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吴小芹  郑玲  叶建仁 《生态学报》2009,29(10):5493-5499
为探讨林木不同菌根根系亚宏观结构对植物生长的影响,将黑松(Pinus thunbergii)分别接种黄色须腹菌(Rhizopogen luteous,简称Rl)、彩色豆马勃(Pisolithus tinctorius,简称 Pt2)和美味牛肝菌(Boletus edulis,简称Be)3种外生菌根菌,研究了不同菌根苗根系构型的差异及其与黑松生长的关系.结果表明,黑松3种菌根苗的根系参数(主根长、侧根总级数、一级侧根数量及直径、吸收根分布的范围、吸收根的数量及比表面积等)均比对照有不同程度的增加,且与黑松生长呈一定的正相关性;黑松不同处理菌根苗的根系整体构型差异显著:在生长最好的Rl菌根苗根系中,主根与侧根间具不同夹角的一级侧根分布均衡,且横向生长(80~90°)的侧根较多,其它角度(60~80°和<60°)的一级侧根依次递减,使整个根系呈""型,有效扩大了根系吸收的空间范围;生长相对较差的Be菌根苗其根系不同角度的一级侧根分布不均或80~90°的侧根较少;Pt2菌根苗生长较好,其根系构型界于前二者之间;而生长差的对照苗根最少,几乎没有80~90°的一级侧根.由此可见,不同菌根菌可通过影响根系的结构发育而影响黑松苗木的生长.  相似文献   
产木聚糖酶厌氧真菌菌株筛选及产酶培养条件研究*   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从12株分离自反刍动物瘤胃及粪样的厌氧真菌中筛选到一株木聚糖酶高产菌,编号为A4,初步鉴定为Neocallimastix属菌。以稻草秸、玉米秸、花生秸、滤纸片段为发酵底物,经39℃厌氧培养,A4菌产生的木聚糖酶活分别为14.31U/mL、11.39U/mL、6.99U/mL和13.38U/mL。对A4菌产生木聚糖酶的条件进行优化,结果发现,培养基中无细胞瘤胃液浓度对A4菌产生的木聚糖酶活无显著影响;但酵母膏浓度从1.0g/L降至0.5g/L后,A4菌产生的木聚糖酶活显著下降(P<0.05)。  相似文献   
食用菌产业化生产的质量安全保障措施   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
总结多年食用菌生产实践经验,并在多项科研项目中运用和充实,制定了《安全食用菌产品生产技术要求(企业标准)》。在食用菌产业化示范中对安全食用菌生产场地环境、制种和菌种经营、栽培工艺、产品质量等提出了专业和具体的要求,为食用菌生产技术的升级换代和规范化提供技术参数和质量指标,为提高食用菌产品质量、保障消费者安全与健康提供依据。  相似文献   
引起甘肃及邻省青稞和燕麦鞘腐病的病原菌为无性型真菌anamorphic fungi中一未描述的丛梗丝孢菌moniliaceous hyphomycete。该菌分生孢子梗无色,散生,直立或匍匐;交互、叉状、聚伞状或帚状分枝。产孢细胞簇生于分生孢子梗末级分枝顶端成指状或掌状,顶部常具齿状着孢点,全壁芽生式产孢。分生孢子无色、单胞,罕有一个隔膜,近球形、卵圆形、倒梨形、纺锤形、葫芦形或不规则形,表面具网状脊或疣突,在孢梗顶端常聚集成葡萄状。分生孢子群体白色,随培养物老化,渐变为淡黄色。本菌与葡萄孢属Botrytis及其他Botrytis-like形态相似属明显不同,故建立指葡孢霉属Dactylobotrys(新属);模式种为禾生指葡孢霉Dactylobotrys graminicola(新种)。模式标本保存在中国科学院菌物标本馆(HMAS 245110,主模式)和甘肃省农业科学院植物保护研究所植物病害标本室(GAPP 1131,等模式)。  相似文献   
"白毛菌病"是近年来东北地区木耳栽培中一种常见病害.其病原菌在盛夏伏天侵染木耳子实体,在木耳耳片腹面生长一层白色网状霉层,对木耳生长及商品形态造成严重危害.从黑龙江省尚志地区染病耳片上分离得到两株病原菌,经对它们进行形态学特征观察、rDNA ITS序列分析和致病性测定,证明这两株病菌为尖孢镰孢和厚垣镰孢,二者均对栽培木...  相似文献   
Millions of metric tons of African desert dust blow across the Atlantic Ocean each year, blanketing the Caribbean and southeastern United States. Previous work in the Caribbean has shown that atmospheric samples collected during dust events contain living microbes, including plant and opportunistic human pathogens. To better understand the potential downwind public health and ecosystem effects of the dust microbes, it is important to characterize the source population. We describe 19 genera of bacteria and 3 genera of fungi isolated from air samples collected in Mali, a known source region for dust storms, and over which large dust storms travel.  相似文献   
西藏高山草原AM真菌生态分布   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
对西藏高原37种草地植物(建群种或常见种)70个带根土样的AM真菌进行了研究.结果表明:1)在所分离到的5属35种AM真菌中,球囊霉属、无梗囊霉属、盾巨孢囊霉属真菌分别为18、9、6种,内养囊霉属、类球囊霉属各1种.其中,藏南、藏北草原AM真菌分别为4属23种、4属22种,Shannon指数分别为2.31和2.75,但藏北草原AM真菌孢子密度、种的丰度显著高于藏南.2)不同生态区域AM真菌呈共有种较少、特有种较多、优势种差异较大的分布特征.3)高寒草原、山地草甸、高寒草甸草原AM真菌Shannon指数分别为1.91、1.83、1.80,呈严重退化态势的温性草原仅为1.64;海拔4000~4600 m地带,种的丰度最高,海拔4600~5220 m 地带,真菌Shannon指数和物种均匀度最高,分别为2.42和0.79;4)球-囊霉属真菌在不同海拔段均为优势属,但在海拔<4000 m地带相对多度较高;无梗囊霉属主要分布于海拔>4000 m地带;盾巨孢囊霉属主要分布于海拔3500~5220 m地带;类球囊霉属主要见于海拔4000~5220 m的藏北高寒草甸草原,少量见于高寒草原环境;内养囊霉属仅见于海拔3500~3700 m的藏南温性草原.  相似文献   
生防真菌在环境中的检测是生物防治研究中的一个重要问题,基因标记是检测生防真菌的一种新技术。概述基因标记的概念、基因标记的载体质粒和标记基因、基因标记的方法及其在生防真菌中的应用情况。  相似文献   
Bioleaching and bioprecipitation of nickel and iron from laterites   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract: Leaching of silicate ores, particularly nickel laterites, with the aid of heterotrophic organisms has been briefly reviewed. Samples of laterite ores from Greece were characterised mineralogically and a number of microorganisms isolated from them. One of these organisms (code FI) was successfully acclimatized to 6400 ppm nickel. Samples of the high-grade Greek Kastoria nickel laterite were leached with sulphuric acid and a number of organic acids. Sulphuric and citric acids extracted over 60 and 40% of the contained nickel, respectively, but the other acids employed were less efficient leachants. Oxalic acid precipitated nickel oxalate. Roughly the same extraction of iron was observed. The main leaching parameter was confirmed to be hydrogen ion concentration, although complexation with organic anions was a contributor. Organism FI (a strain of Penicillium ) was used in comparison with organisms from various culture collections to bioleach nickel from samples of the low-grade Greek Litharakia nickel laterite. The organisms were cultivated in a mixture of a sugar-based nutrient mineral medium and finely ground ore. Several penicillia and aspergilli leached 55–60% of the contained nickel and cobalt, and 25–35% of the iron when sucrose was the carbon source, but FI was not efficient. However, in molasses medium, Fl extracted nearly 40% of the nickel. Biosorption and bioprecipitation reactions were observed. The mechanism of bioleaching or in situ leaching is discussed in terms of close physical and chemical association between the fungal hyphae and mineral phases in the ore. This accounted for the low overall hydrogen ion concentration observed during bioleaching.  相似文献   
Branco S 《Molecular ecology》2010,19(24):5566-5576
Serpentine soils impose physiological stresses that limit plant establishment and diversity. The degree to which serpentine soils entail constraints on other organisms is, however, poorly understood. Here, I investigate the effect of serpentine soils on ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi by conducting a reciprocal transplant experiment, where serpentine and nonserpentine ECM fungal communities were cultured in both their native and non-native soils. Contrary to expectation, serpentine soils hosted higher fungal richness compared to nonserpentine, and most species were recovered from serpentine soil, suggesting ECM fungi are not overall specialized or strongly affected by serpentine edaphic constraints.  相似文献   
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