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The Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event (GOBE) refers to one of the greatest increases in biodiversity during the Phanerozoic. Recent studies have shown that this taxonomic increase can be attributed to elevated origination rates around the Dapingian–Darriwilian boundary in the Middle Ordovician, while extinction rates stayed relatively constant throughout the Ordovician. Even though this global pattern of origination and extinction appears similar across diverse groups and geographical areas, earlier studies suggested that hard substrate taxa may have diversified prior to the GOBE, during the Early Ordovician. Here, we quantify Ordovician diversification dynamics of hard substrate taxa while simultaneously accounting for temporally varying sampling probabilities. Diversification rates of hard substrate taxa, both as a whole and when analysed as separate groups, appear to be very similar to those of free-living benthic taxa. The observation that the diversification dynamics of many different taxonomic and ecological groups show the same temporal pattern, suggests a common cause of Ordovician diversification dynamics.  相似文献   
The presence of a large hyaenoid (Hiperhyaena sic leakeyi) from the Late Miocene (Vallesian equivalent) deposits at Nakali, Kenya, was first recorded in 1974, but the fossil on which the announcement was based was not described or figured, nor was a type specimen or type species nominated. The generic and specific names are thus nomina nuda. Howell and Petter (1985) described Hyperhyaena leakeyi, and credited the generic and specific names alternatively to Aguirre and Leakey (1974) and Aguirre and Crusafont in 1974 (the latter paper was never published). Howell and Petter are in fact the authors of both the generic and the specific names. Later in the same paper, Howell and Petter (1985) rejected the name Hyperhyaena and classified the species leakeyi in Allohyaena (Dinocrocuta). The purpose of this paper is to provide more information about the fossil and to discuss its relationships to other percrocutids. It is concluded that it belongs to the genus Percrocuta Kretzoi, 1938, being morphologically similar to the type species Percrocuta carnifex (Pilgrim, 1913) from the Siwaliks of Pakistan.  相似文献   
Isolated material of Chewtonian graptolites from the Cow Head Group of western Newfoundland shows some new and unexpected structural details. A high number of the two- and three-stipedPendeograptus fruticosus specimens show metasicular origin for th11 combined with a normal isograptid proximal development. Sigmagraptine sicular development includes a large parallel-sided prosicula and a parallel-sided metasicula. One species acquired an azygograptid-like proximal end, characterised by a loss of the initial branching, but kept the capacity to produce distal dichotomies.Maeandrograptus sinosus n. sp. andKeblograptus geminus n. sp. are described as new species.   相似文献   
人巨细胞病毒IE及L基因片段的检出与动脉粥样硬化的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈瑞珍  杨英珍 《病毒学报》1995,11(4):312-316
Oncoidal limestones with different oncoid types are ubiquitous in back-reef open-lagoonal and, to a minor amount, in closed-lagoonal facies of the Late Jurassic Plassen Carbonate Platform of the Northern Calcareous Alps. A common feature of the oncoids from moderately to well-agitated open-lagoonal habitats are incorporated small trochospiral benthic foraminifers, tentatively assigned to trochamminids, switched between individual micritic layers. Their life style is discussed concluding a specialized feeding on cyanophytes on the outer side of the oncoids and later becoming biomurated by successive sheet formations due to oncoid growing.  相似文献   
The Late Cretaceous shallow-water depositional areas of southern Tethys were complexes of unprotected shelves occupied by foramol assemblages that produced loose, diagenetically stable bioclastic debris not involved in significant in situ cementation processes. Both storm- and wind-induced currents and waves exercised a strong control on the distribution of the shifting biogenic sediments which covered the open sea-floor, constituting large coalescing sheets of winnowed fine to coarse skeletal sands. Rudists spread over all shelf sectors, from more open and external areas to more internal ones, occupying different substrata and furnishing the bulk of the skeletal component by means of bioerosion processes. They colonised mobile sediments giving rise to complex bodies with peculiar characteristics related to environmental parameters of the different sectors of the shelf. On the basis of detailed sedimentological, taphonomic and palaeontological data, we recognised two main rudist-rich depositional settings (‘end members’) in the southern Italy Senonian rudist-bearing successions. In successions pertaining to hypothesised marginal shelf sectors, characterised by high-energy regime deposits, rudist lithosomes are metric in thickness and lateral extent and lens-like in morphology, rich in bioerosion-derived skeletal sand and silt. Rudists are highly diversified. Large elongated cylindro-conical hippuritids (mostly pertaining to the genera Hippurites and Vaccinites), thick-shelled radiolitids and plagioptychids largely dominate. Rudists clustered in life position are subordinate; they often form small bouquets. More commonly these organisms appear fallen but only barely reworked. The rudist-rich bodies laterally pass into clean bioclastic grainstone in which sedimentary structures, related to current and/or storm erosional action, are common. No evidence of significant original relief of the rudist bodies in respect of the neighbouring sediment can be recognised. The submarine erosion and/or the high-energy processes operating presumably inhibited the aggradation of the tidal sediments above the marginal ones. As a consequence the vertical facies organisation shows widespread subtidal cycles, as commonly recognised in open shelves with ramp-like morphologies. In successions pertaining to more internal and/or low-energy sectors, rudist-rich beds rhythmically alternate with finer-grained foraminiferal limestones. Small elevator radiolitids with oligospecific diversity are dominant, mostly concentrated in clumps. Rudists in growth position are abundant, although a large quantity of shells appear toppled with little reworking. They may form laterally continuous biostromal shell beds. Sedimentary structures such as cross-lamination and gradation are only occasionally present. The resulting facies are commonly arranged in peritidal/shallow subtidal cycles in which evidence of subaerial (up to pedogenic modifications on a large and small scale) and, less frequently, submarine exposure is common. Intermediate successions have been recognised, characterised by deposits of silty-sand plains, which present intercalations of graded, bioclastic, storm-related beds. Sedimentological characteristics seem to document more open conditions in which submarine erosion was intermittently prevalent. In these successions rudist species that are commonly found both in high-energy and low-energy assemblages coexist.  相似文献   
Abstract:  Palaeozoic corals and stromatoporoids exhibit a variety of internal banding phenomena, many of which have been commonly interpreted as annual growth bands. We evaluate bands through analysis of colonial corals and stromatoporoids from three stratigraphic intervals: Upper Ordovician of Manitoba Canada, and Llandovery–Wenlock and Ludlow of Gotland, Sweden. Banding features are divided into four categories: (1) absence of banding; (2) density banding formed by variation in density or form of elements; (3) growth-interruption banding indicating growth cessation and regeneration; and (4) post-mortem banding caused by compaction or diagenesis. For discrimination of band types, it is essential to examine internal structures and skeletal margins in thin sections or acetate peels. Species vary considerably in degree and type of banding; each has a distinct pattern of variation. We propose criteria to determine if banding is consistent with seasonally induced growth variation: (1) consistency in band character and thickness; (2) continuity of skeletal growth; (3) marginal features; and (4) evidence of diagenetic alteration. Density bands in tabulate and rugose corals probably represent annual growth variations, but results for stromatoporoids are more ambiguous; although stromatoporoids commonly show banding, unequivocal density banding is poorly developed and growth interruption generated most stromatoporoid banding. Cerioid rugose and tabulate corals possess the thickest density bands; the thinnest bands are in stromatoporoids and heliolitid tabulates.  相似文献   
A new species of an atoposaurid crocodilian, Theriosuchus guimarotae, is described from the Late Jurassic (Kimmeridgian) of Portugal. Theriosuchus guimarotae can be distinguished from other species of Theriosuchus by a lateral surface of squamosal bevelled ventrally; a rounded, caudally projecting and dorsally sculptured caudolateral corner of the squamosal; a premaxillomaxillary suture aligned caudomedially in dorsal aspect; a minimum space between the supratemporal foramina that comprises one third of the total width of the cranial table; a minimum width of the frontal between the orbits that comprises one third of the maximum width of the skull at the orbits; a dentition that comprises only pseudocaniniform and lanceolate-shaped teeth; the presence of an external mandibular fenestra and all vertebral bodies amphicoelous. Its osteology also sheds light on the diagnosis of Theriosuchus within Atoposauridae. The material additionally includes specimens representative of several ontogenetic stages, each of which is discussed here. With its Late Jurassic age, T. guimarotae represents the oldest well-preserved material of Theriosuchus and reveals further knowledge about the palaeobiogeography of the genus in western Europe.  相似文献   
Abundant and diverse dinoflagellate cyst assemblages from the Rhaetian of southern England are characterized by the occurrence of a new species of Rhaetogonyaulax, some undescribed taxa and numerous forms with Arctic and Australasian affinities. The dinoflagellate cyst assemblages permit a discussion of the palaeogeographic distribution of dinoflagellate cysts in the Late Triassic. The hypothesis on a Late Triassic migration event of organic walled microplankton from higher latitudes to the Boreal domain is presented.  相似文献   
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