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湖泊富营养化对轮虫群落结构及物种多样性的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
2005年7月至2006年6月, 我们对安徽省芜湖市境内5个湖泊中轮虫的群落结构及部分水质特征参数进行了调查, 用相关加权综合营养状态指数(TLIc)评价了各湖泊的营养水平, 分析了其中的轮虫群落结构、多样性指数及其与TLIC之间的关系。经鉴定, 5个湖泊中共采集到轮虫79种, 隶属18科31属; 不同营养水平湖泊中出现的轮虫种类数有明显的差异(P<0.01)。除龙窝湖外, 其余4个湖泊中的轮虫种类数与TLIC均呈显著负相关关系(r=–0.984, P<0.05)。湖泊水体的富营养化进程显著地提高了轮虫总密度和第一优势种的优势度, 降低了轮虫群落的均匀度和物种多样性指数。  相似文献   
The influences of sampling error in key factor analysis are investigated statistically. The error involved in the data distorts the results in various misleading ways. In the course of detecting key factors by correlation analysis, the distortion arises in the following two ways: (1) the contributions made by the first and the last components of population trend index (log I or K) to the total variation are overrated as compared with the others; and (2) spurious negative correlation arises between successive two components. The risk of misinterpretation due to such disturbance is usually increased further if the error is concentrated on any particular developmental stages. In the tests to detect density-dependence by using regression analysis, the error consistently acts as if it were a density-dependent factor: under the effect of sampling error, the slope b for the regression of log Ni+1 on log Ni, for example, is expected to become<1 even where there is no density-dependent factor at all. A set of formulas are derived which may serve to check and correct these misleading distortions caused by the error. It is also shown that such undesirable influences can be avoided, at least to a considerable extent, if appropriate sampling plans are adopted for the study. The validity of key factor analysis is discussed in reference to this and some related problems.  相似文献   
AsMatsumoto andHuffaker (1973) concluded that their initial universe size was too small for the proper separation of the effects of host density and dispersion on parasite performance, a larger universe of 38 1/2″ (length) ×38 1/2″ (width) ×3″ (height) was used. When individual parasites were exposed to fixed densities and dispersion patterns of host, they displayed an overall decrease in the parasitization rate when compared to the small universe. In all cases aHolling -type response resulted. When a group of 10 parasites per test was employed a Nicholsonian type of response resulted. In an experimentally confined space, the parasites displayed a mutual behavioral interference resulting in emigration which accelerated as the parasite density increased.  相似文献   
We studied the effects of radiation (electrons of 6.2 MeV) at different temperatures with respect to the inactivation of the human immunodeficiency virus to determine the radiosensitivity of the virus. Using a mathematical model describing the dependence on radiation dose of the proportion of sterile items in a population of bone allografts contaminated by HIV, and subjected to irradiation, we have commented on and explained the calculation of the sterility assurance level in bone transplantation according to different doses of irradiation at different temperatures. Simultaneous application of heat and radiation increases inactivation of HIV. Given the relative imprecision of viral sensitivity curves and the impossibility of knowing the number of viral particles in a patient at a given moment of the disease, irradiation does not authorize bone transplantation without screening. However, irradiation can be considered as a serious adjuvent to decrease the risk of contamination after screening.  相似文献   
昆明山海棠在微核实验中非整倍体毒性的研究   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
曹佳  胡斌  程天民  程舸 《遗传》1997,19(1):1-3
本文报道以小鼠着丝粒次要卫星DNA探针FISH和抗着丝粒CREST染色,研究了可疑的非整倍体毒剂昆明山棠(THH)诱导的小鼠NIH3T3细胞微核(MN)的着丝粒组成情况,结果THH(10-60μg/ml)诱导的62.1-68.4%的MN为FISH阳性, 35.9-42.2%的MN为CREST阳性,较精确的FISH结果显示THH具有较强的非整倍体诱发效应,同时认为次要卫星DNA探针比CREST染色更适合于MN的着丝粒检测。  相似文献   
脑科学和脑功能MR成像   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:在对大脑认知功能进行脑功能成像研究之中,随着磁共振成像技术的发展,人们现在可以对脑的认知功能,如视觉、运动、语言和记忆等功能中枢进行成像。本文首先介绍了脑科学的发展历程,并从脑功能MR成像的方法出发,分析了其成像机理,探讨了用脑功能MR成像为手段对脑科学—认知科学进行的方法研究,最后对脑功能MR成像应用于脑科学的研究作了展望。  相似文献   
Summary An Early Cretaceous mass-occurrence of ammonites in the Ternberg Nappe of the Northern Calcareous Alps (Upper Austria) is described for the first time. The mass-occurrence (section KB1-B=Klausrieglerbach 1, section B) dominated by Karsteniceras ternbergense Lukeneder is of Early Barremian age (Moutoniceras moutonianum Zone). The Karsteniceras mass-occurrence comprises eight different genera, each apparently represented by a single species, of which four are identified to species level. About 300 specimens of K. ternbergense between 5 and 37 mm in diameter were investigated. Two groups showing thick main ribs but different maximum size are distinguishable. The latter parameters are suggested to reflect sexual dimorphism within K. ternbergense, a condition that is most probably applicable to the whole leptoceratoid group. The geochemical results indicate that the Karsteniceras mass-occurrence within the described Lower Cretaceous succession was deposited under intermittent oxygen-depleted conditions associated with stable, salinity-stratified water masses. The rhythmicity of laminated black-marly lime-stone layers and light-grey bioturbated, organic-poor lime-stones suggests that the oxic and dysoxic conditions underwent highly dynamic changes. The deposition of the limestones in this interval occurred in an unstable environment and was controlled by short- and long-term fluctuations in oxygen levels. Karsteniceras inhabited areas of stagnant water with low dissolved oxygen; it showed peak abundance during times of oxygen depletion, which partially hindered other invertebrates from settling in such environments. The autochthonous Karsteniceras mass-occurrence can be assigned to the deposition-type of ‘Konservat Lagerst?tte’, which is indicated by the preservation of phosphatic siphuncle structures and proved by the in situ preservation of aptychi within Karsteniceras ternbergense. Based on lithological and geochemical analysis combined with in vestigations of trace fossils, microfossils and macrofossils, an invasion of an opportunistic (r-strategist) Karsteniceras biocoenosis during nonfavorable conditions over the sea bed during the Lower Barremian is proposed for the KB1-B section.  相似文献   
目的通过注射硫代乙酰胺(TAA)及饲喂不同油脂水平饲料建立草鱼肝损伤实验模型。方法 实验草鱼分模型组和对照组,每组分别投喂2.8%油脂组、4.8%油脂组和6.8%油脂组,模型组腹腔注射TAA 300mg/kg,1次/日,注射1 d,共计6个实验组,饲养10周。养殖过程中,于2周、4周和6周对每组实验鱼采血,测定天门冬酸氨基转移酶(AST)、丙氨酸氨基转移酶(ALT)和AST/ALT。结果①模型组特定生长率显著降低了30.5%(P<0.01),成活率平均为73.33%。模型组草鱼肌肉粗脂肪含量显著降低了17.6%,而肝胰脏粗脂肪含量显著增高了13.38%(P<0.01)。②模型组2周、4周和6周时,模型组血清AST/ALT分别为对照组的1.94倍、1.38倍和1.31倍。10周时,模型组草鱼血清AST/ALT增高了10.10%(P>0.05),而血清胆碱酯酶(CHE)降低了6.38%(P>0.05)。模型组草鱼血清超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活力显著低于对照组8.56%(P<0.05)。③与对照组相比,模型组肝细胞肿胀且边界模糊,肝细胞部分脂肪病变,有部分炎症浸润,并均出现肝纤维化。结论注射TAA及饲喂不同油脂水平饲料可以诱导草鱼肝损伤实验模型,实验模型具备脂肪肝和肝纤维化病理特征。  相似文献   
得到关于具有无穷时滞的Volterra-Lotka积分微分方程组全体正解关于正平衡解具有相交性的一组充分条件和两个推论。  相似文献   
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