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辽东山区长白落叶松人工林天然更新障碍分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
通过对辽东山区不同间伐强度下长白落叶松林内种子库,种子萌发,幼苗出现、成活与生长的观测,分析了长白落叶松天然更新的主要影响因素.结果表明:40年生落叶松人工林的种子雨中,有30%的种子有活力,可以满足天然更新的需要;土壤种子库的种子主要分布在枯枝落叶层,4月下旬林内种子开始萌发,6月幼苗数量达到最大,幼苗累计出现率与间伐强度(光照)之间无显著相关,只受到地被物的影响;随间伐强度的增加,幼苗平均存活率提高,但林下幼苗生长缓慢,苗高均不超过6 cm;林内当年幼苗9月全部消失,没有超过1年生的幼苗,但皆伐迹地的更新幼苗存活较多、生长良好.初步确定地被物和光照是辽东山区长白落叶松天然更新的主要障碍因子.  相似文献   
在胚胎与子宫内膜间识别、粘附及胚胎植入过程中 ,阶段特异表达的寡糖抗原LeY 起重要作用。经与特异性单克隆抗体AH6预保温 ,中和胚泡表面LeY 寡糖后 ,通过RT PCR和免疫印迹方法 ,观察了LeY 寡糖对着床前小鼠胚泡表皮生长因子及其受体的表达和分泌的影响。结果显示 ,在体外培养中 ,经AH6封闭胚泡表面的LeY寡糖后 1.5h ,胚泡EGF的转录及分泌明显受到抑制 (P <0 .0 1) ,并且这种抑制作用持续到 6h以上 ;而EGF R表达及分泌仅有轻微降低的趋势。结果提示 ,EGF表达和分泌的降低可能是胚泡表面LeY 寡糖调节胚泡自身发育及随后的着床过程的多种途径之一  相似文献   
使用高效液相色谱法测定乐卡地平片含量,流动相为乙腈-0.O1 mol/L乙酸铵溶液—三乙胺(650:350:1)(pH 6.0).结果显示盐酸乐卡地平在浓度为2.05~404.0μg/mL范围内具有良好的线性关系,盐酸乐卡地平片剂的平均标示量含量为100.3%,符合要求.研究表明HPLC色谱法对乐卡地平片剂进行含量测定...  相似文献   
The Lewis blood group system in humans, designated with number 007 and symbol Le, consist of two different fucose containing carbohydrate antigen structures abbreviated Lea+ (LE-1) and Leb+ (LE-2). The expression of these two carbohydrate sequences are phenotype determinants. The Lea+ antigen sequence is triasaccharide β-D-Galp-(1- 3)-[α-L-Fucp-(1-4)]-D-GlcpNAc. The Leb+ antigen sequence is tetrasaccharide α-L-Fucp-(1-2)-β-D-Galp-(1-3)- [α-L-Fucp-(1-4)]-D-GlcNpAc. Biosynthesis of Le blood group glycan antigens is catalyzed by fucosyltransferase 2 (FUT2) and fucosyltransferase 3 (FUT3) enzymes. These enzymes are encoded by two dominant autosomal genes named FUT2, also referred as secretory (Se) gene, and FUT3, both having multiple alleles. These two genes determine Lewis blood group genotypes. Sequencing of fucosyltransferase genes, RNAs and fucosyltransferase enzymes and the determination of their structures, together with functional studies including spatial and temporal expression patterns, showed preservation of the catalytic domain within prokaryotes and eukaryotes, with a high level of diversity in structural and functional properties. Six different Le blood group phenotypes exist, taking in account that Le and ABO blood group antigens both comprise terminal sequences on the same branched glycan molecules: Lea+b-, Lea-b+, Lea-b-, Lea+b+, ALea-b+, and BLea-b+. Le antigens are part of glycan structures synthetized in glycolipids or glycoprotein form in the endoderm and not in the erythrocyte precursor cell. They are present on the cell surface of blood cells, in plasma and in secretory fluids. Le glycolipids are adsorbed from plasma on the cell surface of erythrocytes, platelets, lymphocytes and endothelial cells.  相似文献   
We describe a re-investigation of the structure of the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from Helicobacter pylori genomic strain 26695 and its corresponding HP0826::Kan mutant lacking the O-chain component based on the in-depth NMR analysis of the oligosaccharide products obtained through the use of various degradation procedures performed on the purified LPS from both strains, as well as CE–MS data. New structural evidence indicates the presence of the linear arrangement of glucan and heptan portions of the LPS attached through -6-α-ddHep-3-α-l-Fuc-3-β-GlcNAc- fragment to the inner core dd-heptose residue. This structure differs from previously reported structures of the H. pylori 26695 LPS in several aspects.  相似文献   
I. Preciado    J. E. Cartes    A. Serrano    F. Velasco    I. Olaso    F. Sánchez    I. Frutos 《Journal of fish biology》2009,75(6):1331-1355
The feeding habits of birdbeak dogfish Deania calcea, velvet belly lantern shark Etmopterus spinax and blackmouth catshark Galeus melastomus at Le Danois Bank, Cantabrian Sea, south Bay of Biscay were studied in relation to their bathymetric distribution. Deep‐sea sharks were collected during two multidisciplinary surveys carried out in October 2003 and April 2004 at the Le Danois Bank. Two different habitats were defined: (1) the top of the bank, ranging from 454 to 642 m depth and covered by fine‐sand sediments with a low percentage of organic matter, and (2) the inner basin located between the bank and the Cantabrian Sea's continental shelf, at depths of 810–1048 m, which was characterized by a high proportion of silt and organic matter. Deania calcea was not present at the top of the bank but was abundant below 642 m, while E. spinax was abundant in the shallower top of the bank but was not found in the deeper inner basin. There was almost no bathymetric overlap between these two deep‐sea shark species. Galeus melastomus was found over the whole depth range. There seemed to be an ontogenetic segregation with depth for this species, however, since 80% of the specimens collected at the top of the bank were < 600 mm total length (LT) (mean 510 mm LT), whereas larger individuals (mean 620 mm LT) inhabited deeper zones. Galeus melastomus exhibited a significantly higher feeding intensity than both E. spinax at the top of the bank and D. calcea in the inner basin. Little dietary overlap between D. calcea and G. melastomus in the inner basin was found, with D. calcea being an ichthyophagous predator while the diet of G. melastomus at these depths was composed of a variety of meso‐bathypelagic shrimps (e.g. Acantephyra pelagica, Pasiphaea spp. and Sergia robusta), cephalopods and fishes. The diets of E. spinax and G. melastomus at the top of the bank showed a high dietary overlap of euphausiids, which represented the main prey taxa for both species. Euphausiids declined in abundance with depth which was reflected in the diet of G. melastomus. The cluster analysis of prey affinities among hauls depicted two major groups, corresponding to the two different habitats (top of the bank and inner basin). Redundancy analysis also indicated top–basin segregation, with euphausiids representing the main prey taxa at the top of the bank and bathypelagic shrimps in the inner basin. Euphausiids and Micromesistius poutassou were key prey within the Le Danois Bank ecosystem since they were positively selected by the three deep‐sea shark species. These results show that the feeding ecology of these predators in Le Danois Bank ecosystem is highly influenced by depth‐related variables, as a result of changes in prey availability. Overall results were analysed in relation to the deep‐sea Le Danois ecosystem structure and functioning.  相似文献   
石漠化区独特的水土流失作用使该区土壤严重退化,地埂植物作为一种独特的农林复合模式对石漠化区土地质量改善和坡耕地土壤生态修复作用明显,能有效保证坡耕地的生态条件和生产性能。选取石漠化区3种不同管理方式的桑树地埂为研究对象,采用传统湿筛(Cаввинов法)和Le Bissonnais法测定土壤团聚体分布与稳定性特征。结果表明:基于Cаввинов法测定的土壤团聚体稳定性以天然林最好,桑埂自然生草地和清草地相对居中,桑埂农地最差;3种管理方式的桑树地埂土壤团聚体稳定性指数(ASI)随地埂距离均表现为ASI90cm > ASI60cm > ASI30cm,主要原因在于桑树地埂对坡耕地土壤团聚体影响的作用范围主要集中在距株30 cm以内,而在地埂30 cm以外田面农耕活动对土壤团聚体结构影响较大,而受桑树地埂影响作用较小。基于Le Bissonnais法快速湿润(FW)处理后土壤团聚体集中分布在0.5-0.25 mm之间,慢速湿润(SW)和湿润振荡(WS)处理后团聚体主要分布在5-1 mm之间。Le Bissonnais法处理后土壤团聚体稳定性表现趋势与Cаввинов法一致,3种处理后的团聚体分形维数D、MWD和GMD均表现为FW < SW < WS。Le Bissonnais法FW和SW处理后团聚体稳定性指标与Cаввинов法达到极显著相关,说明Le Bissonnais法测定石漠化区土壤团聚体稳定性是可行的;石漠化区土壤团聚体稳定性与有机质和粘粒含量呈显著正相关(0.586 ≤ R ≤ 0.864),这说明石漠化区土壤团聚体稳定性是以上两种土壤胶结物质的黏聚作用形成的,且两种土壤胶结物质对土壤消散作用和粘粒膨胀作用引起的团聚体破坏抵抗性强烈,而对低强度机械干扰引起的团聚体破碎没有明显抵抗性,研究结果对石漠化区坡耕地土壤保持具有重要指导意义。  相似文献   
Abstract. In the Tunisian arid zone disturbances (e.g. overgrazing and agriculture) and stresses (e.g. aridity, low fertility) drive changes in the structure and functioning of rangelands, with a decrease in perennial plant cover, changes in floristic composition and erosion. Long‐term monitoring requires (1) an understanding of the dynamics of vegetation change and associated ecological processes and (2) identification of relevant indicators. Using data from the arid zone of southern Tunisia we tested the hypothesis that plant functional response types could be used to address these two goals. We identified plant functional response types in response to a gradient of soil and vegetation types characterized by changes in perennial plant cover, dominant species and associated soil types. Vegetation samples were stratified by contrasted vegetation patch types with varying perennial plant cover (1.6 to 22%). We focused our analysis of trait responses within dwarf–shrubs, which are the dominants in typical steppe ecosystems of south Tunisia. Available trait data concerned morphology (plant height, leaf type), regeneration (dispersal mode, phenology and regeneration mode) and grazing value. Although we found it difficult to recognize ‘indicator response types’ that could be used directly to monitor changes in community composition, we were able to identify plant response syndromes that are relevant to long‐term vegetation changes, and in particular degradation processes, in the region. Two main response types were identified: the decreaser type, made up of small or medium chamaephytes with high grazing palatability and the increaser type with medium to tall chamaephytes and low grazing palatability. These response types are proposed as key elements in a state‐and‐transition model of vegetation dynamics in the context of agropastoral disturbances and climatic and edaphic stresses.  相似文献   
Recently, a new disease known as ‘brown spot of European pear’ caused by Stemphylium sp. appeared on the leaves, twigs and fruits of the cultivar Le Lectier in Niigata Prefecture, Japan. Because Stemphylium vesicarium (teleomorph: Pleospora allii), which causes a similar disease in Europe, has been shown to produce host‐selective SV‐toxins in culture filtrates (CFs), SV‐toxin production by Stemphylium sp. in Japan was investigated. In pathogenicity tests, the pathogen induced severe necrotic spots on the leaves of the European pear cultivar Le Lectier, slight spots on cultivar La France and slight or no spots on cultivar Bartlett. The Japanese pear cultivar Nijisseiki was not affected by the pathogen. Culture filtrates of the pathogen were tested for phytotoxicity on cultivars by a leaf necrosis assay. The sensitivity of cultivars to the CFs was consistent with the susceptibility of cultivars to the pathogen infection, indicating the presence of host‐selective toxins. The toxins were purified from the CFs according to the procedure reported for SV‐toxin purification in S. vesicarium. The results indicated that Stemphylium sp. in Japan produces the same SV‐toxins as S. vesicarium in Europe.  相似文献   
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