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There are limited studies on the association of endotoxin, a potent mediator of gut-derived inflammation and telomere length (TL). We investigated (1) the influence of adiposity on endotoxin and TL amongst Saudi adults according to type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) status and (2) the influence vitamin D may have on TL attrition. Anthropometric data and fasting blood samples were taken from 775 Saudi adults visiting different primary care centers in Riyadh [387 T2DM and 388 non-T2DM]. TL, derived from peripheral blood mononuclear cells, was analyzed by Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction and circulating endotoxin levels by Limulus Amebocyte Lysate assay. Subjects were stratified based on obesity and T2DM status. A significant lower TL was observed in the non-obese T2DM group as compared with their non-obese, non-T2DM counterparts (p = 0.002). Significant inverse associations between TL, endotoxin and endotoxin activity were observed in the cohort with obesity. Regression analysis showed that endotoxin was a significant predictor for TL in all subjects and even after stratification according to subgroups; with variances perceived in circulating TL stronger among non-T2DM obese (10%; p = 0.003) than non-T2DM non-obese (12%; p = 0.007). Also, in the non-T2DM group, TL and HDL-cholesterol predicted 29% of the variances perceived in 25(OH)D (p < 0.001). Taken together these findings show that circulating endotoxin and 25(OH)D are associated with premature biological ageing influenced by adiposity and metabolic state; suggesting future intervention studies to manipulate gut microbiome and or vitamin D levels may offer ways to mitigate premature TL attrition.  相似文献   
In all developmental stages, the phasmid Peruphasma schultei (Conle & Hennemann, 2005) is an obligate herbivore, whereas the mantid Hierodula membranacea (Burmeister, 1838) is an obligatory carnivore. In P. schultei, the luminal activity of all enzymes is approxximately 50% in the crop and 50% in the midgut, which corresponds to the approximate 50 : 50 ratio of volumes of these two regions. These ratios would be expected in insects with a constant feeding rate on an unvaried diet. The enzyme activity and volume ratios in Hierodula membranacea vary considerably because of the irregular feeding habits. These differences in activity ratios between phasmids and mantids are not associated with the obligate phytophagous or carnivorous diet. The ratio of membrane bound to luminal aminopeptidases and disaccharidases in the midgut of both species are not significantly different and are within the normal range of other paurometabolous insects. Cellobiase and other plant cell wall digesting enzymes, laminarinase and cellobiase, are present in the phasmid but totally lacking in the mantid. The obligate carnivorous feeding habits of mantids could represent a selective factor leading to the loss of the ability to produce β-glucanases. Chitinase is a moulting enzyme in all insects, whereas, in H. membranacea, chitinase also occurs as a luminal digestive enzyme. This modified enzyme function requires production and secretion in another tissue, namely the midgut.  相似文献   
Cactaceae family has heterogeneity in the accumulation of lignocellulose due to the diversity of shapes and anatomy of the wood. Most studies focus on fibrous and dimorphic species; but the non-fibrous species are poorly studied. The aims of this work were to analyze the syringyl/guaiacyl ratio of lignin and its distribution in secondary xylem, especially in non-fibrous species. The syringyl/guaiacyl (S/G) ratio was quantified from 34 species of cacti by nitrobenzene oxidation of free-extractive wood. The distribution of lignocellulose in wood sections stained with safranin O/fast green was determined with epifluorescence microscopy. The S/G ratio was heterogeneous; most of the non-fibrous species had a higher percentage of syringyl, while the fibrous ones accumulate guaiacyl. Fluorescence emission showed that vessel elements and wide-band tracheids had similar tonalities. It is hypothesized that the presence of a higher percentage of syringyl in most cacti is part of the defense mechanism against pathogens, which together with the succulence of the stem represent adaptations that contribute to survival in their hostile environments.  相似文献   
大凉螈繁殖生态   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
龚宇舟  王刚  黄蜂  何流洋  束潇潇  谢锋 《生态学报》2019,39(9):3144-3152
大凉螈是我国特有的珍稀有尾两栖动物,其种群数量目前呈现明显下降趋势,然而涉及该物种保护的繁殖生态学研究仍十分匮乏。通过融合围栏陷阱及标志重捕的样方调查法,对大凉螈石棉栗子坪种群繁殖个体和变态登陆幼体的迁徙、繁殖群体种群大小、繁殖场内雌雄有效性比变化等进行了研究。运用Jolly-Seber法估测了繁殖种群大小,运用单因素方差分析或Kruskal-Wallis秩和检验比较了不同时期进入繁殖场的雄性大凉螈头体长及体重,运用t检验或者Wilcoxon秩和检验比较了雌雄性间形态上的差异,运用t检验、t′检验或Wilcoxon秩和检验比较了野外抱对雄性与非抱对雄性间的体征差别,运用Pearson相关分析探讨了雌性产卵量与其身体形态的关系,同时观察了卵的孵化情况。研究结果表明:大凉螈的繁殖季为每年的4月下旬到7月下旬,幼体最早于8月上旬变态登陆。估测调查地繁殖场内雄性大凉螈繁殖种群大小约为391尾,雄螈较雌螈更早进入繁殖场且在场内停留时间更长,体重较轻的雄螈较晚迁入繁殖场。有效性比明显偏雄(雌/雄:0.03—0.10)。雌雄间具明显性二型性,雌性个体的头体长、体重及肥满度均大于雄性,而雄性的尾高和尾长占全长的比例则大于雌性。对比自然抱对雄性和非抱对雄性个体发现,抱对个体在头体长、体重和尾高等体征方面显著大于非抱对个体,暗示这些形态特征可能在雄性竞争配偶的过程中起到关键作用。雌螈在室内条件下平均产卵数为176枚,产卵历时2—4 d,产卵量与雌性肥满度正相关,卵的平均孵化期为15.7 d,孵出幼体平均全长为9.74 mm。  相似文献   
Aim Carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) stoichiometry is a critical indicator of biogeochemical coupling in terrestrial ecosystems. However, our current understanding of C : N stoichiometry is mainly derived from observations across space, and little is known about its dynamics through time. Location Global secondary forests. Methods We examined temporal variations in C : N ratios and scaling relationships between N and C for various ecosystem components (i.e. plant tissue, litter, forest floor and mineral soil) using data extracted from 39 chronosequences in forest ecosystems around the world. Results The C : N ratio in plant tissue, litter, forest floor and mineral soil exhibited large variation across various sequences, with an average of 145.8 ± 9.4 (mean ± SE), 49.9 ± 3.0, 38.2 ± 3.1 and 18.5 ± 0.9, respectively. In most sequences, the plant tissue C : N ratio increased significantly with stand age, while the C : N ratio in litter, forest floor and mineral soil remained relatively constant over the age sequence. N and C scaled isometrically (i.e. the slope of the relationship between log‐transformed N and C is not significantly different from 1.0) in litter, forest floor and mineral soil both within and across sequences, but not in plant tissue either within or across sequences. The C : N ratio was larger in coniferous forests than in broadleaf forests and in temperate forests than in tropical forests. In contrast, the N–C scaling slope did not reveal significant differences either between coniferous and broadleaf forests or between temperate and tropical forests. Main conclusions These results suggest that C and N become decoupled in plants but remain coupled in other ecosystem components during stand development.  相似文献   
SVEIN DALE 《Ibis》2011,153(3):573-580
Analyses of lifetime fitness in birds are typically based on estimates of breeding success, in particular the number of offspring fledged. Small and isolated bird populations often have a male‐skewed adult sex ratio, so that male lifetime productivity depends to a large degree on pairing success, but few studies have focused on patterns of lifetime pairing success. The Norwegian population of Ortolan Buntings Emberiza hortulana is strongly male‐skewed, such that in any year about half of all males are unpaired. Pairing success of first‐year males (16–44%) was significantly lower than for older males (52–89%). Lifetime pairing success was correlated with lifespan and was strongly skewed, with a majority of males being paired only once or never, and only 11% paired three or more times despite a stable lifetime annual survival rate of 63%. Males that were paired in one year were more likely to be paired the next year than males that were unpaired in the previous year. The shortage of females caused even the older males to have a substantial probability of becoming unpaired, and 49% of long‐lived males (known as adults for at least 4 years) were unpaired after years in which they were paired. Pairing success in the Ortolan Bunting therefore follows similar age‐related and lifetime patterns in breeding success documented in other species. However, even the older males ran a high risk of not being paired, contrasting with earlier distinctions between pre‐breeding and breeding lifespans. I discuss the importance of knowledge of pairing success for the management of endangered and declining populations.  相似文献   
According to the current, widely accepted paradigm, the evolutionary transition from hermaphroditism toward separate sexes occurs in two successive steps: an initial, intermediate step in which unisexual individuals, male or female, sterility mutants coexist with hermaphrodites and a final step that definitively establishes dioecy. Two nonexclusive processes can drive this transition: inbreeding avoidance and reallocation of resources from one sexual function to the other. Here, we report results of controlled crosses between males and hermaphrodites in Phillyrea angustifolia, an androdioecious species with two mutually intercompatible, but intraincompatible groups of hermaphrodites. We observed different segregation patterns that can be explained by: (1) epistatic interactions between two unlinked diallelic loci, determining sex and mating compatibility, and (2) a mutation with pleiotropic effects: female sterility, full compatibility of males with both hermaphrodite incompatibility groups, and complete male‐biased sex‐ratio distortion in one of the two groups. Modeling shows that these mechanisms can explain the high frequency of males in populations of P. angustifolia and can promote the maintenance of androdioecy without requiring inbreeding depression or resource reallocation. We thus argue that segregation distortion establishes the right conditions for the evolution of cryptic dioecy and potentially initiates the evolution toward separate sexes.  相似文献   
Many cooperative breeders forage under predation risks, sentineling is a central activity, and groupmates have to balance between sentineling and foraging. The optimal balance between sentinel activity and foraging may differ among dominant and subordinate individuals, as dominants are more efficient foragers. Two theoretical models pertain to this balance and predict when individuals with different foraging abilities should switch between the two activities on the basis of their energetic state. In one of these models, individuals must attain a critical energetic level by dusk to pass the night, and in the second model fitness is monotonically increasing with the energetic state. We tested these models in the cooperatively breeding Arabian babbler, Turdoides squamiceps. We measured the length of sentinel bouts and the gaps between them both in natural conditions and following experimental feeding. Following feeding ad libitum, subordinates expanded their sentinel bouts significantly more than dominants in comparison with natural conditions. These findings are consistent with the first model, but not with the second. In the experiment, we measured the mass of mealworms consumed by each individual following a sentinel bout relative to its body mass. This ratio was larger for subordinates, indicating that they ended their sentinel bouts at a lower energetic state than dominants. This finding is consistent with the second model, but not with the first. Immediately after eating ad libitum, in 62% of the cases the first behavior performed by the babblers was a new sentinel bout, but in 17% it was a mutual interaction with a groupmate, indicating that social interactions also play a role in the trade‐off vis‐à‐vis sentinel activity.  相似文献   
天山北麓绿洲-荒漠过渡带芨芨草地地表能量通量研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
闫人华  熊黑钢  陈肖飞 《生态学报》2015,35(5):1350-1358
利用天山北麓绿洲-荒漠过渡带芨芨草地的小气候实测资料,分析了该地区不同天气条件下地表能量及其能量分配日变化特征,并进一步探讨了潜热与其它地表能量的关系。结果表明:晴天各地表能量分量曲线呈"单峰型",阴天表现为峰谷频繁交替的"多峰型",雨天则显示为"偏峰型"。由于该区以晴天为主,阴雨天气发生频率少,平均情况下的各能量曲线变化与晴天基本一致。任何天气条件下能量传输均以潜热(LE)为主,其次为感热(H)和土壤热通量(G)。观测期内LE/Rn平均值介于沙漠和绿洲之间,很好地在能量分配上体现出自身的过渡性。各种天气条件下能量分配的日动态变化趋势基本一致,白天均以潜热为主,夜间则有所不同。LE/Rn、H/Rn、G/Rn曲线白天变化平稳,夜间持续波动,日出和日落前后波动最为剧烈。其中,日出时刻以LE/Rn和G/Rn曲线波动最为强烈,且两者峰谷互补。因辐射强度和日照时数的不同,不同天气条件下曲线早、晚剧烈变化开始时间也有所差别。晴天、平均、阴天(8:00—18:00)波文比依次减小,且均小于1,表明它们在白天能量分配均以潜热为主。而雨天波文比则表现出较大的波动性,整体呈上升趋势。LE与Rn、H、G相关性程度均表现为:晴天与平均相当,阴天次之,雨天最小。  相似文献   
Understanding the dynamics of pest insect populations in relation to the presence of non‐crop habitats and infestation levels of adjacent crops is essential to develop sustainable pest management strategies. The invasive pest species Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae) is able to utilize a broad range of host plants. In viticulture, scientific risk assessment for D. suzukii has only recently started and studies assessing the effects of field margins containing wild host plants on D. suzukii population dynamics and on infestation risks in adjacent vineyards are lacking. Thus, in a one‐year field study, the role of different field margins on fly abundance and crop infestation in adjacent vineyards of Vitis vinifera, variety “Pinot Noir,” were investigated. Different monitoring methods were conducted to assess fly distribution, sex ratio and grape infestation in 14 vineyards adjacent to field margins containing either blackberry (BB) Rubus spp. or non‐host (NH) plants. Our results show that blackberries strongly enhanced D. suzukii abundance within field margin vegetation all year long, whereas fly abundance in vineyards adjacent to BB margins was just enhanced in some seasonal periods. Moreover, the influence of BB margins was limited by distance. However, high fly numbers in BB field margins did result in zero egg infestation of “Pinot Noir” berries. These results may have important implications for winegrowers to make efficient management decisions: regardless of high abundance of adult D. suzukii, only grape berry monitoring can assess the actual infestation risk and the potential need to take management action.  相似文献   
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