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Leaf size and inflorescence size may be allometrically related traits   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Corner's rules for plant form relate the degree of branching to branch diameter, and branch diameter to leaf or inflorescence size. We report the first interspecific test of these rules for inflorescence size and branch diameter. We derived a simple corollary of Corner's rules; since leaf size and inflorescence size are both correlated to branch thickness, they may be correlated to each other. This corollary holds for Leucadendron and Protea (Proteaceae), and in certain other taxa in the Asteraceae, Bruniaceae and Pinaceae which also have leaves and reproductive structures on the same shoot. For such taxa this implies that selection for aspects of floral display (inflorescence size, pollination type) may also be expressed at the level of leaf size and vice versa. This has implications for many aspects of botany and also points to the importance of the co-ordinating role of plant architecture for aspects of plant form.  相似文献   
We investigated how water transport capacity, wood density and wood anatomy were related to leaf photosynthetic traits in two lowland forests in Panama. Leaf-specific hydraulic conductivity (kL) of upper branches was positively correlated with maximum rates of net CO2 assimilation per unit leaf area (Aarea) and stomatal conductance (gs) across 20 species of canopy trees. Maximum kL showed stronger correlation with Aarea than initial kL suggesting that allocation to photosynthetic potential is proportional to maximum water transport capacity. Terminal branch kL was negatively correlated with Aarea/gs and positively correlated with photosynthesis per unit N, indicating a trade-off of efficient use of water against efficient use of N in photosynthesis as water transport efficiency varied. Specific hydraulic conductivity calculated from xylem anatomical characteristics (ktheoretical) was positively related to Aarea and kL, consistent with relationships among physiological measurements. Branch wood density was negatively correlated with wood water storage at saturation, kL, Aarea, net CO2 assimilation per unit leaf mass (Amass), and minimum leaf water potential measured on covered leaves, suggesting that wood density constrains physiological function to specific operating ranges. Kinetic and static indices of branch water transport capacity thus exhibit considerable co-ordination with allocation to potential carbon gain. Our results indicate that understanding tree hydraulic architecture provides added insights to comparisons of leaf level measurements among species, and links photosynthetic allocation patterns with branch hydraulic processes.  相似文献   
本文对赤(瓜包)属(Thladiantha Bunge)、白兼果属(Baijiana A.M.Lu et J.Q.Li)和苦瓜属(Momordica L.)共11种植物叶片中脉进行了比较解剖学研究。除苦瓜属一种外,其余10种的叶片中脉解剖学资料均为首次报道。分析结果表明:叶片中脉维管束的数目以及排列方式具有分类学意义,而种间和种内维管束数目的减少,在一定程度上反映出植物迁移和演化的方向。  相似文献   
Lalji Singh 《Plant Ecology》1992,98(2):129-140
The present paper elucidates the pattern of leaf and non-leaf fall and quantifies of the total annual input of litter in a dry tropical forest of India. In addition, concentration of selected nutrients in various litter species and their annual return to the forest floor are examined. Total annual input of litter measured in litter traps ranged between 488.0–671.0 g m-2 of which 65–72% was leaf litter fall and 28–35% wood litter fall. 73–81% leaves fall during the winter season. Herbaceous litter fall ranged between 80.0–110.0 g m-2 yr-1. The annual nutrient return through litter fall amounted (kg ha-1): 51.6–69.6 N, 3.1–4.3 P, 31.0–40.0 Ca, 14.0–19.0 K and 3.7–5.0 Na, of which 71–77% and 23–29% were contributed by leaf and wood litter fall, respectively for different nutrients. Input of nutrients through herbaceous litter was: 13.0–16.6 for N, 1.0–1.4 for P, 4.0–5.0 for Ca, 7.9–10.5 for K and 0.8–1.0 kg ha-1 yr-1 for Na.  相似文献   
神农架山地河岸带中珍稀植物群落特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以领春木(Euptelea pleiospermum)、连香树(Cercidiphyllum japonicum)为优势种的珍稀植物群落是神农架山地中海拔地段河岸带中的典型群落类型.在神农架地区4大水系(沿渡河、香溪河、南河和堵河)的河岸带中共调查了48个样地,采用植物群落学方法,分析了该区山地河岸带中珍稀植物群落特征.结果表明:(1)群落中植物种类丰富,科属组成比较分散.共记录到维管束植物749种,隶属144科412属,其中每科仅记录到1个属的有72个科,每属仅记录到1个种的有256个属.(2)在科水平上,热带、亚热带成分与温带成分所占比例几乎相同,在属水平上温带成分占主导.东亚分布成分、中国特有成分所占比例较高,共记录了6个东亚特有科、50个东亚特有属,2个中国特有科、27个中国特有属.(3)中小型草质单叶的落叶阔叶高位芽和地面芽植物是决定该珍稀植物群落外貌的主要成分.(4)群落垂直结构复杂,成层现象明显.第一乔木亚层树冠层分布不连续,第一、第二乔木亚层和灌木层从高到低郁闭度逐渐增大,草本层盖度各样地差别较大,层间植物丰富.该山地河岸带中丰富的珍稀、特有和/或孑遗植物表现出该群落的古老、孑遗性.虽然该区多数珍稀植物为温带性质,但该珍稀植物群落整体上在种类组成、区系分布、生活型谱、叶片性质等方面表现出亚热带亚高山垂直带谱上常绿落叶阔叶混交林的过渡性特征.自上而下逐渐密集的群落垂直结构为幼苗稍耐荫、成年趋于喜光的珍稀植物的不同发育阶段提供了利于其生长的光环境.特殊的地理位置、独特的地形地貌和良好的水热条件使亚热带山地河岸带成为珍稀植物(尤其是孑遗植物)就地保护中一个关键而特殊的区域.  相似文献   
Summary Studies on the genetics of leaf blight caused byAlternaria triticina using generation mean analysis revealed that additive components played a major role, but that dominance components also contributed significantly in controlling the variability for leaf blight resistance in wheat crosses. Furthermore, the additive x additive type of epistasis was predominant in the first three crosses, whereas in the fourth cross additive x dominance (j) and dominance x dominance (1) components of epistasis were most significant. Because of this it may be desirable to follow a simple recurrent selection scheme for higher tolerance, to isolate resistant plants from the segregating populations derived from crosses of parents of diverse origin following the pedigree method of breeding. CPAN-1887 was very tolerant to leaf blight in the present study and should be utilized in hybridization programs to develop leaf-blight-resistant varieties.  相似文献   
Summary The relationships between resource availability, plant succession, and species' life history traits are often considered key to understanding variation among species and communities. Leaf lifespan is one trait important in this regard. We observed that leaf lifespan varies 30-fold among 23 species from natural and disturbed communities within a 1-km radius in the northern Amazon basin, near San Carlos de Rio Negro, Venezuela. Moreover, leaf lifespan was highly correlated with a number of important leaf structural and functional characterisues. Stomatal conductance to water vapor (g) and both mass and area-based net photosynthesis decreased with increasing leaf lifespan (r2=0.74, 0.91 and 0.75, respectively). Specific leaf area (SLA) also decreased with increasing leaf lifespan (r2=0.78), while leaf toughness increased (r2=0.62). Correlations between leaf lifespan and leaf nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations were moderate on a weight basis and not significant on an area basis. On an absolute basis, changes in SLA, net photosynthesis and leaf chemistry were large as leaf lifespan varied from 1.5 to 12 months, but such changes were small as leaf lifespan increased from 1 to 5 years. Mass-based net photosynthesis (A/mass) was highly correlated with SLA (r2=0.90) and mass-based leaf nitrogen (N/mass) (r2=0.85), but area-based net photosynthesis (A/area) was not well correlated with any index of leaf structure or chemistry including N/area. Overall, these results indicate that species allocate resources towards a high photosynthetic assimilation rate for a brief time, or provide resistant physical structure that results in a lower rate of carbon assimilation over a longer time, but not both.  相似文献   
Nitrate reductase (EC–3; NR) activity was evaluated in nodulated lucerne ( Medicago sativa L. cv. Europe) grown aeroponically in both the presence and absence of applied nitrogen. Determination of in vivo NR activity was done with organ pieces in 0.1 M K+-phosphate, pH 7.5, 0.1 M KNO3 and 1% n -propanol. NR activity was detected in all plant parts. Leaves accounted for 40% of the whole plant activity. Root activity was as high as leaf activity. Stem NR activity accounted for 14 to 20% of the total plant activity. NR activity was also detected in symbolically dependent plants grown without combined nitrogen. Nodule NR in symbolically dependent plants accounted for 17% of the tolal plant aclivity. When nitrate was present in the nulrienl medium, NR increased 5-fold as compared lo N2-dependenl plants. Varying levels of nitrale (1.65 to 4 m M ) had no influence on leaf or stem activities. However, root NR activity seemed to be related to the nitrale concentration in the nulrient medium. Throughoul inilial vegelative growth, in vivo NR and nitrogenase (acelylene reduction) increased simultaneously. After shoot harvest, nitrogenase (acetylene reduction) aclivity drastically decreased with reduction of photosynthate supply, whereas NR increased in all organs, especially in N2-dependenl plants.  相似文献   
为挖掘辣木(Moranga oleifera)优良种质资源,对30个优良单株家系的叶片表型性状进行研究。结果表明,除叶形外,辣木不同家系间的叶柄和叶片颜色、复叶数、复叶柄长度和直径、复叶间距、叶长、叶宽均存在不同程度的差异。复叶数与复叶柄长度和直径、复叶间距、叶长、叶宽呈极显著正相关;主成分分析表明,叶长、叶宽、复叶柄长度和直径、复叶间距、叶柄和叶片颜色是区分辣木不同家系最主要的叶片性状指标。聚类分析结果表明,30个辣木家系可分为3大类,叶片表型性状存在显著差异的家系的遗传距离较远。因此,叶柄和叶片颜色、复叶数、复叶柄长度和直径、复叶间距、叶长、叶宽将为直观区分辣木家系提供参考。  相似文献   
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