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在大田不施氮素及高氮两个处理下,以叶片的SPAD值作为评价水稻氮素利用能力的参数,对146个不同基因型水稻进行了叶色深浅及对氮素敏感性不同的种质资源鉴定。通过测定抽穗前不同生育时期不同基因型水稻叶片的SPAD值,筛选出对氮素反应迟钝且叶色较浅的基因型19个、对氮素反应迟钝且叶色较深的基因型20个和对氮素敏感且叶色较浅的基因型20个、对氮素敏感且叶色较深的基因型11个。  相似文献   
吴茱萸叶中分泌囊的发育解剖学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
两种树叶在华南地区贫营养型池塘中的分解速率研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘若思  彭芳  童晓立 《生态科学》2007,26(1):27-29,35
在热带亚热带地区,凋落物在湖泊、湿地中的分解过程知之甚少。为了解亚热带地区树叶凋落物在静水环境中的分解状况,利用分解网袋法对2种树叶(大叶相思和人心果)在广州长岗山自然保护小区一贫营养型池塘中进行了为期130d的树叶分解研究。结果显示,两种树叶在池塘中的分解速度非常缓慢,130d后大叶相思和人心果树叶的干重剩余率分别为74.3%和77.5%,经指数衰减模型拟合,两者的分解速率系数(k)分别为0.00145d^-1和0.00105d^-1。定殖在两种树叶上的大型底栖动物仅5种,其中优势类群为摇蚊幼虫和钩虾。结果表明寡营养型池塘中大型底栖动物功能摄食群中撕食者种类与数量的稀少是引起这两种树叶分解缓慢的主要因素之一。  相似文献   
Summary Effects of calcium phosphate supply on plant dry matter and phosphorus concentrations of parts of jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) seedlings grown in a lateritic topsoil from the jarrah forest were examined in two glasshouse trials. Phosphorus deficiency depressed root and shoot dry weights and severely deficient leaves were smal and purple with prominent red major veins. Phosphorus deficiency severely reduced stem phosphorus levels (0.5% to 0.02%, experiment 1). Phosphorus concentrations were higher in bark than wood and the amount of phosphorus in the bark was sensitive to stem age and phosphate supply. Phosphorus adequate plants had bark phosphorus concentrations in the range 0.2–0.9% compared to <0.1% in deficient plants (experiment 2). Jarrah leaves accumulated dry matter up to 80 days after expansion and some leaves exported phosphorus during this period. Bark analysis may therefore be preferable to leaf analysis for detecting phosphorus deficiency in this species.  相似文献   
为挖掘辣木(Moranga oleifera)优良种质资源,对30个优良单株家系的叶片表型性状进行研究。结果表明,除叶形外,辣木不同家系间的叶柄和叶片颜色、复叶数、复叶柄长度和直径、复叶间距、叶长、叶宽均存在不同程度的差异。复叶数与复叶柄长度和直径、复叶间距、叶长、叶宽呈极显著正相关;主成分分析表明,叶长、叶宽、复叶柄长度和直径、复叶间距、叶柄和叶片颜色是区分辣木不同家系最主要的叶片性状指标。聚类分析结果表明,30个辣木家系可分为3大类,叶片表型性状存在显著差异的家系的遗传距离较远。因此,叶柄和叶片颜色、复叶数、复叶柄长度和直径、复叶间距、叶长、叶宽将为直观区分辣木家系提供参考。  相似文献   
We examined relative effects of traits of leaf quality of ten willow species (Salix: Salicaceae) on growth rates of five species of insect herbivores found in interior Alaska (a willow sawfly, Nematus calais; the tiger swallowtail butterfly, Papilio canadensis; and three species of chrysomelid beetles, Gonioctena occidentalis, Calligrapha verrucosa, and Chrysomela falsa). Leaf traits examined were water content, toughness, total nitrogen contnet, pubescence, and presence or absence of phenolic glycosides. Of ten Salix species, four species contain phenolic glycosides in their leaves. We examined relative effects of water content, toughness, and nitrogen content of the Salix leaves on larval growth rates at three different levels, i.e., on a single host species, between different host species, and between herbivore species. The within-host analyses showed that effects of water content, toughness and/or nitrogen content on herbivore growth rates were generally significant in early-season herbivores but not in late-season herbivores. For each herbivore species, differences in growth rates between hosts were not explained by differences in water content, toughness, or nitrogen content. The between-herbivore analysis showed that the interspecific difference in larval growth rates were related to difference in water and nitrogen content of the hosts. Pubescence of Salix leaves had little effects on herbivore growth rates. Presence of phenolic glycosides had a positive effects on growth rates of a specialist, N. calais, but no effect on the other specialist, Ch. falsa. Presence of phenolic glycosides had, in general, negative effects on growth rates of nonspecialists, G. occidentalis, C. verrucosa, and P. canadensis.  相似文献   
以6种复叶和7种单叶树种为材料,对叶内光合结构和支撑结构的生物量分配及异速生长关系在单叶和复叶树种中的变化规律进行研究.结果显示:单叶树种支撑结构的生物量投资比例显著大于复叶.单叶树种的支撑结构质量比与叶大小(叶面积和总叶干重)无明显的相关性,其光合结构与支撑结构呈等速生长关系;复叶树种的支撑结构质量比随叶大小的增加而...  相似文献   
The role of three-turgor-related cellular parameters, the osmotic potential ( s), the wall yield stress (Y) and the apparent hydraulic conductivity (L'p), in the initiation of ligh-induced expansion of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) leaves has been determined. Although light causes an increase in the total solute content of leaf cells, the water uptake accompanying growth results in a slight increase in s. Y is about 4 bar; and is unaffected by light. L'p, as calculated from growth rates and isopiestic measurements of leaf water potential, is only slightly greater in rapidly-growing leaves. The turgor pressure of growing cells is lower than that of the controls by about 35%. We conclude that light does not induce cell enlargement in the leaf by altering any of the above parameters, but does so primarily by increasing wall extensibility.Abbreviations and symbols RL red light - WL white light - L'p apparent hydraulic conductivity - OC osmotic concentration - Y wall yield stress - s osmotic potential  相似文献   
Differences in water binding were measured in the leaf cells ofMesembryanthemum crystallinum L. plants grown under high-salinity conditions by using nuclear-magnetic-resonance (NMR) imaging. The 7-Tesla proton NMR imaging system yielded a spatial resolution of 20·20·100 m3. Images recorded with different spin-echo times (4.4 ms to 18 ms) showed that the water concentrations in the bladder cells (located on the upper and lower leaf surface), in the mesophyll cells and in the water-conducting vessels were nearly identical. All of the water in the bladder cells and in the water-conducting vessels was found to be mobile, whilst part of the water in the mesophyll cells was bound. Patches of mesophyll cells could be identified which bound water more strongly than the surrounding mesophyll cells. Optical investigations of leaf cross-sections revealed two types of mesophyll cells of different sizes and chloroplast contents. It is therefore likely that in the small-sized mesophyll cells water is strongly bound. A long-term asymmetric water exchange between the mesophyll cells and the bladder cells during Crassulacean acid metabolism has been described in the literature. The high density of these mesophyll cells in the lower epidermis is a possible cause of this asymmetry.Abbreviations CAM Crassulacean acid metabolism - NMR nuclear magnetic resonance - TE spin-echo time  相似文献   
Summary The rates of water use and leaf surface conductance of Citrullus colocynthis (Cucurbitacea) were evaluated from measurements of the surface temperature and microenvironment of leaves. At desert sites in Saudi Arabia the transpiration rates reached 0.13–0.17 g m-2 s-1 and the leaf temperatures were always close to air temperature. Leaf models (dry) placed in the canopy were considerably warmer than the air. To investigate responses over a wider range of conditions, plants were grown in a controlled environment room. It was found that when conditions were made hotter than those that occurred in the desert, the stomatal conductance increased greatly. Transpiration rate attained 0.6 g m-2 s-1 and the leaves were up to seven degrees cooler than the air. The results suggest a finely-tuned control mechanism working like a switch when the leaves experience extreme conditions, and enabling the plant to avoid lethal temperatures.  相似文献   
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