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河南西峡盆地晚白垩世含恐龙蛋地层中的介形类   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
河南西峡盆地含恐龙蛋地层高沟组、马家村组和寺沟组共发现介形类13属(亚属)20种,其中高沟组和寺沟组的介形类为首次报道.文章重点讨论了介形类Talicyridea动物群,其中Talicypridea,Altanicypris,Ruficypris和Lunicypris属的地质历程均限于晚白垩世.依据Talicyprid...  相似文献   
Enamel hypoplasia was recorded for the primary and permanent teeth of Natufians (terminal Pleistocene Hunter-Gatherers) and Early Arabs (Subsistence farmers). Minimal hypoplasia was found in the primary teeth of the Natufians, but in the Early Arab population, 31% of upper first primary molars showed enamel defects. In the permanent teeth, the Early Arab population again showed a significantly higher frequency of hypoplasia, with all teeth affected. In the Natufians, only later developing teeth showed enamel defects. These findings suggest that health status in the Early Arab population was poor throughout life, affecting pregnant mothers, their foetuses, young infants and children. These results confirm other studies that have shown deterioration in health status of early agriculturalists relative to hunter- gatherers. Comparisons of these findings with those of recent populations indicate that health status in the Natufians was comparable to that of modern populations with subsistence diets and mediocre health care. Health status in the Early Arab population was comparable to that of modern populations suffering from severe malnutrition and chronic disease.  相似文献   
The pollen and charcoal record of a 1,500-cm-long lake sediment core from Lagoa Nova allows a reconstruction of vegetation, climate and fire history in the Atlantic lowland of southeastern Brazil. Today the potential vegetation of the study region would be dense and tall semi-deciduous forest, related to a dry season of 4 months and 1,250 mm precipitation per year. The lowermost core section of Lagoa Nova is probably of late Glacial age and contains only few, poorly preserved pollen grains, indicating dry environmental conditions. Pollen preservation was good above 1,005-cm core depth. Extrapolating from four radiocarbon dates, this interval represents about the last 10,000 years. During the early Holocene (until about 8,500 b.p.), the landscape was dominated by savanna of the campo cerrado type (open shrub woodland), with frequent trees of Curatella americana and small areas of gallery forests along the drainage system. Savanna fires, probably natural, were frequent at that time. The palaeovegetation pattern is consistent with a long dry season of about 6 months and annual precipitation lower than today. Then, up to about 7,560 b.p., gallery forests expanded in the valleys, reflecting a shorter dry season of about 5 months and somewhat higher annual rainfall. Fire was less frequent during this wetter period. Between about 7,560 and 6,060 b.p., savanna expanded and gallery forests retreated, indicating a return to drier climatic conditions of probably between 5 and 6 months dry season and lower precipitation. Fire was again frequent, but not as frequent as during the early Holocene. During the mid to late Holocene period between about 6,060 and 2,180 b.p., the valleys were covered by semi-deciduous forest, but on the hills cerrado vegetation continued to grow. The dry season was probably around 5 months and rainfall was higher than in the preceding period. During the following period between about 2,810 and 600 b.p., the open cerrado on the hills changed to closed cerrado, reflecting wetter conditions with a shorter dry season than in the previous period. It was only after about 600 b.p. that dense semi-deciduous forests expanded throughout the study region, indicating the start of modern, wet climatic conditions with an annual dry season of about 4 months. Fire was nearly absent during this period. The reconstructed palaeoenvironment from the Lagoa Nova record is similar to that of Lago do Pires, indicating that changes in past vegetation, climate and fire frequency are regionally consistent in southeastern Brazil.  相似文献   
The Devonian/Carboniferous (D/C) transition is characterized by a major transgressive/regressive cycle which led to a widespread ocean anoxia known as the Hangenberg Black Shale Event (HBSE), as well to a major sea-level fall (Hangenberg Sandstone Event, HSSE), recognized around the world. Both events are known as the Hangenberg Crisis. In order to examine the D/C transition in shallow water environment, the Mighan section in eastern Alborz was studied in terms of conodont biostratigraphy and stable isotope geochemistry. Twenty-five conodont species belonging to seven genera were identified and 5 conodont zones discriminated; namely, the Bispathodus aculeatus aculeatus Zone, Bispathodus costatus Zone, Bispathodus ultimus Zone, Siphonodella praesulcata Zone, costatus-kockeli Interregnum, and the sulcata Zone. Below the Devonian–Carboniferous boundary (DCB), the Hangenberg Black Shale and Hangenberg Sandstone equivalents were recognized, representing the Hangenberg Crisis that highly affected trilobite, ammonoid, brachiopod and conodont faunas at Mighan and worldwide. The kockeli Zone of the latest Famennian is missing at Mighan due to the lack of conodonts, probably related with the major environmental changes linked with the Hangenberg Crisis recognizable worldwide. Carbon isotopes measured of micrites from Mighan indicate a proximal depositional environment of a shallow shelf with terrestrial input and the oxygen isotope values from conodont apatite suggest warm seawater temperatures of tropical and subtropical setting in the study area.  相似文献   
<正> This paper describes Mammalian fossils of 18 species discovered at Donghuangzhuang,about 15 km from NE of Qufu county,Shandong Province.The materials were collected bya farmer in 1984 and were sent to The Shandong Provincial Museum for studing.A short fieldinvestigation was made by Wang Jinwen,Sha Yesue(BGMRSD),Han Qingwen(SDM)andthe present author in same year.The age of the fauna is tentatively considered as the late Late Eocene,probably correlatedas the Heti Fauna(Yuanqu Basin).It represents the first occurrence of Late Eocene fossils inthis province.  相似文献   
首次在北羌塘盆地北部乌兰乌拉湖地区测制了多条晚二叠世地层剖面,并采获丰富的古生物化石。将区内二叠系划分为那益雄组和拉卜查日组两个正式组级地层单位。描述了新发现的一个类新种和四个海绵类新种,建立了两个类生物带,即Codonofusiella-Gallowayinellalaxa组合带及Palaeofusulinasinensis延限带,一个非有孔虫组合带,即Colaniellanana-Robuloidesacutus组合带。其地质年代为晚二叠世长兴期。  相似文献   
广东封开县罗沙岩洞穴遗址第一期发掘简报   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
封开罗沙岩第一期发掘,出土了一些打制石器,它们有明确的地层,并有绝对年代测定数据,有助于解决广东是否有旧石器文化的争论。  相似文献   
不同育秧方式和插植密度下晚籼稻群体动态结构存在差异。旱育秧群体分蘖速度快,分蘖能力强。稀植可促进个体分蘖多发、有效穗数增多,但旱育稀植并无分蘖早发的优势。旱育稀植使主茎基部叶片变短而上部叶片变长,生育后期叶面积消长平稳,地上部干物质积累较多。旱育秧、稀植都使主茎叶总数增多,全生育期延长。  相似文献   
新兴遗址第1地点位于吉林省汪清县嘎呀河支流前河北岸的二级阶地,2018年调查发现,2019年对该地点进行了复查和试掘,试掘面积14 m2。采集和试掘发现标本131件,以石制品为主,包括石核、石片、石叶、细石叶、刮削器、砍砸器、尖状器、手斧和磨制石器,此外还发现有少量夹砂陶片。总体来看该遗址包含旧石器和新石器两期文化遗存,其中旧石器时代遗存以石叶和细石叶为主要技术特征,石制品原料以硅质页岩和黑曜岩为主,根据石制品技术特征和地层堆积情况判断,年代与临近的黑龙江穆棱市康乐遗址年代相近,为距今10000年前后;新石器时代文化遗存属图们江流域金谷文化范畴。  相似文献   
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