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目的研究补光对灰仓鼠(Cricetulus migratorus)越冬时脏器器官的影响。方法室温下将其分为自然光照组和补充光照组,分别在第0、30、48和150天时测定动物的体重和脏器器官的重量,应用涂片法检查精子的数量。结果自然光照时,精子数量在冬至时变化不大,但冬至后第18天,灰仓鼠的睾丸系数降到最低值,精子数量仅为422枚,第150天时恢复到正常繁殖状态,精子数量达到7440枚。其他脏器指数在冬至时最高,第150天时最低。补充光照后,雌雄鼠体重高峰值时间均比自然光照组提前100 d,各器官指数变化与体重变化情况相类似,但睾丸和子宫系数维持稳定,精子数量未发现减少。结论在自然光照时越冬灰仓鼠的脏器指数逐渐下降,第150天时脏器指数达至最高值,睾丸指数在冬至后第18天下降到最低值,处于非繁殖状态。补充光照后,越冬灰仓鼠的精子数量和子宫指数变化不大,一直维持繁殖状态。  相似文献   
近十年来,基于单分子定位的PALM成像技术快速发展,将显微镜的分辨率提高到了2-25nm。本文发现PALM成像过程中采用的激发光强度与成像的定位精度之间有密切的联系。我们分别选择了PALM成像使用的光激活荧光蛋白、光转换荧光蛋白和光开关荧光蛋白中最常用的荧光蛋白进行验证。实验发现伴随激光强度的增加,大部分荧光蛋白的光子数先升高然后趋于饱和,背景噪声几乎线性升高。进一步分析发现荧光蛋白的定位误差随着激光强度增强先降低后升高,因此选用合适的激光强度在PALM成像实验中至关重要。如何提高PALM成像的分辨率一直是科学家研究的热点,本研究内容可以指导研究人员在PALM成像中选用合适的激发光强度,从而得到高分辨率的图像。  相似文献   
本文报道了用低能量He—Ne激光血管内照射治疗脑血栓形成35例,与常规药物治疗组30例对照,结果表明治疗组明显优于对照组(P<0.05),二者有显著性差异.  相似文献   
微束激光转基因技术研究进展   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
本文叙述了激光微速穿刺法导入外源DNA的基本原理及其有关影响因素等。利用该转化方法,现已成功地获得了多种动植物细胞外源基因的转化。实验证明,激光微束穿刺转化技术简便有效、重复性好、靶体选择性强,对靶体无损伤等优点。随着转化技术自动化水平的提高。光镊技术的渗透和结合,激光微束转化技术将会得到更广泛的应用  相似文献   
本试验采用HeNe激光和N2激光辐照汉原小麦等四个材料的干种子,采用随机区组设计,重复三次,利用生物统计学和数量遗传学的方法,对单株籽粒产量及其与之密切相关的旗叶长等12个性状构成的43种选择指数分析表明:由单株籽粒产量和株高及由单株籽粒产量和旗叶长构成的选择指数的遗传进度的相对效率高出单株籽粒产量直接选择的29.85%和29.08%,仅涉及两个性状,实用性强,为较优选择指数。  相似文献   
痛觉诱发电位的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Qi YW  Luo F 《生理科学进展》2004,35(1):19-24
痛觉诱发电位的研究在过去的几十年内取得了重要进展 ,出现了许多用于被试的诱发明确疼痛感的刺激技术 ,并与诱发电位方法学联合应用 ,已经成为脑映像学研究中重要的组成部分。本文从刺激技术、痛觉诱发电位成分分析和偶极子源分析等方面出发 ,讨论了痛觉诱发电位的研究进展  相似文献   
This study presents a method for direct measurement of the compressive properties of single molecules of proteoglycan aggregate using a state-of-the-art laser tweezers/interferometer system previously developed to test the tensile properties of single molecules. A typical molecule of proteoglycan aggregate showed a highly non-linear resistance to compression after being compressed to about 25% of its original molecule length.  相似文献   
In studies of symbiotic efficiency it is of great importance to identify and separate individual Frankia strains from a nodule. Therefore, a new laser-based micromanipulation technique has been developed in which individual vesicles from root nodules of two Frankia-Alnus symbioses have been successfully cut loose and separated from clusters of vesicles in sterile conditions under light microscopy using a laser scalpel and optical tweezers. Vesicles from the Alnus incana-Frankia AvCI1 symbiosis were successfully isolated and grown in culture using this technique. The DNA from both Frankia sources was amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The work shows that a combination of laser-based manipulation techniques and PCR can be used for the separation and study of individual vesicles. This novel laser-based micromanipulation technique opens up various new possibilities, for instance, to study whether several Frankia strains can grow simultaneously in the same root nodule.  相似文献   
In this acceptance address for the Bioelectromagnetics Society's 2001 d'Arsonval Award, Dr. Tenforde reviews the highlights of the nonionizing field aspects of his research and scientific service career. These are focused in four areas: (a). development and application of microelectrophoretic methods to probe the surface chemistry of normal and cancerous cells; (b). research on the biophysical mechanisms of interaction and the dosimetry of static and extremely low frequency magnetic fields; (c). application of extremely high intensity magnetic fields in several spectroscopic methods for probing the detailed structures of large biological macromolecules; and (d). development of national and international guidelines for the exposure of workers and members of the general public to electromagnetic fields with frequencies spanning the entire nonionizing electromagnetic spectrum.  相似文献   
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