineteen independent organellar DNA insertions, with a median size of 117 by (range of 38 to >785 bp), occur in the proximity of 15 nuclear genes. One fragment appears to have been passed through a RNA intermediate, based on the presence of an edited version of the mitochondrial gene in the nucleus. Tandemly arranged fragments from disparate regions of organellar genomes and from different organellar genomes indicate that the fragments joined together from an intracellular pool of RNA and/or DNA before they integrated into the nuclear genome. Comparisons of integrated sequences to genes lacking the insertions, as well as the occurrence of coligated fragments, support a model of random integration by end joining. All transferred sequences were found in noncoding regions, but the positioning of organellar-derived DNA in introns, as well as regions 5 and 3 to nuclear genes, suggests that the random integration of organellar DNA has the potential to influence gene expression patterns. A semiquantitative estimate was performed on the amount of organellar DNA being transferred and assimilated into the nucleus. Based on this database survey, we estimate that 3–7% of the plant nuclear genomic sequence files contain organellar-derived DNA. The timing and the magnitude of genetic flux to the nuclear genome suggest that random integration is a substantial and ongoing process for creating sequence variation.Correspondence to: J.L. Blanchard  相似文献   
Summary 1. Two LHRH neuronal cell lines were developed by targeted tumorigenesis of LHRH neuronsin vivo. These cell lines (GN and GT-1 cells) represent a homogeneous population of neurons. GT-1 cells have been further subcloned to produce the GT1-1, GT1-3, and GT1-7 cell lines. While considerable information is accumulating about GT-1 cells, very little is currently known about the characteristics and responses of GN cells.2. By both morphological and biochemical criteria, GT-1 cells are clearly neurons. All GT-1 cells immunostain for LHRH and the levels of prohormone, peptide intermediates, and LHRH in the cells and medium are relatively high.3. GT-1 cells biosynthesize, process, and secrete LHRH. Processing of pro-LHRH appears to be very similar to that reported for LHRH neuronsin vivo. At least four enzymes may be involved in processing the prohormone to LHRH.4. LHRH neurons are unique among the neurons of the central nervous system because they arise from the olfactory placode and grow back into the preoptic-anterior hypothalamic region of the brain. Once these neurons reach this location, they send their axons to the median eminence. With respect to the immortalized neurons, GN cells were arrested during their transit to the brain. In contrast, GT-1 cells were able to migrate to the preoptic-anterior hypothalamic region but were unable correctly to target their axons to the median eminence. These problems in migration and targeting appear to be due to expression of the simian virus T-antigen.5. While GT-1 cells are a homogeneous population of neurons, they are amenable to coculture with other types of cells. Coculture experiments currently under way should help not only to reveal some of the molecular and cellular cues that are important for neuronal migration and axonal targeting, but they should also highlight the nature of the cellular interactions which normally occurin situ.6. GT-1 cells spontaneously secrete LHRH in a pusatile manner. The interpulse interval for LHRH from these cells is almost identical to that reported for release of LH and LHRHin vivo. GT-1 cells are interconnected by both gap junctions and synapses. The coordination and synchronization of secretion from these cells could occur through these interconnections, by feedback from LHRH itself, and/or by several different compounds that are secreted by these cells. One such compound is nitric oxide.7. GT-1 cells have Na+, K+, Ca2+, and Cl channels. Polymerase chain reaction experiments coupled with Southern blotting and electrophysiological recordings reveal that GT-1 cells contain at least five types of Ca2+ channels. R-type Ca2+ channels appear to be the most common type of channel and this channel is activated by phorbol esters in the GT-1 cells.8. LHRH is secreted from GT-1 cells in response to norepinephrine, dopamine, histamine, GABA (GABA-A agonists), glutamate, nitric oxide, neuropeptide Y, endothelin, prostaglandin E2, and activin A. Phorbol esters are very potent stimulators of LHRH secretion. Inhibition of LHRH release occurs in response to LHRH, GABA (GABA-B agonists), prolactin, and glucocorticoids.9. Compared to secretion studies, far fewer agents have been tested for their effects on gene expression. All of the agents which have been tested so far have been found either to repress LHRH gene expression or to have no effect. The agents which have been reported to repress LHRH steady-state mRNA levels include LHRH, prolactin, glucocorticoids, nitric oxide, and phorbol esters. While forskolin stimulates LHRH secretion, it does not appear to have any effect on LHRH mRNA levels.  相似文献   
van Gool  Erik 《Hydrobiologia》1997,360(1-3):161-167
Vertical displacement velocity of a Daphniagaleata × hyalina clone was quantified inrelation to changes in the relative rate of lightchange. An increase in the latter variable triggers anenhanced swimming response, and this response is againelicited when a second increase in the rate ofrelative light increase is applied. Decreases in therate of light increase affect phototactic swimming ina similar way. The acceleration/deceleration assistedstimulus-response system is an extension of the ideaof phototaxis as the underlying behavioural mechanismfor vertical migration, and suggests that continuousaccelerations in light change also affect verticaldisplacements observed in the field. A simple dielvertical migration simulation model was used tocalculate the vertical displacement of Daphniain relation to the natural light change at sunrise.The calculated vertical displacement fits nicely inthe temporal range of the observed averaged downwardmigration of adult Daphnia in Lake Maarsseveen.The calculated migration amplitude, however, islarger than the change in mean population depthobserved in nature.  相似文献   
To assess the role of skylight polarization in the orientation system of a day-migrating bird, Yellow-faced Honeyeaters (Lichenostomus chrysops, Meliphagidae) were tested in funnel cages for their directional preferences. In control tests in the natural local geomagnetic field under the clear natural sky, they preferred their normal migratory course. Manipulations of the e-vector by depolarizing the skylight or rotating the axis of polarization failed to affect the orientation as long as the natural geomagnetic field was present. When deprived of magnetic information, the birds continued in their normal migratory direction as long as they had access to information from the natural sky, or when either the sun or polarized light was available. However, when sun was hidden by clouds, depolarizers caused disorientation. — These findings indicate that polarized skylight can be used for orientation when no other known cues are available. However in the hierarchy of cues of this species, the polarization pattern clearly ranks lower than information from the geomagnetic field.  相似文献   
Dispersal of adult Viburnum whitefly,Aleurotrachelus jelinekii (Frauenf.) was assessed over a period of 6 years, both in the field and in the laboratory. Flight activity did not appear to be strongly affected by normal variation in either temperature or windspeed. The aerial density of flying adults decreased rapidly with distance from the host plant. Movement up to 5 m from the host plant was found to be density dependent, although there is no suggestion that longer flights become more frequent at higher population densities. More males were caught at the beginning of the season and the number of males flying increased as the population density rose. Insects were flight mature after about 3 h, but flew readily only after 2 days. Longer flights were observed from younger females at a time when they would move from old to young leaves. Landing site preference was not recorded, which contrasts with the behaviour of the cabbage whitefly. Flight in the Viburnum whitefly appears to redistribute the population within the immediate habitat, but migration did not appear to be a significant demographic factor in the isolated populations studied.
Etude de l'activité de vold d'Aleurotrachelus jelinekii peu enclin au vol
Résumé La dispersion des adultes d'Aleurotrachelus jelinekii Frauenf, tant dans la nature qu'au laboratoire, a été estimée sur une période de 6 ans. L'activité de vol n'a pas paru être fortement modifiée par les variations de la température et de la vitesse du vent. Le nombre d'adultes en vol a diminué rapidement jusqu'à 5 m de la plante hôte, et il était density-dependent, bien que rien ne prouve que les vols les plus longs deviennent plus fréquents à des densités de population plus élevées. Plus de mâles ont été capturés au début de la saison et le nombre de mâles en vol s'est accru avec la densité de la population. Les insectes étaient aptes au vol 3 heures après la mue imaginale, mais ne volaient normalement que 2 jours après. Les vols les plus longs ont été observés chez les plus jeunes femelles au moment où elles devaient migrer de feuilles âgées à des feuilles jeunes. Les lieux d'atterrissage préférés n'ont pas été décelés. Le vol chezA. jelinekii semble redistribuer la population dans l'habitat immédiat et la migration n'apparaît pas être un paramètre démographique significantif dans les populations isolées étudiées.
Summary Pieces of coverslip glass coated with various proteins were implanted under one edge of a fresh skin wound on adult newt hind limbs so that the implant served as wound bed for the migrating wound epithelium. Laminin, a protein that has been implicated as an epithelial-specific adhesin, was a moderately good migration substrate. Type-IV collagen, fibrinogen and fibronectin, however, were significantly better. Fetuin, myoglobin, and casein all proved to be very poor substrates, allowing practically no migration. The inability of fetuin, myoglobin, and casein to support migration is further evidence that the considerable migration that occurs on collagen (Donaldson et al. 1982) fibrinogen and fibronectin (Donaldson and Mahan 1983) and the moderate migration on laminin, is a relatively specific response to these proteins and is therefore of special significance. The fact that laminin is a poorer migration substrate than collagen, fibrinogen or fibronectin suggests that the absence of cell surface laminin that has been associated with epithelial movement in several studies (Stanley et al. 1981; Clark et al. 1982; Madri and Stenn 1982; Gulati et al. 1983) may promote motility by allowing epithelial cells to interact directly with other extracellular macromolecules.  相似文献   
Cogley T. P., Anderson J. R. and Cooley L. J. 1982. Migration of Gasterophilus intestinalis larvae (Diptera: Gasterophilidae) in the equine oral cavity. International Journal for Parasitology12: 473–480. Larvae of G. intestinalis pursued a specific migratory pathway within the equine oral cavity en route to the stomach. The larval migration included the following sequence: burrowing in the tongue mucosa, invasion of the interdental spaces, transitory attachment at the root of the tongue and movement to the stomach. The molt from first to second instar did not occur in the tongue, as commonly believed, but between the interdental spaces. Ninety five percent of the larvae invading the interdental spaces were associated with gingiva of the upper molars. SEM analysis revealed further details of the oral migration: (1) air holes excavated in the epithelium which connect with deeper burrows; (2) an intimate association between air holes and posterior spiracles of larvae; (3) precise impressions of larvae in tissue immediately surrounding the most recently formed burrows; and (4) initial larval entry into the tongue through the use of natural disruptions or healing lesions. Factors influencing the development of the oral migration are discussed.  相似文献   
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