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Water hyacinth, Pontederia crassipes (Martius) [≡Eichhornia crassip es (Martius) Solms-Laubach] (Pontederiaceae), is native to South America, but has expanded its range to many other regions of the world including South Africa. Megamelus scutellaris Berg (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) was released as a biological control agent and has established in several regions. Recently, the indigenous species Echthrodelphax migratorius Benoit, (Hymenoptera: Dryinidae) was discovered in South Africa parasitising M. scutellaris. This newly discovered relationship might have repercussions for the efficacy of biological control of water hyacinth by the delphacid. The wasp may negatively impact M. scutellaris populations making it difficult for the agent to successfully manage the invasive weed. Contrarily, the parasitoid may be beneficial by keeping the M. scutellaris populations stable, serving as a natural enemy.  相似文献   
Phylogeographic structure and its underlying causes are not necessarily shared among community members, with important implications for using individual organisms as indicators for ecosystem evolution, such as the identification of forest refugia. We used mitochondrial DNA (cox1), Bayesian coalescent ancestral state reconstruction (implemented in BEAST), and ecological niche models (ENMs) to construct geospatial histories for four codistributed New Zealand forest beetles (Leiodidae, Nitidulidae, Staphylinidae, and Zopheridae) to examine the extent to which they have tracked environmental changes together through time. Hindcast ENMs identified potential forest refugia during the Last Glacial Maximum, whereas ancestral state reconstruction identified key geographic connections for each species, facilitating direct comparison of dispersal patterns supported by the data and the time frame in which they occurred. Well-supported geographic state transitions for each species were mostly between neighboring regions, favoring a historical scenario of stepping stone colonization of newly suitable habitat rather than long distance dispersal. No geographic state transitions were shared by all four species, but three shared multiple projected South Island refugia and recent dispersal from the southernmost refugium. In contrast, strongly supported dispersal patterns in the refugia-rich northern South Island suggest more individualistic responses to environmental change in these ecologically similar forest species.  相似文献   
短刺刺腿食蚜蝇生物学特性的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
1991-1993年,在福州郊区调查,短刺刺腿食蚜蝇Ischiodon scutelloris为该地区优势种,一年发生6-7代,有越夏年份发生6代,无越夏年份发生7代。主要以蛹在土壤中越冬和越夏,世代历期随温度高低而异,平均气温为16.6℃时,世代历期长达45.3天;平均气温28.2℃时,为21.1天。幼虫期平均捕蚜量可达278.5头,三龄幼虫食量最大,占幼虫期总食量的80%以上,食蚜蝇姬蜂是造成本区秋季短刺刺腿食蚜蝇种群数量下降的主要原因。  相似文献   
Distributional evidence bearing on cospeciation of New World bats (superfamily Noctilionoidea) and associated bat flies (Diptera: Streblidae) was analyzed and revealed substantial phylogenetic structure, especially when we focused on "normal" host associations and encoded the data set hierarchically. Brooks' parsimony analyses of bat fly occurrences among hosts recovered generally accepted sets of host relationships. Putatively monophyletic host taxa provide a necessary but insufficient condition for coevolution via cospeciation.  相似文献   
Farnesoic acid O-methyl transferase (FAMeT) is the enzyme that catalyzes the formation of methyl farnesoate (MF) from farnesoic acid (FA) in the biosynthetic pathway of juvenile hormone (JH). This work reports the cloning, sequencing, and expression of FAMeT gene from the stingless bee Melipona scutellaris (MsFAMeT). The MsFAMeT in silico analysis showed that greatest sequence similarity is found in Apis mellifera and other insects, while relatively less similarity is shown in crustaceans. Evidence of alternative splicing of a 27 nucleotide (nt) microexon explains the presence of the detected isoforms, 1 and 2. The expression analysis of the two isoforms showed a marked difference when castes were compared, suggesting that they could be involved differently in the JH metabolism in M. scutellaris, providing new insights for the comprehension of female plasticity.  相似文献   
Two Commelinaceae weeds, Commelina benghalensis L. and Murdannia nudiflora (L.) Brenan, are abundant in rice fields of India. Larvae and adults of Lema praeusta (Fab.) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) voraciously consume these two weeds. Synthetic herbicides are applied to control both weeds, but applications of these substances have harmful effects in environment and beneficial organisms. So, it is necessary to use native biocontrol agent to control these weeds. Hence, an attempt has been made to find volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from both weeds causing attraction of L. praeusta. Behavioural responses of Lpraeusta towards volatile blends from undamaged (UD), insect-damaged (ID: plants after 6 or 48 hr of continuous insect feeding) and mechanically damaged (MD) plants were conducted by Y-tube olfactometer bioassays. Benzyl alcohol was predominant in VOCs of UD plants and M. nudiflora after 48 hr of insect feeding. Benzyl alcohol and cuminaldehyde were both predominant in VOCs of C. benghalensis after 48 hr of insect feeding. Females were more attracted towards volatile blends from plants after 48 hr of insect feeding compared to undamaged plants. Females showed attraction towards a synthetic blend of seven compounds—7.28 µg (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol, 0.93 µg trans-isolimonene, 19.18 µg benzyl alcohol, 0.16 µg undecane, 1.07 µg 1-nonanol, 1.23 µg 1-undecanol and 0.47 µg 1-eicosene resembling the amounts released by C. benghalensis after 48 hr of insect feeding during 1 hr or a synthetic blend of six compounds—18.10 µg benzyl alcohol, 0.25 µg undecane, 0.56 µg 1-nonanol, 1.37 µg 1-undecanol, 0.35 µg 1-eicosene and 2.19 µg phytol resembling the amounts released by M. nudiflora after 48 hr of insect feeding during 1 hr. This study concludes that both blends could be used to attract the biocontrol agent during early vegetative period of these two weeds, which could lead to eradication of weeds from rice fields.  相似文献   
The Aedes scutellaris complex of mosquitoes contains the most important vectors of lymphatic filariasis in the South Pacific region, particularly Aedes polynesiensis. Six microsatellite loci were isolated and characterized from this species; all were polymorphic and appear to be useful markers for population studies. Five of the primer pairs also amplified homologous products from three other species in the A. scutellaris group and from the important dengue vector Aedes albopictus.  相似文献   
The cultivation of Cry1Ab‐expressing genetically modified MON810 (Bt maize) has led to public concern in Europe, regarding its impact on nontarget arthropods (NTAs). We have assessed the potential effects of DKC 6451 YG (MON810) maize on canopy NTAs in a farm‐scale study performed in Central Spain during 3 years. The study focused on hemipteran herbivores (leafhoppers and planthoppers) and hymenopteran parasitic wasps (mymarids) collected by yellow sticky traps, which accounted for 72% of the total number of insects studied. The dynamics and abundance of these groups varied among years, but no significant differences were found between Bt and non‐Bt maize, indicating that Bt maize had no negative effect on these taxa. Nonetheless, the Cry1Ab toxin was detected in 2 different arthropods collected from Bt maize foliage, the cicadellids Zyginidia scutellaris and Empoasca spp. A retrospective power analysis on the arthropod abundance data for our field trials has determined that Z. scutellaris and the family Mymaridae have high capacity to detect differences between the Bt maize and its isogenic counterpart. The use of these canopy NTAs as surrogates for assessing environmental impacts of Bt maize is discussed.  相似文献   
Extremely elongated intromittent organs are found in a wide range of taxa, especially among insects. This phenomenon is generally thought to result from sexual selection, but it is predicted that limited storage space in the body cavity and the difficulty of using the elongated organs should have constrained the evolution of extreme elongation, neutralizing any selective advantage. Therefore, in groups with long intromittent organs, features that overcome these constraints may have evolved or coevolved together with intromittent organ elongation. Using a comparative morphological approach and outgroup comparisons, we identified potential constraints and key novelties that may neutralize such constraints in the leaf beetle subfamily Criocerinae. Observations of the internal sac structure throughout Criocerinae were performed. Comparing the results with preceding studies from outgroups, a ground plan of the criocerine internal sac was constructed. Our analysis also identified specific features that are always correlated with extreme elongation: the rotation of whole internal‐sac sclerites and the possession of a pocket in which to store the elongated flagellum. The pocket is thought to be formed by the rotation of the sclerites, markedly altering internal sac shape from the criocerine ground plan. Onlythe clades that have acquired this derived state contain species with an elongated flagellum that distinctly exceeds the median lobe length. It is presumed that these character correlations evolved independently three times. The detected character correlations corroborate the hypothesis that there are latent adaptive constraints for the evolution of extremely elongated intromittent organs. The constraints may have been neutralized by the alteration from the criocerine ground plan resulting in the formation of a storage pocket. In conclusion, deviation from the criocerine ground plan isconsidered to be the evolutionary innovation that neutralized the latent adaptive constraints of flagellum elongation in the subfamily Criocerinae. J. Morphol., 2012. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
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