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Tree decline and deaths have been observed among 15 to 20-year-old Scots pines (Pinus sylvestris L.) in a dry heath forest in southwestern Finland. The sudden decline in height growth, the dieback of leading shoots and the yellowing of needles in young shoots in the upper part of the tree are typical symptoms of the decline of these young pines. Needle ultrastructure and chemical composition of Scots pines with or without decline and fluctuations of them in different seasons were studied. Afflicted trees were found to suffer from a deficiency in calcium and magnesium with low concentration of foliar nitrogen and phosphorus observed in all the trees studied. Ultrastructural study revealed changes characteristic of different seasons and measured nutrient status of needles. A clear reduction of membrane system in chloroplasts, especially related to Mg deficiency, was observed in most samples. The symptoms related to N deficiency, the translucent appearance of the cytoplasm and chloroplast stroma, and the elongated chloroplasts, as well as swelling of mitochondria, indicating P deficiency, were also found in the needles sampled from this forest decline area. The present study showed that it is possible to detect specific nutrient deficiency symptoms in needle ultrastructure in field samples and for use as sensitive indicators of unbalanced nutrient status.  相似文献   
峨嵋山冷杉森林衰退状况研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
报道和分析了峨嵋山冷杉森林的衰退状况。对冷杉种群的受害程度、分布规律、症状特点及其与海拔、特定生境、立木径级和林型的关系进行了研究分析。指出峨嵋山冷杉森林衰退是全球森林衰退的组成部份,而不是个别的或偶然的现象;肯定了当地冷杉林衰退具有某些个性特征。由此认为,导致当地冷杉衰退的主要原因可能是某种或某些作用范围广、持续时间长、发生频率高、对全球森林系统构成威胁的因素所致。  相似文献   
The floristic and structural differentiation of vegetation along the altitudinal gradient in four subalpine forests of different developmental stages on Mt. Fuji has been studied. Near the forest limit a micropattern of vegetation corresponding to the altitudinal zonation has been observed which elucidated the mechanisms of development of the vegetation zonation. As to early stages of vegetation development only two types can be distinguished: the volcanic desert above 1500 m and the pioneer forests below. As to later stages a differentiation of subzones includes from higher to lower altitudes: the Alnus maximowiczii, Betula ermanii, Abies veitchii and Tsuga diversifolia forests. Larix leptolepis and Sorbus americana ssp. japonica, appear as co-dominants in ecotonal communities between the principal subzones and are also important pioneers in early stages. Similarity analyses reveal that the upper subalpine Alnus-Betula forests can be regarded as early successional phases of the climax Abies-Tsuga forests of the lower subalpine zone. The regular arrangement of A. maximowiczii-B. ermanii-A. veitchii is studied along the gradient from the margin to the interior of the forest growing near the forest limit where locally favourable conditions prevail. Growth form, height growth, photosynthetic activity, seed supply, and seedling distribution of the three principal species have been compared, as well as biomass and production relations in contiguous forests of these species. The marginal Alnus type community is productive and disturbance-tolerant, and has a wide ecological and sociological amplitude along the gradient, while the central Abies community is accumulative and disturbance-intolerant, and has a narrower tolerance range, but is superior in competition under stable habitat conditions. A vegetation organization, ‘temporal multi-storeyed structure’, is suggested which means that a zonal pattern of vegetation within a climax region develops by successive replacement of successional species along an environmental gradient.  相似文献   
The oxidation of NADPH and NADH was studied in the light and in the dark using sonically derived membrane vesicles and osmotically shocked spheroplasts. These two types of cell-free membrane preparations mostly differ in that the cell and thylakoid membranes are scrambled in the former type and that they are more or less separated in the latter type of preparations. In the light, using both kinds of preparations, each of NADPH and NADH donates electrons via the plastoquinone-cytochrome bc redox complex (Qbc redox complex) to the thylakoid membrane-bound cytochrome c-553 preoxidized by a light flash and to methylviologen via Photosystem I. NADPH donates electrons to the thylakoid membrane via a weakly rotenone-sensitive dehydrogenase to a site that is situated beyond the 3(3′,4′-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea sensitive site and before plastoquinone. Ferredoxin and easily soluble cytoplasmic proteins are presumably not involved in light-mediated NADPH oxidation. Inhibitors of electron transfer at the Qbc redox complex as the dinitrophenylether of 2-iodo-4-nitrothymol, 2,5-dibromo-3-methyl-6-isopropyl-p-benzoquinone and 2-n-heptyl-4-hydroxy-quinone-N-oxide are effective, but antimycin A and KCN are not. The oxidation of NADH showed comparable sensitivity to these inhibitors. However, the oxidation of NADH is antimycin-A-sensitive regardless of the kind of membrane preparation used, indicating that in this case electrons are donated to a different site on the thylakoid membrane. In the dark, NADPH and NADH donate electrons at sites that behave similar to those of light-mediated oxidation, indicating that the initial steps of electron transfer are situated at the thylakoid membranes. However, NADPH oxidation is in some cases not sensitive to inhibitors active at the Qbc redox complex. It is concluded that O2 reduction takes place at two different sites, one partly developed in vitro, situated near the rotenone-sensitive NADPH dehydrogenase, and another, highly KCN-sensitive one, situated beyond the Qbc redox complex and used in vivo. The terminal oxygen-reducing step of NADPH and NADH oxidation in the dark showed a preparation-dependent sensitivity for KCN, more than 80% inhibition in sonically derived membrane vesicles and less than 30% inhibition in osmotically shocked spheroplasts. From this result we tentatively conclude that the highly KCN-sensitive oxidase is not necessarily located at the thylakoid membrane and could be located at the cytoplasmic membrane.  相似文献   
The NAD-dependent oxidation of ethanol, 2,3-butanediol, and other primary and secondary alcohols, catalyzed by alcohol dehydrogenases derived from Penicillium charlesii, was investigated. Alcohol dehydrogenase, ADH-I, was purified to homogeneity in a yield of 54%. The enzyme utilizes several primary alcohols as substrates, with Km values of the order of 10?4m. A Km value of 60 mm was obtained for R,R,-2,3-butanediol. The stereospecificity of the oxidation of 2-butanol was investigated, and S-(+)-2-butanol was found to be oxidized 2.4 times faster than was R-(?)-2-butanol. The reduction of 2-butanone was shown to produce S-(+)-2-butanol and R-(?)-butanol in a ratio of 7:3. ADH-I is the primary isozyme of alcohol dehydrogenase present in cultures utilizing glucose as the sole carbon source. The level of alcohol dehydrogenase activity increased 7.6-fold in mycelia from cultures grown with glucose and 2,3-butanediol (0.5%) as carbon sources compared with the activity in cultures grown on only glucose. Two additional forms of alcohol dehydrogenase, ADH-II and ADH-III, were present in the cultures supplemented with 2,3-butanediol. These forms of alcohol dehydrogenase catalyze the oxidation of ethanol and 2,3-butanediol. These data suggest that P. charlesii carries out an oxidation of 2,3-butanediol which may constitute the first reaction in the degradation of 2,3-butanediol as well as the last reaction in the mixed-acid fermentation. Alcohol dehydrogenase activities in P. charlesii may be encoded by multiple genes, one which is expressed constitutively and others whose expression is inducible by 2,3-butanediol.  相似文献   
We have identified three germ cell surface carbohydrate antigens that exhibit a common, stage-specific pattern of expression during spermatogenesis in the mouse. IgM-class monoclonal antibodies designated "J1," "C6," and "A5" were absorbed by adult testis, but not by any adult somatic tissue tested. In indirect immunofluorescence assays using collagenase-dissociated prepuberal and adult testicular cells, these antibodies labeled the surfaces of early and late pachytene spermatocytes and round spermatids. Gonocytes from fetal and neonatal testes were not labeled. In paraffin sections of prepuberal and adult testes, sialidase treatment exposed antigens recognized by antibodies C6 and A5 on preleptotene, leptotene, and zygotene spermatocytes located near the perimeter of seminiferous tubules. The determinants recognized by antibodies J1, C6, and A5 were characterized partially using a sugar hapten inhibition assay. The binding of J1 to adult testicular cells was inhibited specifically by N-acetylglucosamine and the binding of both C6 and A5 was inhibited by N-acetyllactosamine. The glycoconjugates recognized by J1, C6, and A5 eluted from gel filtration columns with an apparent molecular weight greater than 1 X 10(6) and were sensitive to endo-beta-galactosidase (keratanase) treatment. The apparent high molecular weight of these glycoconjugates was confirmed by immunolabeling Western blots of testis extracts separated by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The results suggest that polylactosamine (keratan) glycoconjugates of high molecular weight are associated with the plasma membranes of meiotic and haploid male germ cells. The effects of sialidase on antibody labeling patterns suggest that changes in cell surface sialylation accompany the transition of early meiotic germ cells to pachytene spermatocytes during spermatogenesis.  相似文献   
G. Nakos 《Plant and Soil》1984,79(1):101-121
Summary Soils derived from a number of different parent materials (lithologies) and developed along a climatic gradient, manifested by the altitudinal succession of natural vegetation zones (Mediterranean, sub-Mediterranean, Mountainous and Pseudoalpine), were sampled throughout mainland Greece.In soils derived from siliceous parent materials low in clay, acidity increase and percent base saturation decreases from the Mediterranean to the Pseudoalpine vegetation zones. Clay illuviation is found mainly in soils developed in the Mediterranean and the sub-Mediterranean zones. No such changes are apparent in clayey soils rich in bases.Organic matter content of the mineral portion of the soil profile increases by a factor of 2 with a decrease in mean annual air temperature of about 10°C. The pattern of change in clay and soil organic matter content with climate is in relatively good agreement with soil development trends in the area, when soil profiles are named according to the FAO-Unesco soil map of the world.Concentrations of Ca and Mg decrease and those of total N, total and extractable P, K, Fe, Mn and Zn increase from the Mediterranean to the Mountainous zone. Within the same zone, however, concentrations of N, Ca, K, Fe, Mn and Zn decrease, but those of Mg, total and extractable P increase with soil depth. The concentrations of most macro- and micronutrients in the humic horizon are several times higher than those in the mineral portion of the soil profile due to biological enrichment.  相似文献   
Impact of human influences on the vegetation of the Western Himalaya   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
R. K. Gupta 《Plant Ecology》1978,37(2):111-118
Summary Effects of human influences on the vegetation of the Western Himalaya have been reviewed. Impacts of forest management practices, over-grazing, surface mining, defence and development operations, and road building activities, are severe in the region. This has created an alarming situation for soil and water conservation. Increased soil loss and runoff pose a threat to various reservoirs built for various uses and have increased hazards of erosion and floods in the Indus and Ganga basin regions.Nomenclature follows Hooker (1872–1897) and Gupta (1968).  相似文献   
Chondrocytes obtained from epiphyseal cartilage of fetal guinea pigs or ear cartilage of young rabbits were cultured in monolayer. The influence of colchicine, cytochalasin B, and p-nitrophenyl-β-d-xylopyranoside on secretion of proteoglycans was investigated. Radioactive sulfate was used as a precursor. As observed previously in other systems, β-d-xylosides initiated the synthesis of free chondroitin sulfate chains, competing with the endogenous proteoglycan core protein acceptor. The molecular weights of the chondroitin sulfate chains synthesized both on the xyloside and on the core-protein acceptor in maximally stimulated cells were similar and significantly lower than in proteoglycans synthesized in the absence of xyloside. The size of the chondroitin sulfate chains synthesized on the xyloside was inversely related to the concentration of this compound. This finding suggests that the chain length is dependent on the ratio between available acceptor and chain-lengthening enzymes or precursors. Cytochalasin B, a microfilament-modifying agent, inhibited proteoglycan synthesis, without any effect on secretion. Cells treated with cytochalasin B could be stimulated with β-d-xyloside to synthesize free chondroitin sulfate chains to the same relative degree as cells with intact microfilaments. Colchicine, an antimicrotubular agent, partially inhibited synthesis and secretion of proteoglycan. However, cells treated with colchicine could be stimulated with β-d-xyloside to synthesize and secrete free chondroitin sulfate chains to about the same relative degree as cells with intact microtubules. The data suggest that microtubules may have a facilitatory rather than an obligatory role in the secretion of proteoglycans and that at least part of the effect of colchicine is located at or after the site of glycosaminoglycan synthesis.  相似文献   
This study describes the first preparation and spectroscopic characterization of naturally occurring phospholipids separated according to degree of unsaturation. Phosphatidylserines (PS) have been prepared from bovine brain and shown to be pure by extensive thin layer chromatographic analysis as well as by infrared spectroscopy and fatty acid analysis. The PS has been separated according to degree of unsaturation and prepared using AgNO3-impregnated silica gel H thin-layer chromatography. Fatty acid analysis of the two principal PS subfractions indicates that they are enriched in the molecular species 1-octadecanoyl-2-docosahexaenoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphorylserine and 1-octadecanoyl-2-octadecenoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphorylserine. The identity of the two PS subfractions was further verified by rechromatographing on several thin layer systems and by infrared spectroscopy. With the use of a 100 MHz Fourier transform nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrometer, the spectra of bovine whole brain, white matter, gray matter, monoenoic, and hexaenoic PS were obtained. Distinct proton resonances were assigned to double bond protons, protons adjacent to a double bond, and protons between two double bonds, using fatty acid methyl ester standards. The various PS preparations gave different intensities of the various proton resonances which correlated with differences in fatty acid composition. The method provides a convenient, non-destructive spectroscopic method for distinguishing monoenoic and polyunsaturated species of intact phospholipids. Electron spin resonance studies of nitroxide-labelled cholestane in sonicated PS vesicles showed greater probe motion as the unsaturation of the acyl chains was increased. The hexaenoic PS vesicles were more fluid than monoenoic PS vesicles at all temperatures in the range 10-55 degrees C. These results suggest that neuronal membranes are more fluid than myelin membranes as neuronal membranes contain more hexaenoic phospholipids.  相似文献   
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