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近十年来,基于单分子定位的PALM成像技术快速发展,将显微镜的分辨率提高到了2-25nm。本文发现PALM成像过程中采用的激发光强度与成像的定位精度之间有密切的联系。我们分别选择了PALM成像使用的光激活荧光蛋白、光转换荧光蛋白和光开关荧光蛋白中最常用的荧光蛋白进行验证。实验发现伴随激光强度的增加,大部分荧光蛋白的光子数先升高然后趋于饱和,背景噪声几乎线性升高。进一步分析发现荧光蛋白的定位误差随着激光强度增强先降低后升高,因此选用合适的激光强度在PALM成像实验中至关重要。如何提高PALM成像的分辨率一直是科学家研究的热点,本研究内容可以指导研究人员在PALM成像中选用合适的激发光强度,从而得到高分辨率的图像。  相似文献   
Tightly bound to DNA proteins (TBPs) are a protein group that remains attached to DNA after its deproteinization by phenol, chloroform or salting-out. TBP are bound to DNA with covalent phosphotriester or non-covalent ion and hydrogen bonds. They appear to be a vast protein group involved in numerous intranuclear processes. The TBPs fraction co-purified with DNA deproteinized by mild procedures is extremely heterogeneous, tissue and species-specific. The protein fraction co-purified with DNA after harsh deproteinization procedures appears to be formed from few polypeptides common to different species and tissues. Interaction sites between DNA and TBPs depend on the physiological status of the cell. The binding sites of TBPs to DNA do not co-localize with the nuclear matrix attachment regions. We hypothesize that TBPs form a universal substrate for intranuclear processes.  相似文献   

The impact of pulsed laser irradiation on the marine biofilm forming bacterium Pseudoalteromonas carrageenovora was investigated in the laboratory by monitoring mortality and the post-irradiation growth pattern. The impact of laser irradiation on bacterial mortality increased with the duration of irradiation. Laser irradiation at 532 nm (0.1 J cm m 2 ) for 15 min resulted in a 53% cell mortality immediately after irradiation. However, the impact after a period of 5 h (delayed impact) was more severe. The growth pattern of irradiated samples showed a prolonged lag phase compared to the reference, due to a reduction in total viable counts (TVC) in the irradiated samples. Nucleic acid staining is suggested to be a promising technique for monitoring laser inflicted bacterial mortality. Thus, the results suggest that laser irradiation could be considered as an alternative technique to reduce the number of biofilm forming bacteria and thereby biofilm formation on hard surfaces.  相似文献   
Habitat enhancement for birds is frequently implemented during mine site restoration. Cliff‐nesting birds often colonize anthropogenic environments such as mining areas (aggregate sites and quarries for aggregate and cement production). Mining activity can compromise breeding success, causing cliff‐nesting birds to depend on the management and restoration of mining areas. The objective of our study is to assess the importance of mine site habitats for Sand Martin conservation and reconcile mining activity with breeding success in Mediterranean environments. We studied Sand Martin breeding habitat preferences in mining areas at three spatial scales. At the mining site scale, we compared 10 mining sites with Sand Martin burrows with 19 mining sites without burrows. At the colony scale (vertical structures with colonies), we evaluated the relationships between the number of breeding pairs, number of burrows, and colony characteristics within 30 distinct Sand Martin colonies. At the burrow scale, we compared the characteristics of the available vertical structure with the areas used by Sand Martins. At the mining site scale, Sand Martins preferred more surface of water bodies, shorter distances to flowing water, older sites, and mining sites which produce aggregates instead of cement. At the colony scale, Sand Martins preferred southwest orientations and stockpiles to vertical extraction faces. At the burrow scale, birds preferred the most vertical areas of the face. Our results support the need for effective habitat restoration and improved management for more effective Sand Martin conservation within mining areas. Simple interventions can enhance habitat quality and conservation of cliff‐nesting birds.  相似文献   
Microalgae contain lipid bodies (LBs) composed of triacylglycerols, which can be converted to biodiesel. Here we demonstrate a method to study the accumulation patterns of LBs in different microalgae strains and culture conditions utilizing laser scanning confocal microscopy (LSCM) with BODIPY 505/515 (4,4-difluoro-1,3,5,7-tetramethyl-4-bora-3a,4a-diaza-s-indacene) staining, in parallel with Nile Red (9-diethylamino-5H-benzo-a-phenoxazine-5-one) fluorescence analysis of intracellular lipids in microplates. Phaeodactylum tricornutum and Tetraselmis suecica were selected as model organisms and monitored throughout the growth phases in standard and nitrogen-deficient growth conditions. Utilizing image quantification techniques, the number and morphology of LBs suggest that P. tricornutum accumulates lipids by merging with existing LBs, while T. suecica synthesizes new LBs. We observed that T. suecica accumulates a higher number of LBs and total volume of lipids per cell, while P. tricornutum accumulates only 1–2 LBs with a larger volume per LB. LSCM analysis complements Nile Red (NR) methods because LSCM provides three-dimensional images of lipid accumulation at a cellular level, while NR analysis can quickly monitor the total levels of intracellular lipids for phenotypic screening. Using NR analysis, we have observed that the optimal harvest date for P. tricornutum and T. suecica in standard cultivation conditions is 24 and 42 days, respectively. Comparison with nitrogen-deficient growth conditions is utilized as a model to confirm that LSCM and NR analysis can be used to study lipid storage and productivity for diverse growth conditions and various strains of microalgae.  相似文献   
Laser‐capture microdissection (LCM) offers a reliable cell population enrichment tool and has been successfully coupled to MS analysis. Despite this, most proteomic studies employ whole tissue lysate (WTL) analysis in the discovery of disease biomarkers and in profiling analyses. Furthermore, the influence of tissue heterogeneity in WTL analysis, nor its impact in biomarker discovery studies have been completely elucidated. In order to address this, we compared previously obtained high resolution MS data from a cohort of 38 breast cancer tissues, of which both LCM enriched tumor epithelial cells and WTL samples were analyzed. Label‐free quantification (LFQ) analysis through MaxQuant software showed a significantly higher number of identified and quantified proteins in LCM enriched samples (3404) compared to WTLs (2837). Furthermore, WTL samples displayed a higher amount of missing data compared to LCM both at peptide and protein levels (p‐value < 0.001). 2D analysis on co‐expressed proteins revealed discrepant expression of immune system and lipid metabolisms related proteins between LCM and WTL samples. We hereby show that LCM better dissected the biology of breast tumor epithelial cells, possibly due to lower interference from surrounding tissues and highly abundant proteins. All data have been deposited in the ProteomeXchange with the dataset identifier PXD002381 ( http://proteomecentral.proteomexchange.org/dataset/PXD002381 ).  相似文献   
The gills of euryhaline fish are the ultimate ionoregulatory tissue, achieving ion homeostasis despite rapid and significant changes in external salinity. Cellular handling of sodium is not only critical for salt and water balance but is also directly linked to other essential functions such as acid–base homeostasis and nitrogen excretion. However, although measurement of intracellular sodium ([Na+]i) is important for an understanding of gill transport function, it is challenging and subject to methodological artifacts. Using gill filaments from a model euryhaline fish, inanga (Galaxias maculatus), the suitability of the fluorescent dye CoroNa Green as a probe for measuring [Na+]i in intact ionocytes was confirmed via confocal microscopy. Cell viability was verified, optimal dye loading parameters were determined, and the dye–ion dissociation constant was measured. Application of the technique to freshwater- and 100% seawater-acclimated inanga showed salinity-dependent changes in branchial [Na+]i, whereas no significant differences in branchial [Na+]i were determined in 50% seawater-acclimated fish. This technique facilitates the examination of real-time changes in gill [Na+]i in response to environmental factors and may offer significant insight into key homeostatic functions associated with the fish gill and the principles of sodium ion transport in other tissues and organisms.  相似文献   
Over the last decades, post‐illumination bursts (PIBs) of isoprene, acetaldehyde and green leaf volatiles (GLVs) following rapid light‐to‐dark transitions have been reported for a variety of different plant species. However, the mechanisms triggering their release still remain unclear. Here we measured PIBs of isoprene‐emitting (IE) and isoprene non‐emitting (NE) grey poplar plants grown under different climate scenarios (ambient control and three scenarios with elevated CO2 concentrations: elevated control, periodic heat and temperature stress, chronic heat and temperature stress, followed by recovery periods). PIBs of isoprene were unaffected by elevated CO2 and heat and drought stress in IE, while they were absent in NE plants. On the other hand, PIBs of acetaldehyde and also GLVs were strongly reduced in stress‐affected plants of all genotypes. After recovery from stress, distinct differences in PIB emissions in both genotypes confirmed different precursor pools for acetaldehyde and GLV emissions. Changes in PIBs of GLVs, almost absent in stressed plants and enhanced after recovery, could be mainly attributed to changes in lipoxygenase activity. Our results indicate that acetaldehyde PIBs, which recovered only partly, derive from a new mechanism in which acetaldehyde is produced from methylerythritol phosphate pathway intermediates, driven by deoxyxylulose phosphate synthase activity.  相似文献   
目的:通过对一例肺鳞癌患者全外显子测序来识别这例肺癌的可能致病基因,并通过显微切割初步探索这例肺癌肿瘤细胞的起源与演化。方法:利用全外显子测序技术对肺癌肿瘤组织和相应癌旁组织测序;用COSMIC肿瘤数据库比较分析统计出肺癌可能致病基因;用激光显微切割技术提取五个不同部位肿瘤细胞;巢式PCR扩增,一代测序验证基因分型。结果:发现了这例肺癌病人的7个高频突变基因:LPHN2、TP53、MYH2、TGM2、C10orf137、MS4A3和EP300;这些基因在10×镜下和20×镜下经显微切割的肺癌组织的5个不同部位上的基因分型不同。结论:我们通过全外显子测序发现了这例肺癌的7个可能致病基因,并初步探索了这例肺癌肿瘤细胞是多克隆起源的。  相似文献   
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