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Changes in the distribution of agrin and acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) were examined during reinnervation and following permanent denervation as a means of understanding mechanisms controlling the distribution of these molecules. Following nerve damage in the peripheral nervous system, regenerating nerve terminals preferentially return to previous synaptic sites leading to the restoration of synaptic activity. However, not all portions of original synaptic sites are reoccupied: Some of the synaptic sites are abandoned by both the nerve terminal and the Schwann cell. Abandoned synaptic sites contain agrin, AChRs, and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) without an overlying nerve terminal or Schwann cell providing a unique location to observe changes in the distribution of these synapse-specific molecules. The distribution of anti-agrin and AChR staining at abandoned synaptic sites was altered during the process of reinnervation, changing from a dense, wide distribution to a punctate, pale pattern, and finally becoming entirely absent. Agrin and AChRs were removed from abandoned synaptic sites in reinnervated frog neuromuscular junctions, while in contralateral muscles which were permanently denervated, anti-agrin and AChR staining remained at abandoned synaptic sites. Decreasing synaptic activity during reinnervation delayed the removal of agrin and AChRs from abandoned synaptic sites. Altogether, these results support the hypothesis that synaptic activity controls a cellular mechanism that directs the removal of agrin from synaptic basal lamina and the loss of agrin leads to the dispersal of AChRs. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 33: 999–1018, 1997  相似文献   
The double‐membrane‐bound autophagosome is formed by the closure of a structure called the phagophore, origin of which is still unclear. The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is clearly implicated in autophagosome biogenesis due to the presence of the omegasome subdomain positive for DFCP1, a phosphatidyl‐inositol‐3‐phosphate (PI3P) binding protein. Contribution of other membrane sources, like the plasma membrane (PM), is still difficult to integrate in a global picture. Here we show that ER–plasma membrane contact sites are mobilized for autophagosome biogenesis, by direct implication of the tethering extended synaptotagmins (E‐Syts) proteins. Imaging data revealed that early autophagic markers are recruited to E‐Syt‐containing domains during autophagy and that inhibition of E‐Syts expression leads to a reduction in autophagosome biogenesis. Furthermore, we demonstrate that E‐Syts are essential for autophagy‐associated PI3P synthesis at the cortical ER membrane via the recruitment of VMP1, the stabilizing ER partner of the PI3KC3 complex. These results highlight the contribution of ER–plasma membrane tethers to autophagosome biogenesis regulation and support the importance of membrane contact sites in autophagy.  相似文献   
Pangolins in the genus Manis are nocturnal, burrowing, insectivorous mammals listed as Critically Endangered or Endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. Two species of pangolins are found in Nepal: the Chinese pangolin (Manis pentadactyla) and Indian pangolin (Manis crassicaudata). Despite having high conservation priority, little attention has been given to conservation interventions of both species of pangolins found in the Terai region (low land) of Nepal. The present study assesses habitat use and factors affecting the habitat choice of pangolins in low land (Terai), Nepal, focusing on Amritdharapani Community Forest of Chitwan district. Pangolin burrows were used as the indirect signs, and opportunistic sampling method was used to record the burrows. After the identification of all occurrence sites (burrows) in the field, random points were generated excluding the points where burrows were recorded for sampling of nonoccurrence sites. A total of thirty‐nine burrows were observed at elevations ranging from 301 to 413 masl. Burrows were frequently associated with northwest aspects, gentle slope (15°–20°), moderate canopy cover (51%–75%), red‐colored soil, and acidic soils with pH 6.5–7. The burrows were most common in areas with weak human disturbance (i.e., 1,500–1,700 m from settlements), 800–1,200 m from roads, and within 300 m from a water source and within 20 m from the nearest termitarium. Distance to settlement, distance to road, soil pH, and canopy cover were found to affect the habitat choice of pangolins in the study area.  相似文献   
A total of 100 HIN1 flu real-time-PCR positive throat swabs collected from fever patients in Zhejiang,Hubei and Guangdong between June and November 2009,were provided by local CDC laboratories.After MDCK cell culture,57 Influenza A Pandemic (H1N1) viruses were isolated and submitted for whole genome sequencing.A total of 39 HA sequences,52 NA sequences,36 PB2 sequences,31 PB1 sequences,40 PA sequences,48 NP sequences,51 MP sequences and 36 NS sequences were obtained,including 20 whole genome sequences.Sequence comparison revealed they shared a high degree of homology (96%~99%) with known epidemic strains (A/Califomia/04/2009(H1N1).Phylogenetic analysis showed that although the sequences were highly conserved,they clustered into a small number of groups with only a few distinct strains.Site analysis revealed three substitutions at loop 220 (221-228) of the HA receptor binding site in the 39 HA sequences:A/Hubei/86/2009 PKVRDQEG→PKVRDQEA,A/Zhejiang/08/2009 PKVRDQEG→PKVRDQER,A/Hubei/75/2009PKVRDQEG→PKVRDQGG,the A/Hubei/75/2009 was isolated from an acute case,while the other two were from patients with mild symptoms.Other key sites such as 119,274,292 and 294 amino acids of NA protein,627 of PB2 protein were conserved.Meanwhile,all the M2 protein sequences possessed the Ser32Asn mutation,suggesting that these viruses were resistant to adamantanes.Comparison of these sequences with other H1N1 viruses collected from the NCBI database provides insight into H1N1 transmission and circulation patterns.  相似文献   
Structural properties of carbohydrate surface binding sites (SBSs) were investigated with computational methods. Eighty‐five SBSs of 44 enzymes in 119 Protein Data Bank (PDB) files were collected as a dataset. On the basis of SBSs shape, they were divided into 3 categories: flat surfaces, clefts, and cavities (types A, B, and C, respectively). Ligand varieties showed the correlation between shape of SBSs and ligands size. To reduce cut‐off differences in each SBSs with different ligand size, molecular docking were performed. Molecular docking results were used to refine SBSs classification and binding sites cut‐off. Docking results predicted putative ligands positions and displayed dependence of the ligands binding mode to the structural type of SBSs. Physicochemical properties of SBSs were calculated for all docking results with YASARA Structure. The results showed that all SBSs are hydrophilic, while their charges could vary and depended to ligand size and defined cut‐off. Surface binding sites type B had highest average values of solvent accessible surface area. Analysis of interactions showed that hydrophobic interactions occur more than hydrogen bonds, which is related to the presence of aromatic residues and carbohydrates interactions.  相似文献   
第10号染色体缺失的磷酸酶与张力蛋白同源物(phosphatase and tensin homolog,PTEN)基因所编码的PTEN蛋白兼具有脂质和蛋白磷酸酶活性,它的表达、活性和稳定性受到各种结合蛋白、酶和因子的调节。结合最新研究,本文将集中对PTEN上氨基酸残基位点的各种翻译后修饰进行一综述。  相似文献   
石料开发与获取是石器生产操作链的重要环节,也是史前人地关系研究的重要内容,能够反映史前人类的资源开发策略、环境认知与适应能力、移动模式和交流贸易网络等。相比于旧大陆西侧,东亚地区的燧石和黑曜岩等优质石料产地相对稀缺,中国许多旧石器考古遗址的石器原料主要来自遗址周边质量欠佳的脉石英、石英岩和一般燧石等,而相关的旧石器时代石料开发策略系统研究也相对较少。本文对中国目前已开展的旧石器时代石料开发策略研究进行系统梳理分析和总结发现,从旧石器时代早期到晚期末段,中国境内史前人类的石料开发策略存在明显的时空变化,主要体现在石料类型组成、产地选取和开发方式三个方面,可能主要受到史前人类流动性变化、石器技术演变和环境变化等因素的共同影响。综合而言,开展旧石器时代遗址的石料开发策略研究,对于理解中国境内史前人类的行为模式和交流迁徙等有重要意义。  相似文献   
The type VI secretion system (T6SS) is a multiprotein weapon evolved by Gram-negative bacteria to deliver effectors into eukaryotic cells or bacterial rivals. The T6SS uses a contractile mechanism to propel an effector-loaded needle into its target. The contractile tail is built on an assembly platform, the baseplate, which is anchored to a membrane complex. Baseplate-membrane complex interactions are mainly mediated by contacts between the C-terminal domain of the TssK baseplate component and the cytoplasmic domain of the TssL inner membrane protein. Currently, the structural details of this interaction are unknown due to the marginal stability of the TssK-TssL complex. Here we conducted a mutagenesis study based on putative TssK-TssL contact pairs identified by co-evolution analyses. We then evaluated the impact of these mutations on T6SS activity, TssK-TssL interaction and sheath assembly and dynamics in enteroaggregative Escherichia coli. Finally, we probed the TssK-TssL interface by disulfide cross-linking, allowing to propose a model for the baseplate-membrane complex interface.  相似文献   
2009年12月至2010年2月,在嘉陵江中游采用样方法研究长嘴剑鸻Charadriusplacidus冬季觅食地选择。通过Mann-Whitney检验,发现基质类型、土壤动物生物量、裸地面积比例、距明水距离和坡度等变量在长嘴剑鸻的觅食地样方(n=62)和对照样方(n=62)间存在极显著性差异(Mann-Whitney检验,P<0.01)。对存在显著性差异的变量进行逻辑斯谛回归分析表明,裸地面积比例对长嘴剑鸻觅食地选择的影响最大,然后依次是坡度和土壤动物生物量。此外,对比渠化江段和自然江段长嘴剑鸻觅食地样方的结果表明,二者在距人为干扰距离和基质类型两个变量间存在显著性差异(Mann-Whitney检验,P<0.05),这在一定程度上反映了长嘴剑鸻对渠化江段的部分适应。总之,长嘴剑鸻偏好在食物丰富、坡度平缓的近水源裸露鹅卵石滩觅食。因此,加强沿江滩涂的保护对长嘴剑鸻有着重要意义。  相似文献   
In order to determine whether polymorphic forms of the Ca2+ + Mg2+-dependent ATPase exist, we have examined the cross-reactivity of five monoclonal antibodies prepared against the rabbit skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum enzyme with proteins from microsomal fractions isolated from a variety of muscle and nonmuscle tissues. All of the monoclonal antibodies cross-reacted in immunoblots against rat skeletal muscle Ca2+ + Mg2+-dependent ATPase but they cross-reacted differentially with the enzyme from chicken skeletal muscle. No cross-reactivity was observed with the Ca2+ + Mg2+-dependent ATPase of lobster skeletal muscle. The pattern of antibody cross-reactivity with a 100,000 dalton protein from sarcoplasmic reticulum and microsomes isolated from various muscle and nonmuscle tissues of rabbit demonstrated the presence of common epitopes in multiple polymorphic forms of the Ca2+ + Mg2+-dependent ATPase. One of the monoclonal antibodies prepared against the purified Ca2+ + Mg2+-dependent ATPase of rabbit skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum was found to cross-react with calsequestrin and with a series of other Ca2+-binding proteins and their proteolytic fragments. Its cross-reactivity was enhanced in the presence of EGTA and diminished in the presence of Ca2+. Its lack of cross-reactivity with proteins that do not bind Ca2+ suggests that it has specificity for antigenic determinants that make up the Ca2+-binding sites in several Ca2+-binding proteins including the Ca2+ + Mg2+-dependent ATPase.This paper is dedicated to the memory of Dr. David E. Green.  相似文献   
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