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Abstract: The cis elements mediating activation of the tyrosine hydroxylase gene by angiotensin II were examined by transfecting tyrosine hydroxylase promoter-luciferase constructs into cultured bovine adrenal medullary cells. Angiotensin II-responsive elements are located within −54/+25-bp and −269/−55-bp promoter regions and were identified, respectively, as cyclic AMP (CRE)- and 12- O -tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate responsive element (TRE)-like sequences. Unlike CRE, TRE also supports basal promoter activity. Mutations of TRE or CRE that reduced angiotensin II stimulation abolished in vitro binding of nuclear proteins to those elements, suggesting that proteins forming CRE- and TRE-inducible complexes may mediate angiotensin II stimulation. The TRE is adjacent to a dyad symmetry element. Those two sites form a common regulatory unit in which the dyad symmetry element acts as a repressor of the TRE site. Isolated dyad symmetry element did not bind nuclear proteins in vitro. In supercoiled DNA it exhibited S1 nuclease sensitivity and was recognized by a DNA cruciform-specific antibody consistent with the extrusion of a cruciform structure that overlaps with the TRE. A mutation that abolished formation of the cruciform correlated with a loss of repressor activity. We propose a novel model of tyrosine hydroxylase gene regulation in which functions of the TRE are modulated via structural transition in the adjacent DNA.  相似文献   
One of the fundamental discoveries of W. Arnold was the detection of thermally stimulated light emission from preilluminated photosynthetic material (Arnold and Sherwood (1957) Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 43: 105–114). This phenomenon, called thermoluminescence (TL), is characteristic of a wide range of materials (semiconductors, minerals, inorganic and organic crystals, and complex biological systems such as the photosynthetic apparatus) which share the common ability of storing radiant energy in thermally stabilized trap states.The original discovery of TL in dried chloroplasts later proved to be a phenomenon common to all photosynthetic organisms: photosynthetic bacteria, cyanobacteria, algae and higher plants. Following the pioneering work of Arnold, considerable effort has been devoted to identification and characterization of photosynthetic TL components. This work has firmly established the participation of various redox states of the water-oxidizing complex and the quinone electron acceptors of Photosystem II in the generation of photosynthetic glow curves. Since TL characteristics are very sensitive to subtle changes in redox properties of the involved electron transport components, the TL method has become a powerful tool in probing a wide range of PS II redox reactions. In this paper, we will review the impact of Arnold's work in initiating and promoting TL studies in photosynthesis and will cover the most important developments of this field of research until the present day.Abbreviations Chl chlorophyll - DL delayed luminescence - PS photosystem - TL thermoluminescence  相似文献   
The intrinsic chlorophyll-protein CP 47 is a component of photosystem II which functions in both light-harvesting and oxygen evolution. Using site-directed mutagenesis we have produced the mutant W167S which lies in loop C of CP 47. This strain exhibited a 75% loss in oxygen evolution activity and grew extremely slowly in the absence of glucose. Examination of normalized oxygen evolution traces indicated that the mutant was susceptible to photoinactivation. Analysis of the variable fluorescence yield indicated that the mutant accumulated very few functional PS II reaction centers. This was confirmed by immunoblotting experiments. Interestingly, when W167S was grown in the presence of 20 M DCMU, the mutant continued to exhibit these defects. These results indicate that tryptophan 167 in loop C of CP 47 is important for the assembly and stability of the PS II reaction center.  相似文献   
The role of the N-terminus of the extrinsic 33 kDa protein of Photosystem II has been investigated by means of site-directed mutagenesis and cross-linking. Replacement of Asp-9 resulted in a dramatic increase in proteolytic sensitivity leading to the degradation of the protein forming a 31 kDa fragment with an undefined N-terminus. This fragment was unable to restore oxygen evolution. However, the variants of the 33 kDa protein which remained intact could reconstitute oxygen evolution as effectively as the wild-type protein. Cross-linking experiments with a water-soluble carbodiimide revealed that mutagenesis of residue D9 led to the disruption of an intramolecular salt bridge. Therefore we suggest that the N-terminus of the 33 kDa protein is necessary for maintaining the binding ability of the protein to Photosystem II but might not be involved in binding itself.  相似文献   
We studied the effects of atmospheric CO2 enrichment (280, 420 and 560 l CO2 l–1) and increased N deposition (0,30 and 90 kg ha–1 year–1) on the spruce-forest understory species Oxalis acetosella, Homogyne alpina and Rubus hirtus. Clones of these species formed the ground cover in nine 0.7 m2 model ecosystems with 5-year-old Picea abies trees (leaf area index of approx 2.2). Communities grew on natural forest soil in a simulated montane climate. Independently of N deposition, the rate of light-saturated net photosynthesis of leaves grown and measured at 420 l CO2 l–1 was higher in Oxalis and in Homogyne, but was not significantly different in Rubus compared to leaves grown and measured at the pre-industrial CO2 concentration of 280 l l–1. Remarkably, further CO2 enrichment to 560 l l–1 caused no additional increase of CO2 uptake. With increasing CO2 supply concentrations of non-structural carbohydrates in leaves increased and N concentrations decreased in all species, whereas N deposition had no significant effect on these traits. Above-ground biomass and leaf area production were not significantly affected by elevated CO2 in the more vigorously growing species O. acetosella and R. hirtus, but the slow growing H. alpina produced almost twice as much biomass and 50% more leaf area per plant under 420 l CO2 l–1 compared to 280 l l–1 (again no further stimulation at 560 l l–1). In contrast, increased N addition stimulated growth in Oxalis and Rubus but had no effect on Homogyne. In Oxalis (only) biomass per plant was positively correlated with microhabitat quantum flux density at low CO2, but not at high CO2 indicating carbon saturation. On the other hand, the less shade-tolerant Homogyne profited from CO2 enrichment at all understory light levels facilitating its spread into more shady micro-habitats under elevated CO2. These species-specific responses to CO2 and N deposition will affect community structure. The non-linear responses to elevated CO2 of several of the traits studied here suggest that the largest responses to rising atmospheric CO2 are under way now or have already occurred and possible future responses to further increases in CO2 concentration are likely to be much smaller in these understory species.  相似文献   
Roots of many species respond to gravity (gravitropism) and grow downward only if illuminated. This light-regulated root gravitropism is phytochrome-dependent, mediated by calcium, and inhibited by KN-93, a specific inhibitor of calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMK II). A cDNA encoding MCK1, a maize homolog of mammalian CaMK, has been isolated from roots of maize (Zea mays L.). The MCK1 gene is expressed in root tips, the site of perception for both light and gravity. Using the [35S]CaM gel-overlay assay we showed that calmodulin-binding activity of the MCK1 is abolished by 50 M KN-93, but binding is not affected by 5 M KN-93, paralleling physiological findings that light-regulated root gravitropism is inhibited by 50 M KN-93, but not by 5 M KN-93. KN-93 inhibits light-regulated gravitropism by interrupting transduction of the light signal, not light perception, suggesting that MCK1 may play a role in transducing light. This is the first report suggesting a physiological function for a CaMK homolog in light signal transduction.Abbreviations CaM calmodulin - CaMK (II) Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase (II) - CBP CaM-binding protein - CDPK Ca2+-dependent protein kinase - MCK1 maize homolog of mamalian CaMK This work is supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration grant No: NAGW 238.  相似文献   
Barley leaf protoplasts were incubated in light or darkness in the presence of various inhibitors, metabolites or weak acids/bases. Nitrate reductase (NR) and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPCase) were rapidly extracted from the protoplasts and assayed under sub-optimal conditions, i.e. in the presence of Mg2+ and malate, respectively. Under these conditions changes in activities are thought to reflect changes in the phosphorylation states of the enzymes. The NR was activated by illumination to 90% of its maximal activity within 10 min. Photosynthetic electron transport appeared necessary for light activation of NR since activation was inhibited by the photosynthetic electron-transport inhibitor 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU), and, additionally, an electron acceptor (HCO 3 - ) was required. The PEPCase was also activated by light. However, this activation was not prevented by DCMU or lack of HCO 3 - . Loading of protoplasts in the dark with a weak acid resulted in activation of both NR and PEPCase. For NR, full activation was completed within 5 min, whereas for PEPCase a slower, modest activation continued for at least 40 min. Incubation of protoplasts with a weak base also gave activation of PEPCase, but not of NR. On the contrary, base loading counteracted light activation of NR. Since several treatments tested resulted in the modulation of either NR or PEPCase activity, but not both, signal transduction cascades leading to changes in activities appear to be very different for the two enzymes.Abbreviations DCMU 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (diuron) - DMO 5,5-dimethyl-2,4 oxazolidinedione - NR nitrate reductase - PEPCase Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase This work was supported by the Norwegian Research Council by a Grant to C.L: L.H.S. was supported by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council.  相似文献   
We cultured smooth muscle cells as explants from rat mesenteric arterioles (40–200m in diameter) obtained by injecting a suspension of iron oxide intraarterially and magnetically separating the arterioles after collagenase digestion of adventitial tissue. In third-passaged cells we ascertained smooth muscle purity of >98% by characteristic morphology, contraction responses, and specific immunofluorescence staining. Treatment of growth-arrested (in 0.4% fetal calf serum) cells with platelet-derived growth factor (0.3–7.5 nM) or angiotensin II (0.001–1000 nM) induced 3H-thymidine incorporation and cell proliferation in a dose-dependent manner (P<0.01). S-nitroso-N acetylpencillamine (0.05–0.5 mM), a nitric oxide-generating compound, inhibited 10% fetal calf serum-induced 3H-thymidine incorporation (P<0.05) and cell proliferation (P<0.01). The antimitogenic effect of S-nitroso-N-acetylpencillamine was significantly reduced by hemoglobin and potentiated by superoxide dismutase (P<0.01). In addition to a new technique for culturing mesenteric arteriolar smooth muscle cells, these findings provide evidence that platelet-derived growth factor, angiotensin II, and nitric oxide may be involved in their growth control.  相似文献   
The in-gel competitive reassociation (IGCR) procedure was successfullyapplied to construct a comprehensive library enriched in DNAfragments containing C5mCGG sequences from mouse liver and braingenomic DNA. For IGCR, methylation-insensitive restriction enzyme(Msp I) digests were used as target DNA and methylation-sensitiverestriction enzyme (Hpa II) digests as competitor DNA. Southernblot analysis indicated that 60 to 70% of the clones in thelibrary were derived from the methylated sites and overall enrichmentwas 200- to 1000-fold. IGCR was further applied to constructa library for the sites differentially methylated between brainand liver DNA. In the library, approximately 20% of the HpaII sites exhibited different degrees of methylation betweenthese tissues.  相似文献   
Precocene II was more toxic in 24 hour cultures than in 72 hour cultures of rat hepatocytes. In 24 hour cultures, there was no observable toxicity at 75 μM precocene II after exposure for 6 hours, but after 24 hours, 65% of the cells were dead. In contrast, although 794 μM killed 50% of the cells in the 72 hour cultures after a 24 hour exposure, 1 mM killed 96% of the cells within 6 hours. In both 24 and 72 hour cultures, cell death was preceded by a rapid, early loss of mitochondrial membrane potential, followed by decreases in glutathione, reduced pyridine nucleotide status, and plasma membrane Na+/K+-ATPase activity. There was also a rapid loss of ATP in the 72 hour cultures but not in the 24 hour cultures; therefore, onset of cell death may be closely linked to loss of ATP. Inhibition of cytochrome P-450 prevented the toxicity, and partially protected against the loss of membrane potential and glutathione, in 24 hour cultures but was ineffective in 72 hour cultures. Therefore, in addition to depletion of glutathione, precocene II appears to damage mitochondria and plasma membrane functions and can do so by more than one pathway. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
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