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This paper presents Computational fluid dynamic (CFD) analysis of blood flow in three different 3-D models of left coronary artery (LCA). A comparative study of flow parameters (pressure distribution, velocity distribution and wall shear stress) in each of the models is done for a non-Newtonian (Carreau) as well as the Newtonian nature of blood viscosity over a complete cardiac cycle. The difference between these two types of behavior of blood is studied for both transient and steady states of flow. Additionally, flow parameters are compared for steady and transient boundary conditions considering blood as non-Newtonian fluid. The study shows that the highest wall shear stress (WSS), velocity and pressure are found in artery having stenosis in all the three branches of LCA. The use of Newtonian blood model is a good approximation for steady as well as transient blood flow boundary conditions if shear rate is above 100 s-1. However, the assumption of steady blood flow results in underestimating the values of flow parameters such as wall shear stress, pressure and velocity.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Frage, auf welche Weise die Enterocyten des fetalen Rattendünndarms das für die Mikrovillibildung benötigte Membranmaterial liefern, wurde elektronenmikroskopisch untersucht. Es wird angenommen, daß hufeisenförmige Strukturen, die aus mit elektronendichtem Material bedeckten Elementarmembranen bestehen und möglicherweise Längsschnitten durch kappenförmige Gebilde entsprechen, in das apicale Plasmalemm eingebaut werden und für die Bildung der Mikrovillispitzen verantwortlich sind. Diese Annahme gründet sich in erster Linie auf die Feststellung eines nahezu identischen Durchmessers von Hufeisen und Mikrovilli, auf die Lokalisation der Hufeisen im Terminalgespinst und ihr zahlenmäßiges Verhalten während der Mikrovillibildung. Die Hufeisen entstehen im Golgi-Apparat.
The formation of microvilli in the fetal rat small intestine
Summary The origin of membranes required for the formation of microvilli has been investigated electronmicroscopically in enterocytes of fetal rat small intestine. It is assumed that horseshoe-like structures consisting of unit membranes covered with electron-dense material, which probably represent longitudinal sections through cap-like structures, are incorporated into the apical cell membrane and give rise to the tips of microvilli. This assumption is based chiefly on the almost identical diameters of horseshoes and microvilli, the localization of horseshoes in the terminal web, and the time of appearance and disappearance of horseshoes with regard to development of microvilli. There are indications that the horseshoes originate in the Golgi apparatus.
Mit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   
Summary A complementary DNA (cDNA) clone - cA2-47 - corresponding to a new 2-adrenergic receptor subtype has been isolated from a rat brain cDNA library and used as a hybridization probe to scrutinize the 2-receptor poly(A+) RNAs in rat brain, heart and adrenal gland. Hybridization of the 5 half of the coding region of this cDNA at 37°C to rat brain poly(A+) RNA revealed a single band at 5.8 kb as the size of its corresponding mRNA. Under identical hybridization conditions, a human platelet 2-receptor genomic probe failed to hybridize to any rat brain mRNAs.Under lower stringency conditions, hybridization of the full-length cDNA, cA2-47, to selected rat tissue poly(A+) RNA showed the presence of four different sized mRNAs in brain and three in both heart and adrenal gland. Messages of 1.3 kb and 2.1 kb were common in all three tissues (although the band at 2.1 kb was slightly higher in the heart and adrenal gland). A 5.8 kb mRNA was unique to the brain and a slightly higher band at 6.0 kb was consistently present in heart and adrenal gland but was absent in the brain. A fourth message at 3.4 kb was found predominantly in the brain and was either absent or present at very low levels in the other tissues examined. Under the same conditions, a human platelet 2-receptor probe hybridized to similar sized messages of 2.1 and 5.8 kb in rat brain and 2.2 and 6.0 kb in rat heart and adrenal gland. This probe, however, failed to detect the abundant 1.3 kb mRNA common to all tissues or the 3.4 kb message in rat brain. The extent of homology of these messages with cA2-47 is not confined to limited regions of the cDNA since similar hybridization patterns were observed using either 5-noncoding or 5-coding regions of the probe.These results provide the first direct evidence of a surprisingly large range of mRNA sizes for members of the 2-receptor family in brain, heart, and adrenal gland. The unique nature of certain members of the family in each of the tissues examined raises the curious possibility that these members might contribute to some of the individualized functions of the brain, cardiovasculature and adrenal gland.  相似文献   
Summary The effect of biliary salts and fatty acids on the bilayer structure of rabbit intestinal brush-border membranes was studied using the nonperturbing probe31P NMR. The broad. asymmetric lineshape of the31P NMR spectrum of isolated brush-border vesicles demostrates that their component phospholipids are organized in extended bilayers. These membranes are not significantly perturbed by incubation with physiological concentrations of biliary salts (3, 9, 18mm), demonstrating that the vesicles are highly stable, corresponding to their biological function. However, the emergence of a narrow peak superimposed on the broad lineshape indicates that a small proportion of the membrane phospholipids has reached isotropic motion, which may correspond to external or internal micellar structures. Incubation with mixed micelles of fatty acids and taurochlorate show that long-chain fatty acids enhance the membrane-perturbing effect of taurocholate while short-chain, watersoluble fatty acids do not, suggesting a difference in the absorption mechanisms.  相似文献   
Summary DNA sequences homologous to the T-DNA region of the octopine Ti plasmid from Agrobacterium tumefaciens are found in various fast-growing Rhizobium fredii strains. The largest fragment (BamHI fragment 2) at the right-boundary region of the core T-DNA hybridizes to more than one plasmid present in R. fredii. However, one smaller fragment (EcoRI fragment 19a) adjacent to the core T-DNA shows homology only with the plasmid carrying the symbiotic nitrogen-fixation genes (pSym). Hybridization data obtained with digested R. fredii USDA193 pSym DNA suggests that the homology is mainly with two HindIII fragments, 1.7 kb and 8.8 kb in size, of the plasmid. The 1.7 kb HindIII fragment also hybridizes to two regions of the virulence plasmid of A. tumefaciens, pAL1819, a deletion plasmid derived from the octopine Ti plasmid, pTiAch5. Hybridization studies with an insertion element IS66 from A. tumefaciens indicate that the 1.7 kb HindIII fragment of R. fredii plasmid, homologous to the T-DNA and the virulence region of Ti plasmid, is itself an IS66 homologue.  相似文献   
《Molecular membrane biology》2013,30(3-4):203-219
Brush border membrane vesicles were isolated from rat kidney cortex by differential centrifugation in the presence of 10 mM calcium. Their properties were compared to brush border vesicles isolated by free-flow electrophoresis. By the calcium precipitation method membrane vesicles were obtained in a shorter time with a similar enrichment of brush border marker enzymes (11- to 12-fold for alkaline phosphatase and maltase), with a similarly reduced activity of the marker enzyme for basal-lateral plasma membranes and an almost identical protein composition as revealed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulfate. The transport properties of the two membrane preparations for D-glucose, L-phenylalanine, and phosphate are essentially the same; there is some indication for a lower sodium permeability of the vesicles prepared by the calcium precipitation method. The latter vesicles were also shown to exhibit sodium gradient stimulated uptake of L-glutamate.  相似文献   
PurposeMechanical circulatory support with a continuous-flow left ventricular assist device (LVAD) may be a valuable treatment in end-stage heart failure patients for an extended period of time. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the safety and efficacy of implantation of a continuous-flow LVAD in end-stage heart failure patients within the first destination program in the Netherlands.MethodsA third-generation LVAD was implanted in 16 heart failure patients (age 61 ± 8; 81 % male; left ventricular ejection fraction 20 ± 6 %) as destination therapy. All patients were ineligible for heart transplant. At baseline, 3 and 6 months, New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional class, quality-of-life and exercise capacity were assessed. Clinical adverse events were registered.ResultsSurvival at 30 days and 6 months was 88 and 75 %, respectively. In the postoperative phase, 6 (38 %) patients required continuous veno-venous haemofiltration for renal failure and 2 (13 %) patients required extracorporeal membrane oxygenation because of severe right ventricular failure. During follow-up, NYHA functional class and quality-of-life improved from 3.7 ± 0.1 to 2.3 ± 0.1 and 57 ± 5 to 23 ± 3 at 6 months (P < 0.001), respectively. The 6 min walking distance improved from 168 ± 42 m to 291 ± 29 m at 6 months (P = 0.001).ConclusionContinuous-flow LVAD therapy is a promising treatment for patients with end-stage heart failure ineligible for heart transplant.  相似文献   
Previous theoretical studies suggest that a species' landscape should influence the evolution of its dispersal characteristics, because landscape structure affects the costs and benefits of dispersal. However, these studies have not considered the evolution of boundary crossing, that is, the tendency of animals to cross from habitat to nonhabitat (“matrix”). It is important to understand this dispersal behavior, because of its effects on the probability of population persistence. Boundary‐crossing behavior drives the rate of interaction with matrix, and thus, it influences the rate of movement among populations and the risk of dispersal mortality. We used an individual‐based, spatially explicit model to simulate the evolution of boundary crossing in response to landscape structure. Our simulations predict higher evolved probabilities of boundary crossing in landscapes with more habitat, less fragmented habitat, higher‐quality matrix, and more frequent disturbances (i.e., fewer generations between local population extinction events). Unexpectedly, our simulations also suggest that matrix quality and disturbance frequency have much stronger effects on the evolution of boundary crossing than either habitat amount or habitat fragmentation. Our results suggest that boundary‐crossing responses are most affected by the costs of dispersal through matrix and the benefits of escaping local extinction events. Evolution of optimal behavior at habitat boundaries in response to the landscape may have implications for species in human‐altered landscapes, because this behavior may become suboptimal if the landscape changes faster than the species' evolutionary response to that change. Understanding how matrix quality and habitat disturbance drive evolution of behavior at boundaries, and how this in turn influences the extinction risk of species in human‐altered landscapes should help us identify species of conservation concern and target them for management.  相似文献   
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