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Thirty-two Borrelia isolates were obtained from the adult stage of ixodid ticks, Ixodes ovatus, collected in various localities in Japan. Borrelial isolates were cultivated and analyzed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, with monoclonal antibodies, by pulsed field gel electrophoresis, and by genomic Southern hybridization. All borrelial isolates showed similar protein profiles and monoclonal antibody reactivities, while plasmid profiles were rather diverse. Genomic hybridization using rRNA gene probes demonstrated the genetic similarities of those isolates. We found no significant differences among the borrelial isolates tested, and the restriction fragment length polymorphism patterns of I. ovatus isolates were quite distinct from those of borrelial strains associated with Lyme disease. Therefore, the isolates of Borrelia obtained from I. ovatus were thought to fall into different genospecies.  相似文献   
This paper describes an attempt to effectively induce antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) in nude mice. A monoclonal antibody against α-fetoprotein, 80G, coadministered with spleen cells from other nude mice bearing HuH-7N (xenograft of human hepatoma cell line, HuH-7) significantly suppressed the growth of HuH-7N as compared to treatment with 80G alone. 80G with spleen cells from normal nude mice also had some suppressive effect. In contrast, no effect was observed with each spleen cells alone as well as 80G alone. These results suggest that further supply of effector cells could enhance ADCC activity in nude mice.  相似文献   
In vitro study of the proteolytic activity of rumen anaerobic fungi   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract To better define the antigenic structure of the outer cell membranes of Legionellae, a panel of 6 monoclonal antibodies was raised against partially purified outer membranes of Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1, Corby strain. This study describes the purification and characterization of one of these monoclonal antibodies reacting with a 135-kDa protein, which was shown to be common to all 14 serogroups of Legionella pneumophila . It shows no cross-reactivity with 20 other Legionella species, or 9 other Gram-negative species tested by SDS-PAGE and Western blotting procedures. The epitope would appear to be predominantly surface exposed and, from preliminary detergent extraction studies, not peptidoglycan-associated.  相似文献   
Abstract Filamentous hemagglutinin (FHA), a 220-kDa protein located on the surface of Bordetella pertussis , is one of the major cell adhesins of this bacterium. We have produced three hybridoma cell lines that express monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against FHA: X3C, X3E and X4B. The anti-FHA mAbs X3C and X3E reacted with 220-kDa FHA protein bands on Western blots. The mAb X4B, which reacted with FHA in ELISA, did not bind to FHA in a Western blot assay. All three mAbs seemed to be directed to the same epitope or to epitopes in close proximity as suggested by competition ELISAs. All three mAbs were able to inhibit the adherence of Chinese hamster ovary cells to purified FHA, and they could also inhibit the FHA-mediated agglutination of goose red blood cells. The attachment of B. pertussis to epithelial cell monolayers was inhibited by the mAb X3C. These antibodies are very useful probes to identify the presence of FHA in bordetellae species and in clinical reagents such as pertussis vaccines, and to characterize the functional domains of this important bacterial adhesin.  相似文献   
We examinedchlL (frxC) gene evolution using several approaches. Sequences from the chloroplast genome of the fernPolystichum acrostichoides and from the cyanobacteriumSynechococcus sp. 7002 were determined and found to be highly conserved. A complete physical map of the fern chloroplast genome and partial maps of other vascular plant taxa show thatchlL is located primarily in the small single copy region as inMarchantia polymorpha. A survey of a wide variety of non-angiospermous vascular plant DNAs shows thatchlL is widely distributed but has been lost in the pteridophytePsilotum and (presumably independently) within the Gnetalean gymnosperms.The namefrxC was originally used to denote a gene encoding a product with probable Fe : S cluster binding activity. This activity was postulated due to the amino acid sequence similarity between this product and the Fe : S-binding nitrogenase iron proteinnifH. Fe : S-binding is a property shared by ferredoxins, which are denoted by the prefix frx. However, this gene does not encode a ferredoxin. It is much larger than any known ferredoxin, it binds its Fe : S cluster between two halves of a homodimer (Fujita & al. 1989,Burke & al. 1993 a, c) instead of within a single subunit, and it lacks the pattern of clustered cysteines present in all ferredoxins (Meyer 1988). Therefore, we use the namechlL to recognize the sequence and functional similarities to the bacterial PChlide reductase subunit,bchL. Similar usage has been adopted for this (Suzuki & Bauer 1992) and other (Choquet & al. 1992,Burke & al. 1993b) PChlide reductase subunits.  相似文献   
Riassunto La scheda morfopalinologica diSequoia sempervirens (Lamb.) Endl. continua lo studio sulle Pinohyta ornamentali più frequenti in Torino. È esaminato polline fresco ed acetolizzato proveniente da due stazioni e la provenienza non determina variazioni significative dei parametri morfometrici.
Summary The morphopalynological card ofSequoia sempervirens (Lamb.) Endl. is a new contribution to the comprehensive study on pollen of ornamental Pinophyta in Turin. Fresh and acetolysed grains from two stations are examined, and for all parameters no significative differences were observed in relation to the collection site.
Parole chiave: Sequoia sempervirens(Lamb.) Endl., Flora Palinologica Italina, Sezione Aeropalinologica.  相似文献   
Abstract. To document the relationship between a plant's position in the canopy and its leaf nutrient content, leaf nitrogen and phosphorus were determined for 30 species growing in mature evergreen lowland rain forest at La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica. Species that grow either in the understory, midstory, or the canopy were selected. Species were further separated into three life forms: self-supporting monocots, self-supporting dicots, and climbers. Mass-based nutrient concentrations were expected to decrease with stature, as has been reported in studies of other forests. In fact, mass-based nitrogen and phosphorus did not vary significantly among the three adult-stature classes, although area-based values differed greatly: canopy plants averaged 60 % more nitrogen and 90 % more phosphorus per unit leaf area than understory plants. Differences in leaf characteristics were evident among the three life forms. Most notably, area-based phosphorus and leaf specific mass were lowest in climbers, intermediate in self-supporting dicots, and highest in self-supporting monocots. These results support the characterization of climbers as investing in inexpensive structures, perhaps in order to gain competitive advantage in light capture by allocating resources to maximize elongation rates.  相似文献   
The effects of salinity on the reproduction of coastal submerged macrophyte species were studied on samples of communities from six seasonal marshes in two outdoor experiments performed in autumn and in spring. The submerged macrophyte communities were submitted to five different salinity levels (0, 1, 2, 4 and 6 g/1 Cl?1). In a companion paper (Grillas, van Wijck & Bonis 1993) three groups of species were distinguished on the basis of their biomass production over the salinity range 0 to 6 g/1 Cl?1: (1) glycophytes (non-salt-tolerant species), (2) salt-tolerant species and (3) halo-phytes. This part of the study describes the impact of salinity on the reproduction of the individual species during the two experiments. The species differ in their capacity to reproduce in the autumn; only Zannichelliapedunculata and Tolypella hispánica were able to produce fruits in that season. For all species reproduction was greater in spring and strongly correlated with biomass, except for Chara canescens. Differences in reproductive effort over the salinity range amplified the halophytic nature of Ruppia marítima and Chara canescens and the intolerance of Callitriche truncata and Chara contraria. For the other species, reproductive effort did not differ significantly over the salinity range. Regarding the effect of salinity on biomass and reproductive effort of individual species, there were large differences in the total weight of propagules produced at the community level and in the relative contribution of individual species. The resulting quantitative changes in the species composition of the seed bank could affect the structure of the communities by their effects on the establishment and survival of species populations.  相似文献   
Seed dispersal and early revegetation processes were studied in an area devastated by a debris avalanche that occurred on volcano Ontake, Central Japan in 1984. The avalanche was initiated by a volcanic earthquake, and a 3.4 x 107 m3 land mass destroyed the vegetation over 700 ha. The revegetation of the first five years was slow in the area of higher elevation (subalpine area). Both the speed of revegetation and the species richness of trapped seeds varied with the elevation. The post-disturbance vegetation on the deposit with surface soil or plant fragments was richer in species than that without any surface soil. Almost all of the seeds caught by sticky traps and most of the species with frequent occurrence in the vegetation after disturbance were wind dispersed. Wind dispersal was especially important on the deposit without surface soil or plant fragments.  相似文献   
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