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The effect of inhibitors and uncouplers on the osmotic shock-sensitive transport systems for glutamine and galactose (by the β-methyl galactoside permease) was compared to their effect on the osmotic shock-resistant proline and galactose permease systems in cytochrome-deficient cells of Salmonella typhimurium SASY28. Both osmotic shock-sensitive and -resistant systems were sensitive to uncouplers and to inhibitors of the membrane-bound Ca2+, Mg2+-activated adenosine triphosphatase. This suggests that uptake by both types of systems is energized in these cells by an electrochemical gradient of protons formed by ATP hydrolysis through the ATPase.  相似文献   
A yellow-leaved plastome mutant of Hosta (Hosta sieboldii Ingram complex, Liliaceae) known as Wogan Gold lacks normal granal stacks, but has numerous stroma lamellae extending throughout the chloroplast. The chlorophyll a/b ratio is 0.76 in the mutant and 2.9 in wild type. The mutant contains a qualitatively normal pattern of other photosynthetic co-pigments. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed a deficiency in the photosystem (PS) II light-harvesting complex. Since PS II is localized mainly in the granal region, the absence of the light-harvesting complex may explain the loss of granal stacking in this mutant.Abbreviation PS photosystem  相似文献   
Summary This report describes the culture of Su/Su, Su/su and su/su tissue in vitro. High levels of auxin and low levels of cytokinin increase growth of the cells. The cells do not need exogenous amino acids for rapid growth and the chlorophyll deficiency cannot be overcome by amino acids. Reduced levels of auxin and sucrose enhance differentiation, whereas cysteine in the autoclaved medium inhibit differentiation. The Su chlorophyll mutant of tobacco provides a marker for in vitro studies on photosynthesis and photorespiration, chloroplast genetics and cell fusion techniques.  相似文献   
本文对引自日本的一株粗糙化学型变异株明尼苏达沙门氏菌Re595(J)和引自美国的一株Re595(A)对小鼠异源性G~-杆菌主动和被动保护作用进行了比较。结果表明,两株菌对异源G~-杆菌的大肠杆菌和变形杆菌攻击均有良好的保护作用,但Re595(J)对抗肺炎克雷伯氏杆菌攻击的保护作用明显优于Re595(A),而Re595(A)抗绿脓杆菌攻击的保护作用则明显优于Ke595(J)。表明两株Re595的免疫原存在着差异。  相似文献   
Summary The phenotype of the recA1730 mutant is highly dependent on the level of expression of the RecA1730 protein. If the recA1730 gene was expressed from its own promoter, the cells were deficient in recombination and SOS induction. In contrast, when the recA1730 gene was expressed under the control of recAo98, a constitutive operator that increased the RecA1730 concentration 20-fold, cells became proficient in recombination and SOS induction. Likewise, in crude extracts, fivefold more RecA1730 than RecAwt was required to produce full cleavage of LexA protein. The requirement for a high RecA1730 concentration for recombination and LexA cleavage suggests that the recA1730 defect alters a common reaction step. In fact, in vitro data show that the impaired assembly of RecA1730 protein on single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) can account for the mutant phenotype. Purified RecA1730 protein was assayed in vitro for ssDNA binding and ATPase activities. RecA1730, like RecAwt, retained ssDNA equally well on nitrocellulose filters; this activity was specifically inhibited by a monoclonal anti-RecA antibody. However, RecA1730 protein did not form complete filaments on ssDNA, as shown by two observations: (i) most of the protein did not elute with ssDNA during gel filtration; and (ii) binding of RecA1730 to ssDNA did not protect it from being digested by DNaseI. RecA1730 hydrolysed ATP in high salt but was defective in ssDNA-dependent ATP hydrolysis. These results strongly suggest that RecA1730 binds to ATP and ssDNA but does not form normal nucleoprotein filaments.Abbreviations RecAwt RecA wind-type protein - ssDNA singlestranded DNA - dsDNA dmble-stranded DNA  相似文献   
The levels and synthesis of proteins during the ontogeny of normal and male sterile stamenless-2 (sl-2/sl-2) mutant stamens of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) were examined. The mutant stamens contained low levels of soluble protein which were related to reduction in protein synthesis. The mutant stamens, however, possessed many polypeptides similar to the normal and synthesized a 53-kd polypeptide at stages when there are abnormalities in tapetum development. The mutant stamens also possessed a 23-kd and some low molecular weight polypeptides that were considered as degradative proteins. Normal stamens exhibited the synthesis of many polypeptides not found in the mutant, from microspore mother cell to the preanthesis stages. In addition, at the time of pollen maturation there was a greater synthesis of several polypeptides, particularly those of 42 and 37 kd. Although the causative mechanisms of male sterility in the sl-2/sl-2 mutant are not known, the synthesis, and the lack, of specific polypeptides reported here appears to be associated with pollen degeneration.This work was supported by an operating grant from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada to V.K.S.  相似文献   
Shin  Jong-ahm  Miura  Akio 《Hydrobiologia》1990,(1):397-400
Crosses between genotypically distinct thalli of the monoecious species Porphyra yezoensis were carried out using immature thallus fragments from green- and red-type color mutants and also wild-type thalli. As the genes governing the mutants are monogenic, recessive to the wild-type, and belong to the same linkage group, the degree of self-fertilization could be estimated based on the pigmentation of the resultant diploid conchocelis. The degree of self-fertilization in the cross between the green-type and the wild-type was 48.5–55.0%, and in the cross between the red-type and the wild-type was 45.1–56.5%. In the cross between the green- and red-type mutants, the degree of self-fertilization was 46.0–54.5% when the green-type was the female parent, and was 44.8–55.6% when the red-type was the female parent.  相似文献   
Three analogues of the peptidyl pheromone, pheromone of Saccharomyces kluyveri, synthesized based on the amino acid sequence proposed by Sato et al. (Agric Biol Chem 45:1531–1533, 1981) were tested for both shmoo-inducing and agglutinability-inducing actions. Purified natural pheromone of the yeast showed the highest activity among the peptides tested. When methionine in the peptides was oxidized, the activity decreased significatly. Pheromone of S. kluyveri induced sexual agglutinability in a cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and shmoo in a cells of S. cerevisiae and S. kluyveri. a Pheromone of S. kluyveri had no agglutinability-inducing action on cells of S. cerevisiae. a Cells of S. kluyveri inactivated only pheromone of the same species, but a cells of S. cerevisiae inactivated pheromones of both S. cerevisiae and S. kluyveri.  相似文献   
Tryptophan was found to be degraded in Saccharomyces cerevisiae mainly to tryptophol. Upon chromatography on DEAE-cellulose two aminotransferases were identified: Aromatic aminotransferase I was constitutively synthesized and was active in vitro with tryptophan, phenylalanine or tyrosine as amino donors and pyruvate, phenylpyruvate or 2-oxoglutarate as amino acceptors. The enzyme was six times less active with and had a twenty times lower affinity for tryptophan (K m=6 mM) than phenylalanine or tyrosine. It was postulated thus that aromatic aminotransferase I is involved in vivo in the last step of tyrosine and phenylalanine biosynthesis. Aromatic aminotransferase II was inducible with tryptophan but also with the other two aromatic amino acids either alone or in combinations. With tryptophan as amino donor the enzyme was most active with phenylpyruvate and not active with 2-oxoglutarate as amino acceptor; its affinity for tryptophan was similar as for the other aromatic amino acids (K m=0.2–0.4 mM). Aromatic aminotransferase II was postulated to be involved in vivo mainly in the degradation of tryptophan, but may play also a role in the degradation of the other aromatic amino acids.A mutant strain defective in the aromatic aminotransferase II (aat2) was isolated and its influence on tryptophan accumulation and pool was studied. In combination with mutations trp2 fbr, aro7 and cdr1-1, mutation aat2 led to a threefold increase of the tryptophan pool as compared to a strain with an intact aromatic aminotransferase II.  相似文献   
Toxoplasma gondii, growing exponentially in heavily infected mutant Chinese hamster ovary cells that had a defined defect in purine biosynthesis, did not incorporate [U-14C]glucose or [14C]formate into the guanine or adenine of nucleic acids. Intracellular parasites therefore must be incapable of synthesizing purines and depend on their host cells for them. Extracellular parasites, which are capable of limited DNA and RNA synthesis, efficiently incorporated adenosine nucleotides, adenosine, inosine, and hypoxanthine into their nucleic acids; adenosine 5′-monophosphate was the best utilized precursor. Extracellular parasites incubated with ATP labeled with 3H in the purine base and 32P in the α-phosphate incorporated the purine ring 50-fold more efficiently than they did the α-phosphate. Thus, ATP is largely degraded to adenosine before it can be used by T. gondii for nucleic acid synthesis. Two pathways for the conversion of adenosine to nucleotides appear to exist, one involving adenosine kinase, the other hypoxanthine—guanine phosphoribosyl transferase. In adenosine kinase-less mutant parasites, the efficiency of incorporation of ATP or adenosine was reduced by 75%, which indicates the adenosine kinase pathway was predominant. Extracellular parasites incorporated ATP into both the adenine and the guanine of their nucleic acids, so ATP from the host cell could supply the entire purine requirement of T. gondii. However, ATP generated by oxidative phosphorylation in the host cell is not essential for parasites because they grew normally in a cell mutant that was deficient in aerobic respiration and almost completely dependent upon glycolysis.  相似文献   
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