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濒危植物兰花蕉的核型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了濒危植物兰花蕉及其变种长萼兰花蕉的核型。结果表明,兰花蕉中期染色体的相对长度为5.00~7.78μm,核型公式为2n=6x=54=23m+3sm(1sec)+1st(sec);而长萼兰花蕉中期染色体相对长度为5.00~7.92μm,核型公式为2n=6x=54=22m+4sm(2sec)+1st(sec)。按Stebbins的分类,两者均属2A型。根据核形态的有关数据分析,进一步支持将长萼兰花蕉作为兰花蕉变种处理的观点。  相似文献   
细穗玄参的化学成分研究-Ⅱ   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从细穗玄参(S crof ella ch inensisM ax im.)全草的正丁醇提取物中分离并鉴定了6个化合物,利用现代波谱技术(M S1、H NM R1、3C NM R、DEPT、HM BC、HM QC)和化学方法进行结构鉴定,分别为6-O-(2″-对羟基反式肉桂酸-α-L-鼠李糖)梓醇(1)、山栀子苷(2)、桃叶珊瑚苷(3)、玉叶金花苷酸(4)、熊果苷(5)、肌氨酸乙酯(6).6个化合物均为首次从该植物中发现.  相似文献   
九香虫抗菌肽CcAMP1的分离纯化和抗菌活性检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李尚伟  赵柏松  杜娟 《昆虫学报》2015,58(6):610-616
【目的】从药用昆虫九香虫 Coridius chinensis 中分离纯化抗菌肽,为进一步开发九香虫抗菌肽资源及深入挖掘九香虫的药用功能奠定基础。【方法】用大肠杆菌Escherichia coli 和金黄色葡萄球菌 Staphylococcus aureus 混合物作诱导源刺激九香虫产生抗菌肽,对血淋巴进行提取、凝胶过滤层析、固相萃取及反相色谱纯化,活性组分经质谱测定。对分离得到的这种抗菌肽进行人工合成,并进行抗菌活性检测。【结果】本研究获得一种九香虫抗菌肽CcAMP1,由17个氨基酸残基组成,分子量为1 997.37 u,带1个正电荷,表面有5个疏水氨基酸。对人工合成的CcAMP1进行抗菌活性检测表明,该抗菌肽与九香虫血淋巴一样对金黄色葡萄球菌等革兰氏阳性菌和大肠杆菌等革兰氏阴性菌都有较好的抗菌活性,且对革兰氏阴性菌的抗菌活性更强。【结论】从九香虫中分离得到具有较强抗菌活性的阳离子抗菌肽CcAMP1,有较大的开发利用价值。  相似文献   
Aims To investigate the effects of dew on plants, we conducted the experiment to determine the physiological characteristics and leaf structures of Leymus chinensis and Agropyron cristatum in response to increasing dew under drought stress.Methods Four treatments (no dew, three times dew and five times dew per week under drought stress, and well-watering) were designed to examine leaf relative water content, water potential, net photosynthetic rate, water use efficiency, biomass, and leaf structures of L. chinensis and A. cristatum. Important findings There was a significant increase in the relative water content and water potential by simulated dew increase for two plants species under drought stress (p < 0.05). For A. cristatum, simulated dew increase significantly enhanced the net photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, and transpiration rate of plants under drought stress (p < 0.05). On the other hand, there was no significant difference in the stomatal conductance and transpiration rate for L. chinensis among treatments. Simulated dew increase improved the aboveground biomass and root biomass of two species. The ratio of yellow leaves to the total leaves was decreased by simulated dew increase for two species. Dew increase also protected leaf structures against the drought stress, suggesting that the dew increase can slow down the death process of leaves resulted from drought stress. Therefore, the study demonstrated that dew increased the available water for the leaves of L. chinensis and A. cristatum grown in the drought stress and thus had positive effects on the photosynthesis, water physiology and plant development.  相似文献   
贵州东部寒武纪的杷榔组发育,化石丰富,含有杷榔动物群;其中掘头虫类、莱德利基虫类三叶虫保存好,序列完整,提供了研究这些类群属种个体发育的重要材料。本文据杷榔组Redlichia (Pteroredlichia) chinensis(Walcott,1905)的300多块标本的分析数据,详细讨论和重点研究了其从幼虫期、分节期至成虫期个体发育特征,分析各个阶段的形态变化及个体发育演化趋势。丰富了R.(Pteroredlichia) chinensis个体发育的资料,对莱德利基虫属种厘定起到积极的作用,提供了属种分类对比的重要证据。  相似文献   
施用有机肥对高砷红壤中小白菜砷吸收的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过盆栽试验,研究了施用猪粪和鸡粪条件下红壤中的砷对小白菜生长和吸收的影响及土壤有效态砷含量的变化.结果表明:向高砷红壤中施用猪粪和鸡粪两种有机肥均使小白菜的生物量有不同程度的增加,其中,施用猪粪处理的小白菜生物量显著高于对照处理(P<0.05);猪粪和鸡粪两种有机肥的施用可导致土壤有效砷含量明显提高,施用猪粪后土壤有效砷含量增幅达394.9%~1033.6%,而施用鸡粪的土壤有效砷含量增幅为30.4%~94.1%; 施用有机肥明显促进了小白菜对砷的吸收,其中猪粪处理下小白菜的砷吸收量比对照增加20.7%~53.9%. 根据本研究结果,对砷含量较高的高风险农田,施用猪粪、鸡粪等有机肥可能会在一定程度上提高土壤有效砷含量和作物对砷的吸收量,使农产品质量和环境风险增加.  相似文献   
1. The light : nutrient hypothesis (LNH) proposes that herbivore growth rates are maximised at intermediate light‐to‐nutrient ratios. A reduction to light intensity (i.e. decreased light‐to‐nutrient ratio) should lead to reduced food availability for herbivores while excessive light intensity in oligotrophic environments (i.e. increased light‐to‐nutrient ratios) should increase the C : N and C : P ratios of producers. However, this hypothesis has not yet been supported by studies on stream ecosystems. 2. We tested the LNH by experimental application of controlled natural gradients in light intensity to oligotrophic laboratory channels that included periphyton and the freshwater snail Gyraulus chinensis. 3. The results in this oligotrophic environment indicate that light regulated the flow of matter between trophic levels and grazer reproduction by controlling C : P ratios of the producers.  相似文献   
角倍蚜干母的刺探取食行为分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘平  杨子祥  吕翔  李杨 《昆虫知识》2011,48(4):997-1001
本文采用EPG技术监测角倍蚜Schlechtendalia chinensis(Bell)干母在第一寄主植物盐肤木(Rhus chinensis Mill)上的取食行为.获得干母在盐肤木小叶及叶翅上的取食波形7个,分别为np、C(A+B+C)、pd、E1、E2、F、G波.对干母在盐肤木小叶或叶翅上的取食部位组织进行切片...  相似文献   
Eucryptorrhynchus brandti (Harold) and E. chinensis (Oliver) are herbivores of Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle (tree of heaven) in China. Eucryptorrhynchus brandti has been recommended as a potential biological control agent of A. altissima in North America. In China, the majority of adults of both species were found on tree trunks 0–5 m above the ground, from May to September. In October and November, most adults were found at the base of A. altissima trees. Trees were subjected to different levels of mechanical injury: very low mechanical injury, one to two 0.015 m2 bark sections were removed; low, two to four bark sections were removed; moderate, 8 to 22 bark sections removed; high, tree was girdled; and extreme, tree was felled and the remaining stump was sampled. Very low and low mechanical injury trees had very few adult emergence holes with few larvae developing beyond the first or second instar after 29 months. The health of these trees remained good. An increase in adult emergence holes occurred in moderately injured trees that appeared as healthy as very low to low mechanically injured trees. This may indicate that only a small increase in tree stress can increase the adult emergence rate and thus hasten a decline in tree health. Moderate, high and extreme mechanically injured trees had significantly more emergence holes/m than very low and low injured trees and late larval stages were present. The development of Eucryptorrhynchus species was more successful the greater the degree of mechanical injury. Based on this study both Eucryptorrhynchus species appear to be secondary pests of A. altissima in China.  相似文献   
采用 Sephadex LH-20、MCI gel CHP 20P 和 Toyopearl Butly-650C 等柱色谱,反复对80%乙醇荔枝皮提取物进行分离、纯化,得到7个多酚类化合物。根据波谱分析以及文献数据对比,分别鉴定为对羟基苯甲酸(1)、原儿茶酸(2)、(+)儿茶素(3)、(-)表儿茶素(4)、原花青素 A2(5)、aesculitannin A(6)、槲皮素-3-O-β-D-葡萄糖苷(7)。除5以外的化合物均为首次从荔枝果皮中分离得到。  相似文献   
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