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Abstract:  Bulk screening of Early Cretaceous (Barremian) Wessex Formation strata exposed on the south-east coast of the Isle of Wight, southern England, has resulted in the recovery of neoselachian shark teeth referred to the scyliorhinid Palaeoscyllium . These are the first neoselachian remains from the British Wealden Group and represent the geologically oldest neoselachian yet recovered from a freshwater deposit. This is also the only known example of a non-marine occurrence of a member of the Scyliorhinidae.  相似文献   
Interpretation of the adaptive profile of ancestral primates is controversial and has been constrained for decades by general acceptance of the premise that the first primates were very small. Here we show that neither the fossil record nor modern species provide evidence that the last common ancestor of living primates was small. Instead, comparative weight distributions of arboreal mammals and a phylogenetic reconstruction of ancestral primate body mass indicate that the reduction of functional claws to nails -- a primate characteristic that had up until now eluded satisfactory explanation - resulted from an increase in body mass to around 1000 g or more in the primate stem lineage. The associated shift to a largely vegetarian diet coincided with increased angiosperm diversity and the evolution of larger fruit size during the Late Cretaceous.  相似文献   
The fragmentary remains of a juvenile rhabdodontid ornithopod from the Coal-bearing Complex of the Gosau Group (Lower Campanian, Grünbach syncline) at Muthmannsdorf near Wiener Neustadt, Lower Austria are revised. The material, probably belonging to a single individual, includes a right dentary (lectotype of Iguanodon suessi Bunzel, 1871, designated herein), teeth, a fragmentary parietal, fragments of scapula, ?radius, femur, tibia, two vertebrae (lost) and a manual ungual.The lectotype dentary does not provide clear autapomorphies or sufficient diagnostic features to determine its position within the Rhabdodontidae at generic level. By this “Iguanodon suessi” Bunzel, 1871 and the genus “Mochlodon” Seeley, 1881, to which it was latter referred as type species, cannot be characterized sufficiently by differential diagnosis and these are best considered nomina dubia. Based upon combined character comparisons (mainly postcranial features) the Muthmannsdorf ornithopod is referred herein to Zalmoxes Weishampel, Jianu, Csiki and Norman, 2003, a genus so far known from the late Maastrichtian of Romania. It probably but not evidently represents a yet unnamed species, most closely related to Zalmoxes shqiperorum Weishampel, Jianu, Csiki and Norman, 2003. At the present state of knowledge the Austrian material is not further diagnostic at the species level and kept in open nomenclature as Zalmoxes sp.  相似文献   

Background and Aims

Ericales are a major group of extant asterid angiosperms that are well represented in the Late Cretaceous fossil record, mainly by flowers, fruits and seeds. Exceptionally well preserved fossil flowers, here described as Glandulocalyx upatoiensis gen. & sp. nov., from the Santonian of Georgia, USA, yield new detailed evidence of floral structure in one of these early members of Ericales and provide a secure basis for comparison with extant taxa.


The floral structure of several fossil specimens was studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), light microscopy of microtome thin sections and synchrotron-radiation X-ray tomographic microscopy (SRXTM). For direct comparisons with flowers of extant Ericales, selected floral features of Actinidiaceae and Clethraceae were studied with SEM.

Key Results

Flowers of G. upatoiensis have five sepals with quincuncial aestivation, five free petals with quincuncial aestivation, 20–28 stamens arranged in a single series, extrorse anther orientation in the bud, ventral anther attachment and a tricarpellate, syncarpous ovary with three free styles and numerous small ovules on axile, protruding-diffuse and pendant placentae. The calyx is characterized by a conspicuous indumentum of large, densely arranged, multicellular and possibly glandular trichomes.


Comparison with extant taxa provides clear evidence for a relationship with core Ericales comprised of the extant families Actinidiaceae, Roridulaceae, Sarraceniaceae, Clethraceae, Cyrillaceae and Ericaceae. Within this group, the most marked similarities are with extant Actinidiaceae and, to a lesser degree, with Clethraceae. More detailed analyses of the relationships of Glandulocalyx and other Ericales from the Late Cretaceous will require an improved understanding of the morphological features that diagnose particular extant groups defined on the basis of molecular data.  相似文献   
Abstract: The smallest living amniotes are all lizards, but the fossil history of this size trait in Squamata is difficult to follow because small skeletons have low preservation potential and are often hard to detect in the field. A new squamate taxon, Jucaraseps grandipes gen. et sp. nov., is here described on the basis of an articulated skeleton from the Early Cretaceous Spanish lagerstätten of Las Hoyas. It differs from other known Mesozoic lizards in combining very small body size with a short rostrum, low maxillary tooth count, a relatively slender and elongated body, and short limbs with large hind feet. Phylogenetic analysis using TNT places it on the stem of a clade encompassing scincomorphs, gekkotans, snakes, amphisbaenians and anguimorphs. Comparison with modern lizards suggests it was probably a cryptic surface or subsurface ground dweller but not a burrower.  相似文献   
通过对黑龙江省乌拉嘎地区晚白垩世渔亮子组地层发现的董氏乌拉嘎龙(Wulagasaurus dongi)的原有材料和新材料进行对比研究和重新评估,可以认定以前归入乌拉嘎龙的部分骨骼(包括不完整的脑颅骨、上颌骨和肩胛骨)实际上应该属于赖氏龙类,并相应地修订了其鉴定特征。乌拉嘎龙具有同北美地区发现的短冠龙和慈母龙十分相似的骨学特征:长而楔形的前顶点位于颧骨前支的一半背腹高度处;颧骨后支呈扇形;乌喙骨的腹突相对较长且纤细;肱骨三角胸嵴较不发育,适度地向前外方扩展;髂骨髋臼上突的腹缘呈不对称的U形,缺乏一条强烈的嵴连接其后部区域与髋臼后突的背缘。系统发育分析结果显示乌拉嘎龙、短冠龙和慈母龙共同构成了鸭嘴龙亚科的一个基干支系。该支系起源于桑托期的亚洲,可能在中坎帕期之前发生分异并通过白令陆桥向北美地区迁徙辐射。  相似文献   
In 1905, Nopcsa tentatively identified a fragmentary rib from the Jibou Formation at Someş Odorhei as belonging to an ornithopod dinosaur. Therefore, he concluded that the base of this formation is Late Cretaceous, but this hypothesis was subsequently ignored or rejected by other authors. New dinosaur bones discovered in this locality by new excavations are here interpreted as belonging to the euornithopod Zalmoxes shqiperorum Weishampel, Jianu, Csiki and Norman, 2003. The base of the Jibou Formation can therefore be regarded as Maastrichtian, correlative to the Sânpetru Formation and to the middle member of the Densuş Ciula Formation from the Haţeg Basin, as well as the base of the Şard Formation in the southwestern Basin of Transylvania, in the Alba Iulia area. The presence of Zalmoxes at Someş Odorhei also confirms the northeastern extension for the ‘Haţeg Island’ in Transylvania.  相似文献   
Leaflets of Marsileaceae are described from the Albian (Early Cretaceous) strata of Jordan. The fossils are from the Jarash Formation (Kurnub Group) and are found in fluvial sediments along with water lily leaves. The small wedge-shaped leaves have dichotomous veins that anastomose and form a marginal vein. Based on comparisons to living genera, Marsileaceaephyllum mahisensis Hu, Taylor, Brenner et Basha, n. sp., is most similar to Marsilea, in particular, with terrestrial leaflet forms; yet, it is distinct from living and fossil species by its small size and the few dichotomously branched middle veins that have a monopodial course. In addition, a single similar-veined smaller leaf with a retuse apex is thought to be a juvenile leaf of the same species. This is the first megafossil evidence of the family from Africa/Arabian Peninsula.  相似文献   
Use of the genus Sphenobaiera Florin for deeply divided ginkgoalean leaves lacking a petiole is discussed. The type material of the species Sphenobaiera ikorfatensis (Seward) Florin from the Lower Cretaceous at Ikorfat in West Greenland is diagnosed, redescribed and the lectotype designated. The cuticle, which is described and figured in detail for the first time, shows the leaf to be amphistomatic and allows previous identifications of Sphenobaiera ikorfatensis in Lower Cretaceous floras from Siberia and China to be confirmed.  相似文献   
Summary A new section through Cretaceous deposits was discovered 1 km west of the Dizlu village (approximately 40 km north of Esfahan, central Iran). Lithologically, the section distinctly differs from all other sections exposed in neighboring localities. A scleractinian coral fauna (Upper Aptian-Upper Albian), collected from a reefal limestone, is described in detail. The following taxa were found:Actinastrea aff.pseudominima (Koby),Columactinastraea sp.,Eugyra cotteaui (d'Orbigny),Pseudomyriophyllia turnsekae Baron-Szabo,Montlivaltia sp.,Paraclausastrea pulchra Morycowa,Placocoenia robusta Oppenheim,Columnocoenia ksiazkiewiczi Morycowa,Stylina micropora Koby,Felixigyra deangelisi Prever,Cyathophora haysensis Wells,Diploastraea harrisi Wells,Morphastrea cf.ludovicina (Michelin),Meandrophyllia meandroides (Koby),Eocomoseris raueni L?ser,Fungiastrea crespoi (Felix),Latiastraea cf.kaufmanni (Koby),Kobya aff.crassolamellosa Gregory. The coral association of the Esfahan region is dominated by forms that are known to be cosmopolitan and semicosmopolitan in the Lower Cretaceous. It was found that over 40% of the coral fauna had previously been reported from both Lower and Upper Cretaceous strata. A similar pattern has been recognized for other reefal associations (e.g. Albian of Greece and Upper Barremian-Middle Albian of Mexico). In contrast, coral assemblages which developed in rather soft bottom environments have a significantly smaller percentage (15–20%) of taxa extending into the Upper Cretaceous and show closer affinities to Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous faunas.  相似文献   
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