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The citrus leafminer, Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae), is an important world‐wide pest of citrus. Larval mining within leaf flush impacts yield and predisposes trees to infection by citrus canker, Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri. The present series of studies sought to identify factors affecting male P. citrella catch in pheromone‐baited traps with the intent of developing effective monitoring. A commercially available pheromone lure (Citralure, ISCA Technologies, Riverside, CA, USA) was highly effective in attracting male P. citrella to traps. Pherocon VI Delta (Trécé Inc., Adair, OK, USA) traps baited with a Citralure captured more male P. citrella than identically baited Pherocon IC Wing traps (Trécé Inc.). The superiority of the Delta‐style trap was found to be due to a 3 cm long closing latch that likely prevents males from flying directly through the trap without capture. Within canopies of mature citrus trees (approximately 3.5 m high), traps at mid‐canopy height (2.0 m) captured more males than traps placed higher (3.5 m) or lower (0.6 m). On the canopy perimeter and in between canopies, traps near ground level (0.6 m height) captured more males than traps at 2.0 and 3.5 m heights. Male catch was greater within the tree canopy or on the canopy perimeter than 2.0 away from the canopy. Traps deployed in trees on the edge of groves captured more males than traps placed 120 and 240 m away from the grove edge and within the grove interior. In non‐pheromone‐treated grove plots, the optimal dosage for catching males was between 0.1 and 1.0 mg of the 3 : 1 blend of (Z,Z,E)‐7,11,13‐hexadecatrienal and (Z,Z)‐7,11‐hexadecadienal; however, in pheromone‐treated plots a higher 10.0 mg dosage lure was most effective. Male catch in pheromone‐baited traps exhibited a diel rhythm with most males captured during scotophase (22:00–23:00 h) and no males captured during photophase.  相似文献   
土壤线虫三种分离方法效率比较   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
比较了蔗糖离心浮选法、改进的贝尔曼漏斗法和浅盘法对土壤线虫的分离效率。蔗糖离心浮选法分离得到的线虫总数分别为贝尔曼漏斗法的 6 1倍和浅盘法的 11 4倍。而且离心浮选法分离得到的虫体大于 5 3μm(>30 0目 )和 5 3~ 4 0 μm(30 0~ 4 0 0目 )的线虫数显著高于贝尔曼漏斗法和浅盘法。离心浮选法对所有功能类群线虫 (包括食细菌、食真菌、植食和杂食线虫 )的分离效率也均显著高于其他 2种方法。贝尔曼漏斗法的分离效率高于浅盘法 ,主要反映在食细菌线虫和虫体在 4 0~ 32 μm(4 0 0~ 5 0 0 )的线虫数。但在达到相同分离效率时 ,浅盘法比贝尔曼漏斗法需要的时间短  相似文献   
Kati Vogt  Leonid Rasran  Kai Jensen 《Flora》2004,199(5):377-388
Water-borne seed transport and seed deposition during flooding were studied in the Upper Eider river (N-Germany) by direct sampling of the rivers seed content with aquatic seed traps and by analysing the number of deposited seeds on sedimentation mats which were exposed near the river on the soil surface during a flooding period of approx. three weeks.The number of seeds which were transported at the surface of the river Eider was continuously analysed by four aquatic seed traps for a period of 20 weeks (July–December 2000). To test the capture rate of these traps, a recapture experiment with colour marked seeds of Helianthus annuus L. was carried out. During the investigation period approx. 9000 seeds of 76 species were captured by the four aquatic seed traps. The number of trapped seeds varied both spatially (across the river profile) and temporally. Considering this variation and the capture rate of the traps, the water-borne seed transport was estimated to be 3139 seeds per week and meter of the river profile.The seed deposition during a flood in early spring 2002 was analysed by using 20 sedimentation mats. To distinguish effects of seed dispersal into patches from outside from seed rearrangement within patches, the water-borne seed transport was excluded from one half of the mats by fencing them with a woven fabric which was permeable for water but not for floating seeds. Outside of the exclosures 152 viable seeds of 26 species were deposited on the sedimentation mats while only one single seedling was found on mats from which water-borne seed transport was excluded.The results demonstrate that hydrochorous dispersal processes might play an important role in connecting otherwise fragmented populations in periodically flooded habitats along rivers.  相似文献   
The reproductive flight phenology of a neotropical ant assemblage   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. Alate flights reflect an ant colony's investment in sexual reproduction and dispersal yet little is known about community‐wide patterns of alate phenology. Two Malaise traps (for 2 years) and two light traps (for 1 year) were used to explore the flight phenologies of 22 common neotropical species from Barro Colorado Island, Panama. 2. The traps caught 23 182 individuals and 286 species/morphospecies. The two trap methods shared only 18 species. Samples also differed in sexual composition: light trap samples were 80% female, Malaise trap samples were 2.6% female. 3. Of 22 common species, all but one flew over half the year, with about half flying every month of the year. These data, combined with a literature review, suggest a latitudinal gradient in alate flight season: one north temperate assemblage (42°N) averaged 1.6 lunar months per species. The ever‐warm tropical year provides a larger flight window that allows a diversity of phenologies, from continuous to strongly pulsed. 4. Rainfall was correlated with alate flights in one‐third of the species. Quantile regression suggested that high weekly rainfall was necessary but not sufficient to produce alate flights in about a quarter of the species. 5. By decreasing the number of nests releasing alates on a given day, long flight seasons may lower the probability of finding a mate. At the same time, long flight seasons may increase the opportunity of finding vacant nest sites. High population densities and high incidence of nest disturbance in this community may ameliorate the first cost while enhancing the second benefit.  相似文献   
In a series of studies conducted in Hawaii under seminatural conditions, we quantified the response of sexually mature, host‐seeking female melon flies, Bactrocera cucurbitae (Coquillett) (Diptera: Tephritidae), to different types of visual and chemical host‐associated stimuli with the main aim of developing a monitoring device for females. Experiments were conducted using Tangletrap‐coated fruit mimics of either spherical (8 cm diameter) or cylindrical (4.3 cm diameter; 15 cm length) shapes coated with different artificial color pigments both at the ground level and at the tree‐canopy level so as to take into account the foraging behavior of adult melon flies. Females were particularly attracted to objects of spherical shape colored either yellow, white, or orange; these three pigments offered the highest reflectance values. Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) (Cucurbitaceae) odor was more attractive to females than odors of three other cultivated host fruit [zucchini, Cucurbita pepo L. var. medullosa Alef. (Cucurbitaceae); papaya, Carica papaya L. (Caricaceae); or tomato Solanum lycopersicum L. (Solanaceae)] or of ivy gourd [Coccinia grandis (L.) Voigt (Cucurbitaceae)], one of the major wild hosts of melon fly in Hawaii. A combination of both visual and olfactory stimuli was needed to elicit high levels of response compared to each stimulus offered alone. We discuss our results in relation to the potential implementation of improved female monitoring and/or attract‐and‐kill strategies for melon flies in Hawaii.  相似文献   
《Mammalian Biology》2014,79(4):225-229
We studied serum testosterone levels in the endemic Mexican cottontail, Sylvilagus cunicularius, which has been reported to show seasonal breeding. Animals were trapped in the wild and in a field enclosure in the National Park La Malinche in central Mexico over a period of five years. Serum testosterone (T) levels were quantified by ELISA from blood samples. T levels of adult males were lowest around 4 months after the onset of the annual reproductive season and were already high prior to the onset of breeding. As expected, the T levels of adult females were consistently lower than in males, and there were no differences in T level with respect to female reproductive state. There were no detectable sex-specific differences in juveniles and subadults, but there was a marked increase in T levels between juvenile and adult males. Overall, our study clearly reflects and confirms the seasonal breeding strategy of this species, showing high similarities to the much better studied European rabbit.  相似文献   
The purpose of this paper is to develop a model for simulation of the formation of organelle traps in fast axonal transport. Such traps may form in the regions of microtubule polar mismatching. Depending on the orientation of microtubules pointing toward the trap region, these traps can accumulate either plus-end or minus-end oriented vesicles. The model predicts that the maximum concentrations of organelles occur at the boundaries of the trap regions; the overall concentration of organelles in the axon with traps is greatly increased compared to that in a healthy axon, which is expected to contribute to mechanical damages of the axon. The organelle traps induce hindrance to organelle transport down the axon; the total organelle flux down the axon with traps is found to be significantly reduced compared to that in a healthy axon.  相似文献   
To determine whether latitudinal variation in herbivore impact exists, we examined three major herbivorous insect feeding types (chewers, gallers, and miners) on/in leaves of Japanese beech. Herbivores were collected with litter traps deployed in forests across a latitudinal gradient of 10°. Leaf litter analyses demonstrated that chewing herbivory increased with increasing latitude of collection site. However, the densities of miners and gallers decreased with latitude. To test whether latitudinal variation in herbivore damage occurs in the absence of geographically differentiated environmental cueing (e.g., physical stresses or herbivore damage), we measured both genetically determined constitutive leaf traits and herbivore damage in a common-garden experiment. In this experiment, miner density decreased with latitude, but chewing herbivory did not vary latitudinally. Galler density was higher on trees from native provenances than on trees from unrelated provenances likely because of local adaptations. Leaf mass per unit area (LMA), tannin, and phenolics all decreased with latitude of provenance. The latitudinal variation in one constitutive leaf trait (LMA) best explained latitudinal variation in chewing herbivory. Thus, different mechanisms account for feeding type-specific patterns of latitudinal variation in herbivore damage among different herbivore feeding types.  相似文献   
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