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Brown trout Salmo trutta is endemic to Europe, western Asia and north-western Africa; it is a prominent member of freshwater and coastal marine fish faunas. The species shows two resident (river-resident, lake-resident) and three main facultative migratory life histories (downstream–upstream within a river system, fluvial–adfluvial potamodromous; to and from a lake, lacustrine–adfluvial (inlet) or allacustrine (outlet) potamodromous; to and from the sea, anadromous). River-residency v. migration is a balance between enhanced feeding and thus growth advantages of migration to a particular habitat v. the costs of potentially greater mortality and energy expenditure. Fluvial–adfluvial migration usually has less feeding improvement, but less mortality risk, than lacustrine–adfluvial or allacustrine and anadromous, but the latter vary among catchments as to which is favoured. Indirect evidence suggests that around 50% of the variability in S. trutta migration v. residency, among individuals within a population, is due to genetic variance. This dichotomous decision can best be explained by the threshold-trait model of quantitative genetics. Thus, an individual's physiological condition (e.g., energy status) as regulated by environmental factors, genes and non-genetic parental effects, acts as the cue. The magnitude of this cue relative to a genetically predetermined individual threshold, governs whether it will migrate or sexually mature as a river-resident. This decision threshold occurs early in life and, if the choice is to migrate, a second threshold probably follows determining the age and timing of migration. Migration destination (mainstem river, lake, or sea) also appears to be genetically programmed. Decisions to migrate and ultimate destination result in a number of subsequent consequential changes such as parr–smolt transformation, sexual maturity and return migration. Strong associations with one or a few genes have been found for most aspects of the migratory syndrome and indirect evidence supports genetic involvement in all parts. Thus, migratory and resident life histories potentially evolve as a result of natural and anthropogenic environmental changes, which alter relative survival and reproduction. Knowledge of genetic determinants of the various components of migration in S. trutta lags substantially behind that of Oncorhynchus mykiss and other salmonines. Identification of genetic markers linked to migration components and especially to the migration–residency decision, is a prerequisite for facilitating detailed empirical studies. In order to predict effectively, through modelling, the effects of environmental changes, quantification of the relative fitness of different migratory traits and of their heritabilities, across a range of environmental conditions, is also urgently required in the face of the increasing pace of such changes.  相似文献   
The gut microbiota plays an important yet incompletely understood role in the induction and propagation of ulcerative colitis (UC). Organism-level efforts to identify UC-associated microbes have revealed the importance of community structure, but less is known about the molecular effectors of disease. We performed 16S rRNA gene sequencing in parallel with label-free data-dependent LC-MS/MS proteomics to characterize the stool microbiomes of healthy (n = 8) and UC (n = 10) patients. Comparisons of taxonomic composition between techniques revealed major differences in community structure partially attributable to the additional detection of host, fungal, viral, and food peptides by metaproteomics. Differential expression analysis of metaproteomic data identified 176 significantly enriched protein groups between healthy and UC patients. Gene ontology analysis revealed several enriched functions with serine-type endopeptidase activity overrepresented in UC patients. Using a biotinylated fluorophosphonate probe and streptavidin-based enrichment, we show that serine endopeptidases are active in patient fecal samples and that additional putative serine hydrolases are detectable by this approach compared with unenriched profiling. Finally, as metaproteomic databases expand, they are expected to asymptotically approach completeness. Using ComPIL and de novo peptide sequencing, we estimate the size of the probable peptide space unidentified (“dark peptidome”) by our large database approach to establish a rough benchmark for database sufficiency. Despite high variability inherent in patient samples, our analysis yielded a catalog of differentially enriched proteins between healthy and UC fecal proteomes. This catalog provides a clinically relevant jumping-off point for further molecular-level studies aimed at identifying the microbial underpinnings of UC.  相似文献   

In 2016, the Gerontological Society of America (GSA) developed a research focus on the benefits and potential risks associated with pets among older adults. With the goal of developing a roadmap for human–animal interaction (HAI) research in older people residing in both the community and institutions, GSA convened a workshop of international experts and policy-makers in the fields of aging and HAI. The status of current knowledge was shared on the success factors for healthy aging and the potential challenges (GSA, 2016). Participants considered what roles pets might play in the lives of older adults and their potential to mitigate loneliness, social isolation, and depression, and to enhance mobility and cognitive function. Existing research was shared to provide insights into the ways in which pets can impact older adults and their caregivers and to identify where further research is needed. This paper introduces a series of papers from that meeting, with some additional papers from meeting attendees to expand on the topics covered and provide key perspectives and gaps in information needed, as a foundation for those considering research into this topic. Although HAI/Animal-Assistant Intervention (AAI) research is in its infancy, there is some evidence that pet ownership or animal interaction can have major benefits for many older adults. At the same time, there are some risks to both the pet and the older adult that need to be addressed. Innovative approaches to both AAIs and the ways to overcome challenges are presented in this themed issue of Anthrozoös. Our hope is that the findings from these reviews and reports will stimulate additional work in this area.  相似文献   
目的:对长时间左心辅助循环成功经验进行探讨。方法:于2002年7月9日对一例冠状动脉搭桥术加二尖瓣置换术后出现严重低心排的患者施行左心辅助,共23小时40分,抢救成功。结论:左心辅助作为一种安全有效和可信的救治衰竭心脏的方法,其成功应用有以下4要素:应用时机和病人选择、装置的选择及其表现、操作左心辅助医生对左心辅助理论的理解和对临床情况的判断力、左心辅助并发症的防治。  相似文献   
Alkyl phenol polyethoxylates (APEOs) are a major group of high production volume chemicals, extensively used as nonionic surfactants in industrial, agricultural and domestic sectors. These surfactants and its respective metabolites are found to be persistent and toxic. Mainly, they act as endocrine disruptors by mimicking the natural hormones. India being a developing country, witnesses pollution due to various industries including tannery. In the present study, sediment samples were collected from the Vellore district of Tamil Nadu, India to investigate the occurrence of APEOs. The sediments were extracted by ultrasonication and analyzed in a liquid chromatography mass spectrometer. Octyl phenol ethoxylates (OPEOs) were not observed in any of the samples. Nonyl phenol ethoxylates (NPEOs) were detected in the range of ND – 36 mg/kg with 85 % detection frequency. The occurrence of NPEOs in sediment indicates its wide usage in tannery and its partitioning behavior in environment. The levels of NPEOs in the study were found to be unsafe according to the sediment guidelines of various studies. Since NPEOs were observed in sediment samples, possibilities of occurrence of their monomers and metabolites cannot be ruled out. Therefore, further studies are warranted for understanding the levels of monomers and metabolites in order to ascertain the environmental risks more appropriately.  相似文献   
Precise measures of population abundance and trend are needed for species conservation; these are most difficult to obtain for rare and rapidly changing populations. We compare uncertainty in densities estimated from spatio–temporal models with that from standard design-based methods. Spatio–temporal models allow us to target priority areas where, and at times when, a population may most benefit. Generalised additive models were fitted to a 31-year time series of point-transect surveys of an endangered Hawaiian forest bird, the Hawai‘i ‘ākepa Loxops coccineus. This allowed us to estimate bird densities over space and time. We used two methods to quantify uncertainty in density estimates from the spatio–temporal model: the delta method (which assumes independence between detection and distribution parameters) and a variance propagation method. With the delta method we observed a 52% decrease in the width of the design-based 95% confidence interval (CI), while we observed a 37% decrease in CI width when propagating the variance. We mapped bird densities as they changed across space and time, allowing managers to evaluate management actions. Integrating detection function modelling with spatio–temporal modelling exploits survey data more efficiently by producing finer-grained abundance estimates than are possible with design-based methods as well as producing more precise abundance estimates. Model-based approaches require switching from making assumptions about the survey design to assumptions about bird distribution. Such a switch warrants consideration. In this case the model-based approach benefits conservation planning through improved management efficiency and reduced costs by taking into account both spatial shifts and temporal changes in population abundance and distribution.  相似文献   
Peptide-based inducers of estrogen receptor (ER) α and androgen receptor (AR) degradations via the ubiquitin–proteasome system (UPS) were developed. The designated inducers were composed of two biologically active scaffolds: the helical peptide PERM3, which is an LXXLL-like mimic of the coactivator SRC-1, and various small molecules (MV1, LCL161, VH032, and POM) that bind to E3 ligases (IAPs, VHL, and cereblon, respectively), to induce ubiquitylation of nuclear receptors that bind to SRC-1. All of the synthesized chimeric E3 ligand-containing molecules induced the UPS-mediated degradation of ERα and AR. The PERM3 peptide was applicable for the development of the ERα and AR degraders using these E3 ligands.  相似文献   
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